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Realistic or Modern Academy of the 'inhuman'

Noticing how nervous he was, she was starting to have a little fun. Hearing the blade drop to the ground made her glance down for a second. "Were you going to stab me? Haha!" The failed attempt made her actually laugh. He hesitated! Did he really kill all those people? She wanted to play with him for a bit and bent over to grab the weapon. Skylar wanting to see how he'd react, she slid the knife back into his pocket while keeping her hand there. "Even if you were to stab me," She lowered her voice and got just a little closer. "I wouldn't mind it." After saying that she backed up and leaned against the railing again, keeping an eye on the new found weapon. Lets see if that did anything.
Aralyne stood at the front of the dormitories and yawned, covering her mouth with one hand and reaching he other one up to the sky. Her grey crop top flow up over her belly button, and the bottom of her pink bra peeked out of the shirt. She adjusted her beanie and readjusted the duffel bag that was over her shoulder, starting up at the looming building. Despite having sunglasses to cover her eyes, the sun was till blaring down on her. It felt warm on her skin but have hell to her eyes. She looked back at the entrance of the dormitories and covered the top of the eyes. She couldn't decide whether or not to walk in. Maybe out here she could meet new people. Maybe in there she could sit down. It was a difficult descion to make, and Ara pondered it outside of the dorms.
Alarms were going off in his ming that he was too close. To push her away and pull out the weapon. He ignored it when she backed off he sighed, then focused on what she said. "Why wouldn't you mind!? Getting stabbed hurts like hell! Not to mention you have take care of it, so it won't get infected and the wound just makes so many more inconveniences no matter where it is!" He didn't understand her, she looks like she would hiss and stab back. But maybe not. "And you just armed me again. Are you an idiot or something?" He lowered the volume of his voice and fidgeted a bit. "I know it looks I can't hurt even a fly, and the fact I look a bit frail. But I'm here for a reason, you know." Maybe I should go to the gym. I have been told my wrists and waist look very feminine. Which doesn't help at all when meeting with new gang members.
Aralyne felt naked without the people that usually surrounded her. Then again, if she was around those people, she would probably throw a punch or two at them for throwing her under the bus and sending her here. "You're a kid, it's for your own good" they told her.

She shook her head and decided to head to her dorm where she could set her duffel bag down and walk around outside.


Once she got into her room she threw the bag on the sad looking bed. She rolled her eyes, then pulled her cactus out of the bag. She uncoiled the plastic bag that was around the cactus and set it on her windowsill. From her view, she could already see well hidden drug deals and people trying to make new friends. What could you expect from a school of phsycopaths.

Aralyne started to daydream about what it would be like to be the leader of a gang here, then stopped. The people at this school hop skip and jump to the beat of their own drums. Then again...

Aralyne set aside that thought and decided she was going to head downstairs.
Hearing him question her made a smile form again. That's the reaction I wanted. "That's a secret." The rush of fighting made her not care about wounds, so getting stabbed would give her more excitement. The fact that he called her an idiot stuck with her though. "I wanted a reaction and that's what I got. You're taller than me and you've stated that you killed gang members which means you're skilled with knives. Why would I, knowing all of that, try to take your knife? You would be able to disarm me quickly. Unless, you're not telling the truth." She glances up at him with cold eyes and searches for the answer. Making him nervous was really fun, and she liked this.
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Audrey soon grew bored and decided to go outside. Perhaps she could meet someone, maybe make some friends. With this in mind she sat up with a yawn and streched. She dragged herself out of bed and walked out of her dorm. She walked downstair and outside, wincing at the bright sunlight. She paused by the door and waited, hoping someone else would walk by. She really didn't feel like wandering around looking for people.
Aralyne walked out the front door of the form building and looked at the grassy field in front of it. There were a lot of kinds there, most of them looking like they wanted to be anywhere but here. Ara sat on the steps in front of the dorm building and watched people go past, waving but recieving little in return.

If you wanna be evil you gotta be presentable Ara thought to herself, smiling and placing her elbows to her knees.
Audrey saw a girl sitting on the steps and walked over. Barely noticing the other people as she walked, finally she would have someone to talk to. She was clearly going to be stuck there for a while, so it would be useless if she didn't make friends. With this in mind she finally reached the othr girl. "Hey." She said, taking a seat next to her.
"Well, um. I didn't really learn how to disarm people. The gangs just taught me how to fight. So when I tried disarming people I got the job done, but I also got new wounds. A few inches isn't much, sometimes I wish I was taller, so I could run faster." He said staring at his skateboard, trying to turn the conversation onto something else. What is she? A witch, a evil queen, or maybe a vampire. Why did she have that vibe? "I don't actually want to hurt people without a reason to. Even handling someone roughly makes me feel guilty. The only reason I killed those gang members, is because I had a score to settle, then I got carried away." Why was I so nervous? Showing fear is the worst thing you can do. What was there to get nervous about? Just pull yourself together, before you crumble into ruins.
Aralyne looked over at the girl who sat down next to her. She looked her up and down, examining her quickly before stretching out a hand to shake. "I'm Aralyne. Autistic and former gang leader. Nice to meet you" Her red nails shined in the bright sun. She gave a smile, not too big to be creepy but not too fake. Her shirt tickled her waist in the small breeze, and she remembered about the knife she hid in her bra.
Audrey shook her hand, glad to have met another person. "I'm Audrey. Former serial killer!" She said with a grin, "It's nice to meet you." She glanced around them. "So what are gangs like?" She asked, her smile never slipping. She'd always wondered what it was like to be in a gang.
"Serial killings always fun." Aralyne said, her sunglasses reflecting sunlight. She stared out into the field and squished her face together, thinking about the gang she ran. "You do a lot of dirty work if you aren't the boss. Lots of hunting people down but staying out of the spotlight, otherwise we get caught. The gang is kinda like a family, but it wasn't for me. The guys I had power over didn't like the way I ran things, so they threw me to the police. A gangs about trust, but I didn't have that in mine.
Audrey frowned, "Family is overrated." She muttered, her face darkening. Several seconds passed before she brightened up again, "What's it like if you are the boss?" She asked, leaning toward the other girl. A gang had never really felt like her thing. They lacked the finesse her killings had, a smile lit up her face at the thought. She twirled a strand of hair idly at the thought, it had been so long since she'd last killed.
He doesn't know how to disarm people, thank you for telling me that. Hearing the part about him getting carried away made her smirk. "You got carried away because you liked it. Don't try to deny it." She rolled her eyes at his statement and knew he was just trying to cover it up. If you didn't enjoy it, you wouldn't have killed that many people . The wind blew and forced her hair to fly behind her. Skylar took a moment to take in the scenery once again before it would all go away. Of course she was on edge and kept a sharp eye on his knife. He could kill me whenever he'd like. Haha. The thought made her excited and almost wanted him to attack her. (going to sleep)
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Aralyne shrugged. "Family's supposed to have your back. It's nice to have a guard sometimes. And the boss gets to boss people around. I ran my gang kinda like a mafia. If you don't satisfy, you are out or dead. I make all the decisive descion S and no one challenges me."
Audrey returned her attention to the other girl with a thoughhful hum. Perhaps she should have considered such a position before she'd been caught. It certianly would have been better than her own family. "It does have a certain charm I suppose." She said. Although, Aralyne was betrayed by her so called family just like her. Audrey could easily have landed in the same position she was in now had she chosen that route
"Yea. Gangs have their charm." She said, and awkward silence spread between the two. She looked up at the sky and huffed.
(My sleep schedule is trash, I just barely woke up and answered things)

"I did, sorta. But I don't want to harm people who have done nothing to me. I try and stay a pacifist when someone does something to me, personally. It's just, if they do something to someone who isn't me, I get a bit... crazy. Not angry or mad, I just hear voices, and they tell me what to do, I do what they say, most of the time. Anyway I feel like I'm doing most of the talking here, why don't you tell me about yourself." He said in a normal tone and volume. He had slight schizophrenia, so he tend to here voices when in battle. He started to remember the battles he had. He started to remember what caused him to do that. He stopped his thought there and focused on the task at hand. I feel like with a school filled with criminals, I should choose carefully about what I say. They could take anything to offense and start a fight. They could take anything as info and use it against me. I should watch what say, but I sort of don't want to.
Jordan sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. He knew to be cautious this place was filled with violent people. 'Who agreed to this stupid idea.' He looked at his map ignoring the people around him. " 405 , 405 , yes 405" he opened the door to his dorm. 'This place looks amazing, I wonder who I'm sharing with'. He saw a hallway with three doors. He walked to the doors and opened the first one he saw and it was empty. He threw his bag on the bed seeing as it was empty. He was feeling tired and lazy so he sat on the couch with his feet up and turned on the TV. 'Luckily class starts tomorrow'
Skylar was happy he rambled, more information for her. The notes were stacking in her mind and it she was beginning the realize it was easy to make this person talk, and he didn't want to kill her. Once hearing the famous question, she leaned against the railing and her inside her pockets, her nails were digging into her palms. Skylar never trusted anyone with information about her, she only told him the things she did to get a reaction. "What would you like to know?" Coldness was laced in every word and she couldn't meet his eyes anymore. Sky could still see the small bump in his pocket from his knife, and that's all that mattered.
"In truth, everything. But I won't force you to answer my thousands of questions. I'll just ask your opinion on certain topics. What do you think about the concept of love? I have lots of opinions, sometimes I question if it's real or if it's really worth an after affect of pain. To me love is like alcohol, it's good while it lasts, but the hangover is terrible." He thought if he asked questions that weren't really connected with her, he could still get some information based on her answer. He fumbled around with the knife in his pocket and watched every movement as a force of habit. He realized he was giving away a bit too much information about himself, and that this whole conversation could easily back fire and blow up in his face. But he thought sacrifices had to be made to make a friend, even if that friend will be the end. Is love a strong topic to start on, I could've asked her about family and friends instead. She seems clever, so maybe she won't get the wrong idea. Her answer could be interesting and out of this world. Or she could just agree with me and let that be that.
Ahh, love. Interesting question I guess. Skylar only had a crush on one boy when she was younger, but that faded quickly after she was rejected. After that she never felt love or any form of it. Her eyes darted to his after a while and she found her answer. "Love to me is an obsession, you need it all the time or else you fall apart. People strive to have someone to love and it consumes them. It's a strong emotion and shouldn't be taken as something childish. More personally, true love means that you will give everything to them just to get love in return. I've never found true love, and that's perfectly fine with me." Sky shifted her weight onto her other foot and sighed, hoping he didn't take this the wrong way. Talking about love usually meant the other person was interested in you, which made her tired. I don't want to deal with feelings right now. Too many walls in the way to over come.
He looked up at the sky and saw birds flying overhead. "Say, what do you think about 'true freedom'? I feel like it'd be scary, because true freedom means you can do whatever you want. No consequences, or maybe freedom isn't like that, who knows." He looked back at Skylar. "Maybe I'm just insane with that idea. But America is the land of the free, right? So, I began to think if Americans were really free. " He thought a lot about this topic, when he was younger. He would stare up at the ceiling, lying in his bed, thinking until he fell asleep. Ah, freedom

I always thought freedom was amazing. Until I began to really think about, at age 7. I was the weird kid in class, asking my teacher the meaning of 'true freedom', she always gave me the same answer. True freedom is what we have, I still remember her snarky voice whenever I would ask.
Skylar felt the wind push against them once again and she welcomed the silence. She hasn't spoken this long to someone in a while, usually she'd just leave or fight them. She picked at the edge of her shorts, not caring that they ended in the middle of her thighs. Her movements caused her hoodie to slip a little and revealed her tattoo more. Skylar starting thinking more, what really would be true freedom? "I guess true freedom wouldn't be exist. There would be no boundaries, no rules. You'd be able to do anything and everything, that can't ever be real. If it did, we'd all be dead by now." She looked at him and then to the right, a habit she never broke. The trees moving made her smile, even if it was for just a moment. She liked talking like this, but still had that feeling of nervousness. He still has a weapon, and I have none.
I guess shes right, society would sort of fall and we'd all become crazy. He hummed at her answer. "I guess so. It's been a long time since I actually talked to someone, and it wasn't threats. Everyone who tries to fight you yells out false threats and insults. It's quite annoying when you think about it." He chuckled a bit, when the wind blew, he took a deep breath. His eyes drifted to the tattoo she had. "An arrow? Why did you get an arrow for a tattoo? And do you have anymore or is that it?" He asked now curious about the design Skylar had. He started to make up possible reasons for the tattoo. Maybe she just got because she was bored, or maybe there's a reason behind it. Does it symbolize something?


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