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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Tanna blushed even more and walked into the bathroom. She turned on the water. "This'll be kinda new for me..." She said blushing a dark red.
"Nothing kitten. Its time to wake." Matthew chuckled and pushed the blanket off of them giving Kishi once again a full veiw of his tone chest and abs."I'll take you to your dorm so you can get dressed." Matthew got out of the bed and slipped some shoes on.
When Tanna walked ito the bathroom, Kylia playfully smacked her ass before walking in. "So you never showed with anyone else before?" teased Kylia, seeing that Tanna was blushing hard. Kylia opened one of he cabins to reveal a bunch of soaps, shampoos, and conditioners. "Lets see.... This one, this one... and this one" muttered Kylia to herself as she grabbed 1 of each.
"Okay." Kishi nodded slowly before sitting up and letting out an involuntary yawn. His arms stretched out against the bed in front of him, his legs getting a stretch as well.

He swung around and got off the bed, his bare feet patting the ground as he stood and watched Matthew. A small smile appeared on his pink-stained features as he asked,"did you sleep good?"
Tanna blushed even more when Kylia smacked her ass. She jumped slightly. "I usually don't even take my clothes off in front of people by choice at all..." She said. She felt the water to make sure it was warm.
"Yes I did." Matthew walkef over to Kishi until he was right in front if him."I did have my kitten with me so.of course i did." Matthew leaned down and brushed his lips on Kishi's "Lets go get you dressed." Matthew picked Kishi and left the room walking to where Kishi doorm was located.
Lucario thought that he should visit Malaine and clarify things that happened the previous day. Why not make some muffins then? He thought to himself and searched up a recipe for chocolate chip muffins. The teen levitated the required kitchen tools and ingredients to the counter then got to work.
"You a shy one then" smirked Kylia before getting into the water and placing the contents of her hands one a little tray. "Come on in, I won't bite" joked Kylia, performing a little bite to reassure Tanna she was joking around with her.
Kishi nodded and blushed lightly from Matthews actions, hiding his face stubbornly against his shoulder. He had gotten used to being called kitten, but it still confused him as to why he called him that.
"Does it hurt if someone touches your scars?" asked Kylia curiously. "I just wanna make sure I don't cause you any pain" Kylia justified herself.
Tanna shook her head. "Nah, they're fine to touch. Just don't get to carried away. Having my wings ripped off was the second most painful thing I've ever felt." She said, frowning slightly.
Malaine slowly woke up, opening her eyes letting them slowly adjust to the light. With a frown she got out of bed stripping her clothes off and got into the shower. A little later she got out leaving her hair wet as she put on some tight blue jeans and a pink lose sweater. She made her way to her living room and watched some Netflix.

Matthew smiled down at Kishi."You wanna know why I call you Kitten? " Matthew asked as they got closer to Kishi's dorm. "I call you that because your small and cute and i just wanna cuddle you all the time. Like a kitten." Matthew finally arrived in front of the dorm room and put Kishi down."Go get dressed ill wait out here. "
Soon Lucario successfully baked the muffins and taste tested one. "Smells good check" He said taking a bite into it. "Mmm wow...dang" The teen took another bite from it. "Texture check. Heat check. Taste check" Lucario continued then took the muffins out of the tray and put them into a container. He glanced at the mirror and fixed one of his sleeves, "...awesome". Lucario picked up the container and walked out of his dorm.
"Alrighty" smiled Kylia back before she poured some shampoo in her hand; then preceded to shampoo Tanna's hair. "So if that was the second most painful thing, what was the most painfull thing?" asked Kylia curiously, a little too curiously.
Malaine ran her fingers through her damp hair that was slowly air drying. She sighed as she started to flip though Netflix catagories. She wanted to find something that would take her mind of Lucario.
Lucario waved at Matthew and Kishi when they arrived at the front of his room, "Heya love birds". He continued walking down the hall and eventually got to Malaine's room. The teen gently knocked on the door and waited until she would open it.
Federoff said:
"Alrighty" smiled Kylia back before she poured some shampoo in her hand; then preceded to shampoo Tanna's hair. "So if that was the second most painful thing, what was the most painfull thing?" asked Kylia curiously, a little too curiously.
Tanna smiled as Kylia shampooed her hair. "The fall. I fell from heaven to earth. The worst part is the fact that, because I got a new physical body to go to earth with, it was as fragile as a newborn baby's. Every inch of myself shattered into a million pieces. But god regenerated me. It was still painful though." She said with a frown.
Malaine heard a knock at her door and sighed she didnt wanna see anyone today. She got off the couch and made her way to the door. Once she opened it the smell of muffins made her smile but once she saw Lucario it droped a little. "Hey.."
"Ouch that does sound painful" shuttered Kylia involuntary as she applied conditioner to Tanna. After mixing it up with her hair, she washed it away before moving onto the soap. "But I'm kinda glad you did fall, me and Melody might not have met you" smiled Kylia, trying to cheer up Tanna.
"Hi!" Lucario smiled and waved with his unoccupied hand. He noticed her facial expression change once she saw it was him. "I...I'm sorry about yesterday. This crew of students framed me and Mr. Callahan thought I was the one who vandalized these walls so he manipulated my emotions. If I touched you or acted inappropriately to you in any way I'm really sorry. I can't even remember anything that happened during the spell. I'm sorry Malaine" Lucario apologized slightly bowing his head.
Tanna smiled and nodded. "I'm happy I did fall. Earth is my true home." She said smiling. She blushed a little more as she felt Kylia soaping up her body. "Watch where you wash me, Kylia. I do have a girlfriend." She said teasingly with a smirk.
"You didn't do anything wrong.. " Malaine sighed."..i just thought that you know..liked me but when i found out it was a spell it kinda hurt. But im better now." Malaine lifted his head up gently by his chin."Come on inside we can watch movies and eat those muffins okay?" She asked with a smile ob her face.
Lucario smiled back, "Okay". He walked into the room and took the lid off of the container, "I made these myself this morning. I hope you like them". His hands placed the lid under the container and presented it to her.
Kishi vaguely pouted, his cheeks pink. Small and cute. He let the air from his cheeks out as Matthew put him down, his face turning to normal. "I need to shower. So, if you want to wait inside, you can."

Kishi was about to open the door when Lucario emerged from it. "Hey, Lucario."

He watched him leave, quietly slipping into the room. It smelled strongly of muffins, and he wiggled his nose.

After looking around for a second, Kishi went to his room and got some clothes together. It only took a second for him to remove his clothes. He grabbed a towel and slipped into the bathroom that was connected to his room and proceeded to shower.

Once he was done, he dried himself off, and put on his underwear and loose the white sweater he had pick up. Kishi looked at the counter and eyed the metal cuff bracelets that lie there. He had forgotten why he had taken them off, and put the left one on. A finger slipped as he put the right one on, causing the razors to extract and cut his hand. "Ow!"

He looked at his hand and the blood ceased to flow from it, though the wound couldn't close. Kishi flicked his wrist, causing the razors to retract before turning to his pants and putting them on.

He left the bathroom, licking the palm of his hand as he left his bedroom and started towards Matthew..

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