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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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"Run around and do tricks and stuff...oh and learning. Ha excuse me for my nerdiness" Lucario responded looking at Malaine. He raised a brow noticing her blush, "Are you okay? Is your temperature rising again?" His hand gently held her cheek. Once he noticed her temperature was normal he gave a out a nervous laugh, "Sorry". Lucario brought his hand back to his side, "Are you okay though?"
"Kitten say it please.. " Matthew begged as he kissed him on the lips again. Matthew pushed Kishi on the wall still holding him. Running his tognue along his bottom lip."I need to hear you say Kishi.." Matthew said pulling his lips away and looking onto Kishi's eyes.

Once Lucario held her cheek her blush darkened more."Yeah I am okay. Ill be right back. Dont go." Malaine got off the couch and went into the bathroom closing the door letting out a sigh. "Snap out of Mel he doesn't like you that way." She whispered to herself. Splashing some water on her face she quickly dryed her face off going back her blush gone.
Once Malaine said "Don't go", an idea popped into Lucario's head. He grinned and hopped behind the couch hiding there until she came back. Lucario heard her footsteps approaching and smiled.
Malaine frowned once she noticed he left."He left.." her voice was full of sadness. Sitting back down on the couch she sighed."See what you did with your stupid blush all because he called you princess. " She mumbled to herself. She just watched the movie.
"GOT YOU!" Lucario announced popping up from behind the couch and hugging Malaine from behind. He laughed, "Got you so good! Right?" He tilted his head so that he could view her face.
Malaine's cheeks went pink as she was hugged from behind. "Y-yeah you did." Malaine let out a nervous giggle and looked at him. Lucarios face was close to hers it made her cheeks go a rosey red. Her eyes traveled down his face to his lips. She chewed her bottom lip as she stared at his.
"O-ok.." Kishi stared back at Matthew. "Matthew.." He felt the pressure in his throat grow as he tried to speak, the words coming out almost as a yell as he tried to break through the knots of embarrassment: "I-I-I'm yours."

Kishi bit his own lip afterwards, the red on his face spreading to the tips of his ears while he stared at Matthew.
"Why do you keep chewing your lip? You'll only leave bite marks for the person who will kiss you you know?" Lucario paused and smiled a little. "Just kidding" He said eyeing her chewing her own lip.
Matthew couldnt help but smirk at him."And. I am yours my sweet little kitten. " Matthew said sweetly into Kishi's ear."I just love how i make you turn all red." Matthew kissed up and Kishi's neck a little longer before setting him down taking his hand."Wanna go to my sister's dorm and watch some movies? " Matthew asked looking down at his boyfriend;Kishi.

Malaine blushed harder at what he said."Lucario..I like you. That's why i got upset when i found out you where only flirting with me because of magic..." she said all in one breath looking away from him to embarrassed to see what his reaction will be like.
"Aw thanks I like you too" Lucario said then hopped back over the couch and sitting next to Malaine. "Pretty sure everyone in the world likes you because you're nice" He smiled. "You're a really likeable person Malaine" The teen continued.
"I mean i like you like you . Like i wanna kiss you like you. I wanna be your girlfriend like you." Malaine said all in one breath. She looked at him her face red from embarrassment. Malaine sighed an ate her muffin watching the movie."I know you don't fell the same. Its okay. "
"Oh..." Lucario responded looking away for a bit then back at Malaine. He didn't really know how to react to the situation mainly because well he's been quarantined for a while because of his nanites. That's why he was vulnerable to emotional manipulation and all that. That was one of the strongest spots his nanites influenced. That's why he would lose control whenever he was under any type of emotional spell. "...Malaine how do you know if you like someone? Like, you want to kiss that person and be that person's partner?" He asked slightly embarrassed.
The crimson on his face didn't leave even as Matthew put him down. "Y-yeah, sure."

After a moment of looking down to try and hide his face, Kishi let go of Matthews hand and climbed onto his back. He wrapped his legs around the male's waist, and his arms around his neck. The heart in his chest was beating rapidly, possibly pounding against Matthews back. Kishi shoved his face into the base of his neck and let out a soft breath of relief as his pulse slowly began to calm.
"If you cant wait to see them, soul know when that person is all you can seem to think about. You'll know if when your around that person an all you can think about is wanting to hold them and tell them how much you want them." Malaine started off into space."You'll know when being around that person you fell your happeist. When that person is sad all you wanna do is cheer them up. " Malaine turned to look at him."For the kissing part..thats easy." Her eye went to his lips but away just as quickly. "When you constantly stare at the persons lips wondering how the taste,how they would fell on yours." Malaine turned to the TV once again. "That's how you know if you want them as your partner. All of those things you fell all the time. "

Matthew smiled and held Kishi's thighs holding him up."Kitten no need to embarrsed okay. I love your blush." Matthew chuckled and made his way down the hallway going to his sister's room.
"Cool so it's like having a super best friend that you get fluffy with?" Lucario asked. "I wouldn't mind having you be that person. I like hugging people. It would be fun having you be that person. I actually want you to be that person" He said looking at her. "From listening to you it sounds like you have experience and stuff and I don't know what I'm doing so...help?" The teen began to feel an awkward sensation. It was probably because this was the only thing he didn't really much about. All his data bases and search engines said "feel" "feel" "feel". They didn't say how to feel.
"It's hard not to be embarrassed with you kissing me like that.."Kishi mumbled, slightly pouting. After a second of looking at Matthew's neck, he brought his lips down onto the skin and nibbled it. curious of how he would react.
"Yeah its like supper best friends but they get fluffy sometimes." Malaine looked at Lucario with a blush."..Wait..so you'll be my boyfriend..? " Malaine asked blushing hard as she made her way closer to him. Their faces inches away."If you are kiss me.

Matthew froze letting out a seusual growl come out of his mouth."Kitten unless you want me to take you to my room and do things that make you super embarrassed, " Matthew said huskly."I wouldn't do that again." Matthew started walking again.
"Sorry.." Kishi said softly, burying his heated face into Matthews shoulder.

"I was just curious of how you would react," he whispered in a muffled voice, looking up at the side of Matthews face.
Lucario took her hand and gently kissed it. He looked back at her, "Sorry...I-I don't know how to kiss on the lips". The teen turned a bit red. Apparently almost everyone knew how to do it but him.
"I'll teach you."Malaine put her hand on his cheek and leaned in closer."You lean in like this." She said get her lips closer to his."Then you just press your lips against theirs and move your lips softly. " Malaine finally pressed her soft lips on his and moved slowly waiting for him to response.

Matthew signed. "Its okay kitten. But you can only do stuff like that when where in private." He looked over at him."Okay kitten?" Matthew finally made it to Melanie's room and knocked softly.
"But..you did it to me.." Kishi whispered to himself, his face still pressed into Matthews shoulder when he knocked on the door. He blushed a little from just thinking about it and shifted, burying his face harder.
Matthew smirked hearing what Kishi said."Should I'll do it again?" He said teasing him slightly."Okay your right. Fine you can do that whenever and where ever you want." Matthew chuckled."You can even do it now kitten. "
Malaine sighed. "I'll get it." Malaine moved away from Lucario and went to answer the door only to see her brother and Kishi."Oh hey ya love birds. Come on in we are watching Mean Girls. " Malaine left the door opened and went to sit down by Lucario."Stupid Twin messing up my kiss..." she mumbled.

Matthew walked in the room and kicked the door closed."Hey Lucario." Matthew said with no emotion on his face."Malaine what i say about boy in your dorm without me." His sister only her eyes. "Kitten its time to get down now."
Kishi shot his head up to look at Matthew. To him, it almost sounded like a challenge to do it. He was about to bite him, but stopped when Malaine opened the door and hopped off of Matthews back. A blink broke his stare when he saw Lucario and he smiled at the two of them, "hey again."

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