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Fantasy Alimarea Academy

Meredith blushed slightly, "I am so sorry! I should have been watching my surroundings. Please forgive me!" Meredith was obviously flustered and embarrassed over hitting the boy in the head with her wings. She just kept repeatedly apologizing in her embarrassed state.
"You're fine" Ramza chuckled. As she repeatedly smack him with her wings. He wondered if it was some kind of weird flirting, but he shook it off as an accident. "The name's Ramza Al-" he hesitated for a second, " Aldeatt, Ramza Aldeatt," he finished, a little worried about saying his last name.
Meredith smiled as she landed lightly on her feet on the ground, "It's nice to meet you. My name is Meredith." She seemed not to know who he was and if she did know she obviously didn't care.
Ramza was a little shocked that she didn't burst into a screaming mess when she heard his last name. It truly caught him by suprise, but he managed to keep a polite smilem "well it's nice to meet you as well." He replied.
Meredith stopped her, "Where are you going off to?" She was smiling as she was putting her wings away.
Meredith looked at her, "How about we go figure out where we are supposed to be going?"
Lin nodded she wasn't use to people being nice to her being a dark witch. "this is strange" she thought letting a small smile form on her lips.
Ramza just stood there awkwardly, he guessed that the two already know each other, "shouldn't there be a opening ceremony or something?" He asked, trying his best to be a part of the conversation.
Lin shrugged her shoulders shyly "possibly" she was really not good with talking to boys so she hoped Meredith knew and would talk to his so she didn't make a fool of her self.
After checking out a good portion of the school, Morris found himself a quiet spot to sit and waist some time. Pulling the old backpack from his shoulders he quickly rummaged around for a book. Finding the desired object and propping it up against his knees he leafed throw the pages to continue on where he left off.
As Caroline approached the school, she recognized a lot of people walking round in groups. Something deep within her felt hurt, but she ignored that. Fina flew around her head saying "We should try to find some friends. Go ask someone about their name or something Caroline. " Caroline smacked Fina, just as a habit, doing that nearly every time Fina said something. But the idea was not bad. She needed to get to know at least someone here. She walked to a group that seemed interesting to her, containing a fae, a witch and some boy, who she couldn't identify. As she reached them she said "Hi there, I'm Caroline and who are you?" Fina protested. "And what about me? Won't you introduce me?" Caroline smacked her again.

@Eagershadow3 @Srion Receno @Nylana
[QUOTE="Srion Receno]Lin looked at the new arrival "hi...im Lin" she held her hand out to Caroline with a small smile.

Caroline looked at the hand, not exactly knowing what to do know. Fina flew between them, happily saying "Shake her hand, take it and shake it. Your just making friends Caroline. " Caroline smacked Fina, muttering "I know what to do." Then she took Lin's hand, shaking it friendly.
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Ramza looked over to the new chick. Something about her sent a shiver down his spine, but he was raised to be kind to others. He turned to the new girl and gave her a smile, "Ramza Aldeatt," he introduced hjmself.
Lin let go of her hand then smiled agen seeing the two she was interested in the pink thing flying around. Lin realized that she never was introduced to the guy that was standing there talking to Meredith "it may be for the best" she thought thinking she wouldn't make a good friend anyway.
Eagershadow3 said:
Ramza looked over to the new chick. Something about her sent a shiver down his spine, but he was raised to be kind to others. He turned to the new girl and gave her a smile, "Ramza Aldeatt," he introduced hjmself.
Fina jumped around in the air as he smiled at Caroline. "Isn't he cute, isn't he cute? He is he is he is! And he even smiles at you. Quick! Smile back! " Caroline smacked Fina another time, this time sending her flying somewhere into a nearby bush. " I know what I need to do Fina! Stop embarrassing me!", Caroline angrily shouted, before turning to Ramza and smiling back at him. " Nice to meet you Ramza, as said I am Caroline. "
As Fina returned, she angrily flew around Caroline's head. " Stop doing that. It's not funny or something. Now at least introduce me to your new friends. ", she angrily insisted. Caroline sighed. " Ok, Ramza, Lin, this is Fina. She keeps following me. She calls herself my conscience, I just call her annoying. I guess she is something in between. ", she frustratedly said.
Ramza took a closer look at Fina, "interesting," he mummbled to himself. He then looked over st the other two, "should be finding out where we should be going," he told them while looking over to the school.

(And the harem of Ramza begins (^U^))
Eagershadow3 said:
Ramza took a closer look at Fina, "interesting," he mummbled to himself. He then looked over st the other two, "should be finding out where we should be going," he told them while looking over to the school.
(And the harem of Ramza begins (^U^))
" Yeah, you should really find that out. And as soon as you know: tell me. I will be unrecognizably following you.", Caroline said, grinning in a malicious way.

(Caroline will most likely not be in that harem, she's not that much if a loving or being loved person. Feel free to try to change that.)
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"Well anyways I'm going to go do that," he said before walking off, and into the school. He looked around for a principles office, or anything that would give him information on what's going on.

(I was only kidding. I don't focus on romance that mych, but if it happens it happens)
Eagershadow3 said:
"Well anyways I'm going to go do that," he said before walking off, and into the school. He looked around for a principles office, or anything that would give him information on what's going on.
(I was only kidding. I don't focus on romance that mych, but if it happens it happens)
As she announced earlier, she followed him at a range, trying to not attract peoples attention. Fina made that being pretty hard, by flying around excitedly and speaking nearly permanently.
Max Farraday walked past a group of four other students. One boy, and three girls. "Really? Is he some sort of big shot or something?" He smirked and continued past them. "I could take 'im" He made his way to the back of the school. He could feel the water calling for him. A pool was right around the corner. He knew it wasn't an ocean, since there was no salty air. Also, he could feel the chlorine. "Better then nothing..." He muttered to himself as he walked around to find the pool.
Lin watch the two walk away as she stood next to Meredith then a boy caught her attention. She tried not to stare as she watched him walk toward the back of the school "demigod" she thought turned to Meredith "I guess we should get going".

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