Ambrose a Vampire RP

Lynix was all smiles till how she answered, of course cause the cold frown to return. What did she mean by ‘what’ didn’t she care to meet her real fiancé? “You ran off so fast last time, not a thought in that head of yours.” He was actually muttering some, glancing away for some reason, even he couldn’t figure out why. “I get why you don’t give others a chance. But . . . but you’re wrong not to give Master one! To jump and think he’s doing this to get any worth from you. You’re not worth anything.” Finally he would manage to glare at her again. “A shrew like you would be lucky to get even half the man he is.”

Kew shook her head when Lily offered for the vampirette to take her blood. The very thought disgusted her. Instead she curled into a ball on top of a line of chairs. She then drifted off to sleep to the sound of the music and the chattering of people.
Iliana glared. To think that these two hunted down for the sole purpose of upsetting her even more. "Prove me wrong then." she said simply. If this person was having this much fun of being rude, he better have a d*** good reason behind it. This Abram better be a saint, for as much ego as his Serf was giving him. This Serf had quite a mouth on him. She'd had every right to leave the situation before; she was not about to let her parents, or these two for that matter, see her broken or upset. Why her parents wanted her to be married, she had no clue. She turned to Abram. "I take it that you're Abram, then?" she asked, her voice still quiet and cracking from the million emotions flooding through her.

Lily sighed when Kew refused. She knew that Kew was disgusted by taking blood, but the Vampiress in her needed the blood to survive. Her mistress curled up and fell asleep. Lily sat quietly in the chair unoccupied by her Mistress's body and waited, never leaving her.
Abram would grin and bow, looking slightly odd while doing so in a dress “The one and only… at least I hope” He sounded sincere enough, though the side remark was but for a smile. He would typically try to kiss her hand or another friendly gesture, but he had a feeling if he tried to touch her now he just might get slapped. He shook his head at that, it would do horrors for his complexion. “Tis a pleasure to formally meet you m’lady… at least I would hope so…” she didn’t seem too fond of the arranged marriage bit either, so as long as she wasn’t putting on quite a good act he felt as if he had an ally instead of enemy. He wasn’t exactly fond of the odds of five on one, but four on two… tides would turn in both their favor, no?

Lynix huffed at how the girl started to act again. Her words ‘prove it’ echoing around in his head. He was grateful when his master finally introduced himself. That smug look filling his face again, yes, he was starting too really like his master in certain ways. Of course in his eyes his master was way to soft at times . . . then again if he wasn’t that way Lynix probably would have started to slip rat poison into his drinks as well. His eyes trailed back to the fiery vampire more interested in her for the time being. Was she just hot headed? If so it would be a shame, such a pretty head being so empty.
Iliana decided to at least give him a chance, now that he'd introduced himself rather than letting the Serf speak for him. "It's... Nice to meet you too." she said. She attempted a small smile. "I do have one question though, if you don't mind my asking." She paused for a moment to see if the human would have a retort to this, then continued. "Why... Are you in a dress? I mistook you for a lady... I mean, I suppose that was the point, but I can't help but wonder why?" She cracked a bit of a smile. "If I try to dress anything less than a perfect lady, my mother throws a fit... I could only imagine what my parents would say if I dressed like someone of the opposite gender."
Abram would find himself smiling and laughing “Why because I look beautiful in one” He would tease looking ever innocently while saying so. If she didn’t go about with a scowl or harsh words he would only give a genuine smile. “To tell you the truth it’s a long story that I have yet to finish reading, but in short, it’s a piece of who I am” his eyes would scan her at this. Would she mock or treat him cruely as others had in the past, or perhaps she might just embrace it as only Vinny had. No that wasn’t fair, Lynix too seemed to accept him for who he was, more or less, but that one was ever the complicated puzzle to him. He would tisk and shake his head “That would not do, your face is too beautiful for such a thing to work.”


Lynix caught the smile and the fact she seemed, nicer to her master at least now. Not expecting that he wanted something . . . when she had a question, he would just raise an eyebrow. He himself was expecting her to ask why Adam had no control over his serf. Only for the real question to come out and Lynix to actually try to hold a laugh, a huge smile and he did his best to keep his lips closed and the laugh in. Okay maybe this girl did have a bit of wit, or spunk, whatever it was he started to like it more and more. For him to truly laugh was probably rare, and the fact she had manage to get him to almost do so in public was an embarrassment to himself in ways. Then again her question was more than reasonable, one Lynix himself even wondered the answer too at times.

Of course his master would only answer back with a tease getting a sigh from Lynix, corny and foolish. It was when he gave a true answer though even he would glance up to his master a bit in awe. He . . . did it just because it was part of who he was? Frowning Lynix couldn’t help look down a bit . . . who was HE himself. His master knew who he was, the shrew probably knew who she was . . . but who was Lynix? When his master complimented his future to be wife he kept his own head down.

Iliana blushed the tiniest bit at the compliment, completely out of character for her. She looked around the ballroom to hide the pink in her cheeks until it faded away. She didn't mock Abram. "Understandable," she said instead, her face completely serious. She knew that it made her unhappy to be told what to do and how and when to do it, and Abram clearly was much like her, not caring much about what others said about her. They were similar in that way, at least. "Who cares what others think? You should do what makes you happy..." she said quietly with a cute smile. Maybe... This wasn't so bad. "And you do look surprisingly stunning in a dress, especially for a man." she said, trying to hold back laughter.
Abram couldn’t contain his excitement, ally it was. He would shrug “I haven’t grown enough to learn to care about such things” more or less those were his parents words about all of the ‘antics’ he pulled and whatnot. As if he wanted to grow up and be anything like the two of them. “why thank you dearie, I’d say the same to you, but I doubt comparing a flower to a man is much a compliment”


Lynix looked up at her surprised she so easily accepted his master. It both mad him happy, and in some ways angry. The blush she gave set him off growling some, although he himself wasn’t even sure why. Then again the talk about not caring what others think and doing what made you happy. He frowned looking away again . . . that only went for vampires in their eyes right? A serf went too face and they were put down after all. When his master started to flirt with the girl he would glance back to Adam surprised. Didn’t he . . . no this was for the best, Lynix reminded himself, either way he couldn’t stand around and watch it for some reason. If he could, he would try to slip off into the crowd since he was once more nothing more than a shadow to them anyways.

Iliana smiled a little. "My parents are disappointed in me. I apparently haven't grown up enough for them either. In all honesty, I think that's the reason they want me to be wed. They're trying to make me grow up. But really... I don't want to, I suppose. I enjoy poking fun a others, and getting on other Vampires' nerves. It's just... Me." She crossed her arms. Then she noticed Abram's Serf sneaking away quietly. She was going to say something, but the two of them hadn't made the best impressions on each other and she would rather him go and become less angry than stay and possibly get into another argument. Once he was gone, she looked back over to Abram. "I'm sorry about earlier. I'm pretty... Short tempered. My parents are always doing things that I don't agree with, and for them to push marriage on me right after I'd just become of age feels so... Sudden."
After a short nap, the Vampirette arose from her slumber and sat completely up. She was still feeling very weak, but at least the little catnap allowed her to regain some energy. She still wasn't completely in the right state of mind due to her starvation of blood, but at least she was conscious and aware of her surroundings. She was, however, very thirsty. Sneaking away when Lily hadn't been paying attention, the vampirette made her way towards the refreshment tables. Unfortunately, she had accidentally bumped into someone, making her fall on her bum. Realizing what happened, she quickly stood and bowed to whomever she so rudely clashed with. "I-I'm sorry!" She apologized, bowing at the waist.

Lynix moved through the crowd, getting to the food and drink finally escaping in his eyes only for someone else to bump into him. What was this some sort of game people started to play, who can bump into him and his master first. His lips curled and a growl would leave them and he glanced over only to look around confused. It was her voiced that had him finally look down at the shorter female . . . what was she doing here? She looked like the type he could snap the neck of with one hand alone. Course when she bowed to him he merely looked confused a hand going to rub at his neck where the collar normal was. “You’re a ser f?” Surely this girl couldn’t be a child . . . she was too submissive.

Kew blushed out of embarrassment for bumping into someone she had never met. Kew was always one for making good fist impressions, and this one didn't seem to go too well. "N-No... My name is Kew..." She murmured, not making direct eye contact, being timid around new people, and she had truly thought this boy was a vampire, he sure looked like one.
Lynix looked confused at her answer, she . . . wasn’t a serf? When she gave him her name he started to glance around as if trying to figure if it was some sort of joke. “Lynix” he said in a slightly muffled voice, he would slowly glance her over before actually leaning down to try to get inches from her face. “Show me your fangs.” Bold sure, but he wanted to make sure he wasn’t losing his mind . . . well again. If she was a vampire, how could she ever hope to keep her serfs in line? Especially with how weak and gentle she seemed.
When the stranger began to lean into her personal space, she took a step back and twirled her thumbs nervously. He then asked-no, ordered her to show her fangs. She turned her head away from him. Her fangs were the vain of her existence. Everything about her was offensive, bu her fangs seemed to make anyone disgusted to be around her. She shook her head frantically, refusing to do anything of the sort.

Lynix raised an eyebrow as she backed away still submissively. It was when she refused to show him poof he would just stand up straight as if he was about to forget her. “As I figured, just another serf. If you’re going to try to act like a vampire, you will need a lot more confidence than that.” He glanced down at her once more. “As well as a lot more strength in ways . . . why are you even claiming to be one of those dirty blood suckers anyways?” He knew he shouldn’t say it in such away in the open like this, but if he was going to get beat for it so be it. Abram was starting to make him soft anyways, and perhaps the sting of pain was all he needed to help him remember the true darkness of this world.

Kew turned to face him, a scowl on her face. Despite how much she hated how Vampires acted, she was still a Vampire, a felt a sense of loyalty to that. "But I AM!" She protested. Then she realized something. "...One of those dirty Bloodsuckers..." Did that mean he was t a Vampire? She blinked. "I'm sorry... I thought you were... A Vampire... But I really am one!" With great hesitation, she opened her mouth to reveal the dull stubby fangs that couldn't break skin even if Kew wanted to.

Lynix glanced back at her surprised when she started to throw a fit of sorts. If she wasn’t so small he would have easily decked her without worries. She wanted him to believe she was one, and when she opened her mouth to prove it to him he leaned over once more for a better look. Hell if he could pull it off he would even try to poke and prick one of his fingers on the small fangs, probably failing if they really dull. Blinking as he dropped his hand looking at her in actual surprised and confusion, to find out there were vampires like this as well. “How many . . . end up like you?” He asked curious, maybe if the vampires were starting to get weaker like this the serfs actually stood a fighting chance.

"I'm the only one..." Kew stated quietly. "The only one who hates the taste of blood, has to eat food to survive, and can't produce venom..." When the Vampirette realized she was chattering and most likely boring the serf before her, she gave him a nervous smile. He was very odd and quite bold to act in such a way in front of a Vampire. Granted he was handsome and could easily be mistake for a Vampire himself, but if anyone were to find out, it would mean trouble. "Im sorry... I should get going..." Just as she was about to step away, dizziness over came her, and she began to wobble.

Lynix took in her words carefully, before frowning deeply. “Vampire, you shouldn’t be telling people those things, they’re just look down on you.” He said calmly, allowing her to run away if she wanted, his eyes going back to the minor drink and food. Catching her wobble, he would start to watch her from the side. Yeah . . . she was a new way to rebel, but it wasn’t vengeful enough for his taste. Then again . . . he frowned as he could feel a touch of heat come to his cheeks. That . . . no . . . he was getting to be just as foolish as his own master if he wasn’t careful.

The vampirette luckily made it to a dark corner, where she allowed herself to collapse. She was at her limit, and became very tired. No, she wouldn't die that easily, but if she wasn't careful, she could slip into a blood comma. But that wasn't what concerned her a the moment. That serf she had just encountered seemed very odd. She could sense a bit of danger around him, but that also intrigued her all the same. She began to wonder whose serf he was. Kew hated the thought of punishment, but if it had been anyone but her, the serf's actions would lead him into trouble, and possibly bring shame to his owner. That's what the vampirette thought, at least. But Kew couldn't bear to be the tattle-tale, it might only hurt the serf more if his owner was cruel. And after all, he wasn't that rude to her.
By now Marque had found a small group of socialites to stand with. She was not necessarily participating but their gossip was intriguing. The vampiress never spread any rumors but occasionally if things got out of hand she would produce a rumor about a girl in the group and whisper it to another vampiress in the group. They always managed to punish themselves without Marque’s full help. So far it was harmless chatter about gowns, marriages, carriages and other ridiculous details but it was something to listen to and humor herself with so Marque stood by.

Her eyes glazed over and than she began to more thoroughly look around for an escape. The girls had remained too focused on the difference between two shades of red and their merits for far too long. That is when she spotted Timothy again, this time with a serf beside him, “If you will excuse me,” she said softly to the girls all though know of them cared. “So you seem to have fulfilled you roll as a Master,” the word was still odd on her tongue, “ and found your serf,” Marque commented smiling at the young girl beside him.

Bret noticed how Jennifer watched the dancers and he wondered if she wanted to be out there with them. He had learned a few basic steps in case his Mistress had wanted to practice and now he couldn’t help but count to the music. Then he felt her gaze as he pretended to watch the Vampires move across the marbled floor as if they were floating on air. Her eyes lingered and he was unsure why. Bret felt as if he were being inspecting but he resisted the urge to roll down his sleeves and cover himself completely with whatever object he could find. But he didn’t and he didn’t accuse her of staring because she was just curious and who could blame him. He was like staring at a folded up piece of paper who still showed the creases from its past.

What really surprised Bret was her decision to say something. The serf looked down at his feet contemplating the moment and his response, “Thanks, you don’t hear people say that often,” he said softly. “But I’m sure you have your fair share of scars.”
"Yes, I believe so," Timothy answered, gently bringing his young serf forward. "Amber, this is Marque, my fiance," he introduced the two, using a bit of sarcasm over the word fiance, "My Lady, this is Amber, my serf." He knew very well Marque was just about unsure of the marriage as he was, and because of that, they both almost seemed to treat it as a joke. However, Timothy couldn't push away the seriousness of the situation as well. Many many high class vampires knew very well about the arrangement and were expecting the union of the Master of Arion horses and the cunning, beautiful dark skinned Lady Stone.

Jennifer looked down slightly at Bret's soft response and she nodded slowly, thinking of the many scars across the back of her legs. Her mind began to wander back to the plantation, bringing up horrible memories, but it was too painful and she looked back up at the other serf, needing to get her mind off them. "I'm blessed, though. My master is quite kind, not believing in such physical abuse as the plantation vampires did..." she explained, "I only hope you've come across a gentle one as well."

The black haired girl glanced over to him as he watched the vampires dance and couldn't help but wonder once again if he knew how to dance. She chewed her lip slightly, pondering whether she had the courage to ask him. Sighing, she lowered her gaze again, just too timid.

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