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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

  • A

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  • B

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  • C

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  • D

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"Having a little fun~" Luce answers dipping his leg down in the water and let's his hands slowly slip the grasp he was holding onto Keani.


Ashe woke up feeling the bitter cold wash through her. She squirms deeper into the warm feeling of a body.

Blake yawned from the 1-2 hour sleep he got last night. Acer didn't sleep and it was freaking him out. He left the dorm quietly and went into the cafeteria to get some cereal and looked at his schedule.

(How do schedules work? What teachers do we have to go to?)
Zane noticing what Ashe was doing, extorted more heat from his scaley skin, hoping to please Ashe with the warmth he had to offer. @AceXCrossix

(You make pick any of the classes you wish, visit OOC for what classes we have and visit CS for which teacher is teaching the class
@cjpb )
Blake looked at his schedule. First period fighting I wonder who has it first thing in the morning? After eating he went back to his dorm and got a nasty idea. He pulled an airhorn and some duck tape out of his bag and went invisible. Then stuck the tape around the airhorn, so it would stay triggered, and threw it down the dorm for all to hear.
Jin was woken by a loud air horn noise that came from the hallway Jin woke up and shouted at the hallway "You got some manners for sleepers come out where i can see you"
Kishi woke, half hanging off of the bed with his face pressed into the ground. He lifted himself from the floor and sat up, feeling refreshed. With a yawn he stood and looked around. Jay must've brought his things by while he was asleep because his bags were scattered around in his room. He got up and dressed, ignoring the loud noise coming from the hall whilst grabbing a water bottle and chugging it.
Blake has a really giant grin on his face as Jin came out. He tip-toed over to him and pulled down his pants and underwear and closed his dorm room door.
Jin got amazed as a dorm rooms door opened by itself but he didnt get why everyone was laughing at him and when he looked down his pants were off he pulled up his pants and he went to the door closed dorm room and knocked on the door shouting "Hey you invisible idiot i know your invisible!!"
Blake opens the door for him but makes sure not to make a sound or touch him and goes back to his dorm. That was fun I should do it more often.
Acer had spent most of the night staring out the window to his dorm room staring at the stars or attempting to put slight cleaning touches on his flute after he had returned from the courtyard. Otherwise he had put himself to polishing the black steel blade of his katana. He had tried to sleep but what little sleep he had found had been tormented to say the least. He was no stranger to nightmares but they never got any easier to stomach.

He was never able to remember the nightmare whenever he awoke so he was left gasping into the darkness in a panic awaiting some form of attack aimed at him only to find silence and darkness greeting him. It had been this way a long time. so he would mutter a few curses to himself and as he always did, kept himself busy until morning which was what he did. He assumed Blake had slept little as well seeing as he rolled and tossed. It was probably Acer's own fault he was sure but he figured if Blake had a problem with it, he could change rooms and leave Acer to himself. It would probably be the for the best anyways.

They were already a bit distant and hesitant towards one another already and only day had passed between them. He was headed towards the cafeteria when he heard a loud blaring sound. A horn or alarm of some kind. He settled into the cafeteria after picking out a plate of bacon and eggs for his breakfast meal. It was an hour or so before his first class which happened to be History. It had seemed one of the lesser annoying classes so he had chosen it first.

He stared out into the sunlight lit morning through the windows of the cafeteria.

" It almost seems peaceful...." Acer said, wondering if he was being fooled like he had been many times before.
Kishi left the dorms after slipping a pair of boots on. He hummed as he made his way to the cafeteria, not really paying attention to where he was walking.
Lucario woke up and did his morning routine. His mood was.....not his usual? It was indescribable. He threw on some jeans, a long sleeve, a jacket, and a half ski mask. The teen had zipped up the jacket half way and pulled up the half ski mask after he yanked his hood over him. Lucario walked out not stopping by the cafeteria.
He stopped by the cafeteria and grabbed something to eat. Food wasn't really on his mind, but he shrugged and ate it all. Kishi left the building after eating, letting out another bored yawn. Class wouldn't be starting for a while, so he decided to wait out in the courtyard.
Nainaro got up from his bed and went to door. He reached out of his dorm and grabbed the airhorn. After a second of staring at it with slanted eyes, he crushed it in his grasp before tossing it back down the hall and closing the door. He was really asleep, sauntering across the dorm to his bed.

Juuya woke when he heard the door slam, peeking up from his pillow to see Naina stumbling around in his sleep. He looked over at the clock on his nightstand and sighed, "Time to get up already?"

He got up, rubbing his eyes gently just before getting up and continuing on with his regular morning routine

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