Ambrose a Vampire RP

Vinnie was just about to leave wondering if he was wrong and Adam wasn’t there only to catch site of him and smile at the last moment. He of course would just shake his head at the question of his mother. “Oh nothing, I was just making sure I heard the Serf right.” He would wink at Adam before rushing forward to try to take hold of Adam’s hands in excitement. “My muse has thought up the most wonderful idea though. I brought her so that she could tell you it as well.” At that he would let go and turn to face Rosa proudly waiting for her to explain or repeat what she said to him earlier.
Amber was happily tending to the horses when Hanna appeared telling her of her master and his need of food in more than one way. With a sigh she would pet the horse she was brushing goodbye, handing him a treat before promising to be back later. She followed Hanna ever quietly, not quite sure of her desire to see him, but knowing she had everything but a choice.

Once burdened with a tray of his breakfast she would make her way to his chamber, balancing the meal carefully before knocking at the door. She was prepared to give her name and tell him of breakfast and once she received permission to enter she would do so, doing her best to once more balance the tray as she pushed the door open. She made a mental note to next time put the tray down and to stick the door with something if she had to do so again, noticing she had spilled some of the drink and not quite being pleased with that. Quietly she would place the food before him before eying him over, trying to figure out what condition he was in. Her eyes would notice a letter, and she was curious about it as is in her nature but there was no notion other than a moments lingering on something unfamiliar. “You fool you need to feed” she would say bitterly, not sure why she should care one way or another, but there she was upset at him for not taking better care of himself and letting himself get weak once more.

Timothy was browsing over the letter's contents when there was a knock at the door. "Come in," he stated tersely, going back to his reading quite quickly. He didn't even seem to notice the spilled tea, absorbed in the invitation. However, when she called him a fool, he immediately put the letter down in his lap and gave her burning glare. "You dare call me a fool for sparing you a feeding? I saw the fear in your eyes when I did it the first time. I thought I was doing you a favor," he spat, his voice quite serious. Though if she happened to look in his eyes, once again more of a pale green, she could see the hurt. He was completely humiliated, her having to see him in such a weak state.

Taking a deep breath, Timothy closed his eyes and tried to calm down. All this arguing was giving him a headache... Reaching over, he carefully grasped the tea cup and lifted it to his lips, letting the steaming liquid flow down his throat.
Amber surely was intimidated but she wouldn’t back down, not about this. “I dare call you a fool for saying one thing and doing another. You speak of getting better and bring this place back to grandeur yet you go and allow yourself to get ill once more before even fully regaining your full strength! And what does it matter, for you will have to feed from me again, it’s something I will have to get used to. Besides if you fall ill enough to have no use of me no longer what do you think will become of me? Sometimes sparing someone a small pain can only cause a greater one” he frustrated her so with his confusing words and now he would fall ill for her benefit? When she took a breath she would look into his eyes and see yet another pain. With this one she couldn’t win if she tried. She would watch him then in silence, sure her words would cause her trouble in one way or another, but he dared make her care for his health, so it was all that foolish vampires fault. So she hid there behind her anger her true intent not exactly matching her words. “Just drink” she would say softly, offering herself willingly.

Timothy scowled as she scolded him, looking away and pouting almost like a child giving a tantrum. However, any anger that had been building melted away and his eyes widened a bit when she stepped forward and told him to feed. He set the tea cup back down on its tray in surprise. She was...offering herself to him? He just sat there in shock for a few moments, his eyes looking over her for signs of mockery but he could find none. She really was being truthful.

Regaining his calm manner, Timothy pursed his lips together then sighed, motioning her over with his hand. If she would obey, he would have her sit on his bed just in front of him. From experience, he knew that a bite to the neck was faster because the artery there was larger and it took less time to get the nutrients he needed. It was also less painful for the serf since it was quicker. Hesitantly, he brushed Amber's long brown locks away from her neck and looked to her first to make sure it was alright.
Amber was surprised at how he just took her words. No yelling back, nothing for her stepping out of line. Instead he was pouting? She felt the anger dissipate the room as he studied her and in turn she studied him. Having passed a test of sorts he would motion her over and saying nothing she would come to him, sitting at the edge of the bed as per instructed. There was only silence and she looked to him while he pushed her hair away, aiming for her neck. Yet once more there was a pause, another glance, and she gave him a tight nod and closed her eyes tightly. This was all her doing so she wouldn’t fight it, but past experiences still made her anxious, but she did her best to calm her nerves and took a deep breath.

Timothy ran his strong fingers through Amber's long hair as he brushed it away from the left side of her neck and over her right shoulder. When she nodded, he took a deep breath and leaned over, placing his lips on her neck lightly and extending his fangs ever so tenderly into the soft flesh of her neck. He kept his hands ready if he needed to steady her, then released his venom and began drawing blood. He did his best to be gentle. If she was to be his source of life, then the least he could do is make it bearable for her.

This time, Timothy was careful not to take near as much as he'd done the last time. He couldn't have her passing out after every feeding. Of course, it'd take longer for him to recover, but it would be better for both of them. When he'd taken enough he though necessary, the vampire pulled away and reached for a nearby rag, placing it upon the bite marks firmly to stop the bleeding.
As always there was the pain when he dug his fangs into her flesh, but that was nothing compared to how his venom burned as it coursed through her veins. A burning, then a numbness and it was over. She would turn to face him, the silence still between them. Her hand reached for the rag, and her fingers brushed his. The touch startled her some, her heartbeat even skipped a beat. She took a moment just to breathe, to make sure she was fine and that there was no lightheadedness or dizzy spells, once she felt quite certain she was fine she would rise to stand, not quite sure of sitting with him longer. If he didn’t go to stop her or broke their silence she would leave to tend to the horses, among other tedious and boring tasks that she was internally rolling her eyes at doing.

Timothy blinked, surprised as well as her fingers brushed against his. However, when she rose to leave, his voice broke the silence. "Hold on there. How's your head? Any dizziness this time? I can't have you passing out everywhere," he asked, his voice concerned yet having a slight tint of humor. His eyes had turned a bright emerald green once more and he became more relaxed, the nutrients from Amber's blood soothing his aches from the illness. Grunting a bit, he pulled himself to more of a sitting position, having slouched over when he'd fed off her.

Timothy's semi long black hair was a tousled mop upon his head, since he had woken up not even an hour before and hadn't had time to brush it out. Taking a deep breath, he leaned back on the pillows Hanna had set up for him and awaited his serf's answer. He was determined she not leave until he was sure she was fine.
Amber would stop midmotion and have to catch her breath. “F-fine” she spoke, grimacing at the fact she had just stuttered in front of him. He was unnerving her, and she wasn’t even looking the vampire in the eyes. Already she knew the light had to be back, just like last time. She cursed herself for her distracting thoughts and would attempt to reply one last time “My head is fine. No dizzy spells or fainting on the horizon as far as I can see” Amber would still have her back to him, and could hear him moving some in the bed.

Rosa decided against entering the house and asking of the message. From what her Master had said it wasn’t worth it and she would risk seeing his family. The walk to the Sir Adam’s house was quiet and pleasant. They saw few vampires on the path and when they did no one paid attention to them. Everything was so new to Rosa, she wanted to reach out and touch everything but resisted the urge.

When they arrived at the new mansion the serf who answered the door was reluctant to allow them in. But Vinnie quickly changed that by calling into the house until Sir Adam approached. It made Rosa pause as the vampire came down the stairs, his harsh words still ringing in her ears. She could see the anger still thriving in his eyes and it made her breath catch. How was she supposed to speak of this plan in front of someone who truly disliked her? She turned to face her Master for a just a moment then took a deep breath speaking quickly and quietly while looking at her feet, “Well if Vinnie were to open a pub or store that embodied his relaxed personality and desires it would give me the job and work that I need and he doesn’t know how to order. While at the same time getting his parents off of his back,”
Vinnie would hold no anger toward Rosa, of course not understanding that Adam might or why. He would just smile proudly at her, thinking he might have picked out the best serf in the bunch. Nodding when she finished he would wrap one of his arms around her if she allowed glancing to Adam waiting for his opinion. “There’s no flaws in that one is there? A perfect idea formed in simplicity! I should have thought I was over thinking everything. Why didn’t I think of it before?” They both probably knew the real reason was . . . it still left Vinnie empty some when it came to his father.
Lily smiled while Kew caught her up on the story. She tried to read along with the vampiress, having some troubles of her own along the way. It wasn't a very easy read, she admitted, but she tried to keep up.
(reposting reply)

Bret nodded, “And remember I’m just a humble serf so don’t be too extravagant,” he mocked making his way over to a clothes rack. The last comment about going overboard made him laugh, “Well so that rules out the jewel encrusted boots with gold buckles doesn’t it,” seriously what did she think he was going to do look for the most ridiculous piece of clothing in the store. He ran his hands across the different shirts and pants finally grabbing two new plain white shirts, a pair of grey woolen pants and a pair of lighter black ones, new socks and a grey vest.
Iliana finished having the tags made for Bret and walked away from the desk. As she passed the instruments section, something caught her eye and she stopped. It was a violin. She'd always wanted to play, but that was something that mostly Serfs did. It was unusual for a Vampire to learn an instrument. If she wanted to hear music, she should have had Bret learn. She let out an exasperated sigh and walked to the clothes section, where Bret was already finished. "Ready to go?" she asked.
Kew then became lost in thought as she let Lily take over the reading. She wondered if she should apologize to the young man whom she almost passed out on. She didn't want to cause worry or trouble. She was feeling a bit better today, having drank some blood, she was sure she was well enough to visit to make an apology. The vampirette's thoughts then moved onto another topic. The least she could do was make him some sort of gift, maybe a cake, or some expensive imported tea. But surely he would have such nice things already... The vampirette sighed hopelessly. It would be rude to make an unplanned visit, and not take a gift along. Without a gift of some sort, she would simply be a burden.

For a while, Kew listened to Lily's soft voice as she read, still thinking about a gift. She thought of giving one of her prized horses, but a gift should be something free, and only something the young vampire could enjoy. A horse would mean more money spent on food, and less stable room.

Then a thought struck her. She would make a great delicacy with the help of Lily! Should make him a dinner that was uncommon for the Vampires in Tyrardul, something foreign. She would also make him desserts. The thought excited the little Vampirette so much that she squealed in excitement right in the middle of Lily reading.
Lily jumped when Kew squealed. "What?" she asked her Mistress timidly. "Did I read it wrong?" she looked back down at the book, trying to figure out what part of the sentence was misread. When she realized she'd been right the first time, she glanced back up at the Vampiress. "Is something the matter, Miss Kew?"
Kew shook her head to signal that Lily did nothing wrong. "I... I want to apologize to Alexander... I want to make him a dinner and dessert as compensation for the trouble I caused him..." Without hesitation, the vampirette practically jumped from the bed and swiftly made her way to the wardrobe to choose a decent outfit. "Can you go and tell Tress to prepare the kitchen?" Tress was the heavy set serf, who was very accomplished in her job, and Kew would need her assistance, especially if she was to make a foreign meal.
Lily nodded, setting the book down and getting up off the bed. She excused herself and left the room. She wandered down to the kitchen, looking for Tress. She located her and gave her the orders from Kew to prepare the kitchen.
Kew then arrived in the kitchen after she had dressed in a maid's dress and apron. Grabbing a cook book from the pantry, she turned the pages until she found what she was looking for. Handing the recipe to Tress, she smiled brightly.

"Is this really what you want to make?" Tress asked, as the vampirette nodded. What she had chosen was an authentic Japanese cuisine, which was as foreign as they could get. It included Sushi and Ramen, as well as yakisoba and fried fish. Kew was determined to go all out to show how much she was sorry for causing him trouble.

Tress began to cook as Kew handed a dessert book to Lily and smiled, insinuating for her to choose something to bake.

Lily took the cookbook from Kew, turning the pages and trying to find something. She didn't know how to cook, so she wanted to pick something simple so she would be able to help her Mistress make it. She pointed at a picture of a strawberry shortcake style cake, white cake with strawberries on top of it and vanilla icing decorating it. "What about this?" she asked.
​Kew smiled an noddedm without hesitation, she hopped about the kitchen, grabbing all the ingredients she could. Tress was too busy and a bit overwhelmed with all the recipes and food that she barely knew how to cook.
Lily helped gather all the ingredients, including sugar, flour, eggs, and fresh strawberries that she began to carefully cut into smaller pieces. She helped Kew put all the ingredients in together and mix them up. She found a large wooden spoon so she could stir while Kew dropped everything into the mixture.
Everything was going smooth, and soon Tress was almost with the main dish.

"Please put it into a basket." She asked, and Tress nodded, keeping that order in mind when it was finally finished. Soon the mixture for the cake was done, and all the two girls had to do was place it in the stone oven. Tress turned the timer on to about an hour to start the long wait. Kew wiped her brow, since it was quite hot within the kitchen. "Well, Lily, while we wait, shouldn't we prepare ourselves?" The vampirette then stood and made her way back to her chambers, where she gathered the nicest dress she had, and started a bath.
Lily looked down at herself, also sweating a little from the heat, with her bare feet dirty from the floor. She followed Kew up to her room. She wondered if Kew would want her to go along to take the food to the other Vampire, or if she was to wait either at home or in the carriage. She would remember to ask once Kew was done in her bath, sitting quietly on her makeshift bed to wait for the young Vampiress.

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