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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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  • D

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AceXCrossix said:
"Mel says you're breathing subsided or something," she told him sitting down next to Zane. "You sure there's nothing I could do?" Ashe bit her bottom lip and looks down. Seeing him in this state was not part of her plan.
(Can you reply to Keani?)
Blake went to his bed and let Acer unpack. He watched as he took some of his items out. He has some odd stuff. Blake reached in his magic bag and pulled out a book with GRIMOIRE on the front of it. He opened it and found many ice incantations as well as spells that lasted forever. He flipped threw them and saw the warning labels under each one. Only use one per person. Risks Death. He found a unique spell that would let his ice daggers stay beneath his skin and come out when he needed it. He forgot Acer was in the room and cast it the two 6 inch daggers came out of his bags and neatly went under the skin causing no damage to me internally and nothing felt different in his arms. He looked at Acer and a look of guilt when on his face.

"I forgot you were in the room!" His face lit up like a cherry and he almost ran out of the room
Acer frowned at the sight of Blake hiding weaponry. It seemed Acer wasn't the only one watching his surroundings and the people as well. He shrugged and said nothing about the daggers to Blake. He didn't blame him, he was going to do the same thing. Except he felt no need to hide his. His katana sword was visible for anyone to see. Always had been and would be until someone took it from his lifeless corpse. He pulled the last possession he claimed. A small wooden flute. It was silver in color and had a poor paint job at that, certain places, the silver paint had chipped. Still, the instrument played just as good as it always had. It was the first thing he ever remembered being his. Even before he had owned the sword. The flute was also the first thing he had ever shown an interest in. He could play it and well according to those who had overheard and listened. It never brought him any great joy or peace when he played it, but he did enjoy the sound it made.

He had never known where the flute came from. He had just always had it.
(Oh sorry didn't see your post @HonestlySurviving )

Luce smiles kissing her forehead and lead her towards the picnic area. "I got us spaghetti and some fruit," he told her sitting down and pulled her onto his lap. "Eat up princess."

"Even if you want to leave I wouldn't let you," Ashe answers in a serious tone then proceeded to take a sleeping Melody into the room. She set her onto the other bed and went to sit with Zane. "You alright now?" Ashe caressed his cheek and smiles worriedly.

Lucario placed down the lighter and took the roll of tape away from his mouth, "A hov-". He looked over at Kishi as his eyes widened. The teen dropped everything he was holding and turned the music off, "Um...uh a hover board".
Blake saw the small, old flute. I bet that was his childhood best not to mess with it. He also saw the katana and knew that he would not want to be on the receiving end of that. Blake flicked his wrists causing the daggers to come out into his hand. The metal was and oddity of sorts. Unlike most metals it expanded when cold so if he needed a swords he only needed 1 dagger and he would expand it. He flicked 1 wrist calling the dagger back in and froze some of the dagger causing it to elongate and having his sword, Amarok, gave him a better feeling.
Zane let out a light growl in approval at her action and nodded. "Yes" he growled as his snake-like tongue came out of his mouth. Melody continued to sleep now on the bed, letting out light snores.

"Oh~! That's cool." Kishi stood up strait and waved,"hello, I'm Kishi Zedal. I'm you're roommate."

(Sorry, I had unexpected visitors.)
Lucario replaced his surprised expression with a smile, "I'm Lucario Anderson". The teen made the hologram minimize back into his palm and set his equipment aside. "Ya need any help settling in or are you all good? Oh, also just tell me if you have any rules or something. I'm most likely going to comply" He added.

(it's okay)
Acer stood with his flute, strapping his katana sword across his back and left the dorm room figuring Blake would lock it up if he left. No need for people to enter who weren't supposed to. He then traveled the hallway playing a few quick notes as he passed by the dorm rooms of the pale kid with blood related abilities and someone Acer could only describe as a mechanic of some sort maybe holding a lighter and a roll of tape. He passed by just in time to hear his name was Lucario Anderson, though he had missed hearing the others name. He now headed for the school's courtyard. He wanted to play a few notes. He hadn't done so in a while it seemed. He may be rusty.
Blake flicked his wrist and Amarok went inside his arm. Blake wanted to eavesdrop or watch people but i didn't want to make it obvious. He grabbed his grimoire put his hood up and used his invisibility. He opened his grimoire and used the faze threw walls. The effect only lasted a few seconds so he stuffed his grimoire in his bag and jumped through the wall and didn't make a sound. He watched the confrontation of Kishi and Lucario neither one seeing him after he jumped. Lets see how long I go unnoticed he thought.
Ashe put her forehead against his and then pulled back teasingly. "You should rest," she said sticking out her tongue like a little kid. She took out some covers from the closet and set it out on the floor where she would sleep later.

Zane nodded in agreement, but quickly raised an eyebrow at what she was doing. "Your going to sleep on the floor?" asked Zane with confusion in his voice. "I thought your world sleeps on these.. beds?" continued Zane as if he was questioning himself as well.

"I'm good, thank you!" Kishi twirled around to go to his bed, but paused before taking another step. "I don't have any rules that I can think of so it's alright. Oh, do you have any?" He cocked his head to the side with a questionable expression.
Ashe shook her head. "Moment of truth; I haven't slept on that bed since the start of school," she admitted. And surprisingly, that was true. She slept by the windowsill on the first day, Luce's couch and the tree. So not much memories with the bed. "You should take it. Plus, it's way to soft.." She muttered.

"Not much try not touching this stuff though okay?" Lucario said gesturing to the gadgets and projects in his room. "I just don't want you to get hurt or anything" He continued as he pulled some of his sleepwear out from a drawer.
Blake watched intently at the blood manipulator and mechanic..? It was a confusing pair but he liked that they got along decently well.
"Your right it is" he chuckled towards Ashe as he propped his back on the bed-frame. "I haven't slept on one either, I sleep on the tree right outside our window" explained Zane as he scratched the back of his head.

Ashe raised her brow and walks back over to Zane. She pushed him down and straddled him. "You're going to sleep here.." She kissed up his jaws and stops when she got to his lips. Ashe smirks and got off Zane. "Any questions?"

"Alrighty'!" He left to his room and looked around. Most of his things wouldn't be here until tomorrow, so it was relatively empty. Kishi unzipped Juuya's jacket and tossed it onto the bed. With a stretch of his arms, he popped his back and arms before plopping onto the mattress. Boredly, Kishi began to count the scars on his body, thinking about where they came from.
Zane just stared at Ashe as he started to blush more and more before responding with an "OK." He preceded to remove the pillows from underneath his back and put his hands behind his neck.

Acer had found himself in the courtyard. He produced his flute and began to play a few notes to test his skill. He was a little rusty he found, but a little practice would have back to his old self. He found himself feeling nostalgic as he played his instrument. Though he was unsure what it was that tugged at his memory and emotion. the sound of the music? No, it had never done so before.

" imagine that" Acer said, though not sarcastically this time.

This was of amusement.
Ashe grins in victory as she proceeded to take a walk outside before sleeping. "I'm going out for some air. Be back in a little while," she informed Zane and left for the courtyard. It was comforting there. Especially at night. Ashe climbed up the tree and drifted in her world of dreams.
Lucario cleaned himself up and got into his sleepwear. He closed his bedroom door then sat "indian style" on his bed taking his digital interface out again. His hand pulled his headphones over his ears connecting it to his interface. He put his hand on opposite sides of the screen and stretched it around him so that it surrounded him and covered his room. Lucario had programmed some settings to his hologram. He just thought it and it appeared. Suddenly he was brought into a different location. The teen was in space he used his hands to adjust his position and the sights he saw. Where was the place he had gone before? Ah here it was.

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