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Fantasy Academy For The Gifted

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Luna Malveaux

Ten Thousand Club
Ever since you were born, you've had great powers inside of you, and you were different beings, when your parents found out they enrolled you into this live in academy, you will be starting on your first day soon, enjoy.
Altier walked amongst the students that had also been accepted into the academy, them all seeming to be normal looking. However he knew better, odds are that most here are special in their own way, whether it be by accident or inheritance mattering little in the grand scheme of things. He knew one thing though, his parents sent him here to get acquainted with those like himself, those that are not normal. It is true that he has went to school before but those times he went with humans, not with other supernatural or gifted students. This will be a new experience for him, and well he looks forward to it.

With all of that stuff washing around in his mind at the moment, he passes through the courtyard of the school weaving through students effortlessly. He eventually makes his way to the entrance of the establishment, it being adorned rather fancy. He smiles lightly and makes his way in, wondering what they day will bring about, his mind now on the future but what future he wonders will this reverse vampire find amongst the crowd?
Luna was making her way through the crowd, every once in a while having to push some nosy boy away or push someone that was going to slow "hurry up already" Luna was getting a little annoyed, she was always almost getting trampled by the crowd.

She eventually made it out and into the actual gates, what had her wandering was if anyone was like her .
Absentmindedly he stopped walking and let out a light sigh, trying to remember where he was even supposed to go. They had already been to the school earlier in the week to get a decent bearing on the places on the massive campus, if he remembered right he was supposed to go to homeroom first. He looked down at a piece of paper that had the room number on it. (1-B) The first years all were in classes that started with 1, meaning first floor, it being a rather straightforward interpretation.

He put the piece of paper in his pocket and chuckled lightly, saying aloud with a slight grin. "Oh yeah, duhh..." He started on his way to the classroom, him glancing over and seeing 'Luna' as she came into view. He blinked a few times and gently smiled at her as he continued on his way to the class, eventually finding his way there and taking a seat against the windows-which were UV proof, much to his annoyance-in the back of the class.
Luna saw 'Altier' smiling, she looked behind her for anyone but there was no one but her, she was a bit surprised that someone would smile at her but she continued making her way to her homeroom, she opened the door and walked into the room and taking a seat, she looked around at everyone "so everyone here isn't human huh?" She muttered to herself before looking forward and waiting for class to start.
Altier sat in the seat for a while before the class started, it seeming that he had arrived sort of early. As the teacher introduced himself Altier looked around the classroom, and as expected he didn't notice anyone he knew. His friends from his last school were human after all and as expected they went to an all human school near their homes. He sighed a bit and looked out the window seeing that his class overlooked the courtyard, it being barren now that all of the students were now in their classes.

Before he knew it the teacher was calling out each student, "You there, Altier Bourneiu, please stand and tell us a bit about yourself."

He stood and spoke in a fluid tone, it becoming obvious that he was not human just in the way he spoke. "Well my name is Altier Bourneiu and I am from a small town in France, I enjoy reading and a good movie from time to time." He smiled at the people that were looking back at him, "And I look forward to getting to know all of you in the coming year." With that he sat back down in his seat.
Luna sat quietly, her teacher had fallen asleep whilw they were working which bothered her because he began to snore, she crumbled up some paper and threw it at him, causing him to wake up and ask who did it, luckily no one saw her or cared so she wasnt caught, she looked out the window and sighed.
Altier absentmindedly zoned out due to the teachers lesson plan today was a bit plebian, all of the things they were going over today was stuff that he had done early in his life at his parents bequest. Before he knew it the bell was ringing, signaling in the start of lunch break and subsequently the end of classes today which he thought was odd for such a highly recommended academy. It seemed that all students were recommended to take classes from early in the morning until noon, other classes simply electives for the students to take if they want. He stretches as he rises from his seat, saying aloud, "Maybe I should take one..."

Within a few moments students were walking up to him girls and guys, "So you're from France?" One guy asked. "You can speak English very well,' a girl added with a smile.

He rubbed the back of his neck a bit and nodded, "Yeah, I'm from France, but I haven't lived there in a long time." He paused and slipped away from them, making his way to the door, "I have things to take care off see you guys later." With that he made his escape, him wanting to see what kind of electives the academy has. He definitely didn't want to spend countless hours doing nothing, one elective club/or class would be enough for him to occupy his time. He now found himself at the board where things were posted, elective clubs and classes being the biggest attraction at the moment t which he stood there and looked over the long list of choices.
Luna had signed up for a class that taught dance, she always had a passion for it, she figured shed choose a club as well but she didn't know which to choose, she eventually decided to go with a club that allowed you to make food from different parts of the world.
After he looked through the choices for a moment he could tell that the school had a wide range of electives, he eventually settled on two of them. The first was a class oriented elective, it being rooted in music, which he enjoyed seeing as how is mother taught him instruments at an early age. The second was more of a club, it was a home ec class dealing with cultural cuisine, which he never really done much of. He wasn't much of a cook so he took it upon himself to do something that he knew nothing about on the first day of school. In his last school he took a class on Ancient Russian Culture for that exact reason.

He chuckled to himself and made his way to the club room after filling out the form he had received from the office. When he arrived to the room he smiled and handed the document to the senior in charge of the club, him smiling, "I would like to join your club, I'm sorry for popping in like this." He obviously was out of place in this room, most of the students that were in this club were female, a few other guys being here as well but their intentions were obvious.
Luna watched saltier enter the room, it took her a bit to notice that there wasnt many boys but at least a couple came a couple girls whispered to her 'whos he' or it was 'I hope he sits next to me'. she was dissapointed with how girls acted around guys especially when it just changes them but she went back to focusing on the club, waiting for the teacher to give instructions on what to do.

(Gtg its 5:09 am here and I'm tired, I'll be on again later so tag me if you post)

Altier blinked a few times as the class looked at him, the senior gesturing him to take the available spot in Luna's station. There were four people to a station, giving the club a total of three stations that were full now. It seems that the cooking club now has a total of twelve participants. As he took his place one of the female students in the group beside Luna looked over at Altier. He responded with a light smile, "I'm not that good of a cook, just a heads up."

The girl waved it off and mustered up a response, her being rather nervous that he was talking to her. "N...no problem." She handed him a sheet that described what they would be making and nodded, "None of us made a perfect first dish after all."

He rubbed the back of his neck and laughed a small bit, "Yeah I guess so." He glanced at the other three students in his group as well as Luna, him remembering that she was the girl he saw before class. With that in mind he smiled lightly, "Well my name's Altier Bourneiu, it's nice to meet the three of you."
When Luna saw that hed be in her station she figured now that it wpuld draw attention to the group what snapped her out of thought was when he said ne wasnt that good of a cook "learn from the best" she simply replied with a smile "kidding, anyways I'm sure you'll get better as we go along" she replied while looking at him.
He looked over at the young woman and nodded slightly with a smile, "I welcome it." It was pretty obvious to him that she was not a human non humans have a way to them that vampires can just pick up instinctively, even reverse vampires. However it's not an exact science so it's not like he can pinpoint what she is quickly, that requires more time. He looks over at the other girls in the group and realizes that they are all looking at him, rather obviously.

One of the girls asks with a raised brow, "So why'd you join the cooking club?" The other girl was awaiting the answer to the question.

"Oh," he said with a slight shrug, "I push myself to do something I'm not good at each year in school." He looked over at Luna and then down at the recipe, "So just point me in the right direction and I'll do my best." He smiled yet again, this guy being the exact opposite of a normal vampire in every example.

Feather walked up to the school when she was shoved to the ground. She grunted and someone gave her a hand to stand up. She looked to the person, only to find that he/she was gone. Weird... She thought to herself. She turned into a cat and weaved her way through the crowd, almost invisible to them all. She reached the entrance and managed to sneak inside without having to interact with anyone.

Feather looked at the time as she changed into her human form. "I'm LATE!" She shrieked and caught the glares of most of the people in the hallway. She rushed towards her classroom, being prepared, she had checked her schedule five times before arriving at the academy. She rushed into the classroom, panting. "Sorry that I'm late!" She said and the teacher startled, apparently asleep. He narrowed his eyes at her and nodded his head.

She looked around to see a group of students gathered around a blonde guy. Feather took a step towards the crowd, then taking two steps back, blushing as she put her arms around herself. She took a few more steps back, shadows engulfing her. She hoped to make new friends, her being abnormal had caused her to be feared in her old school.
"Okay so were making some basic French crepes" Luna stated while looking over the ingredients and bringing then out of cabinets,"hmm.. you" she pointed at Altier "put in one cup of flower" she said before looking at the other two girls "you guys put in two eggs and a half cup of milk" she said while pulling out the bowl and measuring cups obviously taking this seriously, she then put in a half cup of water and a one fourth teaspoon of salt.
Alex walked through the hallways of the school, wondering where he was supposed to go. Using music, he listened to it very loudly with his headphones to ignore his 'super detector' as his mother called it, going off as it was expected to since this school was created for such people. Noticing a girl shout out about being late had startled him a bit, however as she went inside a classroom Alex thought for a moment. 'I don't know where to go, but she did. Since she can enter that room, maybe I can ask her where I'm supposed to go.' The train of thought went by as he opened the door and silently let himself in the classroom. Quickly scanning the room with his eyes, a few things stood out. A blonde guy getting a lot of attention, a teacher pretty much asleep, and the girl he saw seemed to have shadows covering her. Alex closed the door quietly, and walked over to the girl, staring at her unblinking as he ran through his mind of what to respond with. @SnowFeather
Feather saw a guy enter the classroom and come up to her. She flinched but stood her ground. This was no time for silliness. Her eyes glowed in the darkness and she took another step back. "Hey?" She said to the boy. Maybe he would freak out and walk away?! She looked to the ground, suddenly feeling nervous. "D-Did you need anything?.." She said, face palming herself. Well that went well... You are now officially the weirdo of the school!... She sighed. @Silvey
Realizing he couldn't hear what the girl was saying due to the music, he brushed his headphones off and let them slide onto his neck. "I was wondering if you could tell me where I'm supposed to go. Oh, and hello." Alex replied, thankful that he could read lips, however he could feel a nagging sensation in his gut telling him that this person wasn't human. Thinking this was a bit obvious, regardless he stared at the girl for a moment before noticing he couldn't tell what she was. "Must not know what it is...." He muttered to himself before quickly turning his phone off to stop the music coming from his headphones. @SnowFeather
Feather's eyes lit up and she couldn't resist laughing a bit. "Sure." She whispered as she looked over at the sleeping teacher. "Come on.. Quiet." She said, putting a finger to her lips. She then grabbed his hand in her gently and sneaked out the door, being one of her specialties. She smiled as they came into the hallway and pulled out a booklet from the inside of her coat. She grabbed a pencil stuck in her blonde pony tail and looked into Alex's eyes. "So.. What's your name? And age?" She then blushed. "I need to know that to find out your class.." She said, scratching her neck in embarrassment. @Silvey
Altier caught some sort of conversation form a few people on the other side of the class, but his attention was drawn back to Luna. "Oh alright," he simply replied to her with a nod as he did as she asked, measuring in one cup of flour, the girls doing as she asked as well. He laughed lightly as he realized that Luna was a take charge kind of person or at least she seemed like one to him anyway. As he awaited the next thing he noticed two students slipping out of the class, her grinned lightly exclaiming to himself in a low voice, "Hmm, how about that..."
Alex stayed silent as she sneaked them out of the classroom until she started questioning him. "U-um my name is Alex Ke-" He was about to respond, however he remembered that his last name, Kells, belonged to his father so he wasn't sure if the girl knew who the family of hunters was that his father was from. Shaking his head, he decided that it was best to be honest or he wouldn't be able to know where to go. "Kells. Alex Kells, and I'm 16." Alex continued, slightly worried and hopeful that she wouldn't have any idea about his family. "Just so I know who is helping me, could you tell me your name?" He asked, trying to be friendly. @SnowFeather
She started to stir the ingredients in the bowl "Ok now we need to cook it on medium heat until its light brown" she said placing the bowl on a stove and putting it on medium heat, she then sat on the counter "what should we do while we wait?" She asked the group every once in a while looking at the bowl.
Feather smiled. "Hmm, I guess.." She scribbled down the name and age before closing the booklet. "I'm Feather Starr." She said and dipped her head in greeting. "I would tell you my age, but you didn't ask." She joked. She thought for a moment. "Kells... Mhm yep, definitely them.." She looked up at Alex before looking away again. "And that would be.. Yeah.. Crap.." She whispered in the end. Feather turned away from him and sighed. She turned back around, tense. "Well, you're in the same class as me, but it looks like I took the wrong schedule, lol.." She laughed a bit, her face flushed. "But I know where we need to go, come on.." She took his hand again and started walking, people staring at them. She let go of his hand. "Oh.. I'm sorry, hehe.." She twirled some loose hair that had fallen from her pony tail and blushed. @Silvey
The two girls simply stood there, them having no idea what to say, they all seemed to look periodically back and forth at Altier. He thought on it for a moment and then said with a slight smile, "Well we can start with you name I suppose." He looked over at Luna with a slightly raised eyebrow, her not having given her name as of yet, him having saying his earlier. The two girls awaited her response, them sort of jealous that he did not ask their names yet. Altier awaited her answer as well, glancing down at the pot as well.

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