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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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"S-sleep is good." Kishi held onto Matthew for support as he stood and started to walk. He stuffed his face against Matthew's body to hide his blush, embarrassed that he had just done that.
Matthew squzzed Kishi's thighs slightly. "Hey, dont hide your blush from me." Matthew said just as he got them to his dorm.Carefully he opened the door and went inside kicking it shut. Walking to his part of the dorm room he closed that door too. "Ill get you something to sleep in." Sitting Kishi down on his bed Matthew went into his closet and pulled out his black fallout boys band t shirt and gave it to him. "Here ya Kitty." Matthew grabed him some sweats in pulled his pants down showing off his blue boxers and quickly slipped the gray sweats on."Hope you don't mind I sleep shirtless." He said while taking his shirt off giving Kishi a full veiw of his 6-pack abs.
Kishi shrugged, snuck a glance at Matthew's body, and blushed, averting his gaze elsewhere. He took a look at the t-shirt given to him before quickly beginning to trade it for the sweater he was wearing. The small amount of his torso that was shown was pale like the rest of his skin, and clad in scars here and there. He quickly slipped the shirt on, sneaking another peek at Matthew only to blush more and turn away again.
"You can look." Matthew chuckled. Pulling the blankets back Matthew grabed Kishi and pulled him close covering them with the covers. Matthew gently touched the scars on Kishi's torso "I like your scars,they make you diffrent." Moving his hand away he cuddled into the boy with a yawn."Go to sleep kitten. "Matthew said closing his eyes.
Kishi smiled and shifted slightly, snuggling into the warmth. It didn't take long for him to doze off there. In fact, it only took a few minutes until his eyes closed and his breathing pattern changed into soft breaths.
Id say you're doing good but Most if my characters are a bit feminine so I don't really know? ))

I meed to sleep though so I'll talk to your tomorrowe. Goodnight ())
Kylia woke up slowly from her slumber, it had been a good night, she had an amazing dream last night and knowing her anyone could guess what it was about. She mentally pouted a little, thinking Aww and I was getting to the best part to herself. She didn't move at all, her eyes were still adjusting to her being awake, and since the curtains were closed it didn't take that long. When her eyes finally did, it send a mischievous grin up her face, she had completely forgotten about Tanna's... previous condition, her shirt being half way up. By using her Symphakinesis, she made it possible for her not to make any noise to disturb Melody nor Tanna, and teleported out of the position, leaving behind a stack of pillows in her place so they wouldn't fall down. She was now at the edge of the bed and slowly started to take her clothing off, she wanted to take a shower. Within a matter of seconds, all her clothes were on the ground, including her scarlet highlight. It would be hilarious if Tanna woke up now, she would blush so much she would be a lobster... Mmmm lobster thought Kylia to herself as she got up and searched for a towel slowly, just in case Tanna or Melody would wake up.

Melody was sleeping soundly on top of Tanna, as light as a feather she was.
Tanna yawned as her eyes slowly opened. She placed a hand on Melody's head. She looked behind her to look at Kylia, but she wasn't there. She looked at the clothes on the ground. "Kylia?" She called, her eyes still not fully adjusted.
Kylia grinned playfully to herself as she heard Tanna call out her name queitly, and made her wave over to her after picking up a towel. She walked over to Tanna and bent down so Tanna could see her face. "Morning sunshine, that was a great sleep we had huh?" winked Kylia, showing no effort to hide her body.
The twins where both still fast asleep. Malaine in her own room cuddling her gaint teddy bear sniffling over the almost heartbrake. Matthew cuddled up with Kishi in his room.

Malaine hugged the bear close to her small body whimpering. She was whimpering know she would never be loved.

Matthew pulled Kishi as close as he could his big hand resting on the boy's small bubbly bottom. Matthew smiled in his sleep as he gave it a small squeeze.
Tanna blushed immensely and jumped back, causing Melody to fall out of her lap. "K-Kylia...where are your clothes?" She asked, eyes widening, not bothering to hide the exact place she was staring.
Kishi groaned lightly in his sleep. His body naturally tried to curl up, but couldn't seeing as he was being held. He shifted lightly, burying his cold nose into Matthew's chest.
"Like what you see?" teasefully asked Kylia with a wink. "I was just about to take a shower, I was trying my best not to wake you buuut you woke yourself up. If you want you can take a shower too, it doesn't bother me one bit" explained Kylia flirtatiously as she leaned in a little. Melody seemed completely unphased by the sudden shift in places, man she was a heavy sleeper.
Matthew shivered once he felt Kishi's cold nose on his warm skin."Kitten your nose is cold don't do that." He said his voice husky and sleepish. Matthew pulled the blanket tighter around them.
Tanna blushed even deeper. She looked at Melody. "Well....do you think Melody would mind?" She asked, thinking about the idea. "I mean....I'd like to if it's ok with Melody.
Kishi groaned softly again. a heavy breath escaping as his eyes just barely opened, blinking slowly. He was close enough to Matthew that his eyelashes brushed the males skin while he looked around with a blurred vision. Exhaustion still weighed heavily on his brain, causing him to move slower in this half-asleep state.
Kylia smile grew even bigger, it was sweet of Tanna to think about Melody. "Don't worry It's Melody, she won't mind at all. Besides, a shower feels amazing first thing in the morning, trust me, I've been having one every morning and its so refreshing" replied Kylia, noticing that Tanna was blushing even harder. Melody continued to sleep soundly, letting out a light snore as she did so, she too was having a nice dream about flying through the sky.
Tanna blushed and nodded. "I....I guess....one sec..." She turned around and took off her pants and shirt. "Ok...ready..." She said, blushing.
Matthew groans again felling the boy's eyelashes brush against him."Kitten keep moving an i promise we wont be leaving this bed." Matthew said has he squeeze the boys bottom again but with more strength. "Mmm i like how it fits in my hand so soft." Matthew said teasingly.
Lucario woke up to find himself on the ground. ...the heck? He got up and did his usual morning clean up routine. After showering and all that, Lucario went into his kitchen and eyed the appliances. Hm, haven't done this in a while.
He brought a small hand up to rub his yellow eyes, moving his head away so that he wasn't touching Matthew as he did so. He couldn't hear what Matthew had said, his mind unable to process it. "Huh...?" Was all he managed to stifle in a soft voice. Kishi blinked a few times, being startled awake for the most part by the contact.
Kylia smile grew even bigger, as her eyes widen. She looked Tanna up and down before gathering up the clothing and putting in a pile. Kylia opened the door and walked into the living room, then preceded to open a door leading into the bathroom. "After you" winked Kylia, sticking out her tongue as she did so.

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