Ambrose a Vampire RP

Amber would follow suit and sit across him in the carriage, her own mind preoccupied with thoughts of vampires, some of one in particular. She would allow herself a glance and would take in his attire, well fitted to him, trying not to glance at him too long and if their eyes met she would turn away in embarrassment. With a deep breath she could admit to herself alone what the problem was. This vampire has showed her kindness and even opened some about his own past, and to top it off he was attractive, for what he was. There was the word. Attractive. She was attracted to a vampire, and that was why her head was tormenting her so. Hoping now that she had placed the feelings that she could file them away or perhaps even will them away she would glance at anywhere but him, hoping the silly fancy would end before it blinded her.

Xander heard the gentle rapping on his door, thinking it was one of the many other Serfs he would gentle call back. “Come in.” He was deep into his work once more it seemed, not even taken notice of her. If it was one of his serfs he figured they would go filter about doing chores and such leaving him alone. He would not disturb them and they usually left him at peace with his work. “Have you figured who would be the best hair dresser for tomorrow?” He said being all business; it was obvious he thought she was someone else. His plans in motion as he balanced many things at once, knowing the party would be a big social event.
Jennifer took a deep breath, slowly pushing the door open and shuffling inside. Once standing before her master, she cleared her throat to get his attention, afraid her voice would startle him. She was quite the pitiful mess; her long tangled mess of jet black hair was soaked and still dripping onto the floor some, for she hadn't brushed it or dried it with a towel yet. Her huge, crystal blue eyes hesitantly peered at him for a moment through the dark strands of her bangs which hung over her face until she quickly dropped her gaze. Bowing her head, she clasped her hands together. "Master Alexander...," she would begin, "You don't know sorry I am. I've disgraced you. I knew you were fatigued and weren't yourself. I should have continued on with my work immediately after seeing you were settled here." She chewed on her lip, holding back the tears as well as she could.

Timothy noticed her fidgeting and gently laid a hand on her shoulder. "Look, I know you're nervous around other vampires, but as long as you're under my household under my rules, I will personally make sure nothing happens to you," he told her firmly, staring straight into her eyes to show he was serious, "I can't have you be so skittish like this. If you're not calm and collected, you'll only succeed in drawing more attention to yourself. Do I make myself clear?" The carriage rumbled down the cobblestone road, making its way into the busy market place. Many stores were bypassed as Martin drove the horses to a clothing shop he knew Timothy would approve of. Once there, he pulled the carriage to a halt out front then hopped down and opened the door for Timothy and his serf.
Xander’s eyes would widen hearing her voice, his hand clenching the pen tightly. Why . . . why had she come to him so soon? He refused to look at her; he just couldn’t look at her. “Get out.” The words were calm, but stern. He would let her ramble on about excuses and reasons, taken what blame she wanted. He knew he was probably just as much at fault though. “I will feed before the party tomorrow after you’re ready. Until then . . . get out and stay out.” He couldn’t dare have her near, not after . . . not after what had happened. He knew now; foolishly saw now how stupid he had been with her up until this time. He . . . he was letting her get close; he knew better, it was all his fault.
"Get out." The icy words stung Jennifer's already troubled heart and soul. She stood perfectly still as he relayed his instructions on what he would do pertaining to the party, then as soon as he had finished, she was gone; no more than a whisper on a breeze. The young girl's feet flew across the floor swiftly yet silently as she raced down the hall and disappeared into her room, shutting the door immediately. Jenny covered her face with her hands, trying to stifle the gentle sobs that shook the serf's thin shoulders. Collapsing onto her bed, she buried her face into the blankets, not caring whether her hair would wet the comforter or not. How could she have been so stupid?! She was a horrible serf... Serf's weren't supposed to be that close to their masters, even if they were their personal serfs. The beautiful dress slid from her bed, crumpling into a pile of fabric on the carpet.
Kew smiled a bit at Lily's words. She spoke truth, but the vampirette couldn't help but still feel... Different. And her fangs seemed to be a symbol of that. She noticed she wasn't like other Vampires, and how she acted like a Human and Human traits. Like her feeling of hunger that matches up with that of a Human. She still had to drink blood, but she also had to eat. It was strange.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn't realize she had finished with Lily's makeup. And when the serf commented how she didn't look herself, Kew giggled. "You look pretty, though. I bet some of the Vampire boys may try to flirt with you." The Vampirette then lowered her face next to Lily's to examine them both in the mirror, and sure enough, they looked like they could be sisters, twins even. "Well, another thing is, I'm pudgier than you. So they may tell us apart, still." She smiled.


When Shay's serf had informed Xavior of Reverie's summoning him, he rubbed the back of his head, unsure. She had just tried to kiss him, and now she was requesting his presence in her chamber. Not only did that seem a bit unusual to him, but Shay's warning still rang clear in his mind.

With great hesitation, he slowly walked his way through the halls and lightly knocked on her door to gain permission to enter. "..."

Amber would nod at his words, not trusting herself to speak in the moment. If she needed any more proof of her realization, his touch didn't make her skittish in fear, only unnerving her further for completly different reasons. She would find a way, and besides as long as she was by his side, it wasn't like another vampire could do anything to her, so she would just remain ever vigilant as a serf should be, if only for a night. Even if only for her fear of being hurt in such a way again. They would stop and Amber would wait for Timothy to get out before climbing out, taking a hand if offered, even by the man that held some detest for her. She would follow quietly, taking in the town that she would merely pass through, never having the pleasure of glancing through shops or the frivolous things some got to do in such a place.

Lily blushed when Kew mentioned boys flirting with her. "I hope not," she said shyly. She looked in the mirror and thought how amazing it was that she and her Mistress looked so much alike. Kew had a rounder face -not pudgy, as she'd called it- while Lily's was more heart shaped, but other than that, they were built the same way, their hair was close in color, with Lily's being a little lighter blonde and Kew's being a more yellow blonde. They could definitely pass as sisters. Lily laughed a little. The poor guests would have a hard time telling them apart. It wasn't impossible, but still difficult. "Shall we wear matching dresses as well?"
Timothy noticed Amber's reserved manner as they walked through the crowded street to the clothing shop. "Why such a long face?" he asked quietly so only she could hear as they approached the store. He opened the door and walked through, holding the door open for her to follow as he awaited her answer. "Just because you are a serf, doesn't mean you can't browse the market for things to look presentable or even lovely in. Of course you wouldn't want to wear anything too extravagant, but if I let my serf run around in mere rags, it would reflect badly on me as a master, wouldn't it?" he pointed out, sticking his hands in his jacket pockets as he did so often. He walked slowly so she could keep up easily and they could carry on a decent conversation. As the two walked together, he aimed for the dress section of the shop and began browsing the fine attire.
Reverie looked up from the book of poetry she was reading, the same book that was Xavior's. She was still unsure of what happened earlier, but she didn't want it to effect her or her relationship with Xavior too much. Still...

"If that is you boy you may enter."
Kew smiled and nodded. "How about..." She walked over to the wardrobe and sure enough were the two dresses. They were similar, but not completely alike. The dresses were white and knee-length. They belled at the end and waved, while the tops had a square-shaped collar, and round sleeves.

Kew liked to wear aprons in the front with knee-high stockings, but she didn't know Lily's personal tastes in fashion. The Vampirette then began to change into the dress to fully prepare herself for the party, in which guests would surely start arriving soon. She waited until Lily was completely ready before walking out and strolling to the grand staircase, waiting for the first few guests to arrive. "..."

--- Merged Double Post ---

Xavior quietly walked through the doorway and to her room. Without a word he stood, as if he was a soldier preparing for the order that would lead to his death. He held the invitation in his hand, holding it out to her, but he kept his distance.
Reverie kept on reading as if she had not noticed Xavior's entrance into the room, although she was more than aware of his presence. It was still a comforting one. No matter how her life was, at least her serf did not try and tell her what to do or treat her like she didn't know what she was doing.

"Why speak of hate, when I do bleed for love?

Not hate, my love, but Love doth bite my tongue

Till I taste stuff that makes my rhyming rough

So flatter I my fever for the one

For whom I inly mourn, though seem to shun.

A rose is arrows is eros, so what

If I confuse the shade that I’ve become

With winedark substance in a lover’s cup?

But stop my tonguely wound, I’ve bled enough.

If I be fair, or false, or freaked with fear

If I my tongue in lockèd box immure

Blame not me, for I am sick with love.

Yet would I be your friend most willingly

Since friendship would infect me killingly."

Reverie recited the poem before putting the book down to look at her serf with a curious expression. She seemed to be waiting to see how he would responded to her words.

(Not my poem! Got it from here
The next morning, Jennifer was awake early; so early that not even Alexander or the other serfs were up yet. The world was still dark as she stared out her window, resting her palm against the glass. Today was the day... The day of the ball. Jenny didn't know what to think. The events of the previous day, all her mistakes, were circling her mind constantly. She didn't know how to even react now. She had felt so troubled and confused the night before that she'd cried herself to sleep, but now, she just felt numb. There she would stay by the window as the hours passed and the sun began to rise in the east, sending rays of golden light into her room. Under normal circumstances, she would have gone down to make Alexander's tea and breakfast, bringing it up to his room, but not today. Any minute, a serf would come to tell her to begin preparations for the party. However, even if it wasn't a special occasion, Jenny knew she wouldn't have been able to bring Alexander his breakfast. Just the thought of being in his presence made her tremble.

As if right on cue, there was a knock on her door as she mulled over these thoughts. Walking to the door, she opened it to see one of the serfs standing there with a towel. "It's time for you to get ready, Jennifer," he told her a bit coldly, throwing the towel into her arms. Jennifer sighed and nodded slowly, walking out of the room and heading to the bathroom. It wasn't long before she had scrubbed herself clean in the tub, taking extra care so she wouldn't disgrace her master any further, had untangled and dried her hair, and had put on the dress that had been dropped off the day before. It fit her perfectly like a glove, accenting her feminine features yet remaining dignified. Another serf, serving as her hair dresser, began brushing out her long jet black locks, preparing to put it up in a fashion for the party.

As she sat there on the chair, Jennifer looked down at her hands solemnly. She didn't know whether she was to visit Alexander for his feeding or if he would come to her. He did say something about when she was ready, but she didn't think she'd ever be ready to face him again...
Lily watched to see what accessories her Mistress wore, and wore similar things herself. They looked almost exactly alike now, and Lily followed Kew out to the staircase. "Ready?" she asked, looking over to see if the young vampiress was nervous.
She turned at him, in slight shock. What face had she been making, one of disdain, of longing? "Just thinking" she would say softly, in no way able to say her thoughts on him, or of the fellow privileged, she would sound lovestruck and petty. Entering the store she would mutter a thank you, taking a look at the wares around her. Her face would redden some when he said she could wear something to look lovely in, it was a nice thought, to be able to look beautiful. "Yes you wouldn't want your serf to out-dress you" she would tease, not of her dressing in rags but of him saying about too much. She couldn't help if she had a bit of spunk, it's not like it was ill intended now either. She would follow, noticing that all too familiar gesture he would do with his hands, doing what she could to keep up with him and browse the store. Her eyes would linger on a green dress, reminding her of the color of an emerald, the color a beautiful contrast to her own eyes. The dress was simple yet stunning, and at closer examine she would notice the yellow embellishments at the hem.

Timothy's emerald eyes watched Amber closely as she stopped by a brilliant green dress. Stepping up to her, he peered over her shoulder to get a closer look. "It's perfect," he would say, smiling slightly, "And it looks in your size. Why don't you go try it on?" he asked, a spark in his eye. The dress was the perfect color to bring out the girl's stunning amber eyes and was a nice style for the coming of age party. "If it fits, meet me at the counter to pay for it. I'll wait to see it tomorrow morning; it'll give me something to look forward to. To tell you the truth, this ball doesn't exactly excite me either. I'd much rather be here working with the horses or taking care of business...," he confessed, a far off look in his eyes. He was definitely thinking about something, though he wouldn't tell what it was.

After he had relayed his instructions, Timothy waited to see Amber understood then walked towards the front of the shop. One thing was for sure about him, though. Ever since Amber's blood had began curing his illness, he'd seemed more light hearted. He was still stern and held the obvious air of a master, but that harsh edge had somehow lessened, almost not noticeable anymore.
Xander had forced himself to get a decent sleep that night. The day went by lonelier than ever despite the normal serfs entering and leaving, serving him as always. When it was time to get ready he even let them handle it, where he usually took care of it himself. Something in him had seemed to lose the confidence or care to do so. Although he usually wore a tux this one would be fancier, unlike his average business ones. His coat had too long tails; it had a nice vest that matched the color of Jennifer’s dress and tie. He would have gone top hat and cane if the tux alone didn’t make him feel a bit foolish. He would be waiting at his desk for her, checking the clock off and on. He wondered if she was in protest, and didn’t wish to let him feed. If need be he would go without, and give her all the freedom from him she wanted. Waiting as the time counted down to where he had to go to her if she didn’t come to him.
The vampirette shook her head nervously. "I-I... I do not think I am..." Kew stuttered, the nervousness and anxiety now striking her fragile little heart. She wouldn't know how to react! So many people around! She wasn't used to anyone but her serf, whom she placed all her trust in. She began to twirl her thumbs.

The ballroom sure was decorated nicely, everything was especially clean. Floors were waxed, furniture was dusted, and the chandeliers were changed to a more elegant and expensive crystal compilation.

Xavior listened to every word she spoke, her very voice seemed to put him in a trance, though it was a sad poem. He turned his head away, afraid to even face for what had happened earlier. He decided to change the subject. "You have a letter here for you..." He said silently.
Reverie looked at Xavior and stood, taking the letter from him. She opened it, already seeing that someone had read it. Probably Shay and/or her mother. It didn't matter. She read it and went a little wide-eyed.

"I am invited to a party. Mother must be delighted that I am not as much of a black sheep as she thought or maybe it's because I am her daughter and so they had to invite me. Still." She forgot about what happened earlier, now onto thinking about the party. She went to a wardore and opened it, looking through it's contents until she removed a dress.

"What do you think boy? Will I look pretty in this?"
By the time the hairdresser was done, Jennifer didn't even recognize herself. Her long, usually straight back hair was put up in the back with long, delicate curls flowing down to her shoulders. Her bangs had been pulled back in a crown braid, showing off her large, pale blue eyes. A good ten minutes she spent, just staring at her reflection in the silvery mirror, gently reaching up and fingering the soft curls. The serf who had done her hair packed up the combs and brushes then left her alone, disappearing down the hall. Altogether with the long, exquisite dress and the updo hairstyle, she actually looked....beautiful.

Glancing over at the clock, Jennifer finally noticed the time. To her dismay, it looked like Alexander wasn't coming to her, which meant she would have to go to him. Slipping on her nice shoes, the black haired serf slowly made her way down the hall, clasping her hands in front of her nervously. Despite her anxiety, however, her face was cold, showing no emotion. She was afraid to speak, or even just to smile, though she doubted she could smile due to the circumstances. When she reached her master's chamber, she knocked lightly as usual and if he bade her to come in, she would take a deep breath and enter cautiously, keeping her eyes away from her master's face at all costs.

Jennifer would approach him, but stay as far away as possible, extending her arm to him. Her gaze remained to the side, looking down slightly as she waited for the feeding to be over with. Not one word came from her gentle lips.
Xander of course told her to come in, his voice so used to saying it out of habit. It was when her arm came into view he realized who it was. His eyes going up to the clock, slowly he turned to look at her. What a foolish mistake that was, she was . . . stunning. It shook him to the very core just to look at her, and it was as if hell had came up itself to punish him for some misdeed he must have done in the past. Realizing after staring for what must have been way to long, his eyes widen and his head went back to the clock. Damn it, if they didn’t hurry they would be late. Without a second thought he would merely take her hand to take the lead towards the carriage that waited out front. Opening the door for her and waiting for her to enter. He would of course get in on the opposite side once she did. Once settled at the carriage was off he would hesitate before holding out his hand for hers to feed, not wishing to make the same mistake again and look at her. A light blush still lingered among his cheeks and if he placed her arm into his hand he would bring up to his lips to gentle bite and feed.
Lily offered Kew a small smile. "It's gonna be okay, you'll do great." she said. She didn't know anything she could do or say to help other than be there with her Mistress during the party in case she needed something. "The guests should be arriving soon."
Amber’s face would brighten up at his words, a part of her couldn’t help but feel excited like a small child at the thrill of picking out clothes and having another compliment her for her choice, though inwardly she wanted to smack her head for such a childish reaction. His words puzzled her some, yet she guessed it would make sense that he would rather be home with the horses “So I suppose you can’t faux sick and stay home then?” she would offer an innocent face as if she truly believed something like that would work before smiling.

She would wonder what was the reason behind the look in his eyes but wouldn’t ask him of it, and instead would only give him a nod and follow a lady to a room where she would help her try it on and even help to bring in the hem some at the waist “Just a quick fix’ the woman would promise as she worked her magic. Once she fixed it she would allow Amber to check out the dress in front of the mirrors. Amber was pleasantly surprised and would spin some to see how it looked and she would thank the woman before changing back and taking the dress to the counter like she was told to.

It seemed to be forever as Jennifer stood there, waiting for the bite. The silence was almost unbearable and she found herself counting the seconds with every beat of her own heart; what was taking so long. Without turning her head, her eyes glanced over at her master only to find that he was staring at her awe. Immediately her turned slightly red and she averted her eyes once more. Jennifer blinked and looked up, surprised, however, when instead of feeding, he then grasped her hand and quickly led her out of the room, down the hall, and to the carriage that was waiting at the front of the household. Before she knew it, she was climbing inside the open door, which Alexander held open himself, and sitting down at the far side of the stage coach. Xander got in behind her and they were off, the carriage beginning to rumble over the stone road.

Once in the coach, that awful silence of voice once more visited the vampire and his serf. Jennifer calmly placed her hands in her lap, staring down at her shoes. Alexander then held out his hand, motioning for her arm, which she hesitantly gave to him. Only moments later, she felt his gentle lips caress her wrist before the slight pinch as his fangs pierced her flesh. The familiar burning and icy sensations raced through her veins as usual before subsiding. A soft, inaudible sigh escaped the young serf's lips as she turned her head to look out the window; why did things have to be this way?

--- Merged Double Post ---

Timothy was leaning against the counter, looking out the front of the store at the bustling marketplace as he waited for his serf to return. He furrowed his brow, wondering if he was beginning to get too attached to the amber eyed girl. Sure she had her stubborn spouts, but for the most part, she respected his authority and seemed to take the same interests he did. It had long since he had been with someone who shared his love of horses; it was thrilling yet somehow frightening at the same time.

When Amber did return, it caught the nobleman off guard and he quickly stood up, spinning to face her. Clearing his throat, he asked, "So I expect you found it to your liking?" Reaching over the counter, he handed the clerk a handful of silver pieces, then took the dress in his own hands, inspecting the fabric closely before giving it back to his serf. "Quite lovely indeed. It suits you well, Amber," he praised her, though in a firm businesslike tone as usual. As they left the shop and walked to the carriage that was waiting for them, he answered her question, "Trust me, I wish I could. There's just..." Sighing, he rubbed his forehead. "I need to attend. I would be disgraced if I didn't attend...," he explained, entering the stage coach.
If Jennifer said not a word the ride would fully be in silence. As far as Xander knew, he had nothing left to say to her, at least nothing he could say safely, his words would either be too harsh or too kind. He knew he was trapped and he would get in trouble. The party alone was frightening enough, surrounded by beautiful women well dressed, if he had no control around Jennifer his own serf oh how he must fail when it came to the others.

Upon arrival he would get out moving to open the door and offering her a hand to help her down. Once so he would gently pull away and lead himself inside, his eyes glancing around at how it was set up, and he could already feel the fear growing inside at the few females that were already there. If he was suppose to, he would give his name and his serf's name to the one attending the door. Standing awkwardly as if unsure what to do from then on out.

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