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Realistic or Modern Academy of the 'inhuman'


I'm confused... about everything
Students all over the world come to this academy for one reason. They have comitted a crime, but not just any crime. Crimes that were so terrible and heartless, like mass murder. Instead of going to jail, if they were between the ages of 13-22 they were sent to Defenestration Academy to finish their education. All crime is legal onside this academy, since their motto is. "The strong can continue, but the weak cannot." Inside the academy is like a small town split up into three sections, middle school, high school, and college. Each student shares a dorm with one other, if they don't get along, well then one of them will end up dead. Needless to say this place is dangerous and filled with gangs, but these criminals have to follow school rules.

(Look at 'Overview feature for rules and stuff.)
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He walked on the sidewalk trying to look for the dormitories. I won't ask for help, at least not yet. He thought to himself as he stared daggers at the paper he was holding. "Ugh, stupid directions! I thought this paper was supposed to help!" He yelled and almost ripped the paper right there and then. He realized this paper was the only thing that could really help him right now. Wait I think I got this. If that way is north then I'm in the middle school section of the academy! He retraced his steps and made it back to the center of the academy, the main office. "So the college section is that way!" He said and pointed. The women at the front desk said that Saga would be a high school graduate, he always wondered what being a college student would be like. "I hope it's not like the sleep draining, coffee needing, broke college life. They always have college students look tired or partying, those are two different things, I don't know what to believe." He mumbled to himself and decided riding his skateboard was much faster. As he picked up speed, the wind blew on his face and he smiled brightly. With a 'Woo-hoo!' he went down a hill that led to the dorms. He stopped his skateboard once he arrived, so he wouldn't crash into anyone. He looked around then saw a sign that said 'Male Dorms' and he continued. He arrived at one of the two large complexes and flipped the page over. "405 building 1." He read out loud then went inside building 1. He took the elevator up to the 4th floor. "400, 401, 402, 403, 404. Aha! 405." He said and fished out the key from his hood pocket. He unlocked the door , he was surprised at how nice it was. A TV was hung up on the wall above the small fire place in the left side and across from it was a grey L shaped couch with lime green cushions and a matching lime green rug under it. In front of him were two sliding doors that lead out to the balcony with white lace curtains. On his left side along with the TV, there was also a kitchen. Black cabinets and drawers with sliver handles and orange light coming from under them. A black and silver fridge that was wedged in the corner between the counters and the wall of the fireplace. On his right was a hallway with three doors. Two were on his left side and one was on the right. He ventured into the hallway wondering which one had the bathroom behind it. He opens the lone door on the right and turns on the white light. Bath with a shower head across from him. A mirror and the sink were to his left and a toilet to his right. This place is really nice to serve for a prison, of sorts, to insane criminals. He chooses to go into the first door on left which had a bed room behind it. A bed in the left corner the pillows facing the large windows with white blinds. The bed had turquoise and blue sheets and pillows with a nightstand next to it. On the right side of the room was a desk and an office chair with dark green cube shaped bookshelves next to that. He exited the room and went to the other one. The bed was in the right corner this time and was decorated with white and green. The desk was on the left and white cube shaped bookshelves were next to that. "This room seems about the same as the other one. I'll just go with this one since I'm already in it." He said to himself and set his backpack down on the end of the bed. And began unpacking the little things he had. "Switchblade, and extra set of clothes, and some comic books." He sighed. "I really should've bought more things while I could, but I didn't have that much money anyway."
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(I'm sorry if this isn't that good ;^ ;)

Skylar had her hood up as she shuffled around, following the directions given to her. She had given up on trying to find the huge building herself and ended up asking someone for help. The noise was bothering her and she wanted to just leave, but she knew she couldn't. Sky could feel the heat from the sun hitting her legs and it felt like they were melting. Why does it have to be so hot. Her eyes kept darting around trying to find the dormitories before she was burned to a crisp. College huh...The feeling of sitting in a room full of sweaty people made her cringe, but at the same time excited. She started wondering how slow days would go by while the wind pushed off her hood and let her hair flow. Her tattoo was peaking out from the hoodie while she started walking faster. She was starting to feel annoyed and just wanted to be in a cold room. "Where is this stupid building!" After going down a hill, she finally found the dorms. Sighing heavily, she followed the sign to the female dorms and went to the building she was in. 306....306..306..ah..Another sigh left her lips but this one was lighter. Making sure to lock the door after her entry, she walked around to inspect the room. Skylar didn't care much for the TV or the blue chairs that were placed around the room. She walked into the kitchen which had gray cabinets and a black fridge. The coolness in the air helped calm her down. Her mind drifted to a bed so she walked around a bit more to find the bedrooms. She found the bathroom which was nice and had new appliances installed. At last she found the bedrooms and picked the one closest to her. It had a bed in the right corner facing the door, white sheets with a black comforter. Red pillows were placed nicely on top of the bed. A desk was placed under the window with small drawers placed next to the desk. She started unpacking after locking her door, the silence was nice.
Audrey strode through the streets towards what she hoped was the dormatories. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. This was pointless. She glanced up at the sky with a frown. Of course it had to be sunny, she could practically feel her skin burning. She scowled darkly, who needs sun anyways. Resisting the urge to scream she pulled the paper and scanned it again. If she was reading it right, the building should be just ahead. Excited to get out of the sun, she hurried ahead. Once she reached the building she pushed the doors open and walked in. "Alright, now I just have to find my food." She muttered to herself, looking around the building. "Let's see, 301...no that's not it, 302, 303, 304, 305!" She grinned and pushed the door open. She walked in and quickly scanned the room. It was nothing like home, but it would do. She quickly unpacked and plopped down on her bed, relieved to finally have a moment to rest.
"School doesn't start until tomorrow." He chuckled. "They put a bunch of criminals, not to mention middle school, high school, and college students, into an academy and expect them not to kill each other. What a stupid idea. And how do they plan on not having their teachers dying, because he or she gave too much homework or did a pop quiz out of nowhere. I know how frustrating it is to have extra things to do, especially when you're told you have to do it. One of the students are bound to have anger issues, I sorta feel bad for the teachers. How did they get teachers anyway?" He mumbled this to himself and he stared up at the ceiling from his bed. "I wonder how insane the parties are. Most likely lots of alcohol and drugs, mixed with weird pop music and absolute insanity." He smiled at the idea. "It'd probably be lots of fun, though. We get schedules tomorrow too. They send it like mail and I'll be getting it when I wake up." He quoted the lady at the front desk who explained to him everything. Saga got half of what she was saying, but the other half was either forgotten or he didn't understand. "Maybe making friends is easier. I could just ask to join a gang and then I'll have a lot of friends. Or maybe it's harder this way. Most criminals usually have something wrong with them, which I guess makes relationships harder to form and grow." He thought most things out loud, except when it's really quiet. "Ha! What am I saying, I think most of them will be thinking of a way to break out or make a revolution of sorts, rather than making friends and other things normal students worry about." He was beginning to question how everything would work out in the morning. "Wait, is there food in the fridge!?" Food is an important detail to surviving for Saga. He swung open his door and ran into the kitchen. He quickly opened the fridge and sighed in relief to see a half stocked fridge. "Let's see, eggs, milk, beef, yogurt, a few salads, and cheese. Well looks like I have to buy things, but I'll probably survive a few days. This fridge isn't very vegan or vegetarian friendly, but who knows maybe other dorms have different starter foods." He shrugged and checked the cabinets. "Cheerios, canned foods, instant ramen, mac'n'cheese, and potato chips." He closed the cabinet and checked the others. "Cups, mugs, and plates in this one. This one has bowls and containers." He closed those cabinets and found a sticky note attached to the stove. "The pots and pans are inside the oven." He read out loud and waltzed back into his bedroom.
Skylar wanted to go to sleep right then and there but had to save the sleeping for night, sadly. Seeing as though the wind was picking up a bit, it wouldn't be as hot outside. She got up and left her room to take a walk around the area. She needed to know her surroundings in case she needed to make an escape. Knowing that these schools are set up for criminals like herself, she wondered why someone in their right mind would do so. There has to be some people crazier than me that are willing to kill everyone, no matter what happens after. Haha, that actually sounds like fun. A small smile formed on her lips as she looked up for the first time. Her hood was already off due to the wind and she walked up to a railing to lean over. She closed her eyes to feel the wind better and it blocked all sounds for that one moment. She could hear the leaves shuffling and the wind whispering in her ears. That's when she realized no one was really talking, everyone was silent. Skylar loved that, the more silence the better. Her hair fell gently on her back when the wind settled. She could get used to this scenery.
"Maybe I'll go and ride my skateboard to waste some time. I do have a lot of it. I'll bring my switchblade, because I'm in a of insane probable killers." He grabbed his blade and skateboard then walked out of his dorm. "Maybe someone is already dead. What an unlucky day for them I guess." He entered the elevator and pushed the button with the number 1 on it. "This will be a great way to adventure around campus and find things I need, like the café and convenience store." The elevator dinged and it's doors opened. He stepped out then walked to the main entrance of the building. "They might have a comic bookstore and I could buy that comic I wanted." He was now really excited for tests, which doesn't sound normal, but it was the only way to earn money. Saga set the skateboard down and started riding it. He went out of the male dorms and into the streets and sidewalks of the campus. It's really quiet to be a school full of psychopaths. I feel kinda nervous making so much noise.
Skylar was fully enjoying the moment, but it was disrupted by someone. She wasn't really mad, just upset. Of course someone would make noise, it's a campus full of people, one of them is bound to do something. She turned around to somewhat sit on the railing while searching the area to find that certain someone. Her eyes picked up on the noise maker and scanned them. Ahh, it's a skateboard. He looked her age but she honestly didn't care, it was more so what he did that made her curious. She wanted to know everyone's story, find out how deep these people are. Sky followed him with her eyes for a bit before peeling her gaze away to look at a bird in a tree. It had just landed and was chirping loudly. Thanks bird, more noise. More sighs were made but a small smile came from it, knowing all too well how much she sighs.
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Starts waking up "Where the hell am I?'' I then remember my parents sent me here to begin my life as a supernatural being
He was having fun instead of actually looking for things he needed. Saga felt as if he was being watched, it wasn't much of a surprise since he was the only one making so much in a quiet area. He stopped and searched around for the set or sets of eyes that were watching him. He spotted a girl sitting on the railing and watching a bird chirp. Is she a fan of birds or maybe there's something else . He walked over and started speaking. "Is there something interesting up there?" He looked up where she was looking and didn't find anything, other than a bird. I could be looking at the wrong place.

"either way... I have to find the academy I was placed in" He walks through the academy Buildings "Hmm....217'' "this is it" I walk through the door "ugh, hideous, I better rebuild this place"
Hearing the noise maker get closer to her, she got more on edge. What does he want? Skylar looked over him once more before glancing at the bird again. I really don't want to talk to you, but whatever. "Just a bird. Other than you riding your skateboard, it was the only thing speaking so I looked at it." Her voice was cold and smooth, her eyes never left the creature when she spoke. She did look away after she was done speaking, only to see his eye color. My favorite color, nice. She was about to say something but saying that his eyes were cool would be weird. Sky pretty much only spoke when spoken to so she kept her mouth shut.

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"It's weird how it's so quiet. It makes feel ten times louder than usual." His voice cheerful and almost too happy. He was thinking of asking her why she was here, but he felt that maybe was a bit private. Even though to him it wasn't, occasional memories of his family's bodies get him to break into tears, but he felt he could handle telling a brief summary. "I'm Saga, what's your name? I know it's a bit weird to be asking you that when we just met, but I have nothing else to do." He asked instead, thinking conversation starters that wouldn't crash and burn into a pit of awkwardness. He looked over the girl, but didn't make it too obvious that he was basically scanning her in his mind, so he wouldn't forget who she was if they met again. Eyes! Pale blue eyes, not a crazy color, but something to remember her by. Grey hoodie, white shorts, black hair, blue eyes. I'll probably be able to remember that much.
That's true. She planted her feet on the ground and shifted her weight to her right foot. Making sure to keep her hands hidden in her pockets, she had to take one out to move her hair out of her face. I wonder if he noticed my tattoo yet, ha. This kid's interesting. "My name's Skylar, you can call me that or Sky, don't really care." Shifting her weight once more, she saw him look her over. Sky had imprinted his image into her mind. Being the first person she had really spoke to at this 'school', he was important. Maybe we'll become "friends". Yeah right. I can't even think of the last time I had one of those. The little pieces of silence between each spoken sentence wasn't awkward to her, it was nice.
"Are you starting college? I am, I hope it's not like the colleges on TV and stuff." Saga spoke in a calmer tone now, trying to not make himself seem like hyperactive kid. Even though he kind of was. She could be a possible friend. Ah that sounds sort of nice, to not be alone for once. Even if we dont end up being what friends are supposed to be, I guess I'll still have a person to team up with and kill people, if the time calls for it. Playing around with the switchblade in his pocket.he looked at Sky. He rolled his skateboard a bit with his foot, it seems he really couldn't sit still. Having a conflict in his mind on what to ask or talk about next. A rustling in the tree moved his attention back to the bird. He watched as the bird on the tree flew away to somewhere.
"Yeah, I am." Sky looked up at him and for the first time in a while, she almost laughed. Does he seriously believe those shows? She suddenly felt a little trapped being up against a railing but honestly thought Saga wouldn't kill her. If he wanted to, he would have done it a long time ago. Her eyes flashed to his skateboard when he moved it. Relaxing isn't a thing when you know that the person you're talking to is a criminal, but that made a little fun. Sighing quietly under her breath, she finally asked a question. "You skate?" It was a stupid question but maybe it would get him to show personality more. Figure out what he's like first. Find weaknesses.
So she is in the same year as me. Good to know. As for her quedtion. He thought about the question for a second then answered. "Yeah, but I didn't always do it. I started skateboarding when someone important, got me this skateboard and told me to get out more." He remembered exactly what happened. He remember the strange look he gave the skateboard at first. He remembered how new and clean it was. He remembered how his dad smiled when he saw Saga skate. Yeah, good times. His smile softened. "If you don't mind me asking. Why are you here?" He asked. The only reason why I decided to ask is because I had nothing else. If she tells me I might know what kind of person she is, or things not to bring up in conversation. Her answer could tell me some things and I'll probably get my question of why, answered if an argument or conflict arises. Her answer could also change my view of safety at the moment. Getting stabbed or killed on the first few moments I've been here is not preferable.
She didn't care much for the backstory, only noting the fact that his skateboard is important to him. Something that can be used. Once the question was asked, her expression turned cold and she looked at him once again. I was waiting for that. Sky thought of ways that she could trick him, but didn't want to take the time to do so. "Killed my mom, burned the house down as well. Stole a couple things, kidnapped a kid, killed him as well. Getting into a lot of fights probably helped as well." Her eyes didn't show much emotion, just a little excitement. She glanced at him before shifting her weight, keeping her gaze on him. "It was fun while it lasted." The sentence leaving her lips colder than the others, along with a smile.
"Fun, huh? I joined gangs in my city and killed them off one by one. While I was in there, I realized only the leader really had a chance, like he was the hive mind of the entire gang. It was fun, was one of the responses I got, when I asked them why they did what they did. I'm going on and on, aren't I? Actual human conversation, like this never really happened that much for me, sorry if that's a bit annoying." He said, scratching the back of his head. The thoughts drifting through his mind were all based around one word, why. Why would she kill her own mother? Why would she burn the house down? Why would she kidnap a kid and kill him? Why did she get into fights? Ugh, questions that I shouldn't ask. All of this would actually be pretty scary sounding, if I was normal and not me. It seemed she had reasons behind her acts and it wasn't like I was any better. Killing almost all the gang members in your city, is a bit extreme, but no regrets, not one. I feel nervous, obviously, but I don't think she'll kill me. Who knows, I could be proved wrong any second.
"Yeah, fun." Finally hearing his story, she looked over him once again. He doesn't look strong, but he killed gang members. Hmm. She was starting to get interested in him, wondering just how crazy he could get. Did he enjoy it as much as she did? She didn't know. Hearing him ramble was a good thing, making conversation was not something normal for him. Feeling the excitement grow inside of her she stepped towards him, smiling more. "The blood is just beautiful and the way they beg to stay alive is the best. Knowing you have control is the fun part." She was taking a risk when she decided to put a finger on his chest, pushing gently. "You get to decide if they live or die."
He started to get nervous when she got close, but stayed put. When she touched him he instinctively pulled out his blade from his pocket. Realizing that he probably looked like he was about to stab her, he dropped the knife onto the ground. "I-I'm sorry, it's reflexes. You understand, right?" He laughed a weak laugh and didn't make effort on retrieving the fallen blade. "I don't really have an opinion on blood. I just think of it as paint and the splattered blood is the painting. It just helps coping with the fact you killed someone or something. As for killing itself, it's okay I guess, but the trouble they give you at the start can be annoying." Now I'm disarmed and she's close, let's hope and pray to whatever fucking being that controls this world. If she makes a move I'll try and dodge, I should be pretty good at this by now. Though, she also seems to be good too, which could totally get me injured.
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