Ambrose a Vampire RP

“Did we what?” Vinnie laughed glancing to Adam some, only for his smile to fade a touch at the look Adam may have given him. “Don’t worry okay? You know me, I’m happy almost everywhere.” When Adam leaned against him once more Vinnie would get his soft smile, having a bit of cute charm to it as well. Adam made his heart rush in its own way, his gentleness, and the purity of everything he said and did. Course that’s when Adam would start to look up at him, causing Vinnie to blush embarrassed by that look alone. Then he felt the brush against his lips once more. Still not used to being allowed such a simple yet now special thing with Adam. He was a bit speechless, only to laugh some at Adam’s words. His hand moving to rub the back of his head all shy only to fall back not thinking and wince. Seeing as that hand was one of the two that kept him propped up.

Xander held her close making sure she was safe, never willing to forgive himself if she ever fell. When she flinched he merely looked at her worried afterwards wondering if he had hurt her more while setting her down, he had done his best to be careful. Sighing softly he would let it go kicking himself inside for hurting her in his eyes. “What can I get for you?” he asked softly after awhile. Knowing the girl would be hungry or thirsty and he didn’t want her out of that bed till he knew how she was hurt. Knowing the doctor he called probably wasn’t willing to leave his house for a serf till at least the storm was over.
"N-nothing" Abram would stumble, unable to ask if it was what they had done at the party, knowing full well it had to be. He would sigh yet couldn't help but to grin at the fool before him. As if to prove his thought by action, Vinny would fall back, taking Abram some with him for leaning against his warmth and comfort. Blinking, Abram would look up at Vinny from his newly acquired position laying against his upper abdomen, a rush of excitement that seemed to hit his every nerve ending, but of course he did what he could to push that back, put it away. He couldn't help but to wonder if Vinny would do if the roles were reverse. Sure they weren't to that point yet, but... a smile crept up his face as he thought of all the time that Vinny had unknowingly teased him, at least to the extent that he did. Oh and there were the others. Had anyone ever been able to tease Vinny himself? Pulling up some he would move to be atop of his love and look down at him. God was he beautiful in his own way. His heart pounding in his chest as his hands went down on either side of him and he locked eyes with the man of his every desire, there would be a passion, a drive, a fire inside. "Are you happy with me?" his voice was low, and in every bit a mans in that moment. He knew the answer, but couldn't help but to ask, and for once he wanted to see his love squirm some. He wanted to see Vinny react to him.


If it wasn’t for the pain in his back allowing him to keep his senses who knew what Vinnie might have done with the other close like that. His whole body would grow red with a blush, and as Adam moved pulling away slightly he exhaled. He was afraid he might die right there due to how fast his heart was racing alone. Those beautiful eyes of his staring intensely at Vinnie of course didn’t help at all. Only to be questioned in such an odd fashion. “Happy with? . . . only in every possible way” there was no tease in his answer, the site of Adam like that made it almost impossible for there to be.

Gently Vinnie lifted a hand to stroke Adam’s cheek, running his thumb up to the boys’ soft hair. He was enchanted by the one before him, as always. Surely the pain was worth just being this close to the angel who somehow fell just for him. Softly he bit his own bottom lip in thought before shyly asking. “May I kiss you again?”

Abram's face did soften at that, always the sucker for anything that came out of Vinny's mouth, even in all these years the poor guy had no tolerance to his words, let alone his actions. Like when he felt Vinny's hand against his cheek and while he ran his thumb through his hair, Abram's heart was beating so heavy and fast he would be surprised if Vinny didn't hear it. For it was pounding quite clearly in his ears. A sharp intake of breath would be made watching Vinny, before his words drove Abram red in the face. "I-I am yours, you never need to ask" Abram's voice was low, and unnerved, having never expected this turnout, but alas that was just another thing about Vinny, you never truly knew with him.


Winching some Vinnie would move to lift himself up using his elbows. Bleeding away the thoughts of pain, it took a bit of effort to reach Adam’s lips for the prize he found well worth it. A soft tease of a brush for the first kiss, as if testing the waters, making sure. Blush deepening Vinnie did his best to lean in more closing his eyes to embrace Adam’s lips with his own. It felt as if his heart might stop with that one, afraid Adam may start to pull away or run. If only he could stay propped like this and pull Adam closer, but alas, it seemed almost impossible. So he merely moved to lay back down on the bed allowing Adam to keep him trapped in his own way. “What now? Do you plan to keep me pinned all night?”

Abram would watch Vinny sit up, noticing his pain and trying to find the words to stop him from messing with it only to find Vinny's sweet lips against his own. You'd think a man's lips would be course and rough, that his touch would be anything but sweet and gentle, but instead his kiss was soft, his lips smooth, and Abram found himself closing his eyes, memorizing the feel of his kiss and the touch of his lips. The kiss would be broken and Vinny would lay back down, it seemed that he was forcing himself, such a shock truly to his personality. Abram would smile sweetly at his question "If it was your desire...and you weren't injured so then in a heartbeat" he would lean over him once more to brush his lips to Vinny's forehead in a kiss, before pulling away so that Vinny could get up.
Marcus nodded ignoring the comment about politicians. He would have to discuss with his serf the difference in language he was allowed to use around his immediate family. He would rather not create any family feuds over a slipped tongue from Eth. If he was to be so blatant in front of his family and they disagreed with him they would expect him to reprimand his serf in some way. The vampire knew that right now he needed his family’s contacts but once he had his own power he would leave his family in the dust. He would not disown them but he was not going to continue to live by their bizarre rules. They were constricting and just a nuisance.

“The stable yard it is, we will have to find you a mount. I will have to get in touch with Timothy he has a glorious stable yard. I only purchase horses from him,” all the while they were sweeping down the stairs of the mansion. The stone walls were covered in beautiful tapestries and portraits. His mother took great pride in the decorating of their home and because of that the house serfs had to keep everything pristine. Once out of the house it was only a short walk to the extensive stable yard. “Have Gil saddled and help my serf find and appropriate mount,” he commanded one of the many stableserfs.
Vinnie chuckled softly at Adam’s words. “Tease” he poked a bit using that word, before trying to actually get up to stand once he was free. Moving to look over Adam from his new angle, he couldn’t help shake his head. That boy was beautiful no matter how you looked at him. “I should find Rosa and go.” He said softly his words having just a bit of regret having to leave the boy. Not sure when he could meet with him again, and too embarrassed now for some reason to ask. He knew he had a lot of work to do, even if he hated doing work. He had to step it up somehow, to manage comfort for their future one way or another.
Abram would laugh some at being called a tease, perhaps there was a first time for everything after all. At his words of leaving Abram would nod, not quite sure if he had accomplished what he had wanted for the night or not... only to think of Vinny's sweet kiss to realize that was more than enough of an accomplishment to him. Now if only to convince himself that it wasn't a dream. Knowing it was best to not lead him outside, to chance being heard and inavertably getting his Vinny into trouble, so he would only walk him to his bedroom door, handing him a shirt found easy enough in his closet. Yes Abram wasn't always am oblivious fool. As Vinny would go to leave an embarrassed Abram would give him a chaste kiss before brushing the hair from his face. "See you soon?" he would ask, more than eager to agree to whatever Vinny would think of.

Lily had wandered off in search of things to keep her busy. She wasn't totally aware of the whereabouts of her Mistress, but the other Serfs had been keeping her busy with chores to assist in cleaning the estate. She was dusting in the hallway when she heard Kew's voice calling her name. It seemed almost frantic and she knew that the young Vampiress was probably concerned about where Lily had gone to. She picked up her cleaning supplies and headed towards the young female Vampire's voice, finally finding her near the entryway. "I'm sorry if you were worried, Miss Kew." she apologized quickly. "The other Serfs have kept me quite busy cleaning up the party's aftermath."


Iliana decided she was more than ready to leave the party. She wandered around, not terribly sure as to where Bret had meandered off to. She had noticed him earlier chatting up a female Serf but he had long left that area of the ballroom. She searched the areas of the mansion that were open to the party guests and finally found the human walking around. He was obviously looking for her as well. She walked quickly over to him and said that it was about time they took their leave. "I think I've had enough of society for now..." she almost mumbled before they took their leave and she led Bret to the carriage that awaited them right outside the door. Almost all of the other guests had gone home, and Iliana was surprised not only by Bret's remarkably civil behavior but also by her own ability to stand being around people her age for such an extended length of time. She climbed into the carriage and waited for Bret to follow suit before heading back to her own home. As soon as they arrived she dismissed Bret, knowing he was probably as worn out as she felt. She struggled only for a few minutes with her corset and hair before they both fell loose and she plopped into her bed, glad for the sleep when it came.

Reverie looked at Xavior. She wasn't sure where to go with this but she was happy to hear him say again. She moved over to him and hugged him tightly. She wasn't sure why she was hugging him, but she felt it was right.

"About what I said? You mean when I said I was uncertain about the master/serf thing?" Reverie pulled back and looked away. She wasn't sure what to say next. "I only meant it would be hard to get rid of it. But if I could...I'd want to get rid of it. It's just hard to change people's mind." She looked at Xavior, hoping he would understand.

The vampirette's eyes widened in realization that Lily had, in fact, been okay this whole time. Without hesitation, Kew ran to her serf and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry for not checking up on you! I'm sorry for leaving you alone with that insane Human! I was so worried, I thought he kidnapped you or worse!" Kew refused to let go; merely hugging the poor Human even tighter.

Xavior blushed ever so slightly when she hugged him. He took a deep breath and gently hugged her back, only for her to ask the dreaded question, "About what I said? You mean when I said I was uncertain about the master/serf thing?"

The serf nodded slowly before she pulled away from him and began to explain herself. "It is hard... To change the ways of what is normal to those who refuse to seek out change..." He then silenced himself, and turned away from her. "It's late... If you don't mind my saying, I think we'd better part before someone catches us..."
"But I do want things to change," Reverie said, her voice soft but sure. She knew now that it was the truth. She hated the way things were and her prior relationship with Alexander and her one with Xavior now was helping her see that.

"I don't want to go yet. I rather like being in your company." She was still rather close to her serf and she felt the urge to lean forward and kiss him. She did move a little but stopped, looking at Xavior. "But I will go if you want me too."
The ball had been draining but at the same time quite interesting. Bret had gotten the opportunity to mingle and chat with other serfs but it was much too stuffy. They had all been watched and there was never a moment of privacy or foolery for the serfs. All of the risky fun was for the Vampires. He had sensed that Illiana had not enjoyed the ball which most likely had something to do with her parent’s constant watch over her and her general distaste for formality. As he drifted to sleep the serf wondered what tomorrow would bring. The day had been filled with activity and he knew little of Illiana’s regular schedule.

Bret awoke to the sounds of clanging dishes in the kitchen. Upon looking out the window he saw that it was still dark and allowed himself for a few more moments of rest before getting up and cleaning himself. This entailed a wash clothe and just a bucket of water, a bath was by no means necessary but the cool water washing over his body was nice and refreshing. The serf pulled on a simple pair of navy pants and a white shirt. He tucked the pants into his brown boots and ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair before headlining into the kitchen.

“Your dinner is right there,” the elderly women huffed gesturing with a wooden ladle to a bowl filled with soup. It was of course highly nutritious but not the most pleasantly flavored. Most of the herbs and vegetables were tossed in just to create better blood, the taste was always secondary.

Rosa wandered from stall to stall peeking in silently so as not to disturb the sleeping horses. She ran a gloved hand across the ornate smooth metal and the painted wood the rustled delightfully under her fingertips. She loved the vibrations that were created from the leather glove rubbing against uneven surfaces but she also enjoyed the real feeling she got from a bare hand. However she knew that it was important to her Master to keep her hands intact, she respected that. He had paid good money for her hands and she intended to keep them presentable and it wasn’t so much of a bother to her.

Each horse was so different except for the carriage horses which were obviously matched not only by the placement of theirs stalls but their unnatural similarities. Rosa noticed that some of these horses were so well matched that the only difference in markings was the number of socks or the marking on their face. Otherwise they were almost perfect; if one horse had white on its face in the form of a star the other would have white on its face in a short blaze that was star like. It was obvious that Sir Abram’s family put a great deal of money into appearances.

Vinnie couldn’t help blush at the kiss and movements that Adam made that followed it. What was it about those simple kisses that set Vinnie up in such a embarrassed or speechless manner? Of course Adam would have to ask that question which merely brought a smile and laugh to his lips. Although his speech not so much, all Vinnie could do was cutely nod, seeming slightly shy for once.

Trying not to stumble down the stairs he would glance around for Rosa. Feeling a bit embraced, wondering where that girl may have gotten off too. Finally making his way outside hoping he didn’t have to bug Adam again, or climb the window to ask about her he would glance about there. How was he to have any clue she was with the horses? Instead he would roam the garden, semi losing himself in the site of the dark beauty it held at night. Given up after awhile he sighed, and looked up to the night sky as he started to ponder if she would have gone home without him.

Lily let out a small squeak when Kew attack-hugged her. "Oh," she said quietly when her Mistress explained the situation. "No, I'm okay..." she added when she couldn't think of anything else to say. She was glad that her Mistress cared so much; usually a missing Serf is no big deal until a feeding is required. Then again, Kew didn't even worry about feeding, because of her fangs. So she obviously enjoyed Lily's companionship rather than her servitude.

Iliana awoke somewhat early for a Vampire. She was surprisingly not as tired as she thought; either that or the hours of sleep she'd gotten were restful ones. She stretched but remained in bed, not quite ready to get up yet. So instead she thought about the previous day's events for awhile before deciding to read for awhile. Usually she would immediately get up and bathe but what could an extra half hour hurt ?
When Reverie confessed she didn't want to leave, he looked away slightly. "I don't want you to leave either. I, too, quite enjoy your company..." He rubbed the back of his head, now feeling a bit awkward. "Reverie... I don't want to put you in a position that will disgrace you or cause you any strife... You don't have to abolish the serf system... That would be asking too much of you."

The vampirette took a deep breath out of relief and pulled away from Lily. "That's good..." She looked down and kicked the floor with her heel a bit. "I need to find out who his owner is... He could hurt someone because of his irrational behaviour..." Kew's eyes seemed distant as she became lost in thought. "Is it really that I'm concerned for others' well-being with him around... Or is it that I've taken a liking to him, and are concerned about his...?" She asked herself quietly.
Lily tilted her head to the side in confusion as Kew began talking to herself. She had obviously talked more to the Serf that she'd mentioned earlier, but Lily herself barely knew the human boy. She'd left moments after Kew had, getting away from the Serf as well. Now it seemed like her Mistress was concerned about his well-being, even though she thought just moments ago that Lily had been kidnapped by him. Sometimes her Mistress was a mystery, but Lily shrugged it off.
Reverie blushed a little. She felt the urge to kiss him again, to just get it over with, but she held back. She didn't want to do anything too sudden, despite the want that was growing.

"No and thank you. I have already disgraced myself in my family's eyes though. Some things are too late. But that does not matter. How about I start with ending our master/serf relationship. I want you to stay, but I want us to be more equals than we were before. How does that sound?"
"That's sounds.... Nice." Xavior have her a sentimental smile before holding his hand out for a handshake. "Equals then..." He never felt so relieved to say those words. Before he met Reverie, he truly thought he was just a dumb slave, not worthy of a second glance. His only purpose was to work until the day he died. But Reverie have him a taste of freedom and equality, a gift rarely given to serfs.

Changing the subject, Kew smiled. "Are you hungry? I can make something for you while you're working. I can help too if you need." she asked, hoping to be of some use to Lily for neglecting her all throughout the party.
Reverie looked at Xavior and took his hand, knowing that it would be too hard to back out now. But no. This felt right. Becoming equals with Xavior would only cause problems, but she was ready to face them. She wanted this and Xavior deserved to be more than just a servant. She then looked away, realizing something.

"I still need to feed..." she said hesitately, looking at him, asking him without saying anything for permission.
Lily tilted her head cutely. Wasn't she supposed to be her Mistress's servant? It always seemed like Kew was helping Lily more than the other way around. Lily felt bad about it, but instead tried to say something to distract Kew. "Maybe we could both go eat together?" she asked with a small smile. "The lady in the kitchen* just finished making food awhile ago, and it's probably still hot if we hurry."

* [MENTION=1978]KiokuLovesCheesecake[/MENTION] I cannot remember her name, I think you changed it from Tress to something else but I'm not sure.

When Reverie mentioned about feeding, naturally, Xavior's face became pale. It wasn't the most pleasant thing in the world. But on the other hand, some serfs claimed that it was. Either way, the thought of his blood being consumed by another being made him a bit queasy. But he quickly shook the feeling off. After all, it was Reverie. Someone he trusted. He then held his arm out to her. "Here."

I can't come up with a perminant name for her. Tress is already taken as a name on here. [MENTION=1807]KaitWink[/MENTION]

The vampirette nodded slowly. Perhaps some food would calm her nerves and make Lily feel better. "Okay..." She spoke quietly, her usual shy nature returning.
Lily walked with her mistress down to the kitchen, where Katherine (ta-da! New cook name) was just finishing cooking. Lily smiled at the nice woman and in return was handed two plates of food, one for herself and one for the vampiress. Lily handed Kew her plate and found them an empty spot at the table, which was easy to do since most of the other serfs were already started on their chores for the day.

Bret ate slowly despite the protests from the other serfs. They were telling him to get a move on and to tackle the day. There was plenty of work to do and an idle body was frustrating to the house serfs who never lacked a job. He still had yet to see the serf who had leant him the suit but when he mentioned the cook just nodded muttering something about an “Crazy old man”. The answer was not exactly perfect but the serf accepted it.

Once he finally finished eating Bret went to the garden outside of Illiana’s room. The weeds were profuse and were sprouting everywhere despite his best attempts. The rich soil could support the weeds and the plants so shrubbery was not suffering but it became very cluttered when the green weeds sprouted from the ground.

Rosa wandered out of the stable yard, she was sad to leave the horses but she knew staying any longer would be pushing her luck. She had yet to waken any of the horses and all of the stable serfs had had no idea of her late night visit. She wandered to the front of the mansion and lay down on a bench to the left of a huge fountain. The smells of the nearby garden were intoxicating. Some of the flowers that only bloomed at night were beginning to fade, to curl up around themselves in little cocoons that protected them from the light. Rosa toke suit and curled up tightly on the cold marble.

The serf knew she should be keeping an eye out for her Masters, he had had a long day but so had she and he was the on who had kicked her out. He had gotten his wish for her to depart and she was gone but not so far out of sight if they knew where to look. She almost wanted him to leave her hear just so she could see what it felt like, she was curious of the pain it would bring her in an odd maniacal way.

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