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Fandom Akame Ga Kill


Ten Thousand Club

The Empire

A prosperous and densely populated nation filled with beautiful wealthy cities and lush lands is usually the first thing that comes to people's mind when The Empire is mentioned. Though everything is not what it seems to be. The nation is actually much darker than most think it to be, filled with corruption in the government, rival parties, outer towns filled with suffering people that aren't even considered to be apart of The Empire, the gap between rich and poor, this is the dark truth. The root of this problem? The Emporer. A man so obsessed with power and personal gain that he plagued the nation with greed and sorrow. Fortunately the people aren't blind to this problem and formed an army to fight back against the Emperor and his corrupt ways; the Revolutionary Army. People all around the Empire have taken the call to arms and are fighting all around the nation, thrusting the inhabitants into a bloody civil war.

Assisting the Revolutionary Army is a mysterious and deadly group known as Night Raid, a group of skilled assassins who reside in the Capital City and strike from within. Nearly no one can match their power, except for the Royal Guard, the highest ranking, most powerful guards in all the land. They have been drawn to the Capital as a last ditch effort to protect the Emperor and put an end to the dogs known as Night Raid as well as the rest of the rebellion.

Now the only question is, which side are you on?

(Holy shit that last question was so cliché and stupid. I'm so sorry)

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The Capital City was booming in the morning, all of the merchants and citizens debating over prices, children playing in the streets, crying as their mothers try to shush them and keep them still. However, the top of the capital city wasn't the only place thriving with business.

The underground of the capital, where mostly criminals, pirates, thieves and more venture and settle down. The place was built shabbily, yet with proficiency and efficiency, as the place had never shook once. Rugged, powerful men and women were enjoying drinks at the bars, hustling unfortunate merchants who dared to venture in the underground, dog fight, cock fights, actual fights, and many other gruesome activities. However, there was a large event that was being taken place that day. Slave trades were very common in the underground cities, and the Capital underground was the largest slave trade.

A young, red haired boy was staring down at the ground below him, his hands shackled and chained to the wooden post behind him, his ankles as well shackled to the splintery and unpleasant post. The shirt he was wearing was ripped into rags, cuts decorating his lean, muscular, but soft-skinned body. Suddenly, the boys head slowly lifts up to see two women standing a few feet in front of him, both slave buyers. The women were easily in their early 30's, both in very expensive clothing. Two massive bodyguards were next to each of the women. As the two women started to debate between each other, Leo's( the red haired boy is Leo by the way) slave owner, a young, silver haired woman stood in between the two women and Leo. The two women's faces completely change, both of them now scared, and rigid. The two bodyguard next to the two women also took a step back, which was a surprising sight to see. The woman most left to Leo spoke up first.

"Ahh, Mistress Lilia! We were just here to browse the many toys you brought with you! This boy is just remarkable, just look at his golden orange eyes! What is the price for him?

"The boys not on sale, leave. Now."

Of course! We'll be on our way!"

The two women quickly shuffle away from the two, the two massive men also following their masters. Lilia turns around, and her left hand quickly shoot ups and grabs Leo by the throat. The young boy gasps, but knew not to make any noise. He knew Lilia would punish him every time he uttered a single word. Lilia gets close to his left ear, a cruel grin plastered on her face as she whispers into his ear.

"My my, you've really brought some attention to yourself. Keep your head lowered, and if I see one more person come close to you, I'll paint your body red."

She violently smacks Leo, small droplets of blood leaving his mouth as his face is violently pushed to the side.

"Y-yes... Master..."

Lilia grins, before returning back to a group of women conversating.

@Defective Kitten
Kayzo said:
Now the only question is, which side are you on?
(Holy shit that last question was so cliché and stupid. I'm so sorry)

((Very cliché..))

Arden Lacer | Assassin

Arden had been away from the group and base in general for the past few days, perhaps weeks even, on a solo mission that she assigned herself. She had up and left the base without much of a trace of where she was other than a vague scrap of paper that read, "Arden is away" slipped under Santios' door. Although these sudden disappearances weren't new, they always were a surprise when she leaves since the group never knew where she was or if she'd even return in the end. On another note, her longest disappearance was up to 19 months. Upon her return, news of a drug lord that ran a rather powerful corporation widely heard of within the black market had been murdered alongside with the rise of a new boss taking over very shortly had spread throughout the underground. However her return and the news couldn't have possibly been linked, of corse not, probably just a little coincidence was all..

Nonetheless Arden found herself in an auction house run by no other than The Amazons. Looking down at the boy in chains right under her feet along with the two women who wanted to buy him to only be scared away by Lilia, the women running the whole show, she studied all there movements and even the smallest of details. She watched almost in a daze as Lilia smacked the bloodied boy, feeling rather pitiful for him to be in this situation. This wouldn't have been such a big deal to Arden if it wasn't for the fact that one of their branches had solder her when she was younger, she was simply here to pay her respects to her old roots.

Appearing within the darkness behind the two in a silent manner, she floated down from what it appearing the ceiling, keeping her profile low as she stared at the women with piercing cold red eyes from under her signature fox mask. Her stare was sharp and almost bitter in a way, though her expression rather mono despite hidden under the mask. Standing calmly, Arden waited for the woman to finally notice so that she could do the pleasure of finally taking her revenge and also taking her life with it. First she simply glanced at Lilia then she finally looking down at the boy, studying his bruises and wounds but it would've just seemed like a cold stare from his point of view.

Leo could feel two, two monotone eyes looking right at him. He raises his head, his eyes meeting the new girls. The girls eyes stared straight at him, or at least that was how it felt to him. He shudders, his red hair falling in front of his orange gold eyes. He was scared, not only of the girl staring at him, but the the problem that she was close to him, which meant...

Lilia appeared in front of the two, her silvery eyes glaring straight at Arden. Lilia smirks at Arden, a small dagger slipping down to her hand from her sleeve.

"My my my, a little girl walking into the underground? I believe you are in the wrong place, little girl. He is not here to play with. Go find a different playmate."

@Defective Kitten

Arden Lacer | Assassin

Oh! So he's one of her favorite then.. Interesting. As she slipped a dagger from her sleeve, Arden prepared her fans as well. Within a blink of an eye, the fox masked girl was gone and instead stood right besides Lilia. "Can you play with me instead?" Speaking almost in a hushed voice as she drove her fan, along with her hand, right into her chest. She could feel the woman's steady heart beating right next to her arm, slowly rising as the realization of what had happened sinking in.

As she waited for the woman's body to eventually go limp and fall into her arms, Arden remembered that the boy was literally right in front of her feet and had front row seats to this. Looking down at him as her fan held hand casually dripped in blood, she waited to see a reaction off of him but still keep her guard up of corse.

The woman wasn't even able to blink as she felt her body slip away, her very life depleted as her knees hit the floor, her body falling into Ardin's arms.

Leo's eyes couldn't believe at what he saw. For a minute, he thought the young girl was done for. He wanted to tell her to run, to get away. But suddenly, he watches as the very person who tortured him for years, the person who made him cry, made him bleed, made him suffer, suddenly die. He couldn't believe it, but reality shook him back, back to the reality of his master dead. Leo shivers from the gruesome death, his eyes now painted with fear, and curiosity. Was she going to do the same to him? Who was she?

"W-who are you?.. What are you doing here?"

The people around the two started freak out and riot. The other Amazons started to run away with the slaves in tow, not even thinking of fighting the young girl, who single handily defeated their leader. After a few minutes, the two were alone, and Leo's fear was starting to build up. He pushes himself up to the post, but to no avail, as he had no where to go.

@Defective Kitten

Arden Lacer | Assassin

Everyone had left but she could care less about what everyone did, her mission of revenge was complete the moment she finished off the woman's life. Retracting her arm from the still warm corpse, her arm now stained with red liquid as she placed her fan back in her kimono's sleeve. Arden would've left the boy until he asked of her, looking down at him as she blinked innocently. "Hm?" Her mask still hiding her expression, "Are you not relieved that you no longer are apart of this.. circus?" Asking him with her calm,still voice.

Leo looks at the young girl, his colorful eyes looking at her, more curious.

"I really am happy, I owe you my life. But, what do I do now? Everyone I knew has been sold off... This was my life.. I never knew anything else."

Leo's eyes stayed locked on Arden's, his hands still tied to the post, his ankles chained. He leans against the chains, as if he was trying to free himself.

@Defective Kitten

Arden Lacer | Assassin

She knew what the boy was experiencing since she had been in his position just a few years earlier after had escaping, feeling pity towards him as she saw herself in him. Watching as he struggled to try to get himself from the chains, he least she could do for him at the moment was to help him. Kneeling down close to him to break the chains, she spoke in a soft tone near his ear, "No, you don't owe me anything. This was for me." Arden stated briefly as she pulled back from him, offering him her hand. "Come, I'll show you a different life." Although she wasn't why she was going this, perhaps it was because she could relate to him, perhaps she would've wanted someone to have done the same back then.

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Leo was still in complete shock as she helped him once again by freeing him of his chains. He almost falls face first before catching himself, the cuts on his body gleaming, the cuts and scratches still fresh with blood.. His body was a bit weak and fragile from the lack of nourishment and torture, but he at least looked alive. His pale skin reflected from the sunlight, his red hair still covering the tops of his eyes. He carefully stands back up, looking at the hand Ardin offered to help him. He gingerly takes her hand, nodding his head carefully.

"W...where are we gonna go? And, what's your name?"

@Defective Kitten

Arden Lacer | Assassin

Arden was glad to know that he'd trust her enough to take her hand, knowing that she wouldn't have done the same back then. They walked only a few steps before he had asked, "Well.. you'll see.." Their hands still clasped simply to make sure he didn't fall back, "You can call me Arden, and what can I call you?" Asking him without taking much of a glance at him, rather continuing their way outside of the building. Lucky for them, the ones that fled made a rather noticeable clear path to the exit. As always Arden continued to keep her guard up, this was for both her own and his sake.

Leo looks around the large place, his eyes entranced with everything he saw. He could feel the cool touch of her hands on his own, comforting him somewhat. He mouths her name in his mouth, his tongue getting used to her name. He finally says her name out loud, saying each syllable out.

"Ar-den. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrdeeeeeeen. That's a nice name. My name is Leo."

His golden orange eyes sparkle in from the sunlight, the shadows under his eyes heavily detailed. He looks around the place, seeing the exit. It was a decorated wooden door, two heavy set doors just slightly ajar. Leo points to the doors, his red hair rustling from the faint wind that pushes his hair back.

"We can use that exit!"

@Defective Kitten

Arden Lacer | Assassin

Their silence was broken again when he repeated her name, seeming to try to get used to the sound and way of saying it as if eating a new type of sustenance. Speaking of nourishment, it probably would've been amusing to watch him try to eat new types of dishes. She probably would've had to stop by a stall and get something for him to munch on along with some other necessities if she was going to take him back to base. Taking note to his name she remained quiet as they walked towards the exit, pulling up her hood as she turned back to him to finally notice he was only wearing scraps of cloth of what was his clothes.

Arden picked up a somewhat clean thin blanket from the floor, draping it around his head and shoulders. "Here. It's not much for now but we can stop by the surface market to get you a cover in a bit.." Trying to be reassuring to him as she flashed what she could of a smile but failed after remembered that she was wearing a mask. But for now, they'd just go back to the base and clean him up along with feed the poor boy something. Reaching into her bag from under the hood, Arden pulled out a full canteen of water and an apple, placing the two in Leo's hands gently. "Eat up, we'll be walking for a little while."

Strolling through the city standing about 6 feet, and 8 inches tall his longish, ginger hair he tends to wear up in a bandana. A sigh left from ichigen, as he feels through his hair with his finger. This was indeed a boring day for him, walking all alone in a busy town, he wasn't new to the place at all. Ichigen began to place both of his hand behind his head, and locked his fingers with each other, keeping a slow little pace, with his eyes shut, as if he knew the ins, and outs of his surronding.

Leo flinches when she drapes the towel over his head, a nature instinct that came over him over the course of years. He looks up to feel the soft fabric of the towel on his head and shoulders. He nodded in gratitude as he gently pushed the towel more onto his head. He looks around, his eyes absorbing everything.

Suddenly, she stopped in front of him, and again, she looked at him. He could see her eyes from the mask she was wearing, and it slightly scared him, but also made him more curious. He looks down at the food that she gave him, and his eyes were wider than plates as he gratefully consumes the apple, munching at it happily and drinking the water. His cheeks starts to turn blue as he hits his chest, most likely choking from going too fast. He coughs, before looking up at Arden again.

"Thank you. You're too kind, I swear."

However, his attention was again diverted to her eyes. They looked so mysterious behind the mask, making him tilt his head in curiosity.

"Why do you have a mask? Do you have a bad scar?"

@Defective Kitten

Arden Lacer | Assassin

Kind, huh? Sure.. Arden watched as he gratefully ate the food, his last meal probably being of worms or bugs, stale bread if he was lucky. As she predicted, watching him eat was quite amusing to watch especially since it was like a child discovering something new. It didn't take long before he finished the food she had given him, than his curiosity leading him to inevitably ask of her mask. "Scar..?" Mumbling back to him however avoiding to answer the question together.

Leo nods, finishing the apple, the core not even left as he ate the entire thing, stem and all. He finishes the water, before holding the flask in his left hand.

"Yeah. The people that were control of the slaves would sometimes wear masks. Why do you wear one? Do you have secrets Arden?"

For some reason, Leo was now super entranced with her mask. He wanted to know why she wore it. Is she actually a really feminine boy? Is she ugly? Does she have a scar? Or is it for another reason? Suddenly, his hand slowly starts to reach out to her face, his fingers touching her mask.

@Defective Kitten
Hanjizoe said:
Strolling through the city standing about 6 feet, and 8 inches tall his longish, ginger hair he tends to wear up in a bandana. A sigh left from ichigen, as he feels through his hair with his finger. This was indeed a boring day for him, walking all alone in a busy town, he wasn't new to the place at all. Ichigen began to place both of his hand behind his head, and locked his fingers with each other, keeping a slow little pace, with his eyes shut, as if he knew the ins, and outs of his surronding.

Clair O'Reilly / Assassin

Clair didn't get out and into the city much in her free time due to the wanted posters however today was special. Clair had made a complete transformation using just a black wig and colored contacts , of course this wouldn't help if a royal guard were to see her but to the civilians she was just as innocent as any of them. Why was she out and about ? Well that's simple , you see she was bored and wanted to go out and about. This was of course dangerous but she had finished her training for the day , cleaned her room twice , cleaned her katana twice and well she couldn't spar with Rin because he was 'busy' . Put simply she was bored and wanted something to do so she got dressed up in a disguise and made her way into the city to buy some stuff.

Clair was browsing a stall when she saw a familiar face in the crowd , it was Ichigen. Of course he wasn't disguised at all in fact he was as calm as ever , Clair let out a sigh as she remembered how simple those days were. with a smile she made her way up to him and spoke quietly "So Ichigen what brings you to the city today ?" @Hanjizoe
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Ichigen || Assassin

The strolling went on for a few minutes or so, it felt like that he needed some fresh air, the weather was farly nice, as the breeze of warm air went passed through him, approximately going west at about 5 miles an hour. All of a sudden, he would here a feminine voice absolutely just an inch away from him.

Ichigen simply open one eye, and responded with a simple "Hello, and how do you know my name?" he asked suspiciously. He indeed wasn't sure who the person was, and how did she knew his name, he where to think she could be an assassin of some sort, leader giving the target's name, etc, etc. @Mr Swiftshots

Cirillia Vines

Ciri groaned softly and rolled over in the small bed she had in the corner of the room she and Fujio shared as sunlight peeked through the window and right onto her face. She wasn't exactly still all that sleepy, no. She was just tired, and when she wanted to rest she wanted to do so un-interrupted. Being tired was a rarity in and of itself, even still she welcomed the brief amount of time she could sleep. Sighing in a defeated manner as she was now completely awake she scowled angrilly at the offending window that dared allow sunlight into the room, it looked more adorable than threatening really. It was quite hard for Ciri to look threatening, at all. Really it worked to her advantage though, she was the last person aside from Silith that you'd expect to be a weapon of mass destruction. Maybe Santios too, maybe. Really you wouldn't expect Fujio to be a trained assassin either just by looking at him, good thing looks didn't mean everything.

Regardless she decided to force herself out of her thoughts and struggle out of bed, walk over to her dresser and get a change of clothes then take a quick shower. After roughly 8 minutes Ciri came out drying her ears, which were basically massive water sponges. After they were dry enough to not weigh down and slap her in the face she walked to stand beside Fujio's bed, deciding the best way to wake him up. Or rather the most fun way to do so. Grinning to herself she walked to the end of the bed before running, jumping, and landing directly on his chest. "Good morning Fujio!" She told him excitedly, clinging lightly to his shirt incase he decided to freak out and accidentally toss her after basically getting attacked.

Arden Lacer | Assassin

Arden watched carefully as he leaned forward touching her mask with his fingertips, a curious expression on his face as would a pet or a small child. She had nothing to hide under her mask, it simply was to disquise her during battles. This was also a reason why her face wasn't on any wanted posters but rather her mask was. Staring silently with red eyes that seemed to glow ever so subtly, she tried her best not to give off the impression of a death stare. In a way, she somewhat trusted him, plus even if he ended up going behind her back her face would be the last thing he saw and wouldn't that be romantic?

Hanjizoe said:

Ichigen || Assassin

The strolling went on for a few minutes or so, it felt like that he needed some fresh air, the weather was farly nice, as the breeze of warm air went passed through him, approximately going west at about 5 miles an hour. All of a sudden, he would here a feminine voice absolutely just an inch away from him.

Ichigen simply open one eye, and responded with a simple "Hello, and how do you know my name?" he asked suspiciously. He indeed wasn't sure who the person was, and how did she knew his name, he where to think she could be an assassin of some sort, leader giving the target's name, etc, etc. @Mr Swiftshots
Clair O'Reilly / Assassin

Clair covered her mouth as she struggled not to laugh at how she had simply disguised herself. She honestly didn't think her disguise was all that good but evidently it was "It's me Clair , can you honestly not tell it's me?". Clair continued on beside him , matching his pace , rhythm even his breathing and heart rate instinctively."so , you out on a mission or just trying to clear your mind ?". @Hanjizoe
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As there conversation began to start, both of his eyes opened, and had his full attention on a girl that thinks he know's him, until a name was given out. Ichigen sucked his teeth, and sighed. "Well since you given out your name recklessly, if I were to be on the opposing side do a better job next time" He lecured.

"I'm not on a mission at the moment, I'm just getting fresh air" He replies to her latest question.
@Mr Swiftshots
Hanjizoe said:

As there conversation began to start, both of his eyes opened, and had his full attention on a girl that thinks he know's him, until a name was given out. Ichigen sucked his teeth, and sighed. "Well since you given out your name recklessly, if I were to be on the opposing side do a better job next time" He lecured.

"I'm not on a mission at the moment, I'm just getting fresh air" He replies to her latest question.
@Mr Swiftshots
Clair O'Reilly / Assassin

Clair sighed back when he sucked his teeth , 'had he of been an enemy he would of been dead already what a stupid comment ' she thought to herself. This guy clearly had some sort social problem even more so than she herself , however with him around her boredom was bound to be lifted right?

Clair looked up at the passing clouds as they walked , using her left hand to shade her eyes from the light , it was a pleasant day after all. While she did this she continued to ask the boy more questions " Out for air , same here the base can be quite stuffy especially when it's a reasonably warm day like today. Don't you agree?" @Hanjizoe

Ichigen began to wonder about a few things, mainly his future, as his past friends are gone, and one maybe still held captive, maybe already dead, or has betreyed him due to an offer of some sort, other being is that will he continue his legacy as a lonely assassin? though that didn't bother him at all, group work isn't much of his thing, and worring about others safety keeps him off track of what he needs to do.

He is quite known to ditch others during his past group assignments. "I didn't have much problem with the base, just that I needed to go out, and about. A guy like me can't just sit, and do nothing for the rest of his life" Ichigen released his hand, and dropped them from his head, and plaed them in his pocket. @Mr Swiftshots

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