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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

"Willow," She stuck out her hand. Her eyes looked to Amalia's hand. It was so much smaller than her own. Something I'll have to get used to, I guess. Everyone was so much smaller than her. Willow wondered if they were as fragile as they looked.
Kohart barely flinched in his restive state from the click, but rolled over onto his side. One of his hands hung from the side of the bed and the book fell from his face with a gentle thud as it landed on the floor. Hart rested peacefully still. Even though his mouth parted to symbolize movement. Visually, it would be hard to tell he was even alive due to the soft breaths he took.
"Nice to meet you. What are you anyways?" Amalia shook her hand, which was much bigger than hers. It was very strange here.

(Sorry for the late reply, I was playing Skyrim. xD )
"I'm a troll." She smiled, her tusks curling up to her top lip. She figured her kind wasn't common around here, or around anywhere for that matter. "What about you?" She looked down at the girl, noting her dark hair that matched her eyes. (It's cool lol)
"I'm a werewolf," she laughed, though she wasn't proud of being one. "I think it's cool that you're a troll. I've never met one." She looked up at Willow. Amalia didn't realize how tall she was.
"And I've never met a werewolf. I think that's pretty awesome." She said genuinely. She had met mer-creatures due to living by the river, but werewolves were unheard of in her tribe. She had read about the different types of creatures that would be hear, and was fascinated by the idea of someone who could shape shift between human and wolf.
"I'm still kind of figuring the whole shapeshift thing out." Amalia admitted. "But, I do like these bad boys." She grew her claws out and smiled at them.
Willow nodded, clearly impressed. She took her hand, examining her claws. "Sorry, I just find it interesting." She said, redirecting her attention to Amalia.

(got to go, have a good night!)

The blond looked at the sudden appearance in front of her, for a second, she thought she was hallucinating like usually when she used up that amount of power so fast. She didn't even have the energy to feel spooked. She weakly pointed up at the open window about 2 stories above her, coughing softly. She weakly reached out and with a shaky hand, grasped the girl's, not acknowledging her words so good. The vines slowly started to loosen their grip on Avalon's waist.
Blair saw how weak the girl was and quickly put her on her back and began flying up to the window above them that the girl was pointing at. She carefully flew them both inside and laid the girl down on her bed. Blair got close to her and whispered softly, "is there anything I can do for you miss?" She gave a sweet smile to the girl. "My name is Blair by the way."

She looked at the girl with tired eyes. "A-..Avalon.." She whispered, she didn't want to talk a lot now, she wanted to sleep for a long time. "T-thank you, Blair.." She whispered, trying to give a little smile but smiles to her felt unnatural so it looked a bit forced.

Blair could see now just how exhausted Avalon was, she figured she'd just let her rest for now. She put a blanket over top Avalon, and made sure she was comfortable. Blair found a chair in Avalon's dorm room to sit on while she waited for her to recover enough to talk about what happened. She sat there in the room playing games and doing other various things on her phone. Blair would look over at the girl every so often, she's pretty cute, especially when she's asleep like that. She laughed a little bit to herself.
After maybe a hour or two, Ava finally started to stir, eyes slowly fluttering open while she yawned and rubbed her eyes, making her seem a small bit younger than she was.
"Welcome back to the land of the living," Blair said jokingly. She stood up and took a few steps over toward Avalon, "You had me pretty worried there, I'm glad you're seeming to feel better now." Blair sat down on the bed next to the girl.
Avalon blinked and looked at her, slightly surprised.. did Blair stay while she slept..? "Y-yeah.. um.. thanks again.. f-for saving me and all.." She whispered, starting to fidget nervously.
Lacey plucked away the stray lint clinging to the edges of his jacket, heels clicking atop the corridors tiles rhythmically while he listened to the boys words. A bit curious about his sources for his statement, maybe he had owned a cat at some point. A lot of things must not live long when you're a vampire, it's tragic to be honest.

"Oh no, I don't. They tend to stray away from me also i've learned so it seems like we won't ever have a fun pet named Rupert." The teen grazed the doors just in time to spot a familiar number, 23.

"Oh, here we are."

"Rupert?" Timothy asked a softly, his voice almost devoid of emotions but for slight a tinge of curiosity underlying it, why would they name a pet Rupert? The unchild guessed that it was a good a name as any, but if they were to be getting a hypothetical pet, he wanted to have a say in it. Rupert reminded him of cheese, for some reason. "We could get a ferret, they are pretty smart,"

As he suggested that, the came to a standstill outside the door to their new room, it looked like another heavy, wooden door, and the Vampire pursed his lips before grabbing onto the handle with both hands, letting them rest on the knob.

Before he opened the door, however, he glanced back up at Lacey with a small secretive smile playing on his lips, "But bottle-nosed dolphins really are the smartest carnivores, I read somewhere that they have a higher Encephalization Quotient than even orca whales, though I doubt we would be allowed to keep one."

And with that, the small boy pushed open door 23, and strolled inside, content with having made his first joke since coming here.

Nagisa took one of his empty notebooks and pocketed his pen before sitting down on the couch to copy his timetable into it before he left for his first class. Didn't want to miss the first one, looks like Kohart was gonna. He didn't know whether or not to wake him, probably wouldn't be best, everyone was grumpy after being woken up. BUT IT WOULD BE FOR THE GREATER GOOD OF HIS EDUCATION.

"Yeah. The Greater good."
Amalia groaned when her alarm clock went off. She hit it, a little too hard, making it break. Oops, she thought. She got out of bed and began rummaging through her messy suitcase. She had put it off yesterday to go to the library.

Might as well do it now.

She sorted through all kinds of clothes, putting them in drawers. Bottoms in one, tops in another, and socks, bras, and underwear in another. Amalia got to her feet, and padded over to the closet, hanging any dress, or nice item of clothing up.
Lacey faced the vampire with a quizzical expression as they repeated the random name he had spouted shrugging in response; the teen never actually intending for them to name an animal such an unthoughtful name. It was like naming a frog Gretchan, it just wasn't right in the slightest.

He then mentally back tracked, hoping that such a thought wouldn't offend any possible frogs plagued with the name.

Then to his both shocking and pleasant surprise something unnatural and not yet experienced erupted from him at Timothy's words. His lips trembling as they were perked up into a smile, while a small fit of laughter crawled up to the surface. It came out in a slight wheeze and airy, Lace almost seeming in pain if one couldn't see his delighted expression.

"If we made any enemies they'd have to feel the wrath of our dolphin." Lacey lifted the top of his scarf and hid his smile as he calmed down.

Amalia quickly got dressed into a casual white tee shirt, black skinny jeans, and her converse. She couldn't help but wonder how today would go. She had already met 2 people, but she wondered if she would meet more.

She walked out of her dorm, shutting the door easily behind her. The dorms were really nice, though she missed home. She missed her friends. After the incident, Amalia left without a word to anyone. She shook off the guilt that weighed on her and took a look around the classrooms.
Walking into their dorm, his shoulders shaking in silent laughter from the teens response, an attack dolphin! To even imagine such a thing! Timothy stopped in the middle of the room, looking around curiously. It wasn't very big, but it was better than the bridge. This space actually had walls, something the vampire appreciated a lot as he doubted very much that the wind, rain and sun would seep through them as they had done his previous home.

Studying the room further, Timothy took notice of a few interesting things, the previously mentioned walls were white, but with a slight blue tint to the paint, and the floor was made up the same shiny tiles he had seen in the entrance hall, but the material was something the vampire didn't recognize, and there were two large windows in the far end of the room, thankfully both equipped with dark blue blinds they could open and close when the sun was out.

There were also two identical bookcases standing adjacent to each other, one on the left side of the room and one on the right, each of them completely empty but devoid of any trace of dust, Timothy noticed as he walked over and ran a finger over one of the shelves. Next to the bookcases were two desks, and they too, were similar. Timothy would have called them identical, had it not been for the fact that one of them had three drawers while the other had four.

On further inspection, he could see that there were also two soft looking beds in each corner of the room.

While he was studying the space, he began walking, almost on impulse, over to the left side and towards the fluffy looking bed. Without giving it much thought, the small vampire touched the soft fabric, enjoying the feeling of the cool duvet under his fingertips with a small smile.

"I think this room is really grand." He told his companion without turning around, deciding to instead drop his bag on the floor and hop onto the bed, spinning around to face Lacey mid air. "I really like this thing," He added as he landed softly on the mattress, bouncing on it a little.

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Kohart slowly rolled over in his sleep only to make impact with the floor. He woke with a pained groan, flipping himself over so that he was no longer laying on his stomach. Blurry eyed, he stared up at the ceiling and tried to focus his vision. What time was it? When did he fall asleep? Did he fall?....

Hart sat up, looking around the room before grabbing his book from the ground and standing. He placed the book on the bed and a stumbled out of his room. Drowsiness clung to his mind as he made his way to the window and opened it, lazily moving to rest on it so that his arms hung over the side and his head rest on the windowsill. The sun beat down on the skin exposed to it's rays, helping to gradually pull him from the sleepiness with a warm touch. "Ah.."
Nagisa hears the door open from Hart's room and looks in that direction, watching him walk over to the windowsill on the opposite side of the room he keeps his eyes fixed on the back of his head. He placed his Notebook and pen to the side;

"It was either a really boring book, or you were really tired."

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