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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Nainaro shivered at the sight, "ugh.." Little creep..

Juuya removed his hand from Kishi, still holding him by the shoulders. "What?" He asked lightly, his attention averting to Blake.
Ashe frowns, slinging Zane's arm around her shoulders so she could let him lay down on the bed. "But if I haven't tried to do anything he would've been alright," she whispered apologetically. "So what happens when he wakes up?" She asks leading Melody to the bed and sits her down.
"I would show you mine, but I don't have the energy." Juuya said, looking at Nainaro who seemed to be zoned out. Juuya checked the time and sighed, "I'm sorry, but we have to finish helping Kishi register."
Acer frowned as he realized he was no longer back in his old stomping grounds. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing really, just...different? The Academy had been mentioned in passing to him by an associate. He took the advice and went with it. Enrolled not long after and here he was. He was unsure if he had missed much of the school year. Didn't matter really. When had he ever been concerned with academic studies anyways? He was 19 and in the 11th grade. That alone spoke for him in the academical department.

He hadn't visited his dorm room yet. Didn't see how it was of utmost importance at the moment anyways. He merely stared at the massiveness of the Academy from the front lawn and grinned. It wasn't by any means beautiful like the stars in the night sky. Still, it was impressive.

He took a slight tour around and he noticed an interaction between two individuals. A small almost doll-like boy, short, pale flesh with a head of light blue hair while the other was little more than a hair of white and red hair. Acer wondered if it was dyed that way? He was taller than his counterpart considerably. He kept a slight distance be he did observe their exchange. The taller one had some sort of ice ability maybe? The other, something to do with blood. Blood? Interesting Acer guessed. Wasn't really surprising though. Blood was a fact of life. When you had seen it spilled often, it tended to lose it's usual effect. but then so didn't everything?

Acer continued to observe. Maybe there was a reason for everything.

Yet a small snicker escaped his lips when Acer thought this. Sarcasm....
"Oh I am very sorry!" Blake apologized and left them when he bumped into what looked like an adult accidentally freezing some of his shirt. "I am a klutz very sorry about that Mr... wait you don't look like a teacher."
Teacher? Acer nearly burst into a fit of laughter on that. Nope. Not a teacher.

" I feel sorry for the poor bastards that I would teach if I was a teacher. Academics and me hate each other. More than mutual".
"He will be light-headed and unable to move for awhile" said Melody as she sat down and started to hum to herself. "Also he will be hungry" continued Melody.

Blake looked at the strange man. Does he really hate academics that much i guess that explains his age he thought. Blake stared awkwardly at the fox ears he had. A kitsune oh no hes figured out my power by now. Blake made a swipe and the ice from his shirt came off. "Sorry about that." Blake wanted to know more but he didn't want to make anything obvious so he kept quiet.
Kishi rotated around on his heel and spun towards the dorms with a laugh. He paused when he got a certain distance from Nainaro and Juuya,"come on!"
Melody didn't seem fazed by this so Ashe let it go. "Anything I can do?" She asks. Somehow seeing Zane like that makes it look like the poor guy was dead. He was always so strong.

Acer eyed the individual who had bumped into him up and down. He didn't seem like much, but looks were deceiving. The weakest looking mouse could overthrow the strongest lion if it wasn't careful. Overconfidence was for fools. Fools who possessed death wishes usually. Acer began wondering about his dorm room now, yet he could wait for a moment. He didn't expect to have much to do with the individual in front of him, who laughingly thought him a teacher at first glance. Maybe he was slightly older then the others, but his looks did not show that much more age then those of his same grade. Didn't matter anyways.

"My names Acer Jotun. Just arrived a few minutes ago. What about yourself?".
Juuya and Nainaro continued to walk at the same pace. "I'm not running, Kishi." Nainaro exclaimed, watching the boy spin.

"How do you not get dizzy?" Juuya asked, feeling queasy just watching him.
Blake had a nasty feeling in his gut like he had something up his sleeve and he sure as hell was not going to like it.

"Blake Redurdo I came here yesterday. I'm assuming you don't have your schedule yet. Go to the office they will sign you up and your classes and dorm room will be on your schedule." I'm glad I don't have to share dorms because I am not too sure i would want him as my roommate.
"Just be by his side when he wakes up" replied Melody as she shrugged. "That's what I always do when this happens" continued Melody as she continued to hum to herself.

Lucario did an air flare on his bed and stood up. Enough about that secret whatever it was. He positioned himself in front of his soon to be hover board and examined it. Sounds too quiet in here. Lucario looked around and continued his thought. No one's here anyway. He put on some music playing through the speakers and levitated a wrench to him.
Acer noticed unease in Blake's eyes. So Acer had already made his first bad impression. So soon too. Wasn't intentional, just happened to be that way. Nothing of consequence. He grew thoughtful for a moment. Schedule.

" Yeah, don't have a schedule. Main office. This place is huge. gotta figure out where that is first" said Acer looking at his brochure he had just remembered he owned looking for the main office's location.

Yet it happened to be nothing more than a tourist pamphlet.

" Imagine that, I grabbed the wrong brochure. Already off to a good start" said Acer with a sarcastic grin momentarily forgetting the presence of Blake Redurdo standing directly in front of him.

" Oh yeah, by the way. Ice abilities eh? First time seeing that. Must be rare".
"Alright then." The redhead props herself up on the bed, patting Melody on the head one last time before taking out her headphones again. She was about to play her song when loud music blasted through from the other room. Pissed, she banged on the wall. "Be quiet will you?!"

@RyanJXavier @Federoff
Blake thought about his sarcastic tone and got a bit friendlier towards him. At least hes honest and I'd rather have this guy as a friend not an enemy. Blake pointed down the hallway.

"The office is over there. Also most people who have ice abilities die quickly because they freeze themselves to death, sorry if that ruins your apetite." Ill keep him thinking that i don't have any other abilities and hopefully no one will care about my other abilities.
A bell-like giggle escaped when he heard the two. He gave a small shrug to Juuya,"I just don't." Kishi smiled and darted off towards the dorms without them.
(IT AINT LOUD he cant play loud music or he'll hurt his own ears! Fine though FIIINE)

Lucario grimaced and turned the volume down having accidentally turned the knob to high. He clamped the wrench onto a bolt and started twisting it. Zap. "Nngh" Lucario winced shifting his gaze to his right. One of the board's wires just burst. The teen took out a screwdriver and got some electrical tape from a drawer.
Finally. Now there would be peace. She looks at her headphones and sighed. Now that jerk from the other side, whoever it was, just ruined her mood of music. Signing, Ashe got next to Zane and pokes his cheeks. She smiles and snaps a picture of his sleeping figure. "Mel, when's he going to wake up?" She asks.

Acer took in the direction Blake pointed in. Most with ice abilities die early? Aren't they lucky Acer thought grimly. Acer wasn't suicidal, but life wasn't as wondrous and amazing as those corny songs on certain radio stations made it out to be. It would be nothing sad or even out of the ordinary if he was killed tomorrow or even in the next ten minutes. He had always thought he was living on borrowed time anyways.

" Life is short and fragile anyways. I believe even an immortal could agree to that in some aspect of way or another. Appetite. Reminds me I haven't eaten in a while. Where's the cafeteria?" Acer asked.
Melody shrugged and responded with "I don't know one time it was just a few minutes another time it was a few hours" while humming to herself.
Blake pointed at the other way of the hallway.

"At the end take a left follow that hallway and take a right and its right there in front of you. To get to the dorms follow this hallway take a right and take a left and they are right there." What a gruesome way to think.

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