Ambrose a Vampire RP

The lick did bring a smile to Abram’s face, at least someone was on his side, and his pet didn’t seem like bad company in the least. “So bear with me through the party then?” he would give an encouraging smile. He noticed how Mutt didn’t seem to be as playful, was his mood affecting the others? That wouldn’t do. He did his best to put on a brave front as they entered the carriage, Abram was actually impressed at just how gentlemanly he acted escorting him so. As they rode Abram’s mind would be swarming, only for his pets to stir him in a way that few words could. “call me Lynix” those words echoed through Abram’s head. “Ly-Lynix?” he would say softly, only to be unable to contain himself and to wrap his arms around Lynix tightly giving an affectionate hug “Thank you for your name” he would whisper, releasing him if he felt discomfort from the other’s end, or else enjoying a good hug for awhile before letting go with an unmatched smile.

Lynix of course tensed at the hug, trying to keep relaxed but not really able too. He hated the vampires; his mind was slowly returning to him and with it his memories and hate. This one was useful at least, needed even . . . and if he kept up with kindness maybe even be worth sparing. “ye . . . yes” he answered lightly when the boy repeated his name in such excitement. “Don . . . Don’t over used it.” He liked it much better when his name wasn’t muttered from a blood sucker’s lips, but . . . it made his master so happy. Perhaps this small sacrifice was worth it after all.
It wasn't a moment too soon as Timothy appeared at the front doorway of the mansion, as if right on cue with Amber's thoughts. His mop of jet black hair had been combed and pulled back nicely, revealing his piercing green eyes. Feeling much better after some rest and having fed from Amber earlier, he stood tall and began venturing towards the carriage. He was dressed in a formal dress suit, which fit him well despite the slight look of discomfort on his face. Of course he was used to wearing business suits, but these ballroom tuxedos were a bit stuffy didn't agree with him all the way. In his white gloved hands, he held the invitation letter as he proceeded to the carriage, stopping just in front of Amber. This whole time, he hadn't really been paying attention much, mind elsewhere than the current situation. However, now as his eyes finally caught sight of his serf, he stood almost shocked.

The brilliant green dress indeed was perfect, fitting her slim figure like a glove and accenting her deep, amber eyes. Her hair was done up, showing off her gentle face, and all of it together was just...just... "
Beautiful...," he thought, looking her over head to toe. Finally, he managed to break his gaze as Martin called for them to get going. They didn't want to be late to the party, did they? Nodding, Timothy entered the carriage through the door Martin held open for the vampire and his serf, then sat down. "I...I must say. You do look your finest today," he complimented her, keeping his eyes out the window in order not to stare, "The dress looks just as beautiful, if not more, than I thought it would yesterday. I do say, I might have trouble with others trying to steal my own serf." After the last comment, he actually smiled slightly, chancing a glance at Amber.
Iliana smacked her forehead when she saw all the Serfs frantically running around. She cursed under her breath. "Of course they've been waiting on us... I forgot all about the coming of age ball..." she jumped from the carriage and read the letter that a serf handed her. "I knew it would be soon, but I forgot it was today..." she looked to Bret. "That's one of the reasons we went to get your clothes and tags. You're required to attend as well." She crossed her arms and closed her eyes in thought.

"We need to get ready and leave as soon as possible." she said to Bret. "Please go change into your new attire and tags then come to my room." she looked down at her clothing, seeming to be disappointed in her dress for the first time ever. She was nervous about the coming-of-age ball, and it showed. She dashed up to her chambers and picked out more appropriate attire. She picked out a blood red gown that was slightly more elegant than what she was wearing, but still comfortable. She quickly brushed her hair until it was smooth and started trying to wiggle into her dress, hoping Bret would be here soon to help with the corsets.
Xavior kept silent and calm as Reverie's eccentric mother ordered her daughter around. His mistress seemed a bit troubled by her presence, and as to not cause any more conflict, he began to sneak out of the room. However, Reverie's mother's sharp voice rang out to him, ordering him to ready himself for the party, before slamming the door shut on her way out.

When Xavior turned to Reverie, he saw her trying to hold back tears and suddenly he realized something. Her mother was responsible for her sadness. When she ordered him to get ready, he turned and headed for the door. "Xavior..." He said. "My name is Xavior." He then walked out and left to change, a bit unsure how. But he figured it would start by taking a bath.

Amber’s steps would falter slightly at the sight of him. She hated to admit it but the man looked good in a suit. She would feel her face redden at his compliment and she couldn’t help but to admire how loohe ked today, but to say such a thing as he looked handsome or even a more embarrassing word like dashing, she couldn’t do such a thing and keep any of her dignity. Amber would be careful of her dress as she stepped into the carriage, even trying not to mess it up while she sat, one of the few annoyances of wearing such a frilly thing. She would grin sheepishly at him at his words, though at the comment of others trying to steal her away seemed such a pretty lie she couldn’t help but to laugh some. “You-your suit looks quite fine yourself” she would manage with a slight slip up.

The ride to what Rosa assumed was some kind of ball or gala was silent. She had allowed her Master to help her out of the carriage and lead her to the door. The small golden locket thumped softly against her chest with each step she took. The serf tried to time this so that each thud fell between the pumps of her throbbing heart.

She eventually looked up to peek at her Master for Rosa hadn’t seen him all day. He looked tired, worn and utterly defeated. The fight between him and Sir Adam had obviously taken its toll on him. The serf didn’t think he had slept the night before and wondered if he might pep up when he saw the crowd. He seemed like someone who would enjoy working the crowd even if he was just shocking them but he wasn’t even smiling.

She too felt a bit tired, when you were used to having venom everyday the withdrawal could be painful and tire the body. She remembered that when a physician had come to the plantation with an experiment concerning the affects of venom. They had given her venom five times a day; she would become dizzy with energy but at the same time was shocked with dizzying headaches and cold sweats. Then they had taken her off, just stopped injecting her and she had been sick for weeks. First she slipped into comatose sleep; they couldn’t wake her to feed her. Thankfully she awoke before she starved after that she was ill with fever and symptoms similar to the flu. Rosa was only tired but she felt a bit clammy which might be because of nerves.

--- Merged Double Post ---

“Yes Mam,” Bret mocked as she dashed off to her chambers. He handed the carriage horses over to a groom and dashed into the manor taking a short cut through the kitchen in order to reach his quarters more quickly. Well this was just great, now he was going to have to attend some fancy gala where he has to interact with a bunch of sniveling serfs or a bunch of snotty vampires. At least he wouldn’t be enduring it alone, he had a feeling Illiana would not be too happy about the event.

He dressed quickly picking up the black trousers and the nicer of the white shirt. He was reaching for the grey vest he had worn as a uniform from the plantation when an elderly serf came in. “Don’t wear that boy, you need something with a little fun to it,” the man had obviously stopped accepting venom deciding to live a shortened life instead of a lengthy one. The man pulled from under one of the beds a thin trunk and from that he retrieved a crimson vest with solid black buttons. “Wear this,” he said and shoved the garment into Bret’s arms before exiting the room without another word. He silently complied and after smoothing his hair made his way up to Illiana’s room.

When he entered she was struggling with the strings of her corset, Bret noticed the dress she was to wear matched his vest an odd coincidence. “Grasp the bed stand and I will pull,” he said without a greeting.
Iliana jumped a little when Bret entered. He seemed like he was either furious or in a huge hurry. She quietly held on while he tightened the corset. Now that she was dressed, he had to worry about her hair. She let out a sigh, clearly unhappy to be in such a situation. She hated associating with other Vampires, even ones her age since she knew they were all just as snooty as their parents.

Suddenly her parents were in the doorway. She was just sitting down at the vanity and was contemplating what hairstyle she should wear when the older Vampire couple announced they would be attending with her. They looked to Bret, saying they had to be leaving soon and that while he should make Iliana's hair look nice, he should do it with due haste. When they left, Iliana looked to Bret. "Sorry about them, they're kind of... Bossy, to say the least." she said. She let out a sigh. "They're going too..." she mumbled quietly. "That can't be good. I have a feeling there's more behind their attendance than they're letting on..." she was worried about what her parents had up their sleeve, knowing nothing of her arranged marriage to another Vampire.
“That’s fine,” Marque said flattening the wrinkles out of her skirt. The carriage ride was relatively short and rather uneventful. She made a few comments to fill the silence but conversation never sparked. When they arrived she started to open the carriage door but was intercepted by the driving serf, “Thank you,” she said sweetly. Once she was out of the carriage the Vampiress turned and waited for her serf to exit.

Her violet eyes darted from place to place taking in the full glory of the mansion before her. “Well someone has really out done themselves this year,” Marque said walking up the stairs with careful steps.

--- Merged Double Post ---

“Don’t worry, they probably just want to mingle,” he cajoled softly while grasping her thick blonde locks in his hand. He wet them slightly than pulled the brush through her hair careful not to drag the tines across her head. He than began to braid and manipulate the hair until a simple fishbone braid laid across the top of her head and the rest was pulled into a curly bun. Little bits of hair shot off to the side adding an easy carefree nature to her hair. Bret stood back pleased with his work. “We hand better get going before your parents through a fit, Milday,” Bret said offering her his arm.

They then walked down the stairs to the awaiting carriage. It was a polished ebony with intricate gold detailing. The black horses were both outfitted in a black harness with gold metal work designs. When he opened the door for Illiana he noticed the insides were also gold and black to match the outside of the carriage. As they took a seat he realized it only sat two people, “It seems we will be traveling alone,” he said and with that the driver pulled off. They arrived rather quickly and the serf helped his Mistress out of the carriage, “What now?” he whispered.
Iliana admired his handiwork. Her hair was beautiful and elegant het carefree and suited her nicely. She smiled and stood, taking the arm he'd offered, and walked down the stairs. Her parents had picked out the finest carriage for them to travel in, which really showed that this was an important event. She stepped into the ebony carriage and took a seat across from Bret. "I suppose so," she said when he said they must be travelling alone. She assumed her parents had become impatient and had gone ahead without her.

"Now... We try not to mess this up." Iliana said to answer his question. The carriage started rolling along towards the host mansion, and she couldn't help but wonder how many other people would be at the ball. Normally it was an all day thing, but it was already afternoon. They probably missed half the events- that is, if they had events this year. "Better late than never, I suppose." Iliana said. "When we go in, they'll probably announce our arrival..." she informed the Serf. "And then we just try to blend in. There will be dancing, and socializing, and typically some sort of meal..." she realized at this point she was more or less rambling to calm herself. Why was she so nervous? She usually thrived on social situations...
Reverie just let herself be prettied up, hating every moment of it. It was not because she hated dressing up or looking pretty. But she didn't want to go and what her mother said. A betrothal? Her mother planned on marrying her off it seemed. She didn't want that. She liked being alone. Well not liked it. But her heart was still hurt from before and she didn't really know a lot of the other vampires her age.

But Reverie knew her mother would force it and so she decided to at least see who it would be. She felt the serf behind her make a noise of approval and Reverie moved to the mirror, looking at herself.

She blinked and looked away. Her short red hair was curled at the bottom and a small silver headband was in her hair, with small lillies at the end. Her dress was a dark crimson color, falling a couple inches below her knees. Tights were on her legs and short black boots on her feet. Her sleeves were short and feel halfway between her shoulder and her elbow, but black velvet gloves covered near to her elbows. Finally a simple necklace hung from her throat. It was surely the first thing taken to match, but Reverie grasped it with a sad sigh. It was a gift from him. A silver chain with a small ruby at the bottom.

She watched as her mother entered and looked her over, nodding her own approval. "Go to the carriage and your serf will be there soon. Feed before leaving." Reverie did as she was told.

Tress would have smiled in relief but he didn't want to offend Marque. He was glad still. At least among the serfs it would be less stiff. Hopefully he could find a way to fit in with them at least.

As they exited the carriage, Tress let out a low whistle and then looked embarrassed. "Sorry my Lady. I just agree with you. This is...more than I have ever seen or imagined."
Bessie and Bonnie, the two brown and black paint horses, trotted on with their heads held high. Their well conditioned coats gleamed in the sunlight as their manes and tails swished back and forth in sync with the clopping of their hooves. Straining their muscles, they pulled the carriage with spirit closer and closer to their destination. Timothy couldn't help but look to his serf when she in return complimented him. A slight smile crossed his lips but he tried to remain calm and dignified. "I'm glad you think so," he responded, pulling at his collar, feeling a bit stifled, "Though I can't help feeling a bit stuffy in this attire..."

Just then, a thought his the young vampire. He still hadn't fed from Amber yet that morning and he would definitely need his strength for the party. Clearing his throat, Timothy softly gestured for her to give him her wrist. "I apologize for the awkwardness, but I do still need to feed this morning. I indeed feel better after a good night's sleep but I need all the strength I have for this party," he explained, silently thinking, "
And to face my fiance for the first time in years..."

If she would obey and give him her arm, he would lift to his soft lips for a moment before the bite. He tried to make the feeding as quick and painless as possible, knowing she had been abused so at the plantation. After he was finished, he would slowly pull away, giving her back her slender arm and thanking her in a soft tone just as the coach pulled up to their destination. Martin hopped from the front seat, scurrying to open the door for his master and Amber. Stepping out, he would hold out his hand to help his serf, then venture up the stairs and through the giant front doors into the mansion, sighing deeply.
Bret nodded quietly mentally preparing himself for what may happen next. He cursed under his breath realizing now that if he could just get venom, now would be a perfect time to make his escape, to find his freedom by escaping in a crowd of servitude. But immortality most be held in his grasp before he took off to find a life of his own. However once the evening was described Bret realized it may not be the worst of experiences. It sounded like, if he played his cards right, he might have the freedom to explore and socialize without his Mistress.

“You say we should try to blend in, why? Why not have a little fun and rub it in vampires’ faces that you are different? Why not do what you like and draw attention with your ideas that vary from others? It may make the evening more bearable and it will give the women something to gossip about tomorrow,” he teased with a smirk. Bret was sensing that she was a tiny bit “off” at this moment and needed a boost. Someone confident and at ease and would not push her to be someone she was not. Further ahead of them he noticed Illiana’s parents however instead of pointing them out he remained silent sensing their presence would just make everything worse.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Marque let out a tinkling laugh as her serf whistled at the mansion before them. “No, do not apologize although we will have to break out the thesaurus when we get home, in order to find a more appropriate word to describe this magnificent building. But for now your whistle will do,” she said as they mounted the steps ones by one. It took time to finally reach the top but once there Marque gave the announce her name and her serf’s than waited in the line for the signal to enter.

She did not have to wait long for within moments she heard, "Marque Stone and Tress," and with that she took her final steps basking in the glory. To say that the Vampiress was shy would be a flat out lie. She was a social butterfly who did not stir up conflict o cause trouble and on top of that she did not fake it. Marque just enjoyed the company of others except for when they broached the subject of serfs... that is where things got hairy.
Amber couldn’t help but to laugh at his frankness, wondering if the guy had any charm at all, which of course made her want to laugh some more. She would cover her mouth with a sheepish grin until that feeling passed. “Let me fix that” she would manage to say, leaning forward to loosen his tie some so that it may be easier to breathe while still being fitted. Pulling away she would offer a smile, as if she sensed his unease.

At the sound of his throat clearing Amber would take notice and look to him once more. He would put out his hand and Amber would question what he wanted until his words cleared things up for her. She would offer her wrist without a word. The touch of his lips was gentle, but the bite no matter how carefully done could be anything but as teeth bit into flesh and liquids were exchanged. Opening her eyes only once his teeth pulled away she would find something to press up against the punctures before they would close on their own. Taking a deep breath she would stand and take his hand to be led into a world unknown, somewhat fearful, but foolishly she felt safe by this one’s side.

Xander actually looked back at Jennifer slightly surprise at her words, blushing some and turning away quickly. It was like the woman herself was a trap of sorts, one he had to take extra care not to look at. Of course he would wince as he heard his name “Alexander Fargo” announced as he got towards the center of the room. He felt all the eyes fall on him, and he was deeply grateful when Kew’s serf approached him even if she was female. Escaping with her out of the light life while he could, over to a corner of the room. Already he could imagion the harsh whispers the others might be saying, about him and his past, or rumors created.

His eyes slowly rose to meet the young vampire and he would smile softly only to be at a lost of words again. “Miss . . . miss . . .” damn it usually he was better at remembering names especially last ones. Here the child had gone through the trouble of visiting him twice and he couldn’t be polite enough to know her last name. He sighed in shame of his rudeness. “Please forgive me . . .” he said looking down, there seemed no other safe place to look in a ball filled with females. “But . . . I . . . I seem to have misplaced your last name.”
Timothy held his head high, making sure Amber was at his side when he entered. "Master Timothy Arion" his name was announced to the rest of the party. Keeping a business-like air, he would look others in the eye and nod politely. Sure, he heard the whispers and murmurings of most of the crowd when he entered the main ballroom. He had pretty much dropped off the face of the earth several years ago and was just now resurfacing. Every now and then he would glance to Amber, making sure she was holding up and not making a fool of herself or him, knowing she must be quite nervous. Around the room he went, strolling casually to talk with others vampires, some clients who would stop by later that week for their horses, while reacquainting with those who he'd known from his past.

However, the young nobleman froze in his tracks at the sight of a single vampiress who'd just walked through the door. "Marque..." he whispered, the name rolling off his tongue softly. For a while, he just stood there, staring in his fiance's direction, as if frozen. His mind was a blur as several thoughts raced through his head at once. Memories flashed through his mind from his childhood. They had been so young when his parents had first told him of the planned engagement. He'd thought nothing of it as a small boy; she had been his friend and schoolmate. But now....oh, how she'd grown. She wasn't that little girl anymore, but now a beautiful lady.

Vinnie may have been slightly worn but he was always one with extra energy normally anyways. Sides, it was Rosa’s job to remind him about the feedings. Since Vinnie tended to get distracted easy and totally forget important stuff at times. Entering her would wait for his name to be announce “Vincent BloodStone.” And sigh at the reaction it would have gotten, he hated that everyone know what family he was from now. He knew he would easily be more surrounded by those after a piece of the name alone.

Entering he glanced back at Rosa, seeing she didn’t seem to comfortable with him he sighed. She didn’t want to be around him still . . . that made sense in his mind. “You can go and do what you want Rosa.” He spoke back softly to her, he wasn’t about to prance her around like the well groom pet most took their personal serf’s to be. “Just enjoy yourself okay?” He gave her a soft smile, maybe at least one of them could have a good time.

Jennifer blinked in surprise as she saw...was that a slight brush crossing his face? Shaking her head, she dispersed the thoughts; it was preposterous, of course he wasn't looking at her that way. She sighed deeply as he quickly turned away and greeted Lily, Lady Kew's serf. Moments later, she found herself trailing her master and coming before the lady herself. Curtsying politely, she greeted the young vampirette with a polite, "Good afternoon, Miss." After that was done, she lifted her head once more and clasped her hands in front of her, her long black done up locks swaying back and forth somewhat. Nervousness began to grip her from the inside. There were so many vampires....all staring. What if she made a horrible mistake? What if Alexander separated himself from her long enough for a vampire to give her a beating if she stumbled over proper etiquette? Jenny's breathing increased somewhat, but she tried as hard as she could to remain calm.
“Um Sir,” Rosa whispered as she glided down the stairway into the ball room below, “I am under specific orders to write down the information of anyone who shows an interest in you,” never looking away from the crowd they were entering. Upon her face was plastered a look of quiet, beautiful ignorance. She remembered that one of her fist lessons was on how to achieve this docile look making her seem so mindless yet in an odd way pretty. It was shocking to Rosa how much time they spent just getting her achieve to a silly look but apparently she had done it.

The serf curled her hand around the notebook she held within her gloved hands to prevent them from shaking. She would wait for a lull in her Master’s conversation before she asked for venom. And she would only do so if she felt herself near to fainting.
Vinnie stopped dead in his tracks at Rosa’s words. Slowly he balled his hands into fist at his side. For once he was trying to calmly think over the situation . . . but his serf didn’t make it easy for him at all. “So . . . since I can’t give you orders, you have decided to follow those of my families?” He should have seen it coming; he was never qualified for a serf in his eyes. Rosa was one of the best, well trained, and smart, it’s why he picked her. He hoped she would be smart enough to become her own person. Slowly he let go of the fist only to sigh in defeat. “Do whatever makes you most happy.” He didn’t plan to socialize, not in this mood, and especially not when his own serf was now his parent’s personal spy.
Iliana looked out the window, obviously still seeming quite a bit different than her usual self. "I just want to get today over with," she said. "If the need arises and I feel a typical snarky remark is required then I suppose I'll take the chance to make one, but I'm just hoping I can get in and out of the ball as quickly as possible." She couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen, and she didn't want to be going. She wouldn't be, but it was required and would make her whole family look bad if she didn't attend. Better to go quietly than to be humiliated by her parents dragging her by the arms into the host mansion.

Finally they arrived at their destination, and Iliana saw a large mansion and nice grounds. She raised an eyebrow. "Picked a nice location at least..." she mumbled. Sighing, she got out of the carriage and waited on Bret. Her parents met up with them at this point so that they would all be walking in together.
When their carriage stopped and they had arrived Abram would rise and face Lynix. “Forgive me this” he would reach around his neck and remove his collar, only to push it between the seat. “You can do as you wish tonight, stay by my side or mingle if you prefer, I only ask you that you keep yourself out of trouble and let me know that you are fine from time to time. I’d hate to have to worry over you the whole night” he would be tempted to ruffle his pet’s hair, but he looked so fine, it seemed such a selfish thing to mess Lynix’s hair for his own amusement.

As he walked into the doors there was one name on his mind, Iliana, he had to find this mystery woman and put an end to his parent’s interference in his life. If he could manage that much then maybe, just maybe he could find a way to get Vinny to forgive him. But first he would have to pass a brave feat to have the courage to face him again. “Escort me?” he would placed a gloved hand out to Lynix and walk through the entrance while they announced Sir Abram Sainclair, who in turn would waltz through the door in a dress almost as blue as his eyes while his serf companion looked ever un serfly.

When Adam removed his collar Lynix actually looked up to try to catch his eyes with shock and surprise. His own hand went to rub lightly at his neck, the cool air feeling nice upon it. His eyes glared at where the collar was stuffed, he HATED that thing, he knew it was a must have for serfs though. He knew he would probably never fully escape it . . . but it didn’t mean he didn’t have to hate it. Adam’s following words kept surprising him though, he was free to mingle? Without a collar or marking . . . to do what he wished within reason? Lynix couldn’t help get a gentle smile at the thought alone . . . it was almost as if the night was especially for him . . . and he planned to enjoy it.

Entering when Adam asked to be escorted he bowed like he was taught to towards a lady and took his arm. Walking in for the name to be announced glancing around confused as most the eyes fell between him. There was at most confusion towards him, as if uncertain where the serf ended and the vampire began. He couldn’t help smile gentle at this, his master was a fool . . . a gentle fool, but a fool never the less. His eyes scanned the room for Vinnie’s knowing if the man was there already a problem might start to arise. He would have to keep an eye out, to keep his master safe at the very least to repay such kindness. For now he decided, his master’s side would be for the best.

Jennifer, seeing her master was now occupied with Miss Kew, sighed quietly and used this time to look around. So many different varieties of people were here. It was terrifying yet piqued her curiosity at the same time. However, her jaw would have literally dropped open if she put her hand up to keep it in place when a very unusual vampire and serf pair entered. At first, she thought it was the lady who was the vampire, but then the announcer had said "Sir Abram Sainclair." So was the younger teenage boy the vampire? No, it couldn't be... Jennifer had studied serf behavior enough to figure out that the boy was definitely a serf, even though he was dressed up enough to be mistaken for a vampire. Her light blue eyes then drifted to the lady, or she guessed it was a man in ladies' clothing, though he looked so much like a female. Normally, she wouldn't have stared so, but this was just bizarre to her and she couldn't help herself. Long black ringlets of her hair framed her face and the longer, wider curls fell down her back almost to her waist, making her already large blue eyes seem wider and more intense.
Tress was surprised when his name was called too. No one else seemed to have their serf's name called out and this made Tress feel self-conscious. He was hesistant now about going to find his fellow serfs and talk to them. Would they think him a spoiled pet? He wasn't, though he cared about his mistress. For now he kept by her side, while trying to figure out if he would risk the chance of talking to serfs who might hate him.

"See anyone you know," he asked Marque.

Reverie had feed before she left, looking over Xavior with interest. He could be handsome when he wanted to be and she was going to be sure to keep him by her side all night. For mostly selfish reasons, but she didn't think he'd go off anyways. Maybe. He couldn't be sure actually.

She looked at the building once they arrived and sighed deeply. She did not want to be here, not want to be all dressed up and face her fellow vampires. She didn't want anyone to look at her or whisper about the black sheep of the Linden family. She walked with her head held a little high, but it was obvious that she was nervous and not happy. She clutched at Xavior's hand.

"Stay with me tonight, okay?"

Then she let go and entered. She heard her name called out, "Reverie Linden." She frowned, hated being announced. She made her way down quickly, trying to find a place to hide.

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