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Fantasy Academy of the Arcane

"Oh. You must be the mermaid she was talking about!" Kiana said. "The one she said her heart belonged to, or whatever.." She told her. "Your lucky you found a nice group of friends. I haven't had a good friend in years.." She said sadly.
"You know, I'm not usually too keen on other mermaids. They put me through a lot while I was under the sea, but if you ever need a friend I'm here." Andrea smiled, a genuine smile at Kiana. She hadn't exactly heard the comment that Kiana said, about Molly saying her heart belonged to Andrea, and so she wasn't squealing like a little girl inside. Instead, she focused on making a new friend.
"Honestly, I think I've missed a few already. I'm not sure." Andrea looked back at the clock by her bed. "I'd uh invite you in but... Well I'm not exactly dressed." She laughed lightly, her heart not completely into it.
"It's alright.." An idea popped in her head. "Do you Wanna go for a swim?" She asked Andrea, a hopeful expression on her face.
"Sure, sounds good. Give me a moment to dress?" Andrea quickly ducked back inside of the room, discarding her robe on the bed and sifting through her wardrobe. She grabbed a plain white tshirt and a pair of striped shorts. Throwing them on and slipping her feet into a pair of flip flops, Andrea reappeared back at the door with a towel.
Andrea nodded, disappearing in her room to rummage through her case. She pulled out a light blue towel, about the same colour of her hair. "Here you go." Andrea offered the towel out to the other girl.
"Thanks! Let's go!" Kiana said. She grabbed the towel and hurried off, excited.

(Anyone wanna bump into them?)
Andrea grinned, closing the door and running after Kiana. "Wait up!" She laughed, chasing the girl.

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FrostXShadow said:
Jake wiped his eyes and looked at his sister "the only way to restore a witch's power is to.." he stopped and thought for awhile "where is my Grimoire " he let go of Grayson and ran to his dorm, he grabbed a black book with his family insignia carved on it. he ran back up to the roof "Maybe my powers aren't gone just locked away" he began flipping through the book "if i can create a Moon amulet it could possible unlock my powers but i would need a way to unbind my magic from the amulet and actually rebind it to me but its going to take some time to create it which means we cant let the teachers know that i don't have magic" he said without taking a breath "Grayson i need you to help me the amulet can only be created with magic and the blood of the witch that will use it" he turned and looked at his sister "I need you to cover me in classes" he took a deep breath and looked at both of them "wait we will also need Molly's help" he sighed
@Nathan22 @ejssullivan
Molly looked from Adam to Jake, "Of course, I will be happy to help however you need me too."
" is there any thing I can do to help Jake " Adam asked looking at Jake thin to Molly [ I smell some thing hmmmm has Jake started hiding his magic ? asked his wolf form from inside his head be nice Jake is asking for help as his friends we should try to help Adam said back in his head his wolf stop talking ]

@ejessullivan @FrostXShadow
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Belladonna flew through the halls of the academy back towards his room. He wanted to work on personalizing his dorm while he waited for the next class.

((Just to say I'm back in the game. Open for interaction if anyone wants to.))
Adam felt Molly take his hands he looked at her and smiled at her " how about when your dun helping Jake we go for a swim to relax ? I will get the work we missed after we are dun " Adam asked giving her a big smile

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[QUOTE="Matthew Maple]Adam felt Molly take his hands he looked at her and smiled at her " how about when your dun helping Jake we go for a swim to relax ? I will get the work we missed after we are dun " Adam asked giving her a big smile

Molly nodded "Okay, sounds perfect to me, maybe we will find Andrea."
Adam had to smile a little when she said she would go swiming with him Adam liked the red haired dragon this would give him a chans to get to know her when she said she hoped they found Andrea he liked Andrea as will may be even the same as Molly " I hope we do fined Andrea Im starting to get worried about her " Adam said as he kept looking into Molly's eyes
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Adam listened to Molly he nodded " sounds good to me meat you back here " Adam kissed her on her cheek he thin quickly let go of her hands he thin gave his wolf form control of his body there was a bright blue light when it cleared a gray wolf was standing on 4 legs in front of her he looked at her one more time be for he torned and ran off to follow Andrea's smell

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