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Fantasy Academy of the Arcane

Adam hated letting his wolf have control over his body it felt like he had no control over any thing that he was just along for the ride Adam followed Andrea's smell in till it disappeared [ rates I lost her said his wolf form to Adam in his head may be she went in to the water ? why would she do that ? asked his wolf Molly said her hart was all ready taken by another mermaid said Adam o so Im looking for a fish I understand said his wolf form ] he started smelling the ground [ odd said his wolf what ? asked Adam we are far a way from the academy and I smell werewolf's where ? asked Adam I don't know the smell's are at least a few days old lets look in to that later for now try to fined Andrea said Adam ok I got some thing its old but it could be her ]

the wolf ran down the path to the lake following Andear's old smell
"There's this nice lake in the forest. Follow me! I promise it's absolutely beautiful." Andrea smiled, taking the lead at a run. She was excited that we found a mermaid who wouldn't treat her the way other mermaids did.
"I can't wait!" Kiana cried. She chased after Andrea, a wide smile on her face. She was glad to finally have found a friend. While she was running, the towel Andrea had given her fell. But Kiana was having too much fun to notice.
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Andrea heard the lake long before she saw it. She heard the crashing of the waterfall, the hundreds of feet of pounding water crashing against the pool beneath. As she came into view, Andrea lay her eyes on the lake. All around were luscious green banks, trees keeping it under cover, and still the sun could be seen illuminating the area. To her, the place looked magical and that's what drew her to it.

Coming up the the lake, Andrea halted before swiftly removing the little clothing she had on and stuffing it behind a rock, the black towel sitting atop her clothes. She then dived in. "Come on, the water is amazing. Plus we have 15 minutes before our tails appear. We can swim normally." Andrea laughed, a happy laugh, before swimming to the centre of the lake and treading water. The water was cold, but it was perfect.

Adam followed Andrea's smell in till he came to a towel he smelled it it had two smell's to it both mermaids one was Andrea's the other it took him a will but it was the girl he had met in the hall her name was Kiana [ what do you think Adam asked his wolf from in side his head I don't know its just smell's but it smells fresh I think they are to giver where do you think they are headed Adam asked I dont know there smelles just end here said his wolf what do you mean it just end's here ? when I say it just ends it just ends ! but your all ways the one that says we should use are nose more I cant track some one if there is now smell said his wolf so what do we do now there was silents will Im thinking we could go back to school and try to get the trail again ? said his wolf Adam sighed ok your the one controlling the body

Adam torned and ran back to campus he just hoped she was ok
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Kiana stripped off her own clothes, and stuffed it behind a rock as well. She jumped into the lake, causing water to splash everywhere. Giggling, she turned to Andrea. "By the way, Do you know where your friends are, at the moment?"

"Absolutely no idea. I kinda ran off." Andrea replied. She playfully splashed Kiana back in retaliation to her jumping into lake, and giggled as she did.

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Belladonna had hishis dorm building in sight when he felt a Call coming from his mirror. He halted his flight and turned away from his dorm into the forest; his father was calling about the combat training incedent, and he didn't have the nerve to face him yet.

'If you wait too long, you know that he will simply open a window in the nearest reflective surface. That includes the lake in the middle of the glade you are taking us back to.' Belladonna knew his Light spoke the truth, but still he fled.

He made it to the glade in record time and knelt near the edge of the water. He watched his own sad reflection ripple softly in the water.

He didn't belong here. He didn't belong anywhere. He was a mistake that couldn't be fixed. He was-

"In big trouble, when I tell Father that I have found you." The deep, yet somehow petulant, voice spoke from the now shining pool.

"Hello Brother Mistletoe."
Andrea laughed harder at the shriek that came from Kiana. "I'm not sure. Maybe, maybe not. I don't think Molly will be though." She shrugged, noticing her skin slowly starting to shimmer and subtley change shades until it was a faint blue.

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Adam made it back to the academy [ So now what Adam asked I dont know I have lost the trail Adam screamed in his head your part of me we are the same person how can you loos her trail Adam screamed in his head will it could be a lot of thing's and we may share the same body but you fight me all the time o lets not go there you want to eat every one Im a wolf sue me they went like this for a will Adam finely stop why don't we go to her dorm we can get her smell and try again that way sounds good I like having control over your body ] Adam ran to the dorm's

he stop in front of thim [ Hi wolf for brain's you have no hands so how are you going to get in ] his wolf did not say any thing he ran around to look for a open window to us to jump in [ you know I hate it when you do not speak back said adam welcome to my world said his wolf form back at him
"Why not?" Kiana asked. She felt a familiar tingling sensation, and her skin started shimmering, turning a soft green color.
Viktor walked up to the school entrance and smiled. He walked in and went to his dorm. He unpacked and walked to the lake, halfway there he turned into his wolf form and trotted the rest of the way there.

@Dalisander @Kaera
"Someone's coming." Andrea's voice suddenly dropped to a whisper. Fortunately their transformations were perfectly timed. She dived under, coming up and out of the water before making a perfect arc with her body and reentering. She had to be careful not to hit Kiana with her strange wings.
Adam ran behind the dorm's and looked at all the windows as far as he could till they where closed [ So what is your idea if you don't fined a open window ? Adam asked his wolf form from inside his head I have not thought that far a head said his wolf ok do you at least know what you will do if you get in and the door is closed ? O that is easy I will let you take over and open the door thin take back over said his wolf what if a student see's you? A gray wolf can scare people I will eat thim no no no I will take over if you try said adam ok ok I wont eat thim I will let you take over. Said his wolf form Why is it all ways me in these plans ? Adam asked I'm getting tired kid his wolf said in a tired voice in his head

the gray wolf witch was Adam kept looking for a open window at the back of the dorm's

( open to any one )
Kiana nodded, and dived into the water herself. Her now reddish blonde hair floated around her, and she motioned to Andrea. "Did you see who it was?" She asked. Her eyes trailed to the other mermaids wings, and they widened. But she decided not to say anything.

"No but it sounded like a wolf." Andrea didn't see Kiama's eyes widening behind her. Sure, her wings were abnormal but they were useful and powerful. And Molly likes them. She added in her head. @Dalisander
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Adam walked all over the dorm and did not fined any open window's [ AAAAAAAAAAAAAA lets just give up every one is in class class's wont be over in till at least two more classes said Adam in side his head to his wolf form. What you don't like going around in circles ? Asked his wolf NO I don't] The wolf stopped [ So now what do we do ? ask Adam I cant smell her any where but I do smell dirt dirt ? yes and new flower's who is it ? I dont know but it makes me wont to sneeze do you thin Andrea could be there may be lets go] The gray wolf ran a way from the dorm's and out of the academy

following the smell he made it a glade where a student was looking in to the water [ Be carfull kid Im tired I dont know if I could Handel a fight I will ok give me the body ok] There is a flash of blue light when the light cleared Adam was a human again he walked up to the student he had not met yet " HAY CAN I ASK YOU A QUESTION ? " he yelled as he walked up to him

Matthew Maple]Adam walked all over the dorm and did not fined any open window's [ AAAAAAAAAAAAAA lets just give up every one is in class class's wont be over in till at least two more classes said Adam in side his head to his wolf form. What you don't like going around in circles ? Asked his wolf NO I don't] The wolf stopped [ So now what do we do ? ask Adam I cant smell her any where but I do smell dirt dirt ? yes and new flower's who is it ? I dont know but it makes me wont to sneeze do you thin Andrea could be there may be lets go] The gray wolf ran a way from the dorm's and out of the academy following the smell he made it a glade where a student was looking in to the water [ Be carfull kid Im tired I dont know if I could Handel a fight I will ok give me the body ok] There is a flash of blue light when the light cleared Adam was a human again he walked up to the student he had not met yet " HAY CAN I ASK YOU A QUESTION ? " he yelled as he walked up to him [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32629-delacare/ said:
Adam's loud arrival disrupted Mistletoe's communication spell and stirred the water's surface. Belladonna jerked back from the edge and fluttered 6 ft into the air. He adopted a vasic combat stance and had a solid orb of bright light in both hands.

"Who are you, and what is it you want, wolf?" He asked evenly, as if he wasn't prepared to do serious harm.
"ill be right back" he said before sprinting off too his room. he grabbed a bunch of materials and shoved them into his bag before running back to the roof at full speed "here" he dumped the materials on the ground and handed Gray a piece of paper that had Latin writing on it. "Accipe bullas et facit ipsum esse unum ut novis epistolis potentiam non mentiar nunc deperditi dea lunae nobis invenietur" jake said fluently with out looking at the paper. say that and use your magic, it should build the necklace and then once the necklace is formed" he looked at molly use your fire on it until it turns silver" he looked at her with pleading eyes "hurry before a teacher finds us and expels me for being human" he looked like he was about to cry. no matter how much Jake hated being a witch he knew he was nothing without his magic, it was apart of him that had been ripped away.

@Nathan22 @ejssullivan
when the kid that he had not met be for shot in to the air and made a orb that was made of light in his hands Adam did not know what to do he was nude because of his shift from human to wolf [ oum your torn Adam said to his wolf clearing his mined so he could take over his body sorry kid I cant I used up a lot of power running around said his wolf in his head What but your the great wolf as you till me I am but you did not sleep last night your body can't handel a shift like that again thanks your no help.] Adam put his hands up in the air " Hey dud I don't want to fight Im just looking for some one [ hey how did he know I was a wolf he asked his wolf form in side his head he could be from one of the races that control's the government said his wolf from in side his head] " ummm have you seen a blue haired girl ? " Adam asked with his hands still raised.

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Matthew Maple]when the kid that he had not met be for shot in to the air and made a orb that was made of light in his hands Adam did not know what to do he was nude because of his shift from human to wolf [ oum your torn Adam said to his wolf clearing his mined so he could take over his body sorry kid I cant I used up a lot of power running around said his wolf in his head What but your the great wolf as you till me I am but you did not sleep last night your body can't handel a shift like that again thanks your no help.] Adam put his hands up in the air " Hey dud I don't want to fight Im just looking for some one [ hey how did he know I was a wolf he asked his wolf form in side his head he could be from one of the races that control's the government said his wolf from in side his head] " ummm have you seen a blue haired girl ? " Adam asked with his hands still raised. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32629-delacare/ said:
Belladonna calmed down once he saw it was just a regular wolf and not an alpha. He stood down and undid his lights. The male's nudity did not affect him, in the slightest.

"I have not seen anyone that matches that description. I would ask again. Who are you and what are you doing here? Also, why aren't you clothed? I assumed that this academy had a policy about that."
Adam listened to the kid say he had not seen any one that matched his description this made him down he wanted to fined Andrea he was starting to get worried about her. He heard his question's he looked down and saw that he had no clothes he looked back at the kid he stuck out his chest " My name is Adam I am a student I am from the blood moon pack. " He said the words that his father had told him to say if he ran in to some one from a race that made up the rich higher class that ran the government he did not know why he did this but he wanted to make his father proud of him. After he said this he scratched his head " About your question about my cloths I shifted to look for the girl I told you about. " Adam frond " Sadly I had no luck her smell had faded to much for me or my wolf form to follow. " he looked at the other student not knowing what to do now

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Matthew Maple]Adam listened to the kid say he had not seen any one that matched his description this made him down he wanted to fined Andrea he was starting to get worried about her. He heard his question's he looked down and saw that he had no clothes he looked back at the kid he stuck out his chest " My name is Adam I am a student I am from the blood moon pack. " He said the words that his father had told him to say if he ran in to some one from a race that made up the rich higher class that ran the government he did not know why he did this but he wanted to make his father proud of him. After he said this he scratched his head " About your question about my cloths I shifted to look for the girl I told you about. " Adam frond " Sadly I had no luck her smell had faded to much for me or my wolf form to follow. " he looked at the other student not knowing what to do now [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32629-delacare/ said:
"Well met, Adam Frond of the Blood Moon Pack. I am Prince Belladonna Evensong of the Fluttering Faeries. I'm sure that you are quite comfortable without clothing, and it does not bother me, but I'm sure the school officials would object to you parading around in such a state. Do you have a change of clothes nearby?" Belladonna found this wolf somewhat interesting. Most wolves mistrusted fairies on principle.
[ O he is a faerie the Fluttering Faeries where have we heard that name be for ? His wolf form asked inside his head I don't know Father told us many name's of the houses of diffrant races clan names and how each race worked I stop listening when he got to the faerie's said Adam back] He thought how to answer his question he finely decided to let him know about his bike he smiled big " Well It's nice to meat you prince Belladonna " He bowed thin went on speaking " your right about me being comfortable without clothing ashley yesterday and today is the longest I have had cloth's on. But you are right I will need to put on some cloth's I rode a bike here I hid it near the lake and in some bushes In side a compartment I have a bag of cloth's

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