Ambrose a Vampire RP

Lily smiled and giggled a bit before taking her Mistress's hand. "I'd love to." she said. She'd never had a friend before, and Lily was happy that Kew treated her as a friend moreso than a slave. She hadn't the slightest idea how to dance so she hoped that the Vampiress would take the lead. They walked to the middle of the floor, Lily enjoying the sound of the music that was being played. It seemed like the perfect slow yet somehow upbeat song to dance with Kew to.
Xander gave a friendly nod approvingly at Xavior only to glance over to Reverie when she said she wasn’t sure. Wishing he didn’t feeling foolishly lost afterwards he would just stumble back and look away. What was his father thinking setting him up? Perhaps not settling and producing a heir would be best, let the name die and the shame with it.

When she asked to hear about him his eyes widen, what was there to tell. “I have my hand in many businesses, and when I’m not busy with those I like to study and learn new things. I feel one can never learn enough . . . or can never stop bettering themselves.” This felt like a bad gag, maybe his father did this to make a fool out of him. “If . . . I . . . I know how it might end badly if it’s a forced marriage, and I wish not to . . . waste time if that’s what it will seem to be. My father . . . he won’t protest my denying any . . . he . . . well he should have known better. His arranged marriage brought our family nothing but pain and shame.” That coldness was finally back, but this time, it came with a bitterness that was harsh and true.
Bret sighed, “Who knows, I mean I have asked that question so many times and somehow the answer never really came up while they were beating me for such an impertinent question,” he whispered knowing their conversation was a bit edgy since they were in fact surrounded by vampires. “I can’t help but believe things must have been different but maybe I’m wrong, its happened before. Do you have a theory?” Bret asked allowing himself to glance at her for a second. She really was pretty little serf and seemed easy enough to talk to.
Reverie looked at Xander. Something seemed off about him. Not in a bad way. She felt she could trust him if need be, but he was so shy and awkward. She wondered what would make him this way.

She listened to his words and nodded. "I see. I do not think we are right for each other. Our families... I have only brought shame to my mother. Let me bring her more now. I am sorry Alexander Fargo, but I have no wish to marry right now." She smiled a little. "But....maybe we can be friends instead?" Maybe befriending Xander would get her mother off her back for a while. It could make it seem like Reverie wasn't ready yet but might come to like Xander later.

Lynix finally spotting Rosa would come up behind her, trying to stay calm, His eyes off to the side and towards the floor. “You’re . . . you’re HIS serf.” He said softly as he tried to get her attention. Here was probably the best one to ask about the man in which Abram hung with. “Can you tell me . . . can you tell me what worth such a fool like he has?” He wouldn’t touch Rosa, not this time, she came to the aid of the man at once. She was a serf just like a pup in her own way bowing and scraping at once when they thought it was needed or wish for. They all . . . they all just wanted a pat on the head or a treat, or to be told good boy. He hated it, he hated them all, and he especially hated himself for being trapped and willing to serve one of them, just like the rest, he was no better than any of them.

The vampirette took the lead and danced back and forth and side to side. Every once in a while she would twirl Lily and laugh if either one of them slipped up in their steps. Kew seemed happy despite what had happened, Vinnie managing to cheer her up. She kept on dancing as if the whole world was melted away, and she didn't care how ridiculous she looked with her and her serf dancing like two lunatics. More like two people who, at that moment, enjoyed life.
“Oh come now, you mustn’t say that. I do believe that I have gotten a few inches taller and a wee bit prettier since I was 65 (13). And you, well you have gotten taller and seemed to have filled out a bit since I saw you last,” Marque stood smiling as he took her hand and kissed it softly. It was a plain greeting yet she wished it was used more often. At felt nice to have a handsome vampire kiss your hand, it was somehow personal and if it became common would be less inconspicuous. “And it is nice to see you again, you always seem to be busy and what with my busy schedule of reading, sewing, singing, riding, and plain old just piddling around the house and doing my mother’s bidding we just haven’t had the time to get together. Than again based on this marriage we will be spending the rest of our eternal lives together,” Marque added with an eye roll.
Lily smiled the whole dance. She wasn't the best dancer but as she got used to it she got better at it, twirling around when Kew spun her and occasionally doing the same. They probably looked absolutely ridiculous to the others, and Lily was perfectly fine with that. Right now Kew was smiling and happy, and that was all Lily needed to be happy as well.

“As you wish.” Xander would bow hearing her words, staying to listen to her go on politely. How did she bring shame to her family? He couldn’t help wonder, and his eyes would subconsciously roam to her serf. That’s the only think he could think of, that’s how his own mother did it. When she spoke of being friends Xander would finally catch her eyes a touch of a blush filling his face. No one had really ever offered friendship before, well business like, or being kind to serfs, but friendship. He couldn’t help actually give a slight laugh of that, she must not know about him to offer such so easily. “The rumors of my mother are true.” He said keeping her eyes firmly, it was a serious matter and if she wanted to take back her words now would be the time. If she knew . . . knew of what happened, she didn’t have to be nice to him, she didn’t have to pity him. No far from it, he didn’t know how to react to such things. Insults were easy, looking down at him, finding him worthless; these were things he knew best.

A gentle sigh escaped Jennifer's lips as she continued gazing out at the beautiful dancers. "I wish I did... Even now, I have a kind master who's never laid a hand on me for speaking out of turn or making a mistake. Yet...his words sting worse than any whipping...," she spoke up, turning her head once again to look at the blonde serf. A bit rugged, and his grammar wasn't all that great, but at least he listened. Really, that was all that mattered... Of course, his upper muscles had grown strong from hard work and altogether with his long blond locks, he wasn't too bad on the eyes either. Reaching up, she fingered her tags, the small but strong reminders of her bondage, her slavery to the vampire race.

Hearing another approach and ask to join them, Jennifer's wide blue eyes looked over in time to see another male serf approaching. She smiled politely and nodded. "Of course...," she answered him. She had a few butterflies in her stomach, not used to keeping a conversation with anyone other than her master. Even at the plantation, she had been in solitary confinement and had gotten in trouble so often, that she had kept to herself constantly. She tried to keep a calm state of mind. She quietly smoothed out the folds of her dress that had gotten crumpled when she sat in the corner for so long, but all the while kept her attention to the other two serfs. Feeling nervous, she faced the dance floor once more, feeling the silent urge to dance, but shoving it away.
Kew, still dancing with Lily, looked to her. "I need you to help me with something, it's very important... I-I know I'm not a good speaker... Nor am I good with people but... I want to make a political statement... I want to become involved in politics, and I can't do it by myself. I've decided... I want to abolish the serf system. And I need you right by my side." She smiled.
Reverie was now getting confused, but in a sense something clicked. Something had happened with his mother. She wondered what. Something not good it seemed. Maybe she had did something like run off with another man? Reverie wasn't too sure. She had no desire to hear gossip or care what happened with others.

"I am sorry. I have spent most of my days at home, alone. I do not know what happens in other vampire families. If it is something bad, do no fear.Whatever happened with your mother is no concern of mine. I still want to be your friend, if you can manage being friends with the black sheep Linden."

Reverie did not speak of her own past with someone her family did not approve of. She did not know him well enough to speak of it.

--- Merged Double Post ---

Tress felt better when Jennifer seemed to not mind his coming into their discussion. He didn't want to be rude and intrude on something.

"I am sorry. It is just my Lady is with her... and I haven't really spoken to any humans outside the house I live in."

Xander seemed confused by her words, she didn’t care? He was starting to like this one, this one who could shrug off what the rest of the world might think. “You must be a pretty amazing woman to say and mean those words.” He said softly, his eyes slowly roaming the ball, not sure how strong he could stay in her presences. “I think I would deeply enjoy being your friend. Something about you . . . it puts me at ease. Maybe one day I’ll manage to be as strong as you are.” He wouldn’t comment on the black sheep part, she didn’t seem like one to do anything truly horrible and he knew a lot of the vampire families could be overly strict. Instead he allowed himself to be distracted by the lighter atmosphere this place seemed to start to have. Wondering what had lifted the tension throughout it somehow. What did one do at social events? He wouldn’t even know what to talk about, let alone how to act. His eyes went to the dance floor, Jennifer taught him to dance . . . but he barely got used to it with her. Still . . . it would seem a waste if he didn’t dance at least once while he was here. Maybe . . . maybe he should try to find his serf and . . . what was he thinking? Already he was thinking of doing an embarrassing thing with his serf, allowing the girl to get closer than she already was.

Rosa looked up to see Lynix, although he still had a crazed look in his eyes he seemed dapper in his little suit and if he wasn’t spoken to somebody might not know. “Yes I am HIS serf,” she replied cocking her curiously. His question got her off guard, “What do you mean? Everyone has worth in somebody’s mind. Even those handlers who beat us in the plantations were important to someone. I can’t answer that question for it is not a question for me alone to reply to,” Rosa said softly her eyes glazing over while she spoke. His eyes flickered curiously and she wondered what he was thinking, “You don’t let on how much you actually now do you? I bet you know a lot because people speak plainly in front of you even though you might be smarter than them,”
Reverie blushed. If she was happy by Xavior's small words, then Xander's compliment made her blush like mad. She was so not use to hearing nice things said to her. She couldn't believe what he said. Strong? She had never thought of that word when applying to herself.

She nodded though, finding that she is pleased by how the situation went. "No thank you for understanding. I hope we can be good friend Alexander." She wasn't sure what to do next, so she just smiled and nodded at him. Still she meant her words. She would have thought this would have gone bad. She was happy that her - now ex-fiance - was understanding of her desire to not wed. He seemed to not want to either, so it only made it better.

She moved back, looking at Xavior to see how he is doing. She moved to touch him again, lightly brushing a hand against his hair.

‘Well that was useless’ thought Lynix, she went on about everyone having worth and some other nonsense. It was obvious she wouldn’t be of much help. It was when she continued to speak though even though he stayed silent he would flash her a glare, only for it to soften as she complimented him. She thought . . . he was smarter than the others? “You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about.” He muttered looking away again some of his strong resolved wavering a bit. Slowly he placed a hand to his head before stumbling back a few feet in pain as he tried to think back a bit. “I don’t know anything!” He snapped at her annoyed as he dropped his hand suddenly just to glare at her for saying such nonsense to him. After awhile he would state softly in a depressed voice. “We’re serfs, we never know anything.”

Of course, throughout the whole 'flirting session' as Xavior saw it, he sat in a chair, brooding a bit. How could a man so selfishly turn down an engagement to her? Couldn't anyone see that she needed a companion? Then again, she didn't quite appreciate the thought of marriage in the first place, and Xavior figured she could do better. Much better. This Xander person, he was too impersonal. Too cold and hid his feelings. He crossed his arms and slumped down in his chair a bit.
Xander allowed the silence to stay for a moment before bowing and excusing himself. He didn’t know what else to do around her. She seemed to have everything she wanted well in order so to disrupt that in any way would be a sin. Instead he went to find himself a seat by himself, watching the dancers. Tonight would be a long night, but then again most nights ended up like that in some way. If he was lucky he could just blend into the background until it was time to leave.
Reverie watched Xander go then turned to her serf. She smiled a little. He seemed unhappy. Did he not like Xander? Maybe. But she knew he would not make a comment on him or what had just happened.

She moved closer to her serf. "Xavior." The name felt weird in her mouth. She was so use to calling him boy. "Would you like to dance?" Because why not? She wanted to dance and she didn't think Xander would be able to. She didn't care what looks she got from dancing with her serf. Not right now at least. Besides she thought she saw someone dancing with theirs anyways.
When Reverie asked Xavior to dance, of course he had no choice but to say yes, even though he hated dancing. He hated this whole party thing to begin with. Besides, they never taught him how to dance at the plantation. He looked up at her and sighed. "I don't know how..." He murmured.
Reverie looked down at Xavior and a small laugh escaped her lips. She covered her mouth, but there was no hiding how amused she was.

"So unrefined. I guess I must play the teacher again. Come, stand. I will show you how. It is not that hard." Luckily a slow song was playing and she thought she could managed to teach Xavior some.
Abram would look confused as Vinny pulled away, only to hear him speaking such things. He would let out a breath in defeat; it seemed no words would convince him otherwise. In all honesty he wanted to yell at him for saying such things. Surely his Vinny couldn't think he was anything less than Abram, could he? Abram would hold back the urge to yell at him for such thoughts, but the last thing he would do would be fight with him in public, plus he still felt somewhat off with Vinny after their fight. He would then force a smile “But I’ve always looked up to you” he would tease at the height difference, being as Vinny was always a few inches taller, even in youth. "Don’t get me started on your parents” his face would take a sour note. At his comment about falling for an illusion, Abram’s face would be startled, only for him to think on it for a moment and to laugh. “Oh you must have teased the poor girl such. And here I thought I would have to rescue you… all my gallantry wasted” he would tease with a smile.

Vinnie raised an eyebrow as Adam turned his serious words into jokes. Only to sigh and shrug, turn about was fair play after all. Then he would go on about his parents in some way, as if clinging to a subject that was safe, that they both easily agreed with. “You asked.” He said softly not sure why he couldn’t get into the teasing mood so much himself. Today . . . he just felt off, like the ache was strong, or something was poking at the back of his mind. Almost like he had this box, and he didn’t dare remove the lid to look inside, but he was oh so curious. When Adam told Vinnie his line was teasing the girl that was almost the last straw. He stepped back gently taken Adam by the hand and tried to lead him off the dance floor, somewhere a bit more private. “I wasn’t teasing her Adam.” He said softly, not sure why it was so important that his friend understand this part of him.
Lily looked shocked at her Mistress's words. "You want to WHAT?" she asked. She had stopped dancing when Kew said that and was now just standing in place, in a dancing pose but frozen. She took a step back. "That's... That's big, Miss. The humans will surely all be rooting for you, but in our state we can't do anything to support your decision. And surely the Vampires will shun you... It is ultimately your decision, of course, and I will be by your side no matter what. I just hope you understand the possible consequences of your actions. You'll be supported by those with no powers, and hated by those with all the powers. Some Vampires may be on your side, but the majority will not." She hoped Kew knew what she was doing, but would follow her anywhere and always be there for her. Even if the plan worked and theough some miracle the system was abolished, Lily would remain by Kew's side.
Abram felt so unsure of himself next to Vinny now. The fight had reawakened old wounds, the possibility that he could lose him was once more dangled in his face. Abram knew he couldn’t act like this or the possibility could become the reality. Right away at his words he saw Vinny’s upset, his attempt to humor failed. While being led off away Abram would stare at the back of Vinny’s head, as if he could figure out his inner workings, not understanding why he would pull him away. ‘I wasn’t teasing’ those words went straight through Abram. Suddenly he was back to the night of his first kiss. “If Eve was real then, you think she would actually take me as her true love?” Could-could it be true? Was Abram’s greatest competition a version of himself that didn’t truly exist? Surly if a god existed, even they couldn’t be that cruel. Abram was at a loss, he didn’t know whether to scream, laugh, or cry, but of course his body would react without his consent and his eyes full of puzzlement and pain would start dripping tears. Why couldn’t his Vinny had fallen for him instead?


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