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Fantasy Academy for the Extramundane

What is the correct answer?

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"Did I do something under the spell? It only lasted for a few minutes right?" Lucario mistakenly concluded since he "woke up" with the same people in the same setting.
Kishi couldn't take the soft pressure that was clouding his brain as another wave was sent down his spine and to his toes. He fainted, His body going limp with a shiver.

Told you ( :o )))
Kylia turned to Lucario and playfully smirked. "Don't worry about it, I'm more of a girl person anyways" replied Kylia before seeing Malaine a few feet away, a idea popped into her head. "Hi blushy! Come on over!" semi-yelled Kylia, loud enough for her Malaine to hear, but soft enough to not disturb anyone. @DemonicPrincess @RyanJXavier
"This is the school right?" Vrastra muttered to herself. The thing that would take the most to get used to was the fact that the climate here was much different than that from the north. It was much... warmer than what she was used to. She looked up at the school and back down at her paper. I guess so. She thought and walked into the building.

(I hope you dont mind as though I have made her a foren exchange student.)
Malaine walked away from them her heart hurting.She even ignored Kylia's call for her.Walking away from them as quickly and as quietly as she could.Finally making it to her room she laid on her bed.Going to sleep with one final thought.It was all a spell he didn't really want me.It was a lie.

Matthew smiled and held Kishi close to his chest. Standing up while holding Kishi bridal style he left Kylia's room and walked to his own dorm. Smiling to himslef as he laid him down in his bed. Matthew looked over Kishi with a smirk as he climbed into bed with him holding the boy close.

((Sorry you where right.))
"Oh no Malaine come back!" stated Kylia, saddness in her voice as she ran after Malaine. She lost sight of her before Malaine entered her room. "Oh Malaine..." quietly sad Kylia before walking back to where Lucario was in the courtyard, looking defeated.
Jessica was stood just inside the school entrance, her bag by her feet as she looked through a paper to see which room had been assigned to her this year. Being ill so far this term had been a major blow, and with Jessica not being amongst the most academically gifted it would most likely take her a long time to catch up if she did at all. She sighed and picked up her bag, only to see another girl that she didn't recognise with a similar looking paper to hers. She bit her lower lip, not really wanting to talk to anyone but figuring that the girl probably needed help so she picked up her bag and walked over. @Wings
Vrastra looked to her side as a girl walked over to her. "Are you new too?" She asked her when she saw a paper similar to hers in the other girls hand. Vrastra slung her back over her shoulder. Man being new sucks. I got to introduce over again to new people. She thought. Maybe there will be others like me as well.
"Um no, not exactly. I came here last year, I've just been too unwell so far this year to come. Don't worry, it's gone now" Jessica assured her, she smiled only for the smile to die on her lips as her gaze settled on thin-air just a little way behind Vrastra. Realising that she'd been talking to someone she snapped her attention back to the girl. "Sorry, I'm Jessica. Need a hand at all?"
"Oh. I see." Vrastra said to Jessica. "What are you looking at?" Vrastra asked the girl who was looking behind her for a fraction of a moment. Vrasta herself turned around but didn't see anything. "Oh my name is Vrastra Totem and yeah. They didnt give me a map of the school when I transferred here."
Matthew held Kishi close to his body trying to keep the boy warm in his cold room."Kitten.. " Matthew said,petting the boy's hair."Wake up im not done with you yet.."
Jessica elected to ignore the girl's question, not wanting to freak her out especially not when she'd only just got here. No one needed to know that a spirit was standing behind them on their first day. Or ever for that matter, Jessica sure as hell wished that she didn't know. Instead Jessica smiled "Well I can show you wherever you need to go, I know my way around alright after all. Where are you supposed to head, do you know?" she asked
Lucario watched Kylia as she walked toward him, "Hey are you okay?" He stood up and went to her, "...Maybe it's best if we head back to our rooms now and get some rest?"

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"Um, I have to ask of this but can you show me where my room is?" Vrastra asked Jessica. She had a feeling that Jessica was not telling her something but she decided to ignore it. "I need to know so I can put my stuff away." She said gesturing to her bags.
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Jessica ignored the various suggestions of nearby spirits and shrugged "Sorry, I've no idea. I could take you to the dorms to shove your stuff and to the office or something though?" she offered with a smile. She clenched her fist behind her back to help her concentrate and a small sigh of relief escaped her lips as she watched the spirits fade out. If only it were always that easy to get rid of them.
"Okay. Thank you for being so nice." Vrastra said with a smile. "That would be great." Vrastra looked down at her paper. "Well it says that my dorm is room 2001." She read off her paper.


(@Valkyre My post has been edited.)

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