Ambrose a Vampire RP

Bret watched as Jennifer and the other serf marched away to go dance. He should have asked her but he had gotten so caught up in the moment and the music that he had forgotten the reason he had walked over to begin with. However their dance did not seem to last long for she eventually broke away to go speak with who he assumed was her Master. Their debate seemed serious but he quickly lost sight of them in all of the commotion. With a grunt Bret downed the rest of his drink, it wasn’t that strong of a wine and he figured it was watered down but he didn’t pick up another glass. The serf looked about the room for another’s company.

Xander was stuck . . . he knew not what to say or do. She . . . she just had to go there, dart to bullseye. To make matters worse . . . she just had to cry . . . and destroy any defense he might have. Sighing at how she reacted . . . didn’t she know him better than that? To announce such things foolishly yet to reach so afterwards, his eyes scanned the room, she was going to ruin him for sure. Slowly he stepped forward and held out a hand for her. “Come here” his words were almost whispers, of course if she came he would hold her tightly trying to sooth her some. “You just don’t seem to understand what you ask.” He said softly still as he felt his own heart break in ways. “You don’t seem to get how things work. You may . . . how much you may end up destroying me in the end.” He sighed not knowing what else to say as he pulled back to try to wipe her tears. “I had to pick the difficult one.” He gave her a soft smile, he admired her for that, maybe even loved her. That was the problem though . . . his past seemed to be running to catch up with him, to haunt him in a new light now.

Rosa danced for what seemed was hours but never tired. The songs stretched on and on yet every time one ended she just kept going swaying and leaping from partner to partner as the music carried her. It just happened that at the moment her Master came out of the supply room with Sir Adam she had a perfect view of the scene. At first she couldn’t hear a word but the body language was enough, and than they kissed. Her breath caught in her throat and she froze stock still. Her partner stared at her confused, “Hey come on,” he slurred and in a blur Rosa slapped the serf away while she just stood and stared. He left thoroughly confused and took another girl onto the floor while she just stood.

Had she not seen the signs? Had she not known this might happen? The connection between those two was undeniable and she had admitted it to herself but this still hurt. It burned like a fire in her stomach whispering words like, “I told you so,” and, “you were stupid to even think you had a chance,” and even, “Maybe if you had been a stupid whore he would have cared for you in such a way.” Rosa bit her lip until she tasted before disappearing. She slipped out of the ballroom and into the cold harsh night air. She let the breeze lick across her blazing skin yet she still shivered.
Jennifer waited and waited...but that rejection never came. Ever so slowly, she opened her eyes and lowered her arms, just staring at him for a few moments. At his command, her entire body shook tremendously, but she obeyed, carefully moving one foot in front of the other until she before him. To her great surprise, she found herself once more wrapped in his arms. Her heart seemed to stop at his touch and she flinched, convinced it was some kind of trick at first. But as he held her tightly against him, Jennifer couldn't hold up any longer and she seemed to collapse into his embrace, tears flowing down her soft cheeks and wetting his jacket as she buried her face into him. Her arms wrapped around his middle and she remained there for quite some time, the tears seeming endless. "I-I'm sorry....I wish I-I could understand you...b-but how can I when I c-can't even understand myself...," she stammered, keeping her eyes closed.

When Alexander moved to step backwards, Jennifer released her hold and allowed him to, not bearing to look up at his face. That is, until she felt his gentle fingers disperse her tears, for then she had no choice but to open her eyes and gaze up at him. "I-I'm afraid you're right...I-I'm sorry I'm so difficult...," she murmured, swallowing a bit. A knot had settled at the base of her throat and now she found it hard to speak. "I-I's just who I am. I now realize...I-I can't change that, no matter how hard I try..." She clasped her hands together in front of her, the trembling having subsided greatly, though it was still there slightly. "The last thing I want to do i-is destroy you....yet this keeps happening," she whispered sadly.

Timothy rubbed the back of his neck and his face turned a slight shade of red as he frantically tried to recall what Marque's deal had been that she proposed. "Darn that Amber for distracting my thoughts...," he sighed mentally. "Pardon me, My Lady, but I seem to have forgotten what your proposition was in fact. I apologize, my head is simply spinning with all this chaos today. Everyone seems to have SOMETHING to say to me, whether it be about my...solitary state or the horses. I haven't been able to get a break until now," he explained sheepishly, glancing over at Amber. "See, I told you her temperament was just as lovely as her looks," he chuckled, winking at his supposed fiance.

Xander couldn’t help smile, she was such a mess, but it was such a cute mess. What was he going to do though? Now, here, it was all a bad place and a bad time. “I don’t mind difficult, I think I could use a bit of difficult now and then.” He said softly gently moving a hand to straighten her hair or try to fix her up some. Always semi neat and such when it came to appearance, of course no matter how she looked it couldn’t really be bad. He just worried what others might thing; he always worried of the others. “Do you think you can manage to . . . be okay till we get home?” He asked her softly willing to take her straight there if she wanted even. Subconsciously a hand of his stroked her cheek gently with his thumb, looking into her eyes. How much a fool was he, he was just as guilty as her in ways . . . and he couldn’t help wonder if it would make a difference if she understood or not.

Abram was unnaturally quiet as Vinny led him outside. Everything was just so different now, he didn’t know how to adjust and was afraid that now he could do something to easily scare Vinny away. Perhaps a part of the reason he didn’t tell Vinny of his feelings sooner had to do more with these sort of complications, but it was too late now, he had to find a way to just be himself around Vinny now. There was no difference after all, just now everything Abram did would be seen in a new light, and he was far from a romance expert as his friend… no, what was Vinny to him now? His thoughts would be interrupted as Vinny held his hand out before him and he would sit with him doing his best to unwrap his poor job without hurting him and trying to access the damages. “It don’t look broken but it is swelling up some. You should take better care of yourself” he would mummer while lightly touching the skin to confirm his suspicions. The torn cloth would do nothing for Vinny now all bloodied so he would dampen an unstained part of it before trying to wipe away the dried blood. Without a word he would carefully rewrap the hand with a new piece of cloth, hoping his impromptu work was good enough for now.

Jennifer couldn't help but give a soft smile at his words of her difficulty. She stood obediently still as he began to fix her up. A slight blush of embarrassment crossed her cheeks as she realized she must have looked so flustered and out of place from her outburst. However, the blush deepened as his thumb tenderly massaged her cheek and his eyes finally met hers. He was...actually looking right at her without fidgeting? Hesitantly, she raised her own hand and gently placed it upon his which was still on her cheek. Now she was the anxious one, still looking back into his eyes, but still a bit nervous. At his inquiry, her head bobbed up and down slowly. "Yes, I-I believe I can manage not to have another emotional meltdown until we return home," she answered, chuckling. A warm feeling washed over her, dispersing the coldness of fear. She had almost forgotten how nice it was to laugh now and again. Glancing down at herself, she brushed off her dress somewhat. "D-do...I look presentable?" she asked, worried that she'd caused ugly creases or folds in her rush to get out of the crowds.
Amber was unsure how to take her kindness. The one that insisted on being called Lady Marque seemed a bit bubbly for Amber’s taste, and she couldn’t help but to wonder if it was an acquired taste or if she was just a horrible and dark person for disliking this one for no reason. Was she just trying to make an excuse for the unexplainable bit of resentment she felt in her heart? “If that pleases you Lady Marque” she would respond with a smile, after all she wanted to play nice, she hated being so petty and would do her best to counter her own negative thoughts. At Timothy's words she would offer a less than genuine smile "But of course". Her heart was a damned fool.

“Oh well I was just proposing to your serf that she could either simply call me Marque and I would simply call her Amber or if she must call me Lady Marque than I would simply have to call her Lady Amber. It only seems fair and since she is the serf of such a well known and respected vampire she must hold some status,” she teased lightly with a bit of an eye roll. “You flatter me, you truly do but once again this evening is not just about me even though we all wish it were but for right I want to know what is going on with you? You know my mare, Lilly, can still beat your stallions fair and square,” she teased thinking of her stark white mare she had bought from him years ago. "And see now Lady Amber has accepted my offer maybe Tress will too!" she laughed.


Xander raised an eyebrow as she mentioned emotional melt down. “Shame, I guess that means we should go right home.” He blushed a touch when he realized what he was doing by her mere touch alone. He knew he was signing his soul to hell slowly already by now. When she asked about her dress he seemed confused only for his thoughts to come back into focus with their current surroundings. Stepping back he would nod, “perfectly so.” He gave her a friend smile his eyes going towards the door, where the crowd was. That . . . that was where his biggest dread was . . . what were they thinking of the two of them, saying even. He looked back to her uncertain now, didn’t she realized what she asked for would rip him apart? That . . . if he was to give in, he would lose all he had built himself to be, maybe even who he was.

"Oh," Timothy exclaimed softly, not realizing what she had meant at first, "Lady Amber. That has a nice ring to it, doesn't it now?" Sighing, he shook his head and chuckled. "I do believe that I've gone soft. First allowing my childhood friend to tease me so and now encouraging my serf to be treated as a Noblewoman," he declared, shoving his hands into his pockets as was his favorite custom. However, when Marque brought up that she could beat him in a race, he raised an eyebrow. "Is that so...? I do believe Golden Wings has really grown to his full potential. He is no more that fiesty little colt he once was, but now a full blown stallion," he couldn't help but brag in return. His piercing green eyes searched Marque's face then glanced down to his serf. Reaching out, he laid a hand on Amber's shoulder. "Though, I do believe this little one rides better than most vampires I've seen. She's graceful and strong, and if I were to somehow get her a mount of her own, we shall all see who is the fastest, hm?" he suggested. He was normally so calm and serious, yet Marque always seemed to bring out the light-heartedness in him. How she managed to do it, he had no idea.

(Golden Wings - )

When Adam commented about taken better care of himself Vinnie just laughed a bit before pausing and realizing. “You know . . . you’re right.” He laughed a bit more at the thought of it. “I guess I finally have a reason too.” He smiled warmly at Adam wincing only a touch as Adam checked it out. Vinnie was used to taken pain one way or another, be it protecting Adam, or doing foolish things like punching the walls. He felt Adam was being weirder around him for some reason, of course he didn’t understand why. In his eyes, announce their love was just the same as never announcing it, if the feelings stayed the same the whole time it was. Of course as he was starting to look around not one to stay still for long without a though he would pause his eyes catching a rose bush. “You know . . . I think I may have lost my serf in ways today. Well . . . after our fight . . . like her respect or something. She . . . she planned to make notes about me throughout the party. I kind of lost her when my ex-fiancé’s mother grabbed me but . . . I keep seeming to mess up with everyone at times don’t I?”

Jennifer sighed in relief as Alexander stated that she looked fine, smiling shyly at his compliment. When he turned to face the exit, she noticed his anxiety return like a flood crashing down on him. Immediately, she set her mind to work, running through various scenarios she could use to her advantage. Finally, she managed to find one which she thought would work splendidly. It was the least she could do after he had comforted her so... Spying a clothes closet nearby, she whizzed over to it, opening the door and reaching inside. When she retracted her arm, there was a fashionable hat grasped in her fingers and she quickly shut the door, careful not to slam it and cause more attention. Turning to face Alexander once more, she calmed her mind and set to work initiating her plan.

Running over to Alexander, she stood by him and bowed as they both stood in the doorway. "O-Oh I'm sorry, Master Alexander! Here is your hat as you asked. I apologize, I-I got lost. If you hadn't come to check up on my whereabouts, I would have disgraced you by not being able to find my way back...," she told him, though loudly enough for the other guests to hear. Some of the other party members, who had begun to wonder where Alexander had gone with his serf, nodded in realization and turned back to their conversations with one another. A tiny, almost unnoticeable smirk appeared on Jennifer's lips as she handed Alexander the hat then curtsied once more. "You're welcome," she said, answering his thank you before he even had time to think about responding to her actions.
“Tsk, Tsk, Tsk according to all those important legal papers our parents signed we are more than childhood friends, I guess I will let it slip this time,” Marque said shaking her finger. “But yes, it is undeniable you have gone quite soft on us.” She watched his expression shift when she spoke of horses, “Oh don’t look so surprised, you are in fact the one who bred and sold her to me. But I bet that gangly golden colt still can’t beat such a refined, fiery mare like My Lilly. However your serf on the other hand may be some real competition if she is as good as you say. And getting her a mount shouldn’t be a problem, last time I checked you are Timothy and you are the Master of the Arion Horse Livery so a lack of horses will never be a problem for you.”

Poor Xander was just more lost and confused at her actions, didn’t she realize people might see it as the act it was. Glancing to the hat confused he just nodded, it wasn’t his hat, he didn’t even bring a hat that evening. Secretly he would have to find away to put it back later, exciting with her though twirling the hat in his hands some. He actually would start to laugh after awhile, honestly laugh. She was just so . . . unique, and funny, and the things she did, he could never expect really. He actually ended up putting the hat on her head some with a charming smile trying to calm himself. Leaning in so that he could whisper to her hoping no one else can hear. “Make sure that gets back into its proper place.” That night they would have to have a talk, fix through worries, maybe find a solution, but for now . . . maybe they could just enjoy themselves.

"O-of course," Jennifer answered in a whisper, grinning sheepishly in return. Her light blue eyes widened immensely as she heard...was that a laugh? Indeed, to her own shock, Alexander was laughing. How sweet and light was his laughter, like that of a young boy. It indeed would make sense if the last time he'd laughed was before his mother left. Had she really brought out that joy in him? For a while, she just remained there, peering up at him from under the hat's rim, which she lifted up with her fingers. The hat was too big for the young serf, resulting in quite a comical scene, like that of a child attempting to put on her father's jacket. Being too big, it slid down to her nose and completely covered her eyes until she lifted it up high enough to see.

Alexander's own laughter was contagious and soon Jennifer too was laughing. Finally after some time, she pulled the cap from her head and held it in her hands as she fingered the material. "Would you like anything from the refreshment table, Master Alexander?" she inquired, tilting her head to the side as she awaited his reply.

Xander shook his head after awhile, glancing to the hat, then to her again a gentle smile on his face. “No, but there is one thing I would like.” He would bow politely before her before holding out his hand. “May I have a dance?” He had watched enough serfs and master’s dance to know it wouldn’t be too harsh on his rep, besides . . . she had taught him that one night. It would be a shame to let all that work go to waste and not have at least one dance before they left. “That is, if you think I have learned how too well enough.” At that he couldn’t help but lightly tap the top of the hat, thinking perhaps he should sneak away with it, just for the memory keepsake it was becoming alone.

"Well I know I certainly am," Reverie said with a smile, laughing a little. "I am glad I choose you after all Xavior. So few would put up with me in the way that you do." She gave him an affection look and then looked away, not sure the look was correct or not. She didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea. Not that she knew what the right idea was anyways.

"I think I'm thirsty," she said suddenly. "Yes all this dancing has worked up quite a thirst, don't you agree?"
At being called Lady Amber, the poor girl couldn’t help but blush some, after all it was him who had called her so. Reality was a good reminder as Timothy spoke of going soft and allowing her to be treated higher than her station, yes it was a good thing to remember her place, even if she hated being below them, any sort of barrier she could put between the two she would gladly take. She would listen as the pair talked of horses, surprised at Timothy’s touch and unexpected praise of her. Did he really think so highly of her? She wanted to rip her own heart out for how the smallest actions and words made her react. But knowing so was possible she would only smile brightly at the praise.

Immediately, Jennifer's eyes brightened and an excited smile crossed her face. "R-really?" she asked, "A dance?" She couldn't help but feel her heart flutter like a bird at his proposal. He had seemed so uncertain when she had taught him that one night, alone in the living room. Glancing down to the hat then up around the room, she wondered where to place it. Finally, she decided to place upon a nearby end table; it would more than likely be left alone by the other guests anyway. Returning to her master, Jenny grasped the folds of her dress and curtsied politely. "Y-yes...I believe you may have this dance," she answered softly, hesitantly reaching out and placing her slender hand in his.

If he was ready, the young serf would walk out onto the floor with him, her heart beating so wildly she feared everyone in the room could hear it. As if on cue, the band's next song...was a waltz. Jennifer felt her cheeks reddening slightly, but she did her best to control it, hoping no one would see. Raising her arms, she would place her left hand on his right shoulder and clasp her right hand in his left. She squeezed his hand gently, finding she was quite nervous. "
I've done this a thousand times...why should I be nervous?" she thought, lifting her gaze to his face. If her eyes managed to meet his; however, she would seem to relax. Taking her own advice, she imagined that there was no one else in the room. It was only herself and Alexander...dancing to the beautiful singing of violins.

Xander looked a touch worried at her first reaction, she seemed to glance around and be more uncertain than him in his point of view. Dashing off a little ways his own eyes would roam a bit wondering, only for her to come back and say yes. He would gently squeeze her hand a bit nervous now, trying to remember the steps as he walked out into the floor. He actually was moving closer to her as they got closer to the other females already out there. Although when he found the next song tobe the waltz he was very grateful, after all it was the only thing he at least tried to learn. It took him awhile to get the hang of it again, the poor guy was even trembling some himself, before catching her eyes and managing a soft smile. This was with Jennifer he reminded himself. She may be difficult, but . . . this is where she has more knowledge than me, I have to just trust that she would help if I mess up. The poor guy wasn’t too bad after that, sure he had minor mistakes mostly caused when he thought he would brush against another of the fairer sex, but who could blame him? If he had caught sight of Reverie sometime during all this he would merely motion slightly with his head towards the woman. “That’s her.” He said softly to Jennifer. “She doesn’t mind being friends, but . . . I suppose I came off too tense is all.”

"I suppose you're correct," Timothy responded, smiling, but the happiness seemed to fade as Marque mentioned their parents. Once more, he became reserved, removing his hand from Amber's shoulder and even moving away just a touch. "I guess we will just have to make a time for such a splendid race. I will see to it that if she's good, Amber will receive a horse of her own. Afterall, it would be nice to have her be able to run to the market for me ever so often," he stated, seeming to avoid the subject of the arranged marriage. Glancing down to his serf, he carefully watched for her reaction, knowing the love she had for the gentle giants.

Jennifer sensed Alexander's extreme nervousness and the squeeze of his hand grasping hers. "Master, I know just from experience that you are a magnificent dancer. There is no need for anxiety..," she murmured as they glided across the marble flooring. Sure, the black haired serf noticed his mistakes and stumbles every so often, but it didn't bother her. In fact, she had to hold back the giggles, just at the cute determined face he made whenever he stepped out of place. It wasn't long, though, before Alexander caught on, remembering what they had practiced, and they took off around room. Back and forth they went, Jenny's dress flaring out then twirling back to her sides. "See? What did I tell you," she remarked quietly, allowing him to lead the waltz but always there for him if he stumbled.

Farther into the dance, they passed a lovely red headed young woman. To Jenny's surprise, Alexander nodded his head to her as they floated by, regarding her as his ex-fiance. The serf's eyes widened as she looked back and forth for a few moments between her master and Reverie. "Too tense? Well, you may appear that way at first...but she just doesn't know you well yet," she replied, lowering her gaze. That dryness returned to her throat slightly but she kept dancing. "She's...very beautiful..." she finally commented softly.
Xavior smiled when she complimented him again. "Well, there's not much to put up with... At least with me. We seem to get along a lot better with each other than other people..." He cleared his throat and looked away when he realized he was rambling on. When Reverie mentioned about being thirsty, he nodded. "I'll go get us something to drink." He then slipped through the crowds until he arrived at the beverage table.
Abram could practically feel his ears burning in blush when Vinny spoke of a reason to take better care of himself. Perhaps that was his problem now, none of this seemed real to him yet, after all to love someone secretly for so many years and to be able to tell them and not only avoid being rejected but to be told they felt the same all this time? No wonder he was in a daze. His mind began to wonder, to think of what reality would force his mind to accept this as more than a dream, but would quickly pull away from those doors in pure embarrassment. He would blink and look questiongly at Vinny when he spoke of losing his serf, surly the girl had been dancing amongst the crowd not a few minutes ago? Vinny’s words would remind him just how harsh the world was, and how cruel his parents could be. “They asked her to… and she… that stupid whore!” his attempt to lose that nickname was now far gone, after all this was the second time that she had upset his Vinny so. His Vinny, that’s what he was to him now

<going to try to keep colorless with Xander since I keep mixing up colors for him. >.<>

Xander blushed when she pretty much claimed his dancing to be done well. Gliding her along the dance floor for however long she wanted. When she commented on how he was at first and how that might change he gave a small laugh. “I’m sure for someone as difficult as you, the way you manage to soften me seems easy.” He smiled gently at her, for tonight, he would try to make her happy if only for tonight. What harm was there in seeing that beautiful smile and accepting it so? That was as long as he remained a gentleman right?

It was when she commented about the other’s beauty that Xander glanced off trying to catch site of the other woman long gone. “Is she?” he asked softly as if honestly not knowing. “I . . . I tend to have a hard time noticing things like that.” He said as he glanced back to Jennifer, wanting to lift her chin some but knowing it would stop the dance if he did. “Sides, there are many beauties here tonight I’m sure. Very few stand out so much that men line up to dance with them though.” He gave her a serious look at that before looking away suddenly feeling his shyness overfill him again. Maybe . . . maybe they should stop, his words alone had started to make him paranoid once more.

Vinnie jumped a bit as Adam spoke up against his serf only to give him a weak smile. “You can’t really blame her.” He said trying to calm his friend, moving his good hand to touch Adam’s cheek softly. “She . . . she was used to doing work and all. I just . . . I just . . .I guess I’m just not good enough when it comes to even owning a Serf. It’s hard, trying to give others demands, I keep thinking what if they don’t like doing that or don’t want too.” He smiled before leaning in to kiss his friends forehead some. “She is a marvelously bright woman though Adam. Her thoughts, her expressions, the things that just came to her mind, far from broken, or maybe I’m just a fool to think that and was just seeing what I hoped to see.” He sighed leaning back in frustration out of it all. “Those look they give, when they expect punishment, those are the worse. It’s like sticking a dagger in your heart every time.” He frowned once more wracking his brain on how to fix things, to explain how his parents should never be listened too. “Maybe . . . maybe I should just let things be, let her spy . . . who knows, maybe it will manage her a place more comfortable than I can provide, it would make her one of their favorites for sure.”


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