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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

  • A

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  • B

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  • C

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  • D

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"Got stuck on tour guide duty" joked Zane as he let out a smile. "Made a new friend" replied Melody as she got patted on the head.

Spotting a puddle close by, Iwa twitched her fingers, the water rising into the air, "I think... It says Science, History, Tech, Lunch, Magic, And Fighting... I don't know though.." Iwa commented combing her hands through her hair.

@UnwantedTruth ))
Kishi accepted his offer and put the jacket on. It was much bigger than his normal attire, but he didn't mind. "Thank you.." He said quietly as he zipped it up.

After a moment of standing there in awkward silence Kishi spun over to Them and grabbed their shirts. "Can you show me where the office is?"

He had grown bored of this situation rather quickly, and he needed to get a schedule
((me IRL lol))

Zane shrugged as he decided to lay against the tree, his face still in the direction of Melody and Ashe. "Nothing else" said Zane as he put his claws behind his head. Melody smiled and gave Ashe a hug. "What about you, whats up with you?" asked Melody somewhat muffled as she continued her hug.

Ashe rubs her back she Melody continued squeezing her. "The usual. Tripping, falling out of a tree, seeing people make out, running away from trouble, punching jerks in the face -since they tried to scare me-, running, accidentally going in the boy's bathroom, spraining an arm, and having your skirt flipped." She summed up the experiences she had today with a gleeful smile. "Yep. Normal."

"Are you ok?" asked Melody out of concern for the girls health. "That sounds painful" teased Zane as he stuck out his snake tongue towards Ashe.
Ashe rolls her eyes at Zane's comment and playfully smacked him upside the head then turned to Melody. "Hey, no need to worry. I'm still breathing arent i?"
Zane raised an eyebrow at her "Ow" he stated as he rubbed the spot he was hit. What did I do? thought Zane as he rubbed the spot. Melody giggled at hearing Zane get smacked and stuck her tongue out at him playfully.

"Sure." They both answered and turned towards the office.

"This way." Juuya said and started off towards the main building. Nainaro walked beside him in silence, still holding the shirt tightly in his grasp.

Sorry it's taking so long to reply. I'm cleaning a bit. @SorenDarrah ))
Ashe chuckles ruffling Zane's hair. "You guys.. are freaking cute." she commented pinching his cheeks when a light went up in her head. "You know what would be cool?" She turns to face Melody and whispered in her ear, "giving Zane a makeover."
Zane ran a hand through his hair after Ashe pinched him, blushing a little. Melody giggled then whispered back. "Yeah, mom tried that once though, it didn't end too well" chuckled Melody in a whisper.

(It's alright! c: )

Kishi walked after them, beginning to hum again. The origin of the song he sung was unknown to even him, but he always had it stuck in his. He spun around behind them, doing a sort of dance on each block of cement to the song. A soft giggle left his throat just before he jumped onto Juuya's back, still humming.
"Well, i can make it work." There was a glint in her eyes as she said that. "All i need is a chair, some rope, handcuffs, a make-up kit, and a curling iron." She didnt have the last two but the rest, she could get. "You in~?" Ashe asks Melody, glancing at Zane from the corner of her eyes.

"Believe me it won't work, his scales makes the makeup melt away within seconds" chuckled Melody still whispering to Ashe. Zane raised an eyebrow towards the two. Great the two are up to something, you better not be behind this Melody thought Zane as he asked "What?" foolishly.

It was time to start her plan. Ashe scooted over to Zane and holds his hand. "We wanna give you a surprise. Is that alright? All you need to do is wear a blindfold and sit in a chair." She gave him her best puppy eyes and pouts. "Please?" Even if makeup doesnt stick on him, she can conjour up a spell to let it last.

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((lol sorry Zane))

I'm going to regret this thought Zane as he knew they were up to something. He leaned to her and planted a kiss on her forehead. "Any thing for you" he said while starting to run his free claw hand through her hair.

Juuyas face flooded pink as the boy jumped onto his back. He wasn't used to this warmth, but he forced himself to ignore it. "If you bite me again I won't forgive you." Juuya stated, trying to make himself stop blushing.
"So you'll jump off a bridge for me? Riiiight." Ashe pecks his cheek rolling her eyes and teleported them into her dorm. She pulled up a chair and sat Zane down in it, tieing a cloth around his eyes. "Meoldy, will you do the honors?" She asks handing the girl a bright red lipstick she found lying around somewhere.
Melody tapped the sides of her head as if to remind her of something. "I think you should do it" giggled Melody as she sat down. Zane let out a sigh, knowing exactly what was about to happen. As if to warn her he simple said "I wouldn't do this if I were you" as he remained perfectly still.
"You cant do anything about it~" she hummed, casting a lasting spell on the lipstick. Ashe then began to apply it to Zane's face. "Hehe.. how does it look Mel?" She turns the chair to have him face Meoldy. I think i put too much.. i messed up your face.. I'm so sorry Zane.. but so worth it.
Melody began to hum as she again tapped her bandages with one hand and reached out her other hand for Ashe to grab. Zane sighed and replied. "Its not what I'll do" said Zane as he remained still.


(Brb going to the store for lunch))
Ashe gentaly took Meoldy by the hand and led her towards the blindfolded Zane. Sensing that she couldnt see, Ashe had Meoldy touch the lipstick on Zane's face. "Too much?" she asked.

(OK @Federoff )
Lucario returned to his room and gazed at his two projects. He wasn't in the mood to resume the hover board at the moment so he decided to sit himself in front of the soon to be nanite extractor. His hands reached for some metal that consisted of cobalt, titanium, aluminum, and other elements, a bar mold, and a tube filled with ions and electrons. Lucario melted the metal and mixed in the liquidized ion and electron substance. The teen opened a solidifer and stuck the bar mold in it. Just a few minutes now.

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