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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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Federoff said:
(lol didn't see your post)
Melody smiled at this, she decided to stay lying down since she was still tired. "Of course you two can, if you want we can all share my bed; its more then big enough for us three" replied Kylia with a smile. @UnwantedTruth
Tanna smiled. "Awesome! Dibs on being in the middle!" She said smiling. She got a cup of water and drank it.
Kishi nodded. Normally, he would object to such words from anyone, but he wasn't acting normal. He couldn't for some reason. The third-person image he had of how they looked made him feel self aware of how short he was. even my tongue is small...he thought to himself, biting into his tongue with an unreadable expression. Kishi was still unaware he was squeezing Matthew's hand, even as his eyes shifted yellow again. The emptiness in his stomach was made known with a growl, causing him to pat it with his free hand.
Kylia smiled playfully at Tanna, an idea was forming in her head. "Being greedy are we?" teased Kylia as she playfully winked. @AceXCrossix
Ashe shrugs. "They're ok I guess. Better than sweet stuff," she answers. Ashe absolutely dislikes sweet things. They have too much sugar in them and whenever she does eat it, she'll turn very hyper. "What bout you?"
Matthew sighed looking down at him."I know your hungry we are almost there." Matthew couldn't help but smile when Kishi noded to his question."Kishi stop biting your togune." Matthew said sternly to him. They finally arrived at the cafeteria and he smiled."Kitten what do you want to eat?"
"Come on lets go, I wanna lay down" smiled Kylia before walking into her bedroom and laying near the edge of the bed. Melody yawned and slowly got up, waiting to be led to bed.

Zane put down the burnt popcorn and reached for his backpack, then preceded to produce a weird looking green berry before putting the bag down. He took a nice bite out of it, juice starting to flow from the berry ad he chewed and swallowed. "This is about 1,000,000 times more sour then those lemons, want some?" asked Zane.
Kishi stopped, a bit surprised Matthew called him by his name. After thinking a moment, he shrugged, and scratched his head. "Umm...pizza perhaps?"
Within a few moments Lucario fell asleep still keeping his arms around his "huggable pillow". Nah, he didn't dream about much. Well actually then again maybe he did...

W-why am I sinking? Lucario thought as he descended deeper into the ocean. He aggressively swam to the top to get some air. Almost...there! The teen took in a full amount of air once he reached the top. Before he knew it he was just randomly flying in the air. So this is a dream huh? Lucario did a few tricks as he flew then landed on the academy's campus. If this is a dream then I can do anything. Lucario ran up the walls and broke through classrooms. He jumped into what he thought was the tech room but was "teleported" to a past memory.
"Alright ,now go sit at a table ill go get our food." Matthew leaned down and kissed the top of Kishi's head."Be a good boy,i won't be gone to long." Matthew said and left to go get them food.
Kishi nodded and looked around the cafeteria for seats. Once he found a pair of empty ones, he sat in one of the seats, and scanned the room while he waited. It only took a second for him notice a familiar face. "Juuya!" He called, waving at the teen. Kishi wasn't going to move from the seat, but he wanted to greet him.

Matthew got a tray and put a bacon buger,fries and a slice a pizza on it. Grabbing two watter bottles Matthew looked around tge cafeteria to see where Kishi was sitting. Oncr he spotted the boy he made his was over to him sitting the food down. Once Matthew sat down he pulled Kishi into his lap."Eat up Kitten." Matthew said as he started to eat the fries.
Juuya blinked at hearing his name, turning his head in the direction of the voice. He smiled gently, and gave a soft wave, when he noticed it was Kishi.

Nainaro came back to the table and sat the two plates he got for them down. He watched Juuya wave at someone and followed his gaze as he sat down. "Wait..wasn't Kishi in his girl version?" A brow was raised when another person came into view and sat Kishi in his lap, "and who is that?"

Juuya chuckled slightly, "he probably got some blood in him to alter the magic." He grabbed a piece of bread and tore it, eating the slice. "Oh, I don't know who that is. Buttt it's not really our business. Now eat," he shoved Naina's plate in front of him with a smile.

Nainaro gave Kishi a hesitant wave and proceeded to eat.
"Thanks " Kishi was a bit surprised when Matthew put him on his lap, but shrugged and grabbed the slice of pizza. He waved back at Nainaro before biting into the food and swallowing it.
Matthew looked at boy Kishi waved to."Kitten did you wanna go eat with your friends? " Matthew asked whike finally taking a bite out of his buger."We can go over if you like."
"I don't know....I'm sure Nainaro is still mad at me." Kishi took another bite of the pizza before speaking, "oh, he is the blonde one." He thought it would be better to tell him since the two were twins.
"Why don't you go see Kitten. " Matthew smirked and kissed the boy's shoulder."If you dont ill take back to the room and ill do things.." Matthew said huskly into Kishi's ear.
"Uh sure," Ashe says tearing off a piece of the unusual looking fruit and bit into it. She made a face at its bitterness. "W-What is in that?" She asks gulpin down more water to wash it away.
Kishi blushed and jolted up from Matthews lap, rubbing his own ear. He glanced at him in a pout before walking over to Juuya and Nainaro, now rubbing his shoulder.
"Sourpear, a fruit from the wilds; the most sour thing produced by this planet" replied Zane as he took another bite from it, releasing a satisfied sigh after swallowing.
Matthew smirked at Kishi as he watched him go to his friends. He chuckled to himself as he loved the way Kishi reacted to his touch."My kitten,all mine." Matthew said as he ate.
Juuya was talking to Nainaro about something when Kishi approached. He was about to smile when he noticed the boy's face was red. "What's wrong? Do you have a fever or something?"

Nainaro looked up, pausing his action of taking a bite of the sandwich in his hands. "What? Want me to return the favor? I'd be happy to." His tone made the lingering aggravation evident.

Juuya brought a hand up and chopped it down on Naina's head with an annoyed sigh, "no fighting."
"Fever? Uh..no." Kishi rubbed the back of his head before hearing Nainaro's words. "I'm not in the mood to fight, but I'm glad to know you love me so much," Kishi said, sticking his tongue out at Nainaro afterwards. He was on the other side of the table now, letting out a sigh as he saw Naina's hair. "You need a hair cut, you look like a girl.." Kishi stated, not trying to tease the male.

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