Ambrose a Vampire RP

Lily nodded at the Serf up front, signaling that she should go home. She was worried about the health of the girl. "We should take her back, she might be sick."

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"Actually," Iliana replied. "I'm not much of a people person. The people around here are too snooty and it's disgusting..." she crossed her arms and made a face at a passing lady who didn't seem to know why Iliana was treating Bret like more than a pet. The woman simply stuck her nose higher and dragged her serf along with her, ignoring Iliana.
Reverie didn't talk for the rest of the walk. She didn't even look back at Xavior to make sure he was following. For all she knew he could have walked off or something, but Reverie knew he was following her still. Of course he would. Sure they had not spent too much time together, but Reverie felt that Xavior would listen to her and do as she said. Well maybe not all of it if his inability to read the book was anything to show by.

She made it to the hill and sat down under the large oak nearby and patted the ground next to her for Xavior to sit and waited for him to do so.
Soon after the serf who drove the carriage whipped the horses to trot on, they arrived back to the Bloodrose mansion. The driver himself gently lifted Kew's limp body in his arms. He looked to Lily before quickly looking away. He then made his way through the gravel path, onto the porch, inside the house, and to Kew's room where he laid her down. He turned to Lily. "I guess you and I should continue the deliveries, eh?" He had dark brown hair and green eyes, and looked to be around fifteen, but in reality he was eighteen. "She'll be fine. She just needs blood and rest." The serf then walked out of the room.


Xavior continued to follower her until they reached the peak of the hill, and under an oak tree. When she patted the ground in gesture for him to sit next to her, he did so. However, he didn't sit right next to her, preferring to keep his distance. For all he knew, this could be his execution. Her mysterious behavour and being alone, away from witnesses. He would be lying if he said he wasn't intimidated.
Lily nodded. She was very nervous about continuing without Kew. Certainly the invited guests would not show her any respect as they had shown her Mistress. She looked around, finally finding the missing invitations. When she was ready to go she met the other serf back outside to continue the deliveries.
"Ready?" He asked. "Just knock and leave the invitations in front of the door." He was already seated with the reins in his hands. Once Lily was settled, he whipped the horses and began the rest of the journey.
Timothy scowled at such rebellious spirit that came from his serf, but he kept calm and quiet, not feeling well enough to get into an argument. When Amber clicked her tongue towards Golden Wings, the stallion immediately pricked his ears and trotted over to her, his soft, velvet muzzle searching her pockets for treats and his warm brown eyes almost smiling at her. At that sight, Timothy's eyes widened a bit. Gold was quite the temperamental horse and usually only allowed him to ride and be around him, but Gold really seemed to take a liking to the new girl. The corner of his mouth upturning in a small smile, Timothy sauntered after Amber.

Stepping back with his hands in his pockets, he watched carefully as she mounted with ease and grace then began to warm up the stallion. Golden Wings' movements were fluid like water and Amber almost seemed to become apart of him, the horse and rider becoming one. If Gold decided to try and act up, pouncing a bit as if to buck, she would gently correct and calm him down. The truth was, though he almost hated to admit it, that Timothy was very impressed with Amber's skill. Back and forth, he watched her ride, smiling the entire time. Every once in a while, he'd call out a gentle correction in her manner of riding, but those times were few and far between. She'd learned well.

As Amber began to cool down the golden horse, Timothy jogged up to her and walked beside them. It seemed like forever since he'd been well enough to keep up with a walking horse out in the sun; that was how ill he had been. The bright sunlight was intense, but he didn't mind much. It wouldn't bother him unless he stayed out very long. "You have great grace in riding...I'm surprised at how well Gold took to you," he remarked, patting the stallion's neck, "Do you enjoy riding?" Of course he knew the answer to that just by the look on her face when she'd been galloping around the pasture, but he wanted to hear her own vocal reply. Something about her voice intrigued him; just the way she was to the point and gentle, yet also quite spirited.

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Jennifer hurried to the door, opening it for the frantic vampirette, then watching her flee to her carriage and get inside. It wasn't long before they were off and about, more than likely to deliver more invitations. She shut the door quietly, then turned to Alexander. "A coming of age sounds delightful," she told him, clasping her hands. In truth, she was deathly afraid of going to a party with many other noble blooded vampires, but she knew it'd be good for her master to get out and socialize for a while.

Taking a deep breath, Jenny strolled to the coffee table and began to clean up the fine china, trying to get her mind off the upcoming social gathering. Piling all the dishes onto the tray, she picked it up and walked to the kitchen to wash the dishes. She felt as if she would start trembling all over at any minute, but she did her best not to, knowing she had to be strong for Xander.
Amber took the corrections in stride, after all even if he was a vampire he was raised around horses and was bound to know a thing or two more than she would. She would turn in alarm when he had joined them, but quickly turned to stay on task. No matter how gentle a horse may be, when riding distractions could become deadly. Once dismounted she would hear actual comments coming from his lips and her mouth would open into a small o in shock. Feeling her face turn red slightly she would thank him, then quickly turn to tend to the horse further, giving him a treat and brushing him down. At his question she would turn to him, her face once more full of excitement "But of course!" the little bit of innocence remaining showing through as clear as day.

Lily waited patiently the whole ride, trying to calm her nerves. Sure, she could just knock and leave the invite, but what if the wind blew it away and the Vampire never received it? Or, even worse, what if the Vampire opened the door? She would be able to handle giving the letter to another Serf, someone like her. But a Vampire, who was considered much higher than the Serfs when it came to being in charge? She didn't think she could do it. She would be like Kew, no, even more nervous than Kew had been. It might seem odd for a Serf to be delivering the invites. Then again, it probably was even stranger to see a Vampire delivering them. Lily looked at the list. Abram Marcus Vinnie Ryoma Marque Iliana Timothy Alexander Reverie Kyra. Abram and Alexander had already gotten theirs, so she could cross them off. The next closest person on the list was Reverie, so it was off to this Vampiress' home they went.
The serf whipped the reins and caused the horses trot faster, heading to a home of a Vampiress by the name of Reverie. Soon they had arrived, and the serf "parked" the carriage in the main driveway. "Hurry up, it's almost dinner." he groaned, rushing the poor girl.
Lily silently glared at the other serf. It wasn't her fault they were behind. It wasn't anybody's. Lily grabbed the invitation, running up to the door and placing it where it was easily visible. Then she knocked on Reverie's door and turned to run back to the carriage.

Vinnie would look her over a bit before turning to go sit back at the window, the outside always much more interesting that the inside. “You act like the chest is ruin in some way. If a being gets scarred is it ruined? It’s just as good the functions are the same . . . it just looks slightly different. No . . . it builds character.” He paused frowning deeply at what he just said and moved to punch the wall hard. Damn it . . . that was something his father might have said to excuse away how he treated his serf and the poison escaped from his lips.”

When she spoke of not going with him Vinnie shrugged it off, now seeming a bit more cold than usual. “You can go about the house doing whatever you want . . . except . . . avoid my old man, and NEVER go into the West Wing unless you want to end up with child.” He flexed his hand some making sure it was alright . . . for someone who didn’t hit others, if he ever did it sure would hurt. “I would also avoid my brother if you see him, he’s falling nicely within that man’s footsteps.


Xander moved to watch the younger vampire go, wondering if he was in the wrong. It was all confusing, maybe he should have stepped in more, insist she stayed till a doctor came. It was when the door was closed though he would glance to Jennifer her voice bringing him back out of his thoughts. “Yes . . . yes . . . I’m sure it is.” He said not really taken note of what was said or what he was answering. He moved to follow her, even help her before asking. “Do you think that female will be fine?” It was probably an odd thing to leave his lips, but it proved despite being stand offish he still had a heart. Pausing after awhile to give a glance to the door again unsure, before sighing and knowing to stress about it now would be a waste. “How did I do?”
"Where to next?" The serf asked once Lily hurried back. He chuckled to himself, seeing her all shaken u as if she'd seena ghost... Or Vampire. They both were lifeless wandering creatures.
The sudden movement made Rosa jump recoiling a bit. He hadn’t seemed mad but now this sudden outburst made her believe otherwise. She didn’t understand and hung her head sink back into her old habits. It seemed as if no matter what she said she angered him, but if Rosa retreated into her training everything got worse. She did not know how to handle it and confusion was stressing her. She felt like a deer that has seen its hunter and can’t escape just look and dart back and forth helplessly.

Her Master had changed so much in just a matter of second but she listened to the icy words. They were sharp, harsh and at times a bit rude. He was very blunt not caring about how they sounded. Rosa was being pushed and than the unthinkable happened she actually snapped back at him, “You know I am doing my best to think on my own and to please you by doing what I want but honest to God I don’t know what I want. I just know that I need something to do and sitting idle or wandering makes me crazy so this once for the love of God just tell me what to do.” A moment after she said this Rosa realized how far she had gone, she dropped her whole head, face becoming sickeningly white. She had seen what happened to serfs who yelled and she didn’t want to have that happen to her but where was her escape?

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Bret smiled as she mocked the people who passed. She was really pushing it, more than he thought she ever would but that was of no consequence to him. Unless of course she offended someone to the point of action at that point he would have to step in and defend her. Not necessarily because that was what he was supposed to do I mean who could resist punching a vampire? “So where are we going?” he asked casually.
Vinnie was still kicking himself when he was basically slapped by her snapping at him. His head looking up at her with surprise and confusion, had he . . . done something wrong in the last few moments? “I . . . I didn’t you you weren’t.” His voice soften, not sure what had caused the outburst still. “I just . . . don’t really do much, I don’t like doing much. I like just sitting around and talking and just enjoying life for what it is.” He frowned some his eyes going back to the window when she seemed afraid once more, not about to do anything to her for being honest. “I don’t even know what most serf’s do.” He continued not even sure how to explain. “I can’t tell you what to do, if I don’t have a clue what to tell you.” He paused before trying to figure out something before shrugging and suggesting. “Take up a hobby of some sorts?”
Iliana looked over at Bret. "Don't get too excited," she said sarcastically and with a cute grin. "We're just here to get you new clothes and tags." It wasn't a terribly exciting field trip but at least it got the two of them out of the house for awhile. It was definitely better than being cooped up all day, or in his case, stuck at home doing all the housework.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lily looked down at the list again. She was reading the words a little better than before, and that was a good thing since Kew wasn't here to help her anymore. The next person on the list was Vinnie, so they headed there next.
​as routine, the carriage soon arrived to their next destination. And as routine, the serf driving continuously rushed the poor girl, reminding her of the delicious meal waiting for them.
Lily didn't bother to hide her grumbling while she got out of the carriage. He offered to bring her to deliver the letters, and he offered to take Kew home, which was the reason they were so far behind to begin with. If he was in such a hurry maybe HE should deliver the invitations while Lily sat at the drivers' bench grumbling about how slow HE was. She walked up to Vinnie's door and knocked, forgetting that the invitation was still in her hand. She noticed it and looked aroud for somewhere to put it where it wouldn't get stepped on or blown away.
The serf watched her from the comfort of the coach seat. He wanted more than anything to go home, but he knew the Vampiress of the estate would give out many lashings to them for not delivering all the invitations on time. His stomach growled, but he decided to keep his mouth shut for once.
Lily laid down the invitation and madea mad dash back to the carriage, quickly ducking down inside and just peeking overthe door and hoping the Vampire here hadn't answered when she knocked. "Next is Timothy..." she said, looking at the list. She gave the other Serf the address and waited to arrive at the next house. This was such a mundane task, but at least she got a tour of the land outside her Mistress's home.
the serf then arrived to the next destination, and the next, and the next, until the day had died and became night. He could hardly keep himself, or the horses, awake. Serfs were walking along the streets to light the lamposts while the carriage slowly strolled along. Soon, however, they arrived at the estate. The serf jumped off and began to detach the horses from the carriage itself. "Goodnight..." He said to Lily before leading the horses to a stable behind the mansion.
Lily said her goodbyes and walked into the mansion, quickly going up to check on her mistress. She knocked before entering, hoping that the young vampire was not sick as she was earlier that day. "Miss Kew?" she asked, poking her head into the room.
Kew was propped up on a pillow as she lay in her bed. She held a book in her hands that she had been reading. When Lily entered, the vampirette gave an apologetic smile. "Sorry about causing you so much trouble..." She gently closed the book and set it on the nightstand beside the bed. "Did everything go well...?"
Lily walked into the room and stood by Kew's bedside, trying to get a look at what she was reading. Kew said earlier she didn't know how to read, so it couldn't be anything too advanced. "Everything went well, we dropped off the invitations as quickly as we could. How are you feeling?"
When Lily explained that the handouts went well, she gave a sigh of relief, but when she asked how the little Vampirette was doing, it seemed as though a cloud went over her head. "Oh... I feel fine..." She turned to Lily and gave her a reassuring grin.
Lily looked at Kew, and her instincts told her the vampiress was lying. She wasn't really doing well, but she didn't want others to know what was going on or to worry about her. Lily dropped the subject, knowing that she might be scolded if she pressed her Mistress too hard for answers. Lily gave the girl a small smile in return. "That's good," she said, pretending to believe the vampire's words. "What were you reading, if you don't mind my asking?"

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