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Futuristic After The War (Accepting!)


Junior Member

The world has been destroyed by a nuclear war.

Since the nuclear war everything about earth has changed drastically.

Theres mutants almost anywhere you have to survive from.

The weather can change drastically from any point in the day and you need to learn how to adapt to that.

Theres no laws. Just every person to themselves.

You just have to survive.

(This rp takes place in Los Angeles.

The weather is completely different then how it would be... It could get hot or cold at any minute)

(This was just an idea I thought of. Anyone is welcomed to join!)

We're starting now, people still may join, anyone can join through out the rp. If you started later you can ask one of us and we can basically give you the plot of whats happening so far!)​
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Arabella was walking down a lonely town in Los Angeles with her German Shepherd, Butternut.

Butternut was prancing himself down the road with abandon cars, Arabella couldn't help but giggle because it was just so adorable.

It was pretty cold outside for Los Angeles. The weather has never been right since the war ended. She then felt some snow fall on her head.

"Shit..." Arabella muttered then called out Butternuts name, who came running back to Arabella then following her to the abandon homes, "Now, which home should we live in tonight Mr. Butternut." Arabella said, squinting her eyes into the windows, making sure there weren't any people already living in the homes.

Arabella then found a little small brick house that was completely boarded up, "This seems like a nice place, right?"

"Right." She replied back to herself as she kicked the door down with her brown leather combat boots and let Butternut run in to see if there was any people, which there was not, well, at least that she knew of.

The blonde walked into the living room and found a fire place with wood already chopped, "Yes!" Arabella said and said a bit loudly.

She smiled and took out her lighter and lit the fire.

Once she did that, Arabella went to the garage and found a bunch of supplies she was going to use to cover up the door and nail it shut.

After she did that, Arabella fell asleep on a leather couch with Butternut.

@ anyone

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It'd been a long road, most of it spent alone it was a surprise how much a mutant two-headed dog could improve the mood of a weathered old Mercenary. Now, Robert sat in a bar with his muddied boots kicked up on the table to the disdain of the bar owner who cleaned drinking glasses behind the bar. Robert's helmet rested next to him on the table while Junkyard lay at the legs of the chairs, watching as the patrons of the bar sipped their drinks.

A man entered the bar behind Robert and gazed out across everyone there, with gear as sophisticated as his; Robert stuck out like a sore thumb. The man approached the table and sat down, keeping his head concealed with a hood and the darkness of the bar. Robert kicked his feet down and eyed the man as he downed the rest of the amber liquid in his cup, placing a bullet on the table as payment.

You're the man?" the stranger's voice was older, befitting of a slightly overweight man. Robert scratched his beard and nodded, leaning forward to speak quiet and still be heard.

Yeah, I'm him. But first things first; money on the table, and I need to see you're face." Robert said calmly. The stranger hesitated but placed a small zip-lock baggy with some ammunition for his rifle, and a few dog treats. Robert took the bag and opened it, sliding the dog treats to the stranger. "Take a bite. I'm not feeding my dog poison." He said, the stranger took a bite of the dog treat without hesitation. Robert checked the ammunition first, genuine rounds, military grade, not that scavenger crap that everyone hand made nowadays. Robert tossed the treats to Junkyard, the two heads gobbling up the treats as if they had a separate stomach. Tucking the ammunition into his coat pocket Robert nodded to the stranger and leaned back in his chair.

So... You'll do it?" the stranger asked, perking up. Robert nodded in response and the Stranger pulled his hood down and revealed his face, older, graying hair, a bit overweight, unsurprising. The stranger took a photo from his pocket and slid it towards Robert. Peaking at the picture, it showed a young girl, probably 18 or 20 years old, blonde hair, real pretty. She had a dog with her.

The dog?" Robert asked looking up at the stranger as he pocketed the picture.

Optional, take it alive if you can. But we're only concerned with the girl." he said in response, his eyes wide with excitement. Robert got up to leave without another word and slipped his helmet on to help filter the choking smog and radiation that blanketed the Earth outside.

It was going to be a long road.

Several days later, Robert found himself wandering through the streets of Los Angeles, the city mostly abandoned to mutants and radiation. It was where someone went to get away from society, figures his target would be hiding somewhere inside. He'd been tracking the girl for about a whole day now and was hot on her trail, he dog leaving a good scent for Junkyard to follow. Eventually he was led to an old brickhouse all boarded up, he heard activity inside and checked his SMG, safety off, round chambered, good to go. Adjusting the pressure in his power fist, Robert approached the slammed a fist through the hinged side, splintering it before promptly ripping it out of it's frame, tossing it aside.



Arabella was having a nice dream about her family and the world back to the way she missed.

The way he family would play outside together and have picnics, watch movies. It seemed all good, she should have never took that for granted.

Her dog than began to bark, which she immediately woke up, "Whats wrong, Butternut?" Butternut ran to the door and Arabella followed and saw a man all suited up, an iron fist where his hand should be and a beard. He looked a bit intimidating, then realized, he was after her.

Arabella's eyes darted to her compound bow and quickly ran towards it, took it and her dagger and ran upstairs, not to sure where she was going, but she needed to get away as fast as she could, Butternut followed, which she also now realized that she probably wasn't going to get away because that mutant dog the man had could of course follow her scent and Butternuts.

Arabella hid in one of the rooms with her dog hiding in the closet with her. She got her bow ready just incase he found her.


Dammit, why do they always run?!" Robert shouted as he saw he grab for the compound bow. He shouldered his SMG and aimed down the sights, tracking her for a second before recalling he needed her alive. Kicking away the debris, Robert walked into the home and made a clicking sound with his mouth, the two-headed dog rushing after Arabella and Butternut.

As Junkyard chased Arabella and her dog upstairs, Robert did a quick sweep throughout the house, ensuring no one else was here before he slung the SMG over his shoulder and repressurized his power fist. Junkyard barked outside the door of the room that Arabella was hiding in, Robert swiftly kicked in the door and looked about the room.

Don't make this hard. You're coming with me, one way or another." Robert said securing his helmet on his head to hide his face and protect him from an attack should she attempt to flee. Junkyard rushed in and sniffed the floor before immediately rushing to the closet and barking at the closet door, Robert came up behind the dog and patted one it's heads. "Good dog, Junkyard. Down." the dog stopped barking and panted happily as it's tongues hung from the two mouths. Robert knocked on the closet door and spoke again; "Come on out, if I was going to kill you I'd have done it already. Don't make me have to drag you out of here."

Butternut began to bark at the two headed dog, growling at the two headed dog and pouncing at it, somewhat playfully but not completely.

While Butternut was off doing his own thing with the mutant dog, Arabella was on the floor with her arm straight to the bearded mans head.

She didn't say one word, just stared at him, her tiny figure shaking in fear, then she fired but missed and hit a painting which fell to the ground.

Arabella lowered her bow and stood up with her hands raised, showing surrender, still shaking in complete fear of whats yet to come. @Anaxial

As Buttnernut came bounding through the door, Junkyard wouldn't be so playful and tackled the German Shepherd, growling to assert dominance over the other dog. Robert flinched as the arrow flew past his head and immediately lunged at the girl, grabbing her bow and ripping it from her hands.

Jesus Christ... " He grumbled as as set the bow down and began to pat Arabella down for weapons, quickly finding her knife that he stowed away in his belt. "is your dog going to be a problem? I don't want to kill it, but if you can't control it-" he trailed off, letting her imagine how that sentence ended. "You're coming with me, we're going to the South side of Los Angeles. Let me explain something, so I talk, you listen. Understand?" He asked her, picking up her bow and handing it to her once again, along with her knife.
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Arabella shook her head quickly, "N-no... He won't be a problem, I can assure you that..." I might though... She thought to herself as she was handed the bow as the man said something.

She didn't want to listen, all she wanted to do was run, sadly Arabella didn't have that choice, so she had to listen.

"Fine, f-first.. Whats your name." She said, glaring into his eyes.



The red glow of the eyes on his helmet stared back at Arabella as he gave her the bow back.

No. Stop. No names." He said raising a finger to her as he turned around and peaked out a window, his SMG in his hands now. "You will call me Escort, you are Package. Understand? We're not friends, I'm not here to save you, I will protect you ONLY because I have been paid to do so." He explained turning back to her and calling off Junkyard who let Butternut free. "I assume you know how to use that bow, the only reason I'm letting you keep your weapons is because the South side is crawling with freaks. I can't watch your ass the whole time, you'll need to protect yourself." Robert's boots made heavy thuds as he searched the rooms, pocketed a few pairs of socks that he found tucked in a drawer. "If you turn on me, try to run, don't do as you're told, I will not hesitate to shoot you." He said, turning to her to make his point clear. "I have to bring you in alive, whether or not your legs are broken is optional, I make myself clear?"
"sleep...i should have slept..." June trudged through the snow, feeling it nip at her legs. she had been walking for about... "i should have slept..." her frail hands paw away at her eyes, wiping the exhaustion away. just keep walking. left foot...right foot...left foot...right foot... her toy of a gun makes small little clinks as it bounces off her hip with each step. she thought for a fraction of a second as to where she had got it, but she really did not mind not knowing the answer. "fly me to the moon...and let me pla-" haha...jazz songs...what a funny word...jazz...she smiles as she sings quietly to herself. she sees two figures approaching,hearing the small crunch of the snow they make. friends? maybe her best friends, maybe her imaginary friend. or maybe the bad kind of friends...the ones that hiss and have teeth in their stomach and sting... "Let me see what spring is like on..." left foot...right foot...left foot...stop...she stopped walking and watched the two figures become a metal man and a girl.
Ash was on the way to his next target he was on a mission for and her name was Arabella he had an anonymous payer and was paying him in equipment all he needed to do was take the girl to the meet up location in the south of Los Angeles to meet the his payer. As he was walking down the street she was last spotted from his Intel reports. As he looked around he saw a broken in house and a little girl in front of it she looked in bad condition since she was alone in the wasteland so he walked up as the snow crunched under his feet, when he made it to her he keeled down right in front of her as he heard voices behind him in the house he looked back to the girl making a 'Shh' sound as he got back out pulling out his custom shotgun and walked in. As he made his way in the front door he yelled making him pronounced saying "Arabella come on out and whoever is with her come on out to and I won't kill anyone" he shot his custom made shotgun that was 2 times louder than any shotgun and had quite a punch to it as it made a big hole in the wall.

@KabiKabi @Anaxial @Floridxkilos

Arabella listened to him and nodded quickly as she held tightly onto her compound bow, "Yeah, you did make yourself clear... Escort..." She averted her eyes from him and looked over at Butternut who came running towards her and hiding behind her.

Arabella then heard another mans voice, "Shit..." She muttered, how much people are after me? Arabella thought as she whispered to 'Escort', "Whats your plan to deal with him?"

@Aqua @Anaxial
John was off to the sidelines, on top of a broken down building. He had watched that man with the terrifying equipment practically break the little house, he couldn't see the man's face but he didn't need to know that he should go anywhere near him. That and his freaky tiki dog helped.

But alas, here he was.

Was a fight about to break out? The had guns, he has... What? A screwdriver. John rubbed the back of his neck, that girl's being held hostage or something along those lines. He wants to help, but... He likes not having bullets holes in his body.

Yet, some ADHD impulse told climb down and stop what was going on. John landed roughly on the ground, he took a couple of wobbly steps before walking normally inbetween the space of those who looked like murders.

"H- hey guys, no need to kill anyone. Right?" John let out a half hearted chuckle.

Robert let out a curse as shot was heard down stairs, he paced in the room quietly and eventually came up with a plan.

You hear him? He's not here to rob you, he's here for the same thing I am. Someone hired him to take prisoners, so here's the plan." Robert explained, turning her around and resting his gun on her shoulder. He crouched down behind her and walked from the room, pushing her forward in front of him like a human shield. "Just keep your hands raised and your fingers in your ears, he won't shoot you as long as we're careful. When we make it outside I want you to make a run for cover and I'll deal with this punk." he explained, patting her on the shoulder as he urged her downstairs.

Junkyard growled and followed close at Robert's side, it's two heads staring hungrily at newest arrival to their little Mexican standoff. That was until a third figure appeared, another stupid kid.

Nobody's gonna die as long as this idiot keeps his finger off the trigger. I've had a lot more experience then you kid, put your gun down and let us out. That's not a request." Robert yelled, halfway down the stairs.
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John's head spun, he was unsure of what to do. He just kinda backed into the sofa, he leapt onto the other side of it. His head just kinda of peaking just above the cushions, his eyes dilated.
Ash looked up the stairs saying "sorry Gramps but I can't comply, I have to do this job or I can't stay in this state and I'm not going back to DC to much radiation and to many mutants....besides I have to take a hostage I'll take another even if I have to rough them up a bit" his mini jets turned on ready to make a quick dash if they had any ideas and he had his Auto Sheva-8 shotgun loaded waiting to blast through some steel or whatever they were using to block themselves from him as he had his ginormous sniper on his back if they actually made it to far from his shotgun hell and his pistol ready if they got to close.
"I don't think anyone needs to be roughed up! Anyway, currency is not really in usage anymore, is it? Why can't we all just go have tea or something?" John piped up from behind the sofa.

Arabella nodded to what "Escort" said and began to timidly walk towards the staircase with her fingers in her ears. She was still shaking, she always shakes when she's nervous, which is a lot of the time.

Arabella than glanced to the boy behind the sofa and rolled her eyes, this was going to be a long day for her.

@Aqua @Anaxial
John saw the girl, he grinned and waved happily to her. He mouthed something along the lines of 'Hi! You're pretty, wait stupid, stupid, stupid, hi?' John quickly shut his mouth and bobbed back down behind the sofa.

Robert growled to himself, shaking his head at the stupidity of the kid. He aimed the short Sub-Machine gun over Arabella's shoulder and at the kid with a shotgun in his hands.

I don't give a shit. I've tried to play it nice, tried not to kill anyone on this job. Well I'm done with that! " he barked at Ash. "You have TEN seconds before I fill your shit head body full of holes. ONE. TWO. THREE..."
From behind the couch, John chirped; "No holes please? In anyone?" John was trembling; from adrenaline (Oh ADHD, you're so kind), anticipation and fear.

'Would they really kill each other?'

Unwisely- yet still done- John grabbed a brick and threw it at the scary man with the two-headed dog's gun.
Alex glanced at a bullet in the distance, and began to feel his heart beating intensely, he held on to his heart but he was starting to hyperventilate, the bullet gave him a serious trauma of his father being shot to death. Shit, not th- he started vomiting and his ability to move broke down. I need wa- EUARRRGH (vomiting) water helps m- EAURRGH.
As soon as the brick hit the old mans gun Ash took this opportunity to run up and kick the gun out of the mans grip because that weak little throw probably wouldn't have knocked it out of his hand. "Thanks you peace loving hippy for throwing that brick" before he got back pulling out his sniper saying "hey gramps this will blow thru her and you, because honestly I don't care if I have to return her dead I'll return her any way possible" he said in a hiss like tone getting pissed from the stubbornness and vitality of this damn old man.
Thanks man, that's better. Alex chugged down on the bottle of water that a young man that was passing by happened to give him, and he walked on and happened to hear commotion coming from a certain place. He entered the "place" and was in plain view of the "event" happening.

Oh, hey there..?

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