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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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(Bro, I don't wear skirts mister :| @ZackIsDead )

Ashe twisted around to see a raven haired boy. "Try that and see what happens to your face." She smirks at Jin before climbing the tree to her usual branch. "Oi, you coming?" Despite him being an ass, she didn't want to be alone right now.
Blake decides to stay under the tree and watch what the pervert and Tree Kisser do. He thinks wow this is great having invisibility where now no one can figure you out.

(I laughed so hard thinking my character CAN pull up her skirt but should I naw ill just be the creepy stalker)
Kishi landed on his feet and intertwined thin arms across his chest. "you're the worst", he smiled and stuck a blood-stained tongue out at him, "But you're so warm blooded."

After a second, He turned his attention back to Juuya. A thin smile shifted his porcelain features like a crack as he leapt up and hugged the male. "I didn't cause too much trouble for Jay, I just wanted to remember..."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Nainaro asked, beginning to get annoyed. He watched as Kishi wrapped Juuya up in a hug and uttered nonsense.

"Remember what?" Juuya asked, gently hugging him back. It was hard to refrain from getting nervous and pushing him away. Kishi was so much like a child that it didn't bother him too much.

( morning.)

"The taste.." Kishi whispered before biting into Juuya's shoulder with sharp teeth. He took one or two swallows of the male's blood just before he let go, a happy smile on his face.
"Hey!" Juuya jumped away from the boy, holding his neck. His face flooded red as he tried to concentrate to make it heal. It was moments like this that made him regret letting people into his bubble.

Nainro picked Kishi up again, "We're going to have to get muzzle for you, huh?" He held him out of distance from himself and Juuya whilst trying to imagine what would happen if they did; however, he didn't like how it would end up in his head. "How about some payback instead?" Nainaro could feel his blood beginning to boil in his veins as a blade made it's way out of his free hand. It was only a dagger, but he held the hilt with blackening skin as if it were a sword.
"Tsk. Tsk." Kishi said, still smiling as he hung in the air. "Don't get so steamy on me, Nainaro, I'm younger than you." He was teasing him, even as his fingers morphed into black blades. He brought one of the hands up and licked the tip of his index finger, "Juuya's power is impressive, yeah?"

Before Nainaro could do anything to harm him, Kishi unzipped his shirt to reveal a scarred torso. He dropped his arms through the sleeveless holes and plopped onto the ground. Taking a few steps away from them he smiled again: a happy, childish, gesture. "Im only picking on you guys. Besides, Jay only sent me here to 'get an education' too." Kishi mimicked Jay's words in a mocking tone. "Didn't he give you the bags I put together? It had a bunch of stuff I knew you guys liked."
Iwa shook her head, "Now why would I just let you see my power? You should guess before I tell." Iwa teased again.

(Sorry I asleep.. and now there's 6 more pages xD )
Juuya looked at Kishi's hands and sighed, "that's going to hurt a lot, Kishi." The wound on his neck had healed, but there was still soreness as he rubbed it.

"You brat!" Nainaro growled before Kishi dropped from the shirt. He glared at the boy as his blade sunk back into the palm of a black hand, taking the color with it. Once the boy's words registered into his mind he glanced at Juuya who looked puzzled. "Those duffle bags? We didn't even open them."

Yeah, same, I had to go back a ways to see what happened.))
((Morning everyone! :D ))

((Please do not clog up the Rp with so much OOC, if you have questions ask the person in OOC. I see we have some new members, thank you for joining us, I was asleep so sorry I could not talk to you all))

Zane, Melody, Iwa, and Tanna finally arrived at the front office, then Zane preceded to talk to Daisy. After a few minutes of talking he came out with Iwa's schedule and handed it to her. "Here you go" said Zane as he gave the paper to her. After handing her the paper, Zane and Melody preceded to walk towards the courtyard where Zane had previously spotted Ashe and a few people. Melody snapped her fingers and they teleported to the tree. "You ok?" asked Zane as he and Melody jumped up to a branch right next to her.

@AceXCrossix @Scheani @UnwantedTruth
Kishi gave a hurt expression, "you didn't?" He looked at Juuya, then to Nainro, and back to Juuya. Pain shot through his fingers as they changed back, losing the power he had temporarily stolen from Juuya. "Ow! ow! ow! ow! ow!!!" He jumped up and down, holding his hands together like he was praying.
Juuya giggled lightly at his behavior. I told you so..."I did get the candy you sent." He smiled, having shrugged off what Kishi had previously done.

Nainro laughed and crossed his arms, still holding the boy's shirt in his hand.

Iwa held her schedule, staring blankly at it. "Hmmm.... Mhm.... mmhmmmm...." She remarked as she perused over the schedule. "Well this is fun." She chuckled, folding and pocketing the schedule.
Kishi smiled, "that's good." He looked over at Nainro's hands, realizing he still didn't have a shirt on. "can I have that back?" He asked, feeling a bit exposed.
"Nope." Nainro looked down at him, still upset about his previous actions. "You can freeze to death."

Juuya looked at Nainaro with a begging expression, "come on, Naina, he's so little."

"Hes crazy, that's what he is." Nainro retorted, a stubborn look on his face.
"Crazy.." Kishi echoed, losing his innocent smirk, but only for a moment. "Only a little," he chuckled, not letting Nainaro's words get to him. Yellow eyes peered at the two as he wrapped his torso up with his arms. "It's cold." The cold didn't really bother him. It was the exposed scars and skin that made him feel uneasy.

(I would but I didn't read it all.)
Tanna grinned and looked over Iwa's shoulder to see her schedule. "What classes do you have? And can you make illusions? Is that your power?" She asked grinning widely.
Juuya, realizing that Nainaro wouldn't be giving Kishi his shirt back any time soon, took his jacket off and gave it to him. It was just a white hoodie, but Juuya had a sweater on underneath. He looked up at Nainaro who was pouting childishly.
(Morning and yea. Ashe is in the tree, Jin became the perv who is trying to get revenge on me, Lucario is currently walking out of the clinic, and Blake is being an invisible dude whose following people around. Thats what happened last night. Dunno whats going on right now though :T oh and Keani and Luce is still in the room @HonestlySurviving )

"I'm fine," she reassured them patting Melody's head. "So what you guys been up to?"


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