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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Willow got to her feet, deciding to go and explore the area. She exited the room and began down the hallway. The building had a modern style to it; artwork covered the halls and tiles were laid out on the floor. Peering down one of the hallways she spotted two boys. Willow watched them. Should I talk to them? What if I scare them or come off too eager? She continued to watch them in curiosity. Maybe it's better I wait. And with that she continued walking. She hummed softly, eventually making her way outside. Willow trees bent over the path, shading the area. She took in a deep breath. It was a beautiful day and beautiful days shouldn't be wasted. Willow walked around the outside of the school building, admiring the scenery.
Kohart was about to tighten the grip of the briars so that they punctured both of their skins when he heard the name 'nagisa'. His expression went blank when it seemed to ring a bell in his head and the briars began to retreat back into his sleeves. "Nagisa?," he seemed confused, staring at -nagisa who stood in front of him like inspecting his face. "Nagisa...nagisa?..." Kohart had dropped his hands to his hips in thought, his brain itching for an answer. Why is it so familiar?
Lace stared at the other with growing concern for their well being as Timothys hands had placed themselves atop his head, seemingly gripping what his fingers could as he did so. He had meant in no way for his once considerate action to cause the boy such discomfort, a new feeling of revoltion fell over him as he promised himself to not do certain things without the consideration of the other again so nothing like this may happen in their future possible friendship.

Despite his age and whatever stereotypes may come with his species in many ways Timothy was still a child, unsure of himself and of many things in their strange world that he, himself, was still confused on. Like he had thought before the white haired boy must've lived centuries, not all of those could have been enjoyable and without conflict and traumatic events. As the vampire apologized once more it was difficult for Lace to not reach out in an attempt to comfort the boy.

"Of course we are, we're as good as angels. Wait," the teen bit his thumb once more as he recalled the panflit and the species it had described. "No, I was right, angels are the good ones. But we can just forget about this, no worries."
Nagisa pulled his hands away when the briars released him, he grabbed his wrist as it was slightly sore, but he shrugged it off. Hart looked confused and Nagisa blinked a couple of times, pondering at his old friend's expression.

"It has been a while, we were a lot smaller back then. Here, let me help you."

Nagisa pressed the tip of his right index finger against Hart's forehead gently, he then swiped down and then across as if he was drawing something with his finger on his forehead. It only took 5 swipes and a symbol glowed on Kohart's forehead, Nagisa gently took Hart's face into his hands again following that up by pressing his forehead against the symbol to show him the memories of their past together.
She began reading, her eyes glued to the book. Amalia was the only one in the library, so she would have peace and quiet.
Kohart was befuddled when Nagisa started touching his forehead, reaching a hand up to swipe his hand away before nagisa pressed his forehead against his causing his hand to freeze. His eyes widened when the memories started to flood into his mind, helping him to remember why that name was so familiar. Hart stared at Nagisa, a single hand still on his hip as he sighed," of course, how could I forget that loud mouth of yours?"
Timothy stared at the teens face for another three seconds before he gave him a small smile. Letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding and nodded happily, if a little surprised that Lacey had let it go so easily. "The angels are the good ones, you're completely right." He informed him matter-of-factly, his hand reaching up to twirl a lock of his hair again and feeling comforted by the familiar touch of his own hand against his cheek.

Without saying anything more, he gestured slowly towards the hallway, indicating that they should probably find their dorm now that the unpleasantness were out of the way.

As the pair began walking again, their shoes tapping lightly against the tiled floor and echoing down the corridor, Timothy decided to once again try and engage the bigger boy in a conversation, surprising himself with how much he really wanted to speak, but finding that he didn't have a clue what to actually say.

With a century of not really speaking much to anyone, let alone starting a conversation, the vampire really was at a loss for what to say. Besides, he though, frowning slightly, what do you say after an event like that? Do you ask about the weather? Timothy didn't really think asking about the weather would be a good option, seeing as the windows were just to their left, with some of them even opened slightly. Maybe I should ask him if he also counted the tiles in the entrance room. But that was such an obvious question, wasn't it?
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Nagisa stood there grinning like an idiot when Kohart spoke, he let out a chuckle at his comment about his loud mouth and looked away, "Aw, you know exactly what to say every time." Nagisa then walked Hart back into his room to give them some space from the door frame. he walked around the boy, lifting his arm as he inspected him.

"Lanky Arms."

He twirled some of his hair inbetween his fingertips, "Messy Purple Hair."

He pulled down his eyelid and took a close look at his eyes, "Dulling Green eyes"

He lifted up the other arm and looked closely at it, making his way behind Kohart and then hugged him from behind, his forearms crossing over above his chest, "Still Good Looking."
Amalia sighed and put the book up. She scanned the bookshelves for others. One caught her eye. She picked it up and sat on the ground as she began to read.
Lacey scratched the top of his cheek as relief swelled within him at the sight of the vampire smiling, he had looked forward to the interaction of another for a good portion of what he can remember but he hadn't realized the amount of emotional exhaustion which would filter through him due to it. Well, if he were to be honest it seemed like he wasn't the only one fresh out of the awkward box as they strolled down another corridor like the rest in silence.

They must've seemed like an even more odd pairing as they were now free of conversation. Until, with a quick repositioning of his scarf Lace spoke the first topic which graced his mind.

"Do you, by any chance, like cats?" Yes, there were tons of other possible choices for him to speak about but he had chosen this topic. Maybe, subconsciously he wants to see himself crash and burn, "because if I have one rule. It's against cats, I've learned that they're terrifying and I don't understand why anyone would want one in their home or near them."
Kohart watched Nagisa point out things about him with an unamused mask of expressions, glancing behind him when he was hugged. "You're still as touchy as ever," he said lightly, trying to disregard Nagisa's comment on his looks. He glanced back to his book, wanting to read it, but didn't want to hurt his friends feelings," hearty speech, tan skin, spiky white hair, oldly colored eyes, dragging a mess anywhere you stay? Yeah, Nagisa, the one and only."
Nagisa let go of him and laughed, "Hey I'll clean that up sooner or later." He'd probably forget about it first though. He jumped back onto Kohart's bed and crossed one leg over the other.

"I guess this is your room, mine must be next door then. They have nice dorms here..." He quickly changed the subject from the academy back to Kohart again, "I didn't expect to meet you here, how have you been?"
"I don't mind them," Timothy murmured, pressing his dorm key into his palm again, "They're good company sometimes, but they die easily." He stated, looking up at the teen, his eyes curious. He wondered what could have made Lacey scared of cats, but he decided to save that question for a time when he would need it more than now. Maybe there would come a time where none of them knew what to say at all, and they would just both walk away from each other because the awkwardness of the situation would drive them to do so. That's when he would bring up the cat question, he decided.

Now that the teen had broken the silence, Timothy found it much easier to speak up, and as they rounded the last corner he decided to ask the next question, "Do you have any pets? Because as far as I know, dogs do not like me, so that would maybe be a... problem."

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Turning the corner, Willow noticed a large, healthy tree. With a smile she walked up to its trunk.

"A good looking tree to climb," She mumbled to herself with a smile. She lowered down into a squat position before leaping up to grab a branch. Pulling herself up, she began climbing higher. The sun beat down on the grassy field. Trees and hills were placed around at random; there was something peaceful in the lack of organization. It was spectacular, but nothing compared to her home.

Images of blood splattered grounds and burning homes froze her in her spot. The smile gone from her face, she continued to stare out at the land. "Nothing could compare to home," She spoke, her voice soft.
Finally done and bored with her list, Kai closes the the notebook and leaves it on her bedside dresser. Music her music still blaring, she decides to read a book at the library. She then changes into her ghost form and flies through the walls and towards the library.

When she got there, Kai noticed that there was only one other girl in there besides her. She passed right through the girl, sending an icy chill up her and proceeded to look for a book in the science fiction section.


(Ps last post for tonight)
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"It's alright," He said, looking around the room," could use some small ferns or flo-.....I've been fine," Kohart responded as he turned on his heel to face Nagisa, rubbing the back of his neck.."what about you?" He managed to ask this while looking at his friend, bringing his hands to intertwine together.
Amalia felt a chill go up her spine. Usually, she would pay no attention to stuff like that, but she seen a girl floating in front of her. "Oh, hi."

"Just Fine?" Nagisa sat up and took the book on the bed into his hands, "I've been excellent! Learning and Experiencing, when we get some free time out of classes I'll have to take you to some of the places i've been, they're so beautiful and natural - you'll love it." He stood up off Hart's bed and walked over to him, placing to book against his chest.

"I'm going to go unpack in my room, enjoy your book and tell me about it." The last part he said as he walked back into the front room to clean up his mess.
Amalia looked back at her book. She was lonely, but it was nothing new. She stood up and put the book away so she could browse some more.
Kohart gave a half smile and grabbed the book,"I'll tell you all about it." He then shifted over to his bed and plopped down on it, opening the book above his face and peering into the pages intently as he read.

After a little while of reading, the book began to lower onto his face as his grip loosened and his hands fell to his chest. The book was now covering his face, the smell of the pages smothering his nose. Kohart had fallen asleep. though he had already planned for a nap earlier, he would usually finish his books first.
Willow climbed back down the tree and headed inside, deciding to look around somewhere else.

Once back in the school she headed towards the library. Her footsteps echoed throughout the hallway, emitting a deep rhythmic sound. Willow looked around the book infested room. Her gaze stopped on a girl browsing the books. This is my chance to make a friend! She thought. Willow walked to one of the bookshelves, questioning whether she should engage the conversation or wait to be noticed.
Amalia noticed another girl walking into the room. She was feeling rather talkative today, so she looked at her. "Like to read?" She asked as she picked up another book.
Nagisa quickly threw his clothes into his case and hurriedly closed it, carrying it into his room he threw it on his bed and it did the same thing it did when he threw it on the couch, clothes everywhere. He jumped on his bed next to his case and rested his hands behind his head, looking around to see how he could personalise his room. Oh yey he had a window, windows were good. He didn't stay on the bed long and was up and already opening the window he was happy about having. The air smelled fresh, it made him want to go outside.

He left his room and peaked into his neighbour's, he was slightly surprised to see him snoozing with a book on his face. Oh well. He quietly closed the door, but it did make a click sound which wasn't helpful in the slightest.
Willow tried to contain her excitement as she looked down at the girl. She nodded. "Yeah, do you?" Though she had only been looking at the shelves to give her time to think she did love reading. She rarely had the chance to, but enjoyed every moment she got.

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