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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

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DemonicPrincess said:
Matthew held Kishi close to his body trying to keep the boy warm in his cold room."Kitten.. " Matthew said,petting the boy's hair."Wake up im not done with you yet.."
Kishi had a heavy breath escape before he woke, weakly opening his eyes. He blinked a few times before realizing what had happened. Hastily, he sat up, looking around the room in confusion. "Where..?"
Nevermind lol that works too, want to be convenient roomies?)

"Okay cool, this way then" Jessica smiled and started to head in the direction of the dorms, she had yet to find her own dorm number amongst the papers she'd been sent from the school. She decided she'd check once she'd dropped Vrastra off. "Some people are bit touchy but there's a lot of nice people around, you'll be fine" she assured the girl as they walked, although Jessica was partically reassuring herself. She hoped no one would ask too many questions about her period of illness.
Tanna yawned and opened her eyes. She had woken up in Melody's arms with a smile. Her mouth was dry so she decided to get some water. She gently stood up, hoping to not wake up Melody. She walked to the kitchen. About halfway there, she stopped, noticing the two boys. "Hey." She said, still half asleep.
(Sure :) )

"Thank you." She said once again and started after Jessica. "Yikes. I'll be sure to try to avoid those people." She said envisioning the drama if she had accidently met one of them. I hope this school isnt much more than I signed up for. She thought as Jessica tried to assure her.
"You'll be fine, you'll settle in in no time" Jessica smiled, moving down another corridor and up the stairs. 2001. If she remembered correctly that was roughly in the next block, somewhere in the middle probably. This school rarely made any sense in its numbering but at least it was chronological for the most part. "So did you just move near here or?" Jessica asked, trying to make conversation and having to remind herself that questions such as 'when/how did you die?' were not valid with living people. Not that this would be her first time mistaking someone for a ghost or a ghost for the living, it depended how thin the veil was.
"No." Vrastra shook her head. "I transfered her from the north. Its very different here. I am not used to the warmth. Where I used to live it was much colder." She explained to the girl. What she didnt say was that the reason why she lived in the north.
Matthew chuckled at Kishi."Where in my room. " Matthew brought his lips close to Kishi's ear and whispered."I dont have a roommate so nobody will hear us." Matthew said huskly brushing his lips ob the boys neck.
Juuya woke up, peeling his eyes open to see the ceiling of the room. A sharp pain shot through his stomach as he sat up from the bed and looked around the room. Nainaro was asleep next to him. He must've climbed into Juuyas bed at some time while he was sleeping.

Juuya was sweating from his twins abnormal temperature, even as he stood up and walked away from him. He grabbed some clothes and went to take a shower, before he came back and went through the process of trying to wake Nainaro up.

Nainaro swatted Juuya away each time the boy tried to shake him awake. When he finally woke he saw that Juuya had set clean clothes out onto the bed for him and walked out. He sighed and got up, before getting a shower and dressing.

Nainaro emerged from the room, finding Juuya in the hallway. "You feeling better?" He asked the dark-haired teen with a solemn expression.

Juuya gave a weak smile and nodded, "yes, I'm fine, just a little hungry."

"Alright," he said and began to walk down the hall towards the exit, "let's go eat."

Juuya nodded and followed close behind the blonde. After a few steps, he got a little tired of Naina's hair brushing him and started to tie it into a loose braid. He smiled as he finished and saw that the long locks sat still against Nainaro's back. "Your hair is too long for your own good."

Nainaro glanced back at his brother, "didn't we already have this conversation?"

Juuya slightly laughed, "yeah I think we did. Sorry..." He rubbed the back of his neck, trying to ignore his growling stomach.

Nainaro smiled lightly and patted the black hair on his twins head. "No worries, say.." He stopped walking and looked a bit ashamed, "which direction is the cafeteria again?"

Juuya stopped the moment he did, "oh, it's in the other direction." Juuya said carelessly and smiled as Naina's expression changed into one of annoyance.

"Why didn't you say anything? I feel like an idiot now." Nainaro ran a hand through his bangs and stood there waiting on Juuya to lead the way.

Juuya giggled and turned on his heel, leading the way back down the hall while he hummed.

"I'm going to venture and say that warmer is possibly better? Until you get to the summer anyway" Jessica shrugged, coming to a stop outside room 2001. "Here we go" she smiled, it had been a bit further along than she had thought but at least she'd found it and not gotten them both lost.
(oops I guess Matthew and Kishi aren't there anymore)

Melody slowly woke up herself, she felt around for Tanna but could't find her. "You there Tanna?" asked Melody with a yawn.

"I'm worried about Malaine, that's all" stated Kylia before nodding her head in agreement. She started to walk back to her dorm, sayign a quick "Good night" to Lucario before opening her dorm and closing it, seeing that Melody and Tanna were up. "Hey there my cuties, you staying for the night?" asked Kylia as she grabbed a water and drank it down. @RyanJXavier @UnwantedTruth
DemonicPrincess said:
Matthew chuckled at Kishi."Where in my room. " Matthew brought his lips close to Kishi's ear and whispered."I dont have a roommate so nobody will hear us." Matthew said huskly brushing his lips ob the boys neck.
Kishi shivered from the contact, blushing as crawled backwards. His hands dropped into the air behind him once he reached the edge of the bed, causing him to hit the floor with his back. The expression on his face almost made it look like he was scared, but was he? Kind of. Kishi never had physical contact such as that.
Tanna smile. "Over here Melody! Getting myself something to drink. Do you want something?" She called. She then looked towards Kylia. "Ooh, can we?!" She asked excitedly.
Lucario said good night and walked over to his room. Did he do something wrong?....No, NO maybe I did something to Malaine! Ah shoot I need to apologize tomorrow. He thought to himself as he went into his dorm. Lucario peered to the opposite side seeing Kishi's empty bed. Where did that dorm mate go?
"Well, not exactly." Vrastra said. "I already miss all the snow and cold." She sighed. "The heat is uncomfortable but it is not exactly unbearable." She shrugged explaining. ""Ahh thank you very much for taking me here." She held out a hand in thanks for Jessica for taking her to her room. "Hopefully I can find a map sooner rather than later and wont get lost."
Jessica hesitated slightly before taking Vrastra's hand, she did have a great handle on either of her powers and sometimes something as simple as touch could cause her to read a person's real emotions. It could be nice, knowing that someone liked you for certain but equally you could learn that people were just being polite and actually wanted nothing to do with you. On this occasion, Jessica didn't find out either way and was glad of that. It only made life more complicated than it needed to be. "I'm sure they'll be some maps down at the office" she said and took her hand back, reaching into her pocket and looking at the piece of paper only for her eyes to widen and for her to become greatly embarrassed.
"Damn it kitten i wa sad just joking." Matthew sighed and got out of the bed going and picking Kishi up in his arms."Are you hungry Kitten?" Matthew asked knowing the boy wasnt ready.
"S-sorry.." Kishi said as he was picked up, looking at Matthew. "Yes,"He nodded a little from his second question, feeling a bit embarrassed. It wasn't the same kind of embarrassment as earlier, but he still blushed a little.
"Do I need to carry you?," Matthew said with a rasied eyebrow as he looked down at him with his electricfying blur eyes. A sly smirk creeps apon his face."Or your gonna gonna hold my hand like a good kitty?"
"I can stand on my own." Kishi said softly yet stubbornly, his expression a sort of pout. He looked at the ground, his cheeks puffed a tad bit.
(lol didn't see your post)

Melody smiled at this, she decided to stay lying down since she was still tired. "Of course you two can, if you want we can all share my bed; its more then big enough for us three" replied Kylia with a smile. @UnwantedTruth
Matthew chuckled and sat Kishi on the ground carefully. Taking Kishi's hand in his big one Matthew smirked."Kitten stop pouting or ill spank you." He said teasingly.
Once they made it to the cafeteria, Juuya found a pair of empty seats to sit at while Nainaro went to get food.
Spank? Kishi stopped, but stared up at him. It was obvious Matthew was just teasing him, but it still got to him a little. I'm not a little kid... He wasn't, but he probably looked like one next to Matthew. The yellow hue in his eyes changed orange for a split second as he thought, unknowingly squeezing his hand.

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