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Realistic or Modern Academy of the 'inhuman'

She laughed a little at his comment. It does get annoying when they don't have facts to back up what they're saying. His question made her look towards him. Why did I get an arrow? She got the tattoo a couple years ago so remembering why was a little difficult. "I got an arrow because it meant protection to me. I wanted to get just one because it sort of symbolized me, you know?" Skylar didn't care how weird that sounded, it made sense to her. "I don't have anymore but I want to get more. It's fun." She smiled once again and felt a little more comfortable talking to Saga, even if they both were criminals.
He was puzzled at her statement. "Why is it fun?" Saga looked at her as if she had said the strangest thing and ,tilted his head. He moved the skateboard under his foot again, it was a force of habit since he can't sit still. Maybe she likes it because it hurts or because it causes blood. Saga, realize that she might not be that crazy and think normal thoughts. Like maybe she likes it, because it's pretty. Or it means a lot to her. Or she actually could be that insane, considering where I am I wouldn't be surprised.

(Sorry, I'll be offline for a while)
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"Well..." She was about to continue her sentence but she heard his skateboard move and that caused her to quickly glance down at his foot. I thought he was about to charge at me. Her eyes moved back up to his face and stayed there for a bit. Are we the same height? She was now a little curious but knew all too well what will happen if she even gets close to him. Skylar looked away to finish her answer. "One reason why it's fun is because there is pain involved, it's a nice feeling. The second reason is that I get to tell a story with pictures on my body. I find that really awesome." That was her true opinion, she didn't feel like lying about something like this.
So I was half right. I can't tell with criminals, they are all different, but insane and a bit scary. He moved a closer, dragging his skateboard along as he moved. Now that I think about it, the tattoo looks very pretty. He moved slowly, afraid that she'll think it's an attack. He took his hands out of his pocket, placing them by his sides. Saga was close enough that Skylar was now within his striking distance. He stepped his foot down at the end of the skateboard, making it stand up in a tilted way. He picked it up then carried it by his side. He wondered if she would back away or attack. "That's cool. I don't have any tattoos, but I have a lot of scars. Sometimes they make a loose image of something. What got you caught? For me, I was bored of staying in hiding and decided to go to a comic store, so I would at least have some entertainment. I got caught there, didn't put up much of a fight, since I tried to negotiate with the cops. They really won't listen, you know. I mean what if I had a twin, or just a look-alike." He said and stepped closer. Would getting closer one step at a time make it worse or better? I don't know, I just wanted a better view of her tattoo. Maybe I'm getting too close, I'll stay here until she gets distracted then I will move another step.

The sudden movements from him made her a little nervous, looking up at him quickly before looking away. If he's going to attack I'd rather him not know I'm a little scared. Him talking distracted her and she couldn't focus that much on both things happening. He has scars? Of course he has scars, that was such a stupid question. "I have scars too, a lot more than I should I guess." Memories of her mother beating her senseless flashed back to her and she looked down. "I got caught because I kidnapped a kid, of course I killed him. Police sniffed me out and I was caught a couple days after." Skylar could somewhat notice that he was inching towards her and her heart was pounding. He took his hands out of his pockets though, so he's not attacking me....right? Ah fuck it. "Why are you getting so close? Is there something you want?" Her voice turned cold and she starting thinking of things. Does he want me? Wouldn't be the first time. Is it my tattoo? My hair? Or is he really going to attack me?
He knew what he wanted, but he was thinking if he said it out loud how stupid it would sound. "Um. I just wanted to see your tattoo, better. I can step back if I'm making you uncomfortable. Also, getting closer let's me see you better, as a whole. I have bad memory, so every little detail helps." Okay that was a lie, but it could help. He stepped back to make her feel better. He tried to bring the conversation back to how it was before. "Family. What does family mean to you?" He didn't have anything else to ask. Maybe she has a bad relationship and I just made everything worse. Did I just make everything worse? Ugh I don't know anymore!

"Oh." She looked a little confused before pulling on the zipper of her hoodie. Sky moved the fabric a little and exposed her collar bone a bit more so he could see her tattoo, the black ink contrasting her pale skin. When he started talking again she froze. Family? Skylar didn't really know how to answer that one without killing him afterwards. There wasn't a clear answer to her. "Family doesn't exist to me. If it does I've never experienced it." Her voice was cold and she didn't meet his eyes. That feeling of pure hatred was growing inside of her and she was about to break but she had to calm herself down. He has a weapon, calm down.
Saga stiffened. She hasn't experienced family? "I understand." He tried to bring the mood up, feeling how cold the atmosphere was changing. He smiled. "They say never having a connection, is better than breaking one." He moved back, almost to where he was before. "Your tattoo is nice. Simple and not too complex. With a meaning behind, instead of just another picture." Saga was obviously trying to make her feel better. I feel terrible. I don't exactly know what happened to her, but I feel terrible. Like I could get killed by her and wouldn't mind. This isn't good for me, it isn't good for anyone. Memories can kill, I should know that more than anyone! "I'm sorry." The words slipped out of his mouth as he stared at the ground. "I really am! Your mind tries to kill you, it's just the human mind. It replays scenes that you don't want to see. So, even if you try and forget the past, it'll only just make it worse." He let out a breathy laugh and stared at her. "No matter what society calls us, I still say we're human." His smile returned with the same brightness.
Skylar felt like breaking down and just start crying. Too many memories were flooding her mind, ones that she had suppressed for years. "Do you? Do you really understand?" Her voice was shaking and she couldn't help it. Her mind was shattering. It felt like she was being sucking into a void and not being able to get out of it. No light, no anything. Once the apology came, it brought her back to reality. She didn't realize her breathing had changed and she had tears in her eyes already. When his eyes met hers, she calmed down slowly. "We're far from being human." We may have feelings still, but the things we have done..."Humans wouldn't kill.." His smile warmed her heart, even if it was just a little. She honestly couldn't return the smile but she caught his eyes and stayed there.
Tears? Tears. She had tears in her eyes. He walked closer to her, with the same slow pace as before. "Humans kill. They kill animals all the time. War is always happening, and the soldiers they send are treated with respect. I think all of us are human. But if we aren't humans, then we're monsters, right? Monsters are different, they don't follow society's rules and are special. So, maybe we're better than humans." He said the words quietly. Saga placed his hands on her shoulder. "The fact that we cry, makes us a little more human." He gave her a weak, sad smile. "We're human, even if society doesn't say so. Society should just fall anyway. So if you cry, understand that we are human." He felt pain inside his chest, increasing with each word he spoke. I'll never forget those memories. That is what I think makes me human.
He touched me, why did he touch me. His speech was going well and Sky could sort of agree, but she noticed that he touched her shoulders. So close. The fact that anyone would take the risk to get this close to her is a special person. Even if she wanted to back up, the railing behind her was trapping her. Two walls were put up, one in front of her and one behind her. She couldn't move. Skylar never really had good friends, never felt the touch of someone who didn't want to hurt her. He might want to kill me, I don't know right now. She always felt the pain inflicted with hands, not the warmness of it. So...that means I can cry? Before she even finished her sentence a tear fell down her cheek but she didn't notice it. Skylar was in a daze, trying to sort through her thoughts. Why am I crying? We're just talking, how can something like that make me cry? After all I've been through, this one stranger can crack me. How?!
He dropped everything. In his mind the thought disappeared. Physically he dropped his skateboard. He didn't know what he could do. He said that crying was alright, but Saga couldn't help the tight feeling in his chest. He hugged her. He held her in a tight hug. I only met this person today, but that doesn't mean I can watch them cry. He felt her tears against him. "It's okay. It's okay to cry. We are still human, we can cry." He whispered and tightened the embrace. He let a few tears trail down his face. I shouldn't be crying. There's nothing for me to cry over, but at the same time there is. He slowly began to loosen the hug and rub up and down her back. "We're human, just human."
Skylar flinched when he dropped his skateboard, making a loud sound. She flinched once more when he hugged her, thinking it was him going to attack her. More tears left her eyes, feeling a hug for the first time. She didn't know what to do so she just stood there and pushed her face into his chest. Skylar couldn't figure out why she was crying but it felt like she needed to. Her ears picked up her own crying and realized she was almost whimpering. I sound like a child... She lifted her hand and gripped onto his jacket gently, not wanting him to let go but at the same time wanted to run away. His hand on her back was soothing yet set off alarms in her head. His hand is so big...it feels nice. She was slowly relaxing but the tears were still coming. "Yeah." Her voice was split and was shaky, showing off every emotion she was feeling.
Saga stroked her back and let tears drip from his face. "Doesn't it feel weird to cry? Like all of your emotions are filled within tears." He whispered quietly. "I don't remember the last time I had to hug someone. Isn't that horrible? My mother always hugged me, but that was different. I didn't have to hug her, but now I feel compelled to hug you." He mumbled. It seems I've already made a friend bounded in tears. He wiped the tears away, hoping now his chest would feel less tight. It worked, but only a bit. He still felt the predate in his chest from the other person crying. He continued to rub her back soothingly. "It's been a while since I cried. I was alone for a long time, always wanting to cry with someone again. I'm glad I can feel it now, even if it's with a person I just met."
Sky felt like she was coming undone, every tear holding so much feeling. Hearing his voice right next to her ear calmed her down more. The mention of a mother made her freeze for a moment before relaxing again. At least yours wanted to hug you.. After resting against him for a bit, she finally hugged him back and she was shaking. She gripped his jacket a little tighter and didn't care anymore about the past. I killed people, I've done really bad things. So has he, yet we're crying together and hugging each other. I don't understand. Her attention didn't focus on the fact that he had a weapon anymore, even if she could feel it through his pants. She needed to cry, she's never had the chance to sit down with someone and just get all her feelings out like this. Skylar nodded to what he said and nuzzled her head more into his chest. "I've been alone for a long time.." @MitoIsMe
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He smiled lightly. "Who knew loneliness could bring us to tears. If anyone else were to see this they would think we're acting." He hugged her closer and nuzzled into the side of her head. He rested his head on her shoulder and smiled sweetly. This feels good. Hugs feel good. I missed this. I really missed this. "I know. Being alone is hard, almost too hard for anyone. I say we are stronger because we went through that, or maybe not. Crying feels so good doesn't it?" He whispered, just holding this person meant everything to him. Once we break away what will happen? I don't want to know, not yet. He closed his eyes and basked in the warmth.

(I am so sorry! @Nekomimi )
(nah it's fine xD @MitoIsMe )

Skylar finally controlled her breathing and the tears slowly stopped falling. Her head was starting to hurt a little but that wasn't her main concern. The fact that she was hugging someone was amazing her. She didn't think she would ever do something like this. His voice resonated within her head and stayed there, tickling her ear as well. Sky loosened her grip on his jacket and opened her hand more, copying Saga. She snuggled into his shoulder and her lips grazed his ear when she spoke. "It feels weird, like I'm falling apart but also being saved at the same time."
"I know." He whispered, closing his eyes and taking the moment. Something like this was still unfamiliar to him. After the long life on the streets, he has changed, but he was still very much in need of other humans. Saga let go, releasing Sky from the hug. "So what now?" He asked. He didn't really want to know, in fact he didn't want to let go, but something in him just took over and said that they were done. He wiped some of the tears in his eyes. "Man, first day and I'm already crying." He chuckled weakly. He sniffed, if anyone else saw me like this I would be dead. I would have my feelings taken advantage of. But I'm not in the streets of the city, I'm in this academy full of people who are just as strong as I am.

Sky took a small step back and wiped her face with her sleeve, happy that she doesn't wear make up. She felt the wind brush against, something she didn't feel when they were hugging. The coldness felt weird, the warmth was leaving her and she was closing up a bit. "I don't really know." She kept her voice smooth while her left hand fiddled with the edge of her shorts. Her eyes met his and felt the warmth come back with his red eyes. The feelings of wanting to kill or inflict were slowly fading but they were still there, and always will be. She felt somewhat safe with him, and she didn't know what. "I mean..we could walk around..or....I don't know." Skylar wasn't the best at talking with other people, her conversations usually ended quick.
He smiled. "Yeah, we can do that. I haven't gotten the chance to get the full experience of campus." Saga picked up his skateboard. "Where do you want to go first?" He asked. Saga didn't remember where everything was, so it would be nice to revisit the same places. He remembered, sort of, where the main building was and the school, but everything else was a blur.

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