Ambrose a Vampire RP

Rosa eyes flitted across the scene and the serf could tell something was a bit loose in Sir Adam’s serf. However she didn’t think it was his doing, no the problem with this serf came from long years in a Plantation until you snapped. She had come close once after a particularly harsh and physical punishment, Rosa had sat unmoving in the corner of her stall facing the wall just rocking. Her hands had been clasped around her knees pulling them close to her chest while she tried to forget the pain. But she never fully cracked; the handlers accomplished their goal that day. She became one of the most obedient but maybe this Mutt was the result of being pushed too far.

She looked at him curiously unsure whether or not she should offer him her hand to shake or just smile and avoid eye contact. The thought made her feel guilty, this boy was as much a human as she was and should be treated as such. Rosa forced herself to ignore Sir Adam’s touch on her shoulder and decided to test the water. The worst that could happen would be a flat out refusal right? “Hello,” she chimed softly dropping into a low curtsy in greeting.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Bret easily guided the carriage through the traffic surprisingly more patient than Illiana. The vampiress most likely was not used to waiting and the constant stop and start of the carriage was unsettling. Even the gentle horses were starting to become fed up with the matter and stomped their feet every time Bret had to stop them unexpectedly. Finally he was told to stop before a restaurant filled with high class vampires. He too noticed that all of the serfs were forced to stand and when he heard Illiana ask for two seats he smiled. The Manager was obviously aghast and confused. The serf could practically see him stumble over the words trying to find a proper response before just giving up. Bret took a seat a low whistle escaping his lips as he read the menu but Iliana’s words brought him back and he smirked. “Oh you have noooo idea.”
Iliana looked over the menu, looking for something that both sounded good to eat and would be too big for her to finish and expensive to spend her parents' money on. Some of the Vampires were whispering around them like teen girls at a high school, and Iliana found it hilarious. "They're having a hay day with this one." she said, a huge grin on her face. Finally someone reluctantly came over to take their order. "Umm, I don't know yet.... Let him order first!" she said with a smirk. She was pretty sure the waiter's jaw almost fell off his face at that point. But it was his job, so he turned to Bret to ask what he'd have while Iliana tried with all her efforts to hold in giggles.
It was a magnificently clear and bright day the next morning, however Jenny's spirits were low. Rising from her comfortable bed, she rubbed her eyes, her long hair falling over her solemn face and drooped shoulders. She began her normal routine of bathing in the tub, but instead of dressing in one of her nice, new dresses, she dressed only in her underclothes and a thin dress, for it was time to do laundry. Most of her apparel was soiled from house and horse work. She was just about to gather up her dirty clothes when she caught sight of herself in the small mirror upon her dresser. Her mouth dropped open some and she slowly approached the furniture. Of course, she looked mostly the same; she still had the large, crystal blue eyes and that long, silky black hair, but she looked different at the same time. She had grown taller, not immensely so, but enough for her to notice and her figure had become more feminine in a way. Jennifer smiled at the fact that she indeed looked more capable, if only slightly. Maybe people would stop treating so much as a child now.

After examining her reflection for a good while, Jenny gathered up her clothes and headed downstairs, through the kitchen, and out back to the wash tub on the back porch. Just as she was about to begin, though, the sound of the large brass doorknocker echoed throughout the mansion. "A visitor? This early?" she murmured, straightening out her dress and making herself as presentable as possible. Hurrying to the door, she took a deep breath and opened the door. "Oh, hello, Miss," she greeted Kew, bowing at the waist respectfully, "What brings you here this fine morning?"

Timothy studied his serf for quite some time before being satisfied she was alright. "Fine then, you may attend to your duties if need be. However, I will need your assistance. Since illness. I'm sure you understand," he sighed, bitter at the fact he had to stay in bed, "There are several business papers I need to fill out for clients coming to examine their future horses. So when you're finished with your chores, I expect you to return here immediately. I assume they taught you the basics of reading, writing, and such?"

Vinnie would just smile putting both hands behind his back as if to try to prove to Adam’s serf he meant not harm. Of course when Adam mentioned Rosa being a ‘thing’ Vinnie would shoot him both a confused and hurt look. That was . . . weird in away, and he would try to make a mental note to question him later on it in private. “Nice to meet you. . . .” He was going to add mutt on the end but calling even a serf that seemed wrong. After all that was an insult to dogs at times.

Lynix seemed to get excited at being greeting and would first run over to lick Vinnie’s cheek then dash over to try to lick Rosa. His eyes glancing to Adam afterwards, as if not sure what he was suppose to do, or maybe asking for that treat he was offered. Slowly the words caught up with him in his mind . . . the word ‘friend’ especially haunted him. He asked for no friends . . . and in ways prefer not to have them for some reason, if just for now.

Vinnie winced and fell back some in surprised as his cheek suddenly got Serf’s drool on it. Making a slight look of disgust he would take out his handkerchief to wipe it, offering it to Rosa if the Serf managed to get her as well. “No offense Adam . . . but did you go out and try to find the worse serf out there? I mean . . . at least mentally so . . . please tell me he’s useful for at least something.”


Xander woke, knowing it was way past time that he should get out of bed, but he didn’t want to move. Taken a deep breath he couldn’t help feel weaker, what was wrong with him? His eyes studied his door as he pondered over how much work he would have to catch up with, then to the fact if he could focus enough to do it.

If it wasn’t for the door he wouldn’t even get up. He normally could rush to get ready and down the stairs before anyone else. In truth now with his lack of energy he would make it just down in tile to catch Jennifer handle it. IF the girl was still only in her underclothes, and not much else even just a thin dress Vincent would frown in shame. What was she doing trying to make a fool of him or even start rumors?

He sighed, and moved to sit down, feeling bad for not going over to the door himself but not sure if he had that extra effort. “Don’t be rude; invite her in, offer her some tea . . . and please get dressed in something much more suitable then that.” Business . . . cold and stern . . . if his head wasn’t spinning as much he probably would have taken a more kind reaction. It seemed at least his guard came natural, it was a saving grace in that way.
Jennifer turned her head slightly as Alexander scolded her for being dressed inappropriately. "How was I supposed to know we were going to have visitors!" she thought angrily. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door wide. "O-of course, Master Alexander. Please come in, Miss," the black haired girl invited Kew, "I apologize for not inviting you in sooner."

Then, Jenny turned and walked up to Alexander, staring at the floor the entire time. "I apologize. I was just about to start laundry...I h-had no idea you were having visitors...," she explained, her voice coming out in a mere whisper, though with a subtle tinge of irritation. Fleeing to the kitchen, she then swiftly scrubbed down her dresses in the hot, soapy water she had already set up. She couldn't just let her mess sit outside, she needed to finish what she'd started before serving Mistress Kew. Sighing, Jenny rinsed the clothes in cold water then reached up and began attaching them to the clothes line to dry. Surprisingly, she found she could actually reach the line without difficulty as she had before. Maybe there were more perks to being her real age than she'd thought.

When the dresses were all hung out to dry, Jennifer dumped the water bins and hurried upstairs to change. She still had her maid's uniform to wear, since she'd washed that a couple days before, so she quickly dressed then prepared the guests' tea in the kitchen, bringing it out to the coffee table before too long. Out of breath from rushing, she carefully managed to set down the tea tray without spilling it and withdrew a few feet, trying to get her breathing back to normal.

Only then did Jennifer notice how weak Alexander looked. "Master Alexander? A-are you alright? You look pale," she spoke up, quickly moving to his side. Any anger that had begun to rise earlier melted away and she looked over him worriedly. "Did you sleep last night? Please, sit down," she told him, gently grasping his hand if he let her and leading him over to a plush armchair nearby.
Kew smiled and strolled right in, still carrying the heavy basket. She looked around at her surroundings, still admiring the decor, she smiled. However, when she saw how terrible Xander looked, her expression turned to that of worry. "I am so sorry, I had no idea you were sick..." She stated very quietly, yet not quite that of a whisper.

She then set the basket on the coffee table and began unpacking it. "Luckily I and some of my serfs all pitched in to make you a nice meal as an apology. Perhaps you will feel better." She smiled shyly before peering at him, seemingly burning holes with her eyes. She seemed... Genuinely concerned.
Knowing his manner’s he would stand to pull out Kew’s seat only to glance up surprised at her words. She had the care to take notice? She had brought him a meal . . . wait what did she have to apologize to him for. He would blush as she started to stare at him and glance away, knowing it was rude but he never was able to keep the gaze of a woman for too long at times. Deep down he wished Jennifer was there to help.

“I’m . . .” before he could speak, before he knew it there his serf was. His eyes going to his serf surprised and confused. He was feeling weak but if they both took notice. He frowned annoyed but allowed her to lead him to sit never the less. Everything was moving far too fast for him to keep up with. “I sleep fine, longer than usual in fact.” He answered calmly, frowning wondering what thoughts the scene may give the little vampire. Thoughts and rumors he had been doing his best to avoid.

Sighing he motioned for the table to be moved closer. “I’m sorry about this miss.” He said softly to Kew, feeling bad for the rude behavior of the whole matter. “I . . . I don’t know why you think you needed to apologize for something, I remember you doing nothing wrong.” He continued his eyes down, facing towards the wall so he didn’t risk looking at either of them. “If anything, if things keep continuing like this I might be the one who needs to give one.”
Jennifer clasped her hands together tightly, her eyes looking over her gentle master. What was wrong? She knew he overworked himself but never to this point of exhaustion. Just then, it clicked. The serf glanced down to her hands and she carefully pulled them apart. He hadn't fed for three days, no wonder he was so miserable. She looked up again, quickly moving to pour Miss Kew some tea. "I'm glad to see you're feeling better," she told the vampirette, doing her best to smile warmly. However, at the back of her brain she was wondering how to tell Alexander without embarrassing him or worse.

Then, an idea came to her. Once she made sure that Kew and her serf were settled, she slipped away silently from the room and jogged upstairs. Making her way down the long, ornately decorated corridor, she came to her bedroom and walked inside. There on her dresser was her pad of notepaper and her portable quill pen right where she'd left it. Strolling up to the dresser, she tore out a fresh sheet of paper, dipped her quill into the inkwell, and began writing down a short message on the paper in her neatest handwriting. This way, Alexander would just look like he was receiving a message in the normal business fashion.

Jennifer had soon finished the note, which gently and respectfully explained that he hadn't fed from her in three days and that she'd returned to her normal age so he could begin feeding once more. She then made her way back downstairs and into the parlor where the two vampires still remained. She hoped she hadn't been gone too long to upset Alexander. Walking casually to his side, she would gently tap his wrist to get his attention, hoping to not startle him. If he noticed her, she would then softly hand him the note.
Kew smiled when Jennifer mentioned how glad she was that the little vampirette was feeling better. She nodded in acknowledgement but then turned her attention back to Xander. She knew she must have been imposing, but she wanted to express her apologies anyway. Hopefully it would be a quick matter, so as he could rest and she not over-stay her welcome any more than she had.

"No... You do not need to apologize... I understand if you're feeling ill. After all, I came to apologize for nearly passing out on your floor..." Kew gave him an embarrassed smile, something she seemed to do often. "I did not mean to cause any trouble or concern..." She began to twirl her thumbs out of nervousness and turned to her serf to see if she was still around or if she had slipped back to the carriage.

Xander would give Jennifer a confused look when he received the note, looking over it, before nodding. Not seeming surprised at all by what it read, had he already knew he wasn’t feeding? He of course hadn’t thought it would have caused this much of an issue for him. “If that’s the case, then . . . in return I owe you something since we can’t control our wellness it seems. Perhaps . . . a more planned meeting.” He couldn’t look at the females, he was too weak to barely think straight let alone keep his nerves steady. “I’m sure Jennifer and you can come up with a time and place.” He sounded businesslike at least that strict coldness and he would actually move to stand. “Now, if you don’t mind excusing me . . . I . . . have a few things to tend too. Jennifer can see you out, make any necessary arrangements, and tend to anything else you may need while you’re here.” He paused his eyes actually glancing to Kew slightly worried. “I am glad that you’re well once more.”

Amber would nod, ready to rush off only to be told her assistance would be needed. She turned as he spoke of his illness and she spoke of nothing, only giving him a nod when she was told to return once done and when he asked of her literally skills. And this time she would actually listen to what he instructed. She wasn’t giving up or in to this vampire, only looking out for herself. As long as she kept her guard up and he did as he promised this place may be tolerable, and a tolerable place was better than many another things she could think of.

Rushing through the house she would almost trip into Hanna and she would laugh and yell an apology as she rushed off for the doors, for her freedom. The horses were happy to see her and they took away her unease as she greeted each and every, already starting to get used to their personalities some and realizing who wanted or responded to what. Horses would speak to you if only you listened after all. With a hum she got to working, starting with feeding and brushing the horses before moving onto cleaning out the individual stalls before getting to take one out for a warm-up. A few hours passed quite quickly doing so.

Kew left her head bowed as she stared at her folded hands on her lap. She remained silent, afraid her arrival had made things worse. She simply stood. "Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule..." She then slowly began to walk out of the estate, however, she stopped at the doorway and turned to Jennifer. She smiled. "Thank you for the tea. Master Alexander must be very lucky to have a caring serf like you." She then hopped out and made her way to the carriage, settling herself inside.
Noticing a look from Vinnie that seemed… hurt Abram was quick to release his serf’s shoulders and backing away from her. He would notice his friend’s cold reception of his Mutt whilst his sweet pet was nothing but his sweet self. He supposed that perhaps he needed some warming up to, but he couldn’t hide the disappointment, especially with Vinny’s words. “There is nothing wrong with my Mutt!” he would step up to his toy and hug him defensively, after all he would want a hug if someone spoke poorly of him in his earshot. “And he’s plenty useful! My parents love him ever more than you and he plays the most beautiful music!” now he couldn’t even hide the hurt in his eyes, which he was used to concealing, but this was hurt for another, for his love to feel such a way about something, someone he cared for.

Lily remained silent through the visit, knowing it wasn't her place to speak or offer help. She gave her Mistress a reassuring glance a couple different times, to let her know that it wasn't her fault that their host wasn't feeling well and that she shouldn't feel in any way guilty. Lily was sure that he would enjoy the meal they'd made once he was well again and would appreciate it. For now, Lily followed Kew back to the carriage, helping the Vampiress in and following behind her.
Jennifer took a deep breath, then let it out in relief. For once, she had handled the situation the right way. Alexander seemed pleased somewhat that she didn't outright say to him that he needed to feed. Her mind was deep in thought when she finally heard Alexander's voice telling Kew that Jenny would help plan another meeting under better circumstances. Shaking her head to focus, she nodded quickly and stepped forward. "Of course, Miss. Please, let me get the door for you," she spoke up, hurrying to the entrance.

After the vampirette had passed through the archway, Jennifer accompanied her to her carriage, pulling the planner and quill pen from her apron. At Kew's compliment, her eyes widened slightly and she smiled. "O-oh, well thank you, Miss," she replied, trying hard not to stutter. It was quite rarely she was complimented so it caught her off guard. Regaining her composure, she held the planner open to the current month. She then proceeded to let Kew know of important dates that the Master would be busy and inquired when the Mistress herself would be able to return.
Kew gave Jennifer a bit of an awkward smile. "I-I'm sure I will see him at the party, if he is feeling well... I hope he will be okay, but for now, I think I should keep my distance..." She stated quietly, staring off into space. She smiled at Lily, glad she had a caring serf, too. Giving Jennifer a farewell, Kew signaled to the coach it was time to leave, and soon the horses went trotting off.

Soon Lily and the vampirette arrived back at their humble abode, which thanks to her mother, was not very humble. Just as Kew was about to step out of the carriage, a crack of thunder strode its way into the now darkening skies. Pat, pat, pat, went the rain. The vampirette then began to panic just a little. Her roof would be leaking again and she needed to gather the buckets and quickly as possible!

The Vampirette ran inside and quickly made her way to her little room, where within the closet of the bathroom, were the buckets needed. Just in time, too! Kew then placed the buckets under the spots where the leaks were the worst.
Rosa was shocked by the sudden on slot of emotion. Between the serf's, for she refused to call him Mutt, sudden and odd greeting, her Master’s harsh reception and Sir Adam's strong disappointment it was obvious that almost nobody was happy in the situation. For the time she just stood there, and accepted the handkerchief when it was offered wiping the drool from her face. Rosa watched this serf carefully, curiously, he was interesting although far from sane very interesting. She wanted to know more about him and why he had gotten to his point but she was unsure if she would ever get a straight answer out of him.

Now Sir Adam was telling her Master of how useful his serf was and she could see the hurt in his face. It was beyond obvious and she hoped her Master tried to fix it. Although Rosa did not care for this Vampire, Sir Adam, she didn’t like to see anyone unhappy.
Lily jumped at the loud sound of the thunder, and then again when her Mistress suddenly darted from the carriage. She gave a confused look to the driver, who shrugged. She got out of the carriage and walked back inside through the heavy doors, her clothes and hair already soaked through from the rain. She quickly went to Kew's room to see that Kew had placed buckets all over the floor, where raindrops were coming through and dripping into the bedroom. She looked up at the ceiling, noticing all the holes, then looked back at the young Vampiress. Lily herself didn't know how to fix a roof, but surely one of the male serfs around the estate could plug the holes? "Why don't you have it fixed tomorrow, miss?" she asked Kew.
Vinnie twitched as Adam went to hug his pet defending him. “How can you say there is nothing wrong? He’s obviously broken . . . probably way too far past the point of fixing?!?!” His eyes would widen when Adam spoke of his parents loving this serf even more than Vinnie . . . yeah that was a painful insult. “I’m sure they would love anyone who would willingly lick their boots over me.” If it wasn’t for the hurt Vinnie would have stayed well over made. He stepped forward actually trying to pull Adam away from that deranged thing and into a tight hug. “You’re a bigger fool than me is all.” He said softly only to be truly hurt as Adam pulled away.

Lynix actually growled when Vinnie came closer and looked like he might even bit the boy. Vinnie didn’t seem to care, as his one goal was to hold Adam in comfort, of course he was in a nasty surprised as Lynix would bite his arm once Adam pulled away.. Lynix’s eyes would flicker to Rosa, the one who seemed to be as forgotten as him in the situation then back at the scene. God he wished he could tear this new vamp apart not for his words, but for upsetting his master especially. The words he was used too, someone seeming to protect him from him he wasn’t. HE was barely holding himself back, the bite was good enough, the baring of teeth and refusing to let go.

Vinnie’s eyes widen as a sudden pain shot from his arm, he glanced to Lynix surprised, only to sigh. As long as it wasn’t Adam it was fine, but this just made his worries worse. “You need to un bon with this one Adam.” He said allowing the Serf to do what he pleased. “You can keep him, but please PLEASE find a new main serf.” He would glance to Adam with pleading eyes . . . this serf would be the death of Adam in some way, he could just feel it.
Satisfied with her handy work, the Vampirette placed her hands in her hips and took a long gander at her worn down room. She tried her best to keep it neat and patched up as best as she could, but sometimes things get beyond the control of people. She sighed sadly, this was her Cinderella fate, as she called it. When her serf asked if she could fetch someone to fix it, she turned to face the girl and shook her head. "Everyone is busy with the upcoming party... Tomorrow..."

Wait, TOMORROW?! It finally hit the poor girl and she began to panic. "Tomorrow! I-I need to get start getting ready now! On nights like this, my family does not sleep, instead we spend the whole night soaking is perfumes and beautifying ourselves...!" The vampirette then preceded to pace around the room in circles. It was quite a humorous sight to behold.
Lily watched her Mistress pacing back and forth. She tilted her head to the side, wondering why Kew was so upset all of a sudden. Yes, the party was tomorrow, but was it really that big of a deal? Then again, she was just a human. She probably didn't quite understand all the hustle and bustle and why the young vampiress seemed so terrified. "Perfumes?" she asked aloud. It sounded dreadful. Who could stand to soak in a perfume for very long? Not to mention the scent would be very strong, and she didn't understand how vampires with their increased senses could stand more than the tiniest hint of a cologne.
Reverie frowned and placed the book and pencil into Xavior's hands. She was not impatient, but she didn't like that Xavior had made no move to obey her when she told him to write this name.

"I said write your name boy. Did you not hear me? I know you are illiterate, but I know you are not stupid."
The vampirette turned to Lily and stopped her pacing when she asked about perfumes. "Natural perfumes that my mother makes... Like rose petals, something that will make us have a stimulating scent, and yet not have an over-bearing smell." She explained. "It also helps with skin and hair." The vampirette then looked to the ceiling in thought. "You should probably start getting ready yourself, there might be some handsome serfs for you to meet." She smiled before proceeding to her panicking state of mind.


Xavior scowled. She was right, he was not stupid. In fact, he was smarter than most of pompous wealthy Vampires out there. He had more potential than them. Everything he was taught, he excelled in. Anything he put his mind to, he would prove he was better than everyone else. She he took the pencil and the book, and wrote his name. It was sloppy, but he got the job done.

Lily blushed a bit when Kew mentioned handsome Serfs. She knew that being a human bound to one Vampire she could never personally have a mate, and the thought of meeting up with some cute guy and not being able to be any more than friends upset her a bit. But she knew her duty was to take care of Kew and always be by her side, so she couldn't get distracted with such thoughts to begin with.

"Umm... yes, miss..." she said quietly. She knew very well already that Kew would not ask for help, and that it was best to let the girl sort it out. Lily already knew that her Mistress would be just fine and that this much stress was necessary, but that it wasn't her place to say anything about it. The young human girl excused herself and left the room.

Once she was out in the hallway, Lily realized she had no idea how to get ready for such an event. Rather than pester the poor young Vampiress, Lily instead hurried down to where the other Serfs usually were, hoping that one of them would be able to give her some direction on what she needed to be doing.

Jennifer opened her mouth, but shut it again, thinking over her words. Sure, if Kew would rather make arrangements later on at the party, then that would be alright. There was no need to pressure her in making a date currently. The black haired girl stood out on the front porch, watching the carriage disappear down the lane. The close rumbling of thunder met the young serf's ears and her eyes widened in realization that the laundry was still outside. With a gasp, she ran into the house, through the kitchen, and to the clothes line, calling out, "I'll be back in just a minute, Master Alexander!" as she whizzed by the tall vampire. What would she do now? If she left them outside, they'd just get wet again.

Placing her hands on her hips, Jennifer thought hard. "
Oh, I know. I'll just hang them in front of the kitchen fire. They'll get somewhat dry that way and when the storm's over, I'll just put them back out on the line," she thought to herself, smiling at her idea. Quickly getting to work, she pulled off all the dresses which hung on the line and brought them inside. Just in time too, for just as she stepped through the arch, the pitter patter of rain could be heard falling on the roof. Making a makeshift clothes line in front of the crackling stove, she strung up the dresses once more.

Once she was satisfied with her work, Jennifer finally made her way back to the parlor, her hair falling about her face as she breathed a sigh of relief. At the sight of Alexander, she hurried over and looked up at him, concern filling her crystal blue eyes. "A-are you sure you're alright?" she asked softly.

Timothy laid in his bed for quite some time, glancing at the clock every now and then. A couple hours had passed and he was becoming a bit worried that Amber was coming back. Tapping his fingers on the small nightstand beside his bed, he looked towards the window. "Maybe she's still with the horses," he thought. The vampire then threw off the covers and made his way to his feet, weak and a bit stumbly, but to his feet no less. Shuffling over to the large window, he drew the right curtain to the side and peered out towards the horse barn, trying to catch a glimpse of his rebellious serf.

Thinking he saw a fold of her dress, Timothy drew himself up and nodded. Of course, she loved the horses and seemed to get caught up in them. He pondered over sending Hanna to fetch her, but then he remembered the happiness in her eyes the last time she rode. Sighing, he rubbed the back of his neck. He'd give her a little more time to spend with the gentle giants.

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