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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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"Aww who? lil' old me? I wouldn't do anything...yet" replied Kylia with a fake innocent voice, a darn good one at that. She gave a playful kiss to Tanna on her cheek while she washed her. Once she finished applying soap to Tanna's body, she let the water take it off. "There we go, told you it's a refreshing way to start the day" smiled Kylia playfully.
Matthew had walked in an waited by the door for him. When Kishi was walking to him he smiled but frowned once he saw the blood."What the fuck happen !?" Matthew quickly grabbed his hand and started to lick tge wound clean and watched it slowly heal until the wound was closed."How did this happen?" Matthew said with hurt in his voice.

Malaine clapped her hands and giggling."Fresh homemade!" Malaine grabbed a muffin and quickly bite into it."Mmm so good." Malaine said with her mouth full
Lucario laughed, "Yes! Malaine approved muffins! I'm officially a muffin chef". He smiled and took a muffin from the container.
"It was just my bracelets.." Kishi watched him, wincing a bit as the wound healed. "It's nothing to worry about it happens all the time," he stated, feeling a light guilt bite at him from the hurt in Matthews tone.
"Yes your muffin chef!" Malaine giggled. She toke another bite out of the muffin licking her lips."Luke these are so good." She finshed her muffin and grabbed another one going to sit on the couch."What do you wanna watch?" She asked looking at him.

Matthew looked at his bracelets and his jaw tightened."Take it off..i don't want to see you wearing them anymore." Matthew's voice still had hurt in it. "Ill be outside." He rushed outside slamming the door behind him. He punched a wall leaving a hole.
"Thanks. Anything you want to watch" Lucario responded sitting on the couch next to Malaine. "No horror please though...it replays in my mind..and stuff" He said kind of shyly but smiled again once he took another bite from the muffin.
Federoff said:
"Aww who? lil' old me? I wouldn't do anything...yet" replied Kylia with a fake innocent voice, a darn good one at that. She gave a playful kiss to Tanna on her cheek while she washed her. Once she finished applying soap to Tanna's body, she let the water take it off. "There we go, told you it's a refreshing way to start the day" smiled Kylia playfully.
Tanna giggled. "You were right! Want me to wash you now?" She asked with a smile.

(I might be off for a few hours)
"How about a comedy?" Malaine asked as she toke a bite out of her muffin. She looked at him but looked away as she looked though Netflix."Im not a big fan of horror anyways that's more of Matthews thing."
Kishi's eyes widened a little and he flinched when the door slammed. It was just a cut...he looked down at his wrists, reading the name engraved into the metal bracelets with a frown. It was easier to get them off than putting them on, and he sat the cuffs onto the table. For the first time in a while, Kishi actually felt a little scared about something. He took a glance at the door, rubbing his wrists while he walked over and slowly opened it. His gaze immediately fell on Matthew, then to the the hole in the wall with a meek expression.
"Okay comedy then" Lucario said finishing up his muffin and outstretching one of his arms on the backrest of the couch. "Hey so what special abilities do you have again?" He asked remembering how she caused him pain a few days ago.
Matthew hurried over to Kishi and picked him by the waist."Don't wear those again.."Matthew gently pushed his lips against Kishi's lips. Matthew kissed him with need.

"Oh well i don't really use them but," Malaine bite her lower lip."I have Pushing,Pain Influction and Empathy. " Malaine noded to herself.She finally picked the movie Mean Girls.
(Aww bye bye)

Kylia smiled at the prospect of that. "Sure, and since I don't have anyone, dont be afraid" replied Kylia with a playful wink
"Pushing what's that?" Lucario questioned then turned to the screen. "Oh I watched this before! It's very...interesting" He commented.
"Pushing is the ablity to implant memories, thoughts, and emotions into one's head." Malaine said with out hesation."Oh really i love this movie." Malaine said with a small giggling.
Kishi was about to say 'ok' when Matthew kissed him. He expected Matthew to be mad at him, so it took him a second to snap out of the bewildered state and react, kissing him back.
"Awesome!" Lucario said shifting his gaze from the screen to Malaine. She was a nice girl. He looked back at the screen to watch girls strutting through halls.
Matthew pushed his tougne into the boys small mouth. Matthew wrapped Kishi's leg around is waist and kissed him deeply."Your mine.." Matthew moved his mouth to Kishi's neck kissing and biting."..say it. Say your mine." Matthew said huskly.

Malaine giggled when then started to introduce everyone. "I watch this movie so many times. It stays clasic." Malaine said pushing her hair out of her eyes.
"Mhmm" Lucario rested his head against his hand as he watched the movie. Glen Coco. She doesn't even go here. Yep, those were the only lines he really remembered since the last time he's seen it.
"Lucario can i have another muffin?" Malaine asked turning her gaze from the screen to look at him. She chewed her lip as she looked at him. God he's so cute..
"Ofcourse Malaine" Lucario said levitating a muffin to her. "There ya go princess" He continued and smiled at her. "So I saw Kishi and Mattew heading to my room earlier. Anything going on between them that I missed?" The teen asked.
"T-thank you.." Malaine blushed when he called her princess. Grabbing tge muffin she ate it some."I think there dating now..i dont know really." Malaine shrugged. "But if they are,im happy for them."
"Same same same" Lucario agreed resting his head against the wall that time. He ran a hand through his hair and looked at Malaine, "So...what else do you like to do on your free time?"
"I like to sing.." Malaine said looking back to the screen. "..what about you?"Malaine played with her hair and chewed her bottom lip thinking about the whole getting called princess thing making her blush darken.
Kishi blushed at Matthew's actions, getting embarrassed and nervous. He held his breath, not wanting to say anything because it would only increase the knot beginning to form in his throat again. But it was to no avail as a short, quiet, squeak escaped when Matthew bit his neck. He probably looked severely sunburned by now.

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