Ambrose a Vampire RP

Kew was a bit surprised when he pulled her into an embrace, one of comfort and not romance. She took in that comfort, however briefly before he pulled away and gave her a few encouraging words. She smiled a bit and when he gently punched her shoulder, she would return the gesture. But once he mentioned about him being disowned, she frowned. "Well that's awful!" She bowed her head again. "They may mistreat you, but... You still have a roof over your head and plenty to eat..."

Lynix watched his master closely, and he paused following his line of sight to see Vinnie being, well a fool. He couldn’t help laugh some at the sight, it was a disgrace, and didn’t he know that? Glancing back to his master with a smile, only for it to fade knowing Abram had been hurt somehow. He frowned and would turn to glare at Vinnie, even if the man’s back was towards him and he was too busy to notice. “Madam.” He said softly, taken Abram’s hand to kiss it. “You’re the ball of the party, don’t let such foolishness dim you’re light.” He would get Vinnie for this later, maybe slip some rat poison or something in the man’s food or drink.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Vinnie laughed as Kew punched him lightly back. Now this girl . . . this child seemed to shine brighter than she ever did before. “Yes, I do have that don’t I? But that’s why I must plan well first.” He would move to glance about the ball, his spirits given new hopes by just making a new friend. “After all, what’s the worth of your soul and freedom? Mere shelter and lack of hunger? Nah . . . I think I rather starve or freeze to death than . . .” His words caught in his throat as he sighted Adam and that damn serf of his. He would turn away not able to keep looking at his dear friend and manage a smile. “What was I saying?” He asked softly to Kew . . . feeling a bit awkward now.
"A-arranged....partner?" Jennifer asked in disbelief, the bitter words rolling over her tongue, "You're engaged?" Deep inside, the poor girl felt as if something was crushed. Her spirits sank rapidly, but she had no clue why. Then, a new emotion began to rise up within her. At first, she couldn't pin point it, not sure what it was. Running through all her memories, she finally found one that fit. What seemed like so long ago at the plantation, she had been out in the yard one evening. Feeling fiesty, she had jumped the fence and went exploring but had soon been caught and whipped bitterly. After the painful strokes were over, she'd been sent back to her stall without supper that night; however, she could smell and see the dinner from the little barred window in her stall. She had felt that same emotion she felt now, seeing everyone else with food when she had none. Jealousy? Was that what this was she could feel building at her core? Was she envious of Alexander's to be wife? "N-no! That's impossible. How can I jealous??" she thought frantically to herself, a look of astonishment still on her face.

For quite a while, Jennifer merely stood and looked into her master's eyes, hurt residing in her own crystal blue ones. Finally, she managed to break the trance and quickly lower her gaze. "O-of foolish of me. You are of marrying age...I-I guess I just...thought different," she murmured, scuffing the toe of her right shoe against the tiled floor. Bending at the waist, she bowed to her master obediently. "I...I guess I shall do as you allow...," she said quietly, straightening up. With a turn of her heel, she was gone from Alexander's sight, disappearing into a throng of people.

Right away, Jenny headed for the food and drink table, her throat suddenly feeling dry and parched. In the bustle of people, however, she couldn't dodge everyone in her path and eventually collided with another. Fear gripped her insides as she immediately pulled away to see who she might have offended. Her eyes widened a bit, seeing she had run into Abram, the supposed man though he dressed like a lady. "O-oh, I'm so sorry, M-miss! Oh! I-I mean, Sir, uh uh....I should have looked more where I was going. I was a fool, please forgive me," she stammered, stumbling over whether to call him Miss or Sir, not knowing what name he'd prefer. A slight embarrassed blush crossed her face and she examined Abram with her wide blue eyes, making sure she hadn't soiled his or his serf's attire in any way by accident. Having knocked into Lynix slightly as well, she hoped the serf wouldn't be angry with her either.

Xander looked confused as Jennifer seemed to freeze, what else was he suppose to say. What else did she expect of him? Her words cut him deep though for another reason . . . the pain he felt slightly behind them. He would reach after her only to let her slip away being too late. Why . . . why had the heavens decided to hurt him so, did they not know the rules of the land?

Given a deep sigh he would go to seek out his future wife to be. Fear gripped him as he finally spotted her again. His body trembled as he approached . . . how was he going to be able to keep eye contact if he couldn’t even speak with her. “M . . . m . . .Ms. Linden?” His voice was weak, soft at most, and he would take a deep breath trying to recompose himself. “I . . . “ another deep breath and he would close his eyes standing up straight trying to pretend this was nothing more than a business matter. It allowed him to get that strict coldness back at least. “I am Alexander Fargo.” He said managing to stay calm with his eyes closed as if he was greeting a business client. “I . . . If I’m correct, found out today that . . . we are arranged to be wed?”
Finally, Iliana sighed and walked up to the doors. She realized she was probably the last to arrive and that she'd already made her whole family look bad. Normally that wouldn't bother her but she was a bit off her game today. "Miss Iliana Gaelen, her serf Bret, and her parents, Rosalisa and Darrien Gaelen." was announced throughout the home as they entered. Iliana dashed inside, hoping not to draw too much attention to herself. She looked around at the huge ballroom, filled with other Vampires and their serfs, and she really hoped she was not the only unfortunate soul burdened by her parents this evening.
Abram would turn at the word madam, surprised that the word would still come from Lynix’s mouth. He would even be more shocked at the kiss, his pet had surely switched personas with another tonight. A part of him couldn’t help but beam with pride, while his face might have shown some of his shock. Truly Abram was much too similar to a woman at times. Lynix’s words would puzzle him so only for him to turn to Vinny and back to him. Had he known? Had he been that easy to read to this one, when he had been able to fool the world for so long of his feelings? Could this one before him see into him in a way that Vinny didn’t? The feeling that came from that thought Abram couldn’t quite understand so he did his best to push it away. “You’re much too bright to be where you are now” he would say softly, unable to stop himself from ruffling his hair before turning towards the drink table, only to have another collide in him.

An unfamiliar face would look up at him and if her youth wasn’t enough of a tell, he could tell she was human by the smell of fear that seemed to hang around her. He would laugh, “All is forgiven, and please call me Eve, this one has a few tricks up his sleeve to play, if you don’t mind cleaver one” He would wink when he spoke of trucks. A part of him wanted to ask what was her tell, for he knew he looked every part a woman, he would glance to Lynix and back to her, perhaps she would tell how she could tell he was more than meets the eyes. “Please relax and tell me of your name, and how one such as you could tell my little secret?” he would give her a warm smile, using any of Vinny’s learned charms wouldn’t work when he was dressed so, he had to use his own charms instead. His head would turn at the most recent arrival, her name announced at last.

Lynix chuckled as his head was rubbed, he let down his guard only for a moment and his master was crashed into. Fear filled the man, waiting for one or the other to be hurt, a low grow leaving his lips towards the other serf as if in warning. Although his master seemed to take it well, too well in away, moving to try to stand between the two. “You really should be more careful.” He glared coldly at Jennifer, only for the glare to lighten seeing her fear. “I . . . I mean . . . someone could have got hurt.” He gave a weak smile, glancing up to his master some, only for him to be staring off again. This man sure did keep his eyes on the ongoings a lot.
Jennifer swallowed hard, the soft curls bouncing about the sides of her face as her mind raced for an answer. "Jenny, you're fine. Just tell him your name. As long as you're calm, he won't lay a hand on you. Alexander wouldn't allow it," she scolded herself mentally. Though, she did jump in fright at the low growl that came from the other serf's throat. "Jennifer, m-my name is Jennifer," she finally answered, letting out a deep sigh that he didn't seem angry. She lifted her chin higher, scrounging up any courage she had left in her and tried to look calm and collected, though her hands still shook lightly in fear and she backed off a few steps to give the odd vampire-serf pair their space. "It was...simple deduction..," she replied softly, letting her eyes look up in Eve's then quickly lowering her gaze, "Trust me, you had me fooled at first. When they announced the name 'Sir Abram' at first I thought it was him, due to the fact that the name was male and I-I thought you were a lady." She gently gestured to Lynix, glancing to him for a moment. "However, I could tell by the way he carried himself. It was...a habit of mine on the plantation I guess. I can almost always tell who is a serf and who is a Master or Mistress by just the subtle gestures they do," she explained, clasping her hands behind her back anxiously, "I-I apologize, though, I shouldn't have assumed." The black-haired girl's tags jingled slightly as she paused to take a breath, awaiting his response.

Lynix’s eyes widen at her words, he . . . he had picked up mannerism from the vampires??? To . . . it was easy to tell that he was a serf due to these alone??? His lip curled in anger just by this insult alone and he wanted to pounce her there. The growl once more returning to him, nothing more than a warning, stepping between Jennifer and Eve annoyed with her. He knew her words were true, but that just meant they stung that much more. “Don’t you have your own vampire to play with?” he snapped finally at least he wasn’t attacking her physically, something he had also picked up from how he was raised. “Or are you just looking to insult and cause trouble.”

Abram’s eyes would turn from that of the ash-blonde figure entering and to the odd trio instead, now knowing what face matched the name. “Alas I hadn’t thought of such a thing, to my vision Lynix walks every bit a man with pride.. And yes, it’s not always wise to let on what you do show when you see beyond what’s there, it can make you stand out” his words would haunt him only moments later when Lynix would come between them and snap at the poor girl. In a way he couldn’t truly blame Lynix for being offended in such a way, but still he didn’t think it was nice to spit in her face so to speak. “Lynix, please remember yourself” he would say, unable to pay much attention to the two because the one he was watching was disappearing from sight. He would give a nod to the girl, Jennifer, he would tell himself softly, before mingling through the crowd, wanting to find out more about this one named Iliana.

Jennifer inhaled sharply as Lynix jumped forward, fearing he was going to attack her right then and there on the spot. However, he appeared to catch himself and instead, let loose a torrent of unkind words. Poor Jenny just stood there speechless, not knowing how to react. Finally, after several moments of silence, she bowed her head in order not to let the vampire and his serf see her tears beginning to gather. "I-I'm sorry... Y-yes, I do have a master here, but...he seems to not want me around at the moment," she managed to squeak, her voice only a soft whisper, "I didn't mean to cause any trouble." She carefully listened to Abram's words, clasping her hands together once more in order to keep them from shaking. "I hope you have a-a wonderful evening, Miss Eve," she told the vampire, curtsying politely. As soon as he had turned his attention elsewhere, though, she bolted through an opening in the crowd, lifting the folds of her dress to avoid tripping and falling on her face which would only cause more embarrassment. Much to relief, she found an exit from the main ballroom and slipped into one of the less busy rooms with fewer guests. There, she snuck off to a quiet, dark corner and leaned against the wall, sliding down into a sitting position on the floor. Lifting a hand, she furiously rubbed away the tears that had started to surface, trying to keep back the inevitable flood she felt coming.
Kew listened to him speak, for he was telling the truth. Was practically being a slave worth the soul of someone? She smiled until he became distracted, unable to finish what he was saying. From where Kew could pin-point, he was staring at another woman, who seemed oddly familiar. But the Vampirette shrugged it off. This was twice now that a man ignored her to stare at another woman. It wasn't that she had any romantic feelings towards Vinnie, she had just met him, but she couldn't help but think that maybe she wasn't pretty enough to catch a man's eye like all the other Vampires. When he finally turned his attention back to her and asked what he was saying, she replied, "Something about you'd rather freezing to death..."

Lynix was shocked when his master spoke of him having pride; only for the girl to seem to break down by his words alone. Wincing as his master got on to him due to his cruelty. Was he the only one in the world who seemed to get it? Or maybe he was the only one who didn’t really get it? He would glance back to Adam only to blink losing his master in the crowd, looking back and the girl would have been taken off as well. The crowd of people encircled him or so it felt now that he was alone, almost as if it was smothering. At least with Adam there . . . he felt connected in some way, now . . . now he was feeling lost and confused. So many . . . so many sickening beings around him, the weak who were crushed willingly and the strong that trampled on them.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Vinnie glanced back at the girl laughing some at her words. Only to pause realizing she was serious and rubbing the back of his head all cutely nervous. “Well . . . it must have been for a good reason. People don’t want to just freeze to death if it isn’t for a good reason.” He smiled down kindly at her before kneeling before her again. “One day I’m sure you’ll bloom into a beautiful flower, but now . . .” he smirked trying to ruffle her hair again. “you’re just a kid.”

"But now, you're just a kid." Kew scowled at those words. "Fifteen is not being a kid... In the Human world of other cultures, I should have been married years ago, the equivalent of thirteen... A Vampire may live longer, but I feel I should be treated not as a kid..." She gently grabbed his hand from her head, he having ruffled her hair a bit, "But at least as a young adult... Please don't undermine me like my family..." She looked into his eyes, hers pleading.

Vinnie’s smile faded at her words, and the pleading in her eyes. He would glance down some feeling a touch hurt and confused. “Yeah . . . but . . . if I see you as more . . . then the marriage seems plausible.” He frowned some standing to look her over before sighing at his thoughts. “Well then, if you want to be treated as an adult, you must know. I have been having an affair.” The dork it made it seemed like they were a married couple already or had known about each other for awhile. “You see, I could never love you.” He said with a soft smile and a simple shrug feeling even more foolish with the words that followed. “I have . . . well I have been madly in love with an illusion for some time now.”

When Vinnie said he had been seeing someone and couldn't love her in a joking matter, she stood and smirked, crossing her arms. "Fine, I never loved you anyway. You can go run off with whoever, but you won't receive any respect from me." She wrinkled her nose a bit when she laughed some.
Iliana's parents practically strutted about the mansion until they found the one person they were looking for- Abram. They walked up to him, and looked him up and down before saying anything. Neither one had expected their daughter's future husband to come to the ball... In a dress. Iliana's mother, Rosalisa, let out a sigh as father Darrien approached the young, um, man. "Excuse me, Sir Abram?" he asked. Not waiting for a confirmation, Darrien asked that Abram please come with them, and that he could bring his Serf along if he wished.

Once Darrien and Abram had left to go find a more private area of the building, Rosalisa found Iliana and Bret, who were hiding away from the others. "Bret, please excuse us for a few minutes," Rosalisa said to Iliana's Serf. "Feel free to mingle with the other Serfs, but do keep yourself out of trouble." With that, Rosalisa took Iliana's hand and led her daughter into the room where Abram, his serf, and Darrien waited for them to arrive.

"What's this about?" Iliana asked, looking over to her parents and then to the Vampire and his lady friend that were also in the room.

"Iliana, we have arranged a marriage between you and Sir Abram." her father said bluntly. Iliana's jaw dropped and she looked not to Abram but to the male human beside him. "Who... what?!" she stammered in disbelief.

Vinnie couldn’t help look at Kew with a smile, laughing at her as she played along. He leaned in to kiss her cheek softly and nodded. “Maybe if you were a touch older, maybe if I met you before the other could steal my heart.” He paused shaken his head, no even then he couldn’t see someone managing to steal him away from his Eve. Pulling away he just nodded some glancing back out to the party but losing site of Adam. “You know, you keep up with that strong spirit and beautiful laugh, I’m sure you’ll make someone very happy someday. You just have to be strong is all, because we all tend to be weak somehow. It’s because we’re missing, missing that other part of us. Together though, together it’s like you have no weaknesses, that you can do anything.” His eyes moved to rest on Kew once more, before smiling brightly. “I do have to say one thing though; you have greatly improved my day.” He laughed some more before going back to joking. “If I ever escape, maybe I can manage to give you that roof and food you so fear losing.”

Kew blushed ever so slightly when he kissed her cheek. "I'd like that." The vampirette replied after he mentioned escaping, and after hearing all the wise words he had to say. He seemed like the lazy type, but he sure also knew what he was talking about. "I hope you and the one who has your heart will be very happy together. But how about you go talk to h-..." Suddenly Kew's eyes widened. The person Vinnie was staring at was that smart-mouthed Abram disguised as a girl! Kew would know his face anywhere; no wonder 'she' seemed familiar! Vinnie said he was in love with an illusion, joking or not, some of that had to be true. Was that him?

Saying nothing more and giving Vinnie and nervous grin, she curtseyed formally. "Thank you." She said sincerely. "Go talk to the person you love."

Lynix was lost, only to notice his master again and do his best to meet with him. Joining his side he would glare at the vampires if they dare to refuse him. He would be sitting up ready to defend his master if need be, only to look up surprised at the announcement. A bit of a smile across his face, maybe . . . maybe this was what Adam needed. It was something to get away from the other foolish vampire. His eyes lifted to Iliana’s though as if to make sure she was worthy enough. Only to seem surprised at she looked at him, and his smile grew gentler. So . . . that’s the game his master wanted to play was it? Gently he would reach out for the vampire’s hand, and even if it disgusts him, he would gently kiss it properly. “It’s an honor to have this chance to meet you my fair lady.”

--- Merged Double Post ---

Vinnie had a blush cross his cheek when only to shake his head at her words. “She doesn’t really exist though, and, well the only other one I would like to hang out with . . . well . . . we had a fight. It might make no sense, but . . . even though she’s not real . . . I love her. It’s why marrying you wouldn’t be fair.” He laughed once more his eyes scanning the room again. “Sides, they seemed to have vanished from the ball at the moment. Probably to escape the many suitors that might give chase after such a lovely.” At her curtsy he paused before shuffling around a bit for pen and paper but finding none. “You, you know my address and such, or can get them from your washed up old mother? Maybe we can hang out sometime? Who knows, maybe I can introduce you to my best friend then. I think he’ll like you, he likes cute things.” He chuckled at the thought, wondering if Adam would like to play dress up with a girl as small and fragile looking as Kew. “If you have others you want to dance and flirt with be gone either way. You should enjoy the freedom this night brings you, be yourself and just live life to the fullest.”

Abram would be comically grabbed and led off to a room muttering to him about trying to steal his innocence and all, amused at the dirty look he got for that one. He would of course already know what this was about and would look between the man and Lynix, practically folding his arms and saying it was such a drag.

Abram would watch without a word when the final guests of this so called party would enter. He would take this time to examine her closer, wondering just what his parents, no who was he kidding, his mother, saw in this arrangement. Was it social gain, power or influence? Or perhaps they thought this one before him could stop his wild ways, make him a real man or whatever nonsense they believed in. Whatever it was they wanted he couldn’t see it from where he stood. He couldn’t stop from cracking a smile when she seemed in as much disbelief as he had been in discovery, well at least she isn’t in on it herself, he didn’t know if he should be more or less worried with this development. Ready with a cleaver remark as always, Abram would be stopped while Lynix decided to play his game after all and greet her. He could only grin, and Vinny thought he had picked the wrong serf.

The vampirette nodded at his speech. "I'll keep that advice in mind. But in return, please try to make up with your friend. I'm sure they're just as sorry as you are. Plus, if they're the only you have to want to be around, you have no other choice in the matter." She cleared her throat. "And I would love to visit sometime, my serf, Lily, would have fun, too. Speaking of which, where is she?" Kew turned around, realizing that when her mother pulled her away, they became separated. "Please excuse me, I have to go find her." Hopefully the serf was still outside, and Kew would slowly make her way to the door, trying to avoid bumping into anyone. "Lily!"
Iliana looked at Lynix. "Is it?" she asked. "I don't believe I've ever seen you around before, and you seem to have known about this long before I was told..." She sighed and turned back to her parents. "Why do I need to be married?" she asked them. Surely her family had nothing to gain, since they were already rich and well-known. She figured it had something to do with her childishness. Were her parents trying to make her grow up by forcing her to become a wife?

She looked back towards Lynix, who she'd mistaken for Abram. "And what dk you have to gain from all this?" she asked. Her father raised an eyebrow, knowing well that she was speaking to the wrong person, having met with Abram's mother to arrange the marriage. "Iliana, dear." Rosalisa started. "That... Isn't Abram..."

Iliana's eyes widened. "What?" she asked. "Then, where is this Abram?"

--- Merged Double Post ---

Lily heard Kew's voice and stood, walking back over to her Mistress. She'd been sitting there for so long she thought for sure that the Vampiress had forgotten her. A smile crossed her face when she saw Kew approaching. "Hello Miss Kew!" she said happily. "I was worried." she was tempted to ask Kew what happened when her mother dragged her away, but knew it wasn't her business. If the Mistress wanted her to know, she'd tell her.

Lynix smiled some when he was asked if it was really good to meet her. “Not all of us are so open with who we are.” He said sweetly, watching her protest only to frown some. What was he not good looking when it came to vampire eyes? Tsking he crossed his arms to look away, she wasn’t worthy of Adam for sure now. Already judging his worth and not even knowing what sort of man he truly was. “Nothing if it’s a shrew like you that is to be married.” Of course her parents had to spoil the fun, and he would spit off to the side as if to get rid of the grossness the kiss might have brought. Not about to be the one to give away his master, not to some shrew of a woman who thinks he’s not worthy of her.

The Vampirette quickly jogged towards Lily to greet her. "My apologies..." She chuckled a bit. "I'm fine, and glad you are, too." The sun was beginning to set, and that would mean the party had just begun. "We should get back inside, now." She suggested before grabbing Lily's hand and leading her back within the mansion.

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