Ambrose a Vampire RP

Timothy slowly made it to his feet and walked over to Amber. There was a long silence that followed until finally he took a deep breath. Reaching out, if Amber would let him, he would pull her close into his own arms. It was awkward of course, for Timothy hadn't allowed himself to embrace another in decades. "I'm sorry I snapped at you...," he apologized quietly in her ear then immediately pulled away. Heading for the door, he opened it and nodded to her, signaling it was the time to leave. "It's already getting late. You should get some rest... I shall see you tomorrow morning bright and early," he stated, trying to ignore the scenario that had just happened. However, he couldn't stop the slight redness that visited his cheeks, if only for a few moments. Really, Timothy didn't know what to think of his own actions. He thought he felt some emotion stir, but it had been so long that he'd felt such an emotion, he didn't know what to make of it.

Jennifer sadly took his hand and stepped down from the carriage, her shoes clicking against the stone walkway. Slowly they made their way up the steps to the giant front doors where they stopped. Alexander, being the gentleman, opened the door for her, but she didn't step through. Even as he said goodnight, she didn't enter, for she was deep in thought. Turning to face him, her large pale blue eyes searched his face, seeming to look for something. Her eyes soon met his and she gazed into them, as if caught in a trance. She couldn't seem to pull away. The moonlight reflected in them in such a beautiful way. She only wished he was still smiling. Oh how his laughter had made her feel so light inside. She had never heard him laugh before so when he had at the party, it had been such an exciting experience knowing she had actually...made him happy.

Sheer emotion filled the young serf's heart, one that she could no longer hold back. Her heart swelled with it, beating fast and furiously. Was it..? Could it be...? Before she knew it, Jenny felt herself leaning forward, as if being guided by some invisible force. Deep inside, her whole being seemed to say, "Don't ignore it any longer...just let it go..." The carriage had already gone; it was late and all the other serfs had already gone to bed. They were completely alone with only the moon as a light source. Reaching out before Alexander had time to think, the black haired girl would softly try and grasp his collar in an attempt to pull his face close to hers. Ever so tenderly, her lips would then brush against his in a gentle kiss. It was very brief, however, for Jennifer soon after got a hold of herself. "G-goodnight, Master Alexander...," she whispered before dashing into the mansion. What had she just done? Had she signed her own death sentence? Would he now feel that he had to get rid of her for such an action?? Would he send her back to that torturous plantation? Jennifer didn't have time to dwell upon these thoughts, for all she could think about was getting out of his presence. She had no idea how he would react...she didn't even know if she could handle herself after what had just happened.
"Am I just that charming Xavior," she teased just a little bit. She sipped her drink and then looked back at her serf. She was having somewhat of a good time so far. She made a friend, got to dance and broke off an engagement. But she didn't think her mother would be happy to know that she was mostly a wallflower during the dance and even less that she spent most of it with Xavior.

"The clock ticks away in my ears

scarring the silence that's bored me to tears

no one is calling."

Reverie had made up her mind about it. She looked at her serf. "Shall we return home? I see no reason to stay."
Xavior looked around for a moment, seemingly dazed. "You are charming..." He murmured, before turning to face her. When she proposed to leave he sighed in relief. "I sure would love that..." He chuckled to himself. "If we have no further business here, it's best we don't over-stay our welcome."
Xander was totally caught off guard not expect such a thing. All he could do was watch her flee afterwards as he felt a deep warmth crossing his face. He had . . . never been kissed before, never knew how like flower petals the lips of a woman could feel. His heart hurt it beat so much, and he would actually find himself closing the front door as he sat on the front step. A hand moving to touch his lips in confusion . . . had he liked it . . . wanted another even? Slowly he lowered his head into his hands feeling like he was being torn in two. Was it really something that ran in the blood? Was this truly a curse of sorts, something his bloodline was doomed to repeat? His ears burned at the thought as the blush spread there. There was no way to deal with such a thing, no way a vampire could ever be with a Serf and live well off and happy . . . this life he had worked so hard to build would crumble, all respect he had gain lost . . .
Reverie smiled and blushed a little at Xavior's comment, but she said nothing about it. Still she didn't try and hide her quick blush either. She wasn't sure anymore if it was because of the unfamiliar of compliments or because it was Xavior who was saying it to her. But they should go. She had time to dwell on it later when she went to bed.

She reached out a hand and patted Xavior's cheek lightly. "Then let us go Xavior. Hopefully Shay nor mother ask us about our night. I am sure mother will find out soon enough what I thought of her forced attempt to get me gone."

She headed out of the place, realizing she had never met the host of the party. Still she could meet her another time, if at all. She walked outside, happy to be our there. She smiled and closed her eyes for a moment, then headed to where the carriage was. The driver nodded as Reverie climbed in.

"Home, please."
Jennifer fled to her room, just a whir as she flew through the parlor, up the stairs, and down the hall. She closed her door behind her with a bit of a slam, but her heart was pounding so loudly, she didn't even notice. Once it was closed, she turned her back to it and leaned back against it, breathing hard. What had she just done? What had she just done... Her entire face and ears were a bright crimson red as she just stood there. What was Alexander thinking right now...? Was he angry? Happy? No...he was probably depressed and anxious as always when she made these intimate mistakes.

She felt tears come to her eyes, but she hurried to her bed, throwing herself upon it and burying her face in her pillow in order to keep them back. Her entire body trembled just from shock alone and it took a long time for her to calm down. For hours, she just lay there quietly, not able to fall asleep. Turning her head to the side, she looked at the beautiful light that flooded through her window, turning anything it touched a bright silver. She sat up slowly, hugging her pillow to her chest as she continued looking out the open window. The breeze felt nice...but it could do nothing to help how she was feeling right then. She felt so could she do that to her kind master? She must have caused him such great grief, bringing up memories of his mother and how she'd fallen in love with her serf.

Poor Jennifer continued to sit there, sleep evading her at all costs. She had taken out her hairdo already and now the jet black locks flowed freely over her shoulders almost down to her waist. Her head rested against the backboard of her bed and she sighed softly. Why couldn't everything just work out in her favor for once...? Her eyes slowly wandered to the velvet hat upon the floor where she'd dropped it. Reaching down, she grasped its rim and pulled it into her lap, fingering the velvety fabric. He had seemed so happy before... Finally, in the wee hours of the morning, Jenny's eyelids began to droop and a yawn escaped her lips. Her head nodded to the side and eventually, she slipped into dreamland, still sitting upright, clutching her pillow and the velvet hat in her gentle fingers.
Amber’s breathing slowed as Timothy approached, only for him to hug her of his own accord. Her body would be stiff at first, but giving in as she seemed to do a lot lately when it came to him, she would actually relax some in his arms only for him to pull away that fast after an apology. Damn her heart and damn him, damn them both! “It-It’s fine” she would manage only to nod at his words, to run off to her own resting place, to slam the door behind her and collapse against it some as she caught her breath. When she had managed to regain her calm she would walk slowly to the bed, sleep would eventually come to her, but so would odd dreams of her desires and fears, morning couldn’t come soon enough.

Rosa noticed that some were beginning to leave and as her adrenaline it became more obvious to her that she needed venom. Her skin was becoming clammy and felt absolutely awful. Her stomach flipped and her vision began to blur before she finally collapsed in a chaise. The sounds and lights around her throbbed against her temple and she wanted nothing more than to tell everyone to go away. The heavy weight of the empty journal pulled at her skirt. Rosa tugged it from her pocket leaving it on her lap open. It was clean and unwritten upon except for the burnt edges where she had tossed it into the fire. She also began to peel off her clothes trying to rid herself of the cold sweat but nothing seemed to work and she knew of only two cures. Sleep and venom, the serf preferred the second option.

Bret looked about the waning crowd of vampires and serfs trying to locate Illiana. He knew the evening must have been hard on her, he had seen her proposed fiance. He was dressed as a woman and ended the evening by kissing another guy. Her parents must be completely twisted to set her up with a man like that. Than again they were vampires so he would not put anything past them. Bret set down his watered down glass of wine and headed for the front of the ballroom all the while looking for that white blonde head of hair that belonged to his Mistress.
The next morning when Alexander woke, he would be surprised to find that his breakfast and tea had already been brought to his room and laid on his nightstand, covered with a lid to keep the biscuits warm. The room itself had been straightened up and the newest pile of paperwork that was on Alexander's bed was no longer scrambled and messy, but organized into a neat pile with the important bills and documents separated and placed on the middle of the desk just how Xander liked it. However, one thing was different than the usual routine that had been completed that morning. There on his desk next to the bills was letter addressed to him. Right away if he looked, he would be able to tell it was Jennifer's handwriting. Even though everything had been completed for her morning chores, the girl herself was no where to be found. If he chanced to open the neatly folded paper, he would find as follows:

Dear Alexander,

You wouldn't believe how hard it is for me to write this... I must give this to you in form of a letter, though, for if I were to try to explain in person, I would surely break down. Oh where to begin? I have disgraced you and your family numerous times, so many that I have a hard time keeping track now. That kiss in the moonlight...I must tell you the truth, it made my heart flutter, beating like it never had before. It was the happiest moment in my entire life. However, my action was forbidden...and it's something I can never be forgiven for... I went beyond just bending the rules that a serf should obey and completely broke them. I believe I understand now, how hard I've been on you. I must have caused you so much depression and chaos, and I know now that it has to stop. As you're reading this, I am probably already at the market, searching for information on the least painful way to break the bond between us. As I write this now, I feel so torn and grieved. You have given me all I ever could have wished for. You've given me a home, kindness, and a reason to live. And I've enjoyed every minute of it... But it is not fair for you when I, just a lowly serf, am happy if you yourself are solemn. There is a boy back at my plantation where I came from who I know would serve you well. He is efficient and hardworking, yet intelligent so he could help you with your business. I'm sure the plantation owner would allow you to exchange me for him. I apologize for the ink smudges upon this page, but it is so hard to keep my hand from trembling so. I hope you understand, I never want to leave, but I know I must in order to give you a future. A bright future without nightmares of your mother's actions haunting you every moment. The only thing I ask is for you to take care of Silver Sky when I'm gone. Don't worry, I have not gone yet and will be returning from the market before lunch. I would never leave until I knew for sure that there was someone here who could take care of you. I understand now is better this way. I will always miss you...



Throughout the page were several small round blotches staining the page, for when Jennifer had written it, she couldn't help the tears from spilling over. Indeed, there were a few ink smudges where the words were hard to distinguish, but all and all Jenny's handwriting could be read well.

Xander had found himself out late that night just taken in the moon. Trying to relax, as if he knew once he stepped through that door things would have to change. He would have to take charge again . . . somehow. He couldn’t help find it amusing that a serf had managed to take over in ways. Did she even realized that’s what she did? She had powers or control of some sort over him.

He of course woke to breakfast, and was taken to it when he had of course picked up the note to read it. A note from her would be his first priority after all, who knew what was in it. He couldn’t help frown as he made it through and the note crumpled slightly in his hand out of anger alone. Almost as if the gods decided to curse or bless him he could hear the door below and he would stand taken the note in hand to meet her.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Xander was angry . . . how dare she think she could decide their paths on her own? “Why can’t you just be a normal serf and work with me? If you don’t want the bond anymore we can break it . . . we can even pick up that other serf if he’s still there. But do you really plan to just leave? Or are you really foolish enough to think I would trade you in or give you to anyone else?” He would go to the stove actually getting a slight flame to catch the corner of the letter with. Letting in burn as he held it in a declaration of what he felt of such nonsense. “Do you really want to leave me so badly?”
Jennifer gasped and jerked to her feet as Alexander stormed into the room, letter in hand. Immediately Jenny's eyes searched for a way out, a way to escape, but he was blocking the door to the kitchen and the weather was quite nasty outside so she couldn't go that way. So she merely stood there, her long bangs on either side of her face and her cloak soaking wet from being out in the rain for so long. Her blue eyes quivered as she watched him scold her. Normally she would have dropped her gaze but she just couldn't for some reason; her eyes were glued to her master as he scolded her. Even then, he went so far as to actually burn her letter, using the small flame from the stove. When he had finally finished his rant, her bottom lip quivered and she finally tore her gaze away from his face to his shoes.

B-because I'm not a normal serf....I just can't even get anything right..." Jennifer thought to herself, ashamed. "N-no, I never e-ever want to leave...I don't want to leave this wonderful place; I-I never want to leave you! ...but that's just the problem, isn't it?" Her legs buckling from beneath her, she slumped to her knees upon the carpet. "After l-last night...." she began, her cheeks blushing. However, feeling her face becoming red, she quickly looked away and hoped Alexander hadn't seen it. "What I-I did last night did not only break the main rule of being a serf...I-I shattered it into pieces..." Hoping the blush was gone, she managed to look up at Alexander's face, her blue eyes trying to figure him out. "Y-you.....still want me....? After what I...I did...?" she asked, her voice only a whisper.

The next morning, Timothy rose bright and early, heading out to the stables in order to find a select group of horses for Amber to choose from. Afterall, he wanted to make sure she was to get a good-natured horse. Not one that would jeopardize her safety in any way... It took him a few hours, but finally he had gotten together a nice selection of some of his finer steeds. There were several different colors and a few different breeds so Amber could really find the one that fit her perfectly. He stood back a while admiring his work, then strode off in search of his serf. He entered the kitchen first, checking with Hanna to see if she'd seen Amber yet that morning.
Xander had never found himself ever getting that mad before in his life. If he could he would try to grab her by the arm and for once roughly pull her up; if he had manage that she would be in his arms, as he embraced her tightly, wet and all just afraid of losing her. “Why can’t you just be happy to be by my side?” he asked softly, why was there always more. Sure things were tempting, for him even, but if she was just willing to be there. Maybe he could get away with just having her close. Without ruining everything . . . could he survive just having her nearby?

He knew what she did, he was just as guilty in ways of wanting such. He just wouldn’t admit it, he couldn’t admit it. If he did that he knew that any shields there was would be lost. He would end up resting his head against her not willing to let go his voice soft as he spoke. “Please don’t leave me.” The letter had put such a foolish fear in him. The only way he knew to react was anger at first, at the fact she would decide such things on her own. At the fact she was willing just too easily walk out over such simple matters. She said she didn’t want to go . . . but she was always the one who seemed to be looking for a way out of that house off and on.
Jennifer inhaled sharply as he roughly grasped her arm and pulled her to her feet, sure he would now strike her. She had gone too far now, hadn't she? She clenched her eyes shut, just waiting for the blow, but instead she felt her master's warm embrace once more. He didn't care if she was soaked to the bone, for he held her with such intensity yet gentleness at the same time. Feeling her heart melt, Jenny threw her arms around Alexander and hugged him tightly as well, as if grasped in each other's arms wasn't close enough. There she would stand for what seemed like forever, burying her face into his chest.

"I-I'm sorry...I'm so sorry for scaring you.....," Jennifer whispered, tears coming to her eyes, "I won't leave...I could
never leave you, not for anything...." She would almost cradle him in her arms as much as she could, trying to comfort him. At that moment, she was glad there were no serfs patrolling the parlor, but even if there had been, she wouldn't have done anything different. She still would have met Alexander's embrace, still held him in her own arms as he held her in his. Pulling her face away from his jacket, she looked into his eyes with her pale blue ones, reaching up and hesitantly caressing his cheek softly with her hand.
It was when she had touched his cheek that Xander would finally pull fully away. Turning his back not to face her, a rose color threatened to show on his cheeks. Once more the difficult serf had managed to best him. Taken a deep breath he would nod not willing to face her till at least the warmth went down. “Then it’s decided . . . there will be no more talk of you leaving?” Was he actually asking her? Damn that woman had manage to get him to even ask her opinion on matters where he knew he had full rights to decide.

Running a hand through his hair he felt at a lot of what to do. Finally realizing he himself had gotten quite wet in that embrace due to the coldness seeping into his sink some. “You should get changed or you’ll get sick.” He spoke softly, his first thoughts being worry of her. “If you wish . . . we could discuss matters further this afternoon in my room.” There he was doing it again, no demands, no commands, no strict coldness . . . what was she doing to him?
Jennifer nodded immediately, tucking her wet hair behind her ear as he asked she would not bring up the subject of leaving anymore. When he mentioned changing into new clothes, Jenny looked down and ran her hands over her soaked garments, realizing he was right. She hadn't even noticed the cold of being drenched this entire time, but now that he said something, she shivered slightly. "Y-yes, of course...that will be better then. Besides, I-I have to help with lunch. It's already past noon and I haven't even started preparations," she replied anxiously, realizing many of the other serfs were going to be angry with her for returning late. She did most of the meals since generally the women had a better knack for cooking than men and since she was the only female serf in the house, well you can understand.

Jennifer curtsied the best she could to her master, then picked up the folds of her soaked dress so she wouldn't trip over them and jogged out of the room. When she reached her room, she pulled out a dry, clean dress with sleeves down to her elbows. It was springtime so she mostly got dresses with no sleeves when they had ventured to the market for the first time. However, knowing how spring brought rain with it, she had picked up one long sleeved dress as well. Making her way to the restroom, she busied herself with taking a bath since she was already wet and might as well. Turning on the hot water, she sighed and undressed, slipping into the soapy water, then just laid there for a while, letting the warmth remove the chill from her bones. She took that time to think about the scenario that had just played out. Rubbing her face she let out a deep breath. Why couldn't she just be a good little serf and do what was right and logical for once?

Jenny just wanted to lay there for hours in the hot water and steam that swirled about the bathroom where it was peaceful. But she knew sooner or later, she would have to bring Alexander lunch and then would come the talk... Probably more scolding on how she was supposed to do things. Yet...he didn't sound angry when he said they would talk. What else was there more to talk about? Rising from the tub, she dried and dressed before heading down to the kitchen. Normally she would have brought Alexander something cold to drink but due to the freezing wind and rain outside, she figured he would just enjoy tea again better. Moving to the ice box, she pulled out a large, juicy ham and began to slice off two thin slabs. Taking her knife, she would then cut those slabs down in half, lay them on freshly baked bread, and hang them over the fire. Soon, there was a most scrumptious aroma drifting from the kitchen as the bread toasted and the ham roasted.

Knowing Alexander didn't eat very much, she cut the ham and bread in half yet again, laying only one half on the platter for him. It wasn't long before the tray was decorated with hers and Alexander's lunches and tea. Then, she gathered it up in her arms and walked to Xander's room, getting quite good at knocking on his door without having to set the platter down. A bit anxiously, she awaited his voice to allow her entrance, never knowing what mood he might be in.
Abram would sigh, Vinny always seemed quick to defend as long as it wasn’t his parents, even if it was someone in lieu with them. “Please, because you show some kindness and don’t put too much on her you are a horrid owner… perhaps you are too good for her instead” the simple gesture of a kiss on his forehead would make poor guy’s face redden, each gesture taking new meaning when the one he loved felt the pull he did. Allowing Vinny to talk and praise the girl he couldn’t help but dislike once more he would ponder just what he could do in such a situation, then realized perhaps this was something Vinny had to do and take care of on his own. It was a simple matter, no? “Give it time… perhaps you can find a balance that has nothing to do with your parents” he knew it was a sore subject, but the idea of allowing that child to confer with his parents and hurt his Vinny so… Abram couldn’t shoulder the thought. “I believe these so called festivities will come to an end soon” he couldn’t help but to lean in against Vinny, pressing his lips practically to his ear as he whispered. “Come to my chambers before the nights through?” he reddened at this, the thoughts behind such a question, but alas Abram wanted to be alone with Vinny when he was truly a man, somewhat fearful that there was still a difference in his love’s heart when it came to what he teased as Adam and Eve.


Vinnie of course listened to Adam’s words carefully, wondering if time was all they needed. Rosa seemed to grow more and more away from him with time. Then of course Adam had to comment about everything winding to an end. Vinnie sighed with this thought alone, he was enjoying his time as always with Adam and of course it had to end. His sudden whisper surprised Vinnie though bringing a blush across his cheeks. He wondered if this was a normal visit or more, and wasn’t sure if he was really ready if it was more. “Okay.” He said softly rolling the ideas around in his head.

He wouldn’t move though, not at the moment, he didn’t want to leave Adam’s company but knew soon he would. “I suppose, we need to go find our serfs then and be off? I’ll do my best to grant your wish and come by with Rosa when I can later.” That should keep things decent at least for now, although his bright red face spoke of how shameful he really must think at times. After all in the past he was pretty much a player. “I wonder where she would be even.”

Amber would awaken early to check the mare and make sure all was well with the pregnant beauty. She would spend a good extra hour just to fuss on the girl, after all horses Her stomach would have to growl in reminder that she had yet to eat that morning so she would bid adeu and make way to the kitchen. Hanna would have a meal already prepared for her and Amber would green sheepishly and thank her before gulping it down.

“Master Timothy is in the stables” Hanna would offer when Amber went to rinse her dish. Amber would nod, “Might as well tidy his room” she said shyly. She wasn’t trying to avoid him, not in the slightest, she just actually wanted to do an inside chore… yeah lying to herself wasn’t helping. She knew she was being a fool, but alas at the mere mention of his name she had perked up. Maybe it would have been a smart idea to have found a kind stranger to put such fruitless feelings towards. Lucky for Amber the room was far from unkempt and she would finish and close the doors behind her, only to freeze up, seeing Timothy on route towards her direction. Here goes nothing, she swallowed.

"Oh, she's just upstairs cleaning your room. It's about time someone did something about that sloppy pile of sales paperwork just lying there in the corner," Hanna replied to Timothy when he inquired about his serf's whereabouts. An actual smile would softly cross his lips for a moment and he shook his head. "Alright, Hanna. I'll be taking Amber to the market today for fresh hay and grain, especially since Autumn is due to foal in less than a week. I trust you'll be able to handle dinner without her help?" he asked, straightening up and clasping his hands behind him. Hanna nodded and curtsied in reply before turning back to her work.

Timothy then sauntered out of the kitchen and jogged up the stairs. Gosh, how long had it been since it felt good to walk? Felt good to stretch his legs in exercise? Amber was certainly doing him good in more ways than one. And then there she was, just as he was thinking about her. Odd how that seemed to happen so often. Was she really beginning to occupy his thoughts that much? Shaking his head, he made his way up to her just as she closed the door to his chamber. "Good morning. I see you've been out in the barn already," he commented, seeing the bits of straw peppering her dress, "Well, you better get changed. We need to make a market run today and I'd like to be back in time for lunch."

Timothy's eyes, which were a bit dull because he hadn't fed yet that morning, flitted to the window nearby and noticed the dark clouds that had gathered overhead. Just then, there was a crack of thunder that rippled across the sky, rattling a few decorations hung up on the walls. Timothy's brow furrowed and the smile vanished from his face. "On second thought...we probably should wait until the storm passes," he sighed, rubbing his forehead, "It would be a disaster trying to bring in hay and grain in the rain..." Clearly he had been wanting to get that errand out of the way, for his voice was full of disappointment.
Abram would brighten up at just that one word, only to turn away, apparently he was self conscious around his Vinny now. He would slowly nod at Vinny’s suggestion, knowing he was right but not exactly not wanting it to end. Stealing a quick kiss Abram would run off to find Lynix, which after scanning the dancers and considering his distaste for vampires it wasn’t all that hard to find him in the garden. “Did you behave?” he would tease on route home, his mood most obviously in a higher place now.

“I did my best not too.” Lynix answered, only to smirk if Abram gave him a surprised look. He was alive, and not being punished. By his own book that meant he behaved enough. After all . . . if he didn’t surely he would have got at least the whip right? “I meet some interesting people.” He said cooly, his mind resting on the weakling mostly.

Vinnie would smile at the gentle kiss only to sigh as Adam ran off. Getting up he would straighten himself up the best he could before looking for Rosa. This oddly enough seemed to be an easy task. There was a group of people that seemed to be around someone worried. Slowly he would make his way over only to realize it was his very own serf. Gently pushing those in his way aside he would kneel by her worried. “What happened Rosa? Are you okay?” God, was there something he had forgotten to do while tending to her? Nothing really coming to mind since he himself didn’t really keep much around serfs before this time, of course the fact she had started to strip didn’t help much. Slowly he placed a hand on her shoulder to stop her, before pulling a random serf aside and asking to get him a jar of water and a glass for the lady.
Amber would notice he seemed to be in much higher spirits “Seems socializing has done you a world of good” she would tease, only to look down in august, wondering just what was the tell this time. Nodding, she would take the excuse to cause distance between then once more and turn away towards her own room. The thunder would take her off guard since she hadn’t even seen the storm clouds roll in and she would jump, only to catch her breath reminding herself it wasn’t something that could actually do anything. Too bad her racing heart needed more than logic. Relieved to hear that they wouldn’t travel in such conditions she would nod once more, as if she didn’t truth her voice to speak.

Timothy turned to give Amber a scolding look, however, failing as a gentle smirk visited his lips. He indeed noticed her flinch as the thunder shook the place, but who wouldn't? Following her down the hallway somewhat, he would gently hold out his hand, motioning for her wrist and hoping she would understand the gesture. He was beginning to become fatigued and didn't want to forget to feed after the relapse he had before the party. For a while, there was only the pitter patter of rain upon the roof to break the silence.

"You seem awfully quiet today," he remarked, turning his gaze to look out the window some more. He hoped his simple question would help disperse the awkwardness, yet it still remained. It never used to be awkward like this before...was it because she had embraced him so at the party? Did that simple hug really unnerve him so much? His eyes soon wandered to his serf and he felt a bit sad, seeing her tremble. He thought it was because of the storm, ignorant to her real thoughts, and wondered what he could do to calm her nerves. Certainly feeding from her now wouldn't help, but there was nothing he could do about that.
(Sorry Lilly I didn’t realize Vinnie and Adam were still having a moment. If I had known I wouldn’t have said anything about Rosa)

Rosa slipped in out of delirium, she felt crowded as if once again she was part of that experiment. At one point she awoke to a soft voice beside her, she shifted to get a better look at whoever was speaking. It was her Master, and although her head throbbed and her stomach was hurling she did her best to show her respect and assume a more proper position. It didn’t really work but she was at least able to speak to him more quietly so that no one could hear. Even through her illness that came with withdrawal she had not forgotten her anger towards him and she wanted to show him the empty journal, to prove him wrong. “Here’s the damned journal it’s empty,” Rosa croaked doing her best to toss it at him. It barely moved. “And you forgot to feed, I need venom or else I get like this. I should have reminded you but things got a bit tense,” she whispered doing her best to meet his eyes.
(no worries. I'm the type who if the characters aren't talking to me I try to give them a day before I poke them too. I just at times have to be reminded that I have a post.)

Vinnie was taken aback when she threw the journal at him even if it was weakly. Wondering why she would be so foolish to find that important now. She was sick, something was wrong . . .who cared about some darn book at the moment. When the serf came with the water he would offer it to her willing to hold it gently to her lips, only to hear her words on why she was like that. He felt back but he couldn’t help laugh at his own foolishness. Rubbing the back of his head some as he did so knowing once more he was an idiot proved. “That would explain why I was feeling a touch weak and light headed more than usual.” He smiled moving closer before grinning in a tease. “Do you want me to bite you here then? With all of them watching and you dressed so?” This would be so much fun in his eyes. The mere rumors alone, his family would have a total fit over it all. “Then I could carry you off to Adam’s place where I promised to meet, and we could work out some of our issues. He tends to be the most wise of out us the two of us.”


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