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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Her rapid breathing increased as she slipped, now basically free falling towards the ground, eyes quickly closing in fear. She suddenly spun, making a swipe motion with her hand and the vines extended, catching her by her midrift and holding her to the wall. The sudden use of magic send out a wave through the air that any magic user could easily pick up.
Amalia smiled. She's glad she could finally help someone. "No problem, I'm Amalia. I am too."

Amalia took all of her books off of the top of her boxes.
"Lace," The nickname rolled off his tongue much easier and the vampire gave another small smile, thankful for Lacey's consideration. The bigger boy seemed really nice, Timothy though, and he suddenly caught himself in looking forward to getting to know him. And maybe even become... friends? Shaking himself internally, the unchild scolded himself, it wouldn't do to cling to hopes of friendship if he hadn't even known they teen for five minutes yet.

When Lacey's question reached his ears, he perked up slightly. It was much easier answering questions, Timothy thought, than asking them.

"I'm originally from France," He said softly, the smile returning to his lips as he thought of his home town, "though I haven't been there in a while,"

Unconsciously, two of his pale fingers reached up to twirl a strand of his hair, a habit he had picked up on some time ago, as he thought about what to ask Lacey. It was customary, he had read, that when asked a question, you were expected to ask one back. He couldn't remember where he had read that, though.

"Where do you originate from, Lace?"
Armina, " so this is a school for supernatural, do you mind me asking what you are. You don't need to answer"

I finally find directions to the dorm and walk with amalia to my dorm.
Armina, " Im a Hybrid" I was kinda scared for her reaction. usually when I tell someone that their eyes widen and then they run.
Armina, "your not going to run?" I say looking at the ground.
After a short break from walking, Kohart sat up and began unpacking his things. He started with his clothes, neatly folding them and placing them into stacks organized by dresser drawers. Then his other belongings- such as pictures, school supplies, cards, alarm clock, and his small collection of various books he decided to bring with him- were all organized into areas he decided was comfortable to look at everyday.

Hart glanced around the room with a sigh. Since he had time, he decided it would be best to get a look around the school and left his room with arms outstretched above his head. They fell to his sides lazily after a few pops crackled from his elbows and shoulders. Those thick books he had to carry all the way here still weighed on his back even now, giving him little relief after the stretch. He rolled his shoulders as he walked through the corridor, a pained and agitated look on his face from the stiffness in his bones.

Kohart wasn't sure exactly what he was looking for. He was simply scoping out the area in hopes of figuring out the locations of some of his classes, or finding something amusing to do.
Armina, "i don't know, they always run." I stare at the ground, I was very insecure about what I was. I look around and see someone. " hey he's cute" I say and motion my head to him. @Risk
Avalon took a shaky breath, opening her eyes slowly and looking around. She was far from the ground and away from harm. 'Thank you..' She whispered, to the plant for saving her life potentially.
The surrounding voices and conversations fell into a boring drone as Laces attention clung to the individual before him. What the seemingly younger boy had to say intriguing him greatly while he attempted to hide his fondness over holding a conversation with someone. For a large deal of time since he had awaken a petrifying sensation of emptiness had engulfed his chest, freezing many of his generally optimistic views as the world and its people were all but unknown entities and objects, everything oblivious to his existence as no one would react when he asked for assistance or when he waved a hand in front of his vision.

The event had truly been terrifying, but it seemed people could actually see him fortunately as proven by the simple conversation he was having then.

"Oh, really?" Lacey cocked his head to the side questionably, unable to recall much information on the area internally; though feigned his awareness and knowledge of the area. "That is pretty far away, I hope you can go visit home soon." His words were genuine at the sight of Timothys pleasant smile, the boys fingers twirling his white locks in an easy fluid motion of his fingers. Laces grey eyes watched with slight interest for a second until his attention was drawn back to the other once more when asked a question. To which his smile faltered a moment as he pinched the white strap holding up his eye patch and dragged it upwards to readjust its position in an act of nervousness as he responded.

"I'm not quite sure myself, if I can be honest. I don't know a lot about myself or anything, I have no recollection of anything before a week or so ago..." His raspy voice trailed on to silence as his fingers became busy with anything they could find in his jackets pockets. "But I try not to think about it, I mean, it just ruins the mood of things."
Kohart stopped for a moment, taking a suspicious glance around his shoulder. After a short moment of thought, he kept walking, rubbing the back of his head at the feeling of being watched as he turned onto the next corner and found the classrooms. He began looking for his and finding the room numbers, taking a second to stare at the numbers to memorize them. Wouldn't want to get lost later.

Once he got the locations memorized, Hart headed outside. He needed some time with the fresh air to de-stress himself. Once he made it to the grass he plopped down onto his bum and sat there thinking about which genre of book he would try to find first when he visits the library later.
Timothy's smile disappeared, his face going blank as his fingers stopped moving. Visit... home? That thought hadn't crossed his mind since he had left, but he supposed he could see why the teen would say that. The vampire figured that he must look quite out of place in a place like this, young as he looked and dwarfed by the big entrance room. It was an absurd thought to him, that he might return to the house after all these years, but of course, he reminded himself, Lacey couldn't possibly know that.

Timothy squeezed the room key into the palm of his hand, the stinging pain of the action forcing his mind back into reality, away from the memories of years past.

When Lacey told him that he couldn't remember where he had come from, or anything about himself, Timothy became intrigued. Amnesia was the first idea that popped into his head, as he had read about the illness only two weeks prior to coming here, but he dismissed trying to figure out the teens mystery, choosing to respectfully mind the fact that he seemed uncomfortable by the mere thought of it.

Looking down at the key in his hand, the tag on it reading Room 23, written in bold, black letters, he got the idea for his next question with a smile. His fingers again began to twirl his hair around them and he focused his gaze back up at the teen.

"Where are you going to stay while you're here, Lace?"

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She let her head plop back against the cold stone bricks, she'd have to find a way down as the simple use of magic to speed up the vine's growth to catch her, exhausted her. She was glad though that she still had some energy but it wouldn't be of much help. "H-help.." She said, trying to be loud but the strength of her voice was near enough like she'd be talking to a person in front of her.
Dani had arrived at the school at the break of dawn, being one of the first to get there. The only belongings that she had brought along with her was a small decoration-like house and a lightly packed suitcase. The dorm that was assigned to her was bare, most likely for the students to decorate themselves not that she was going to use her space as often as her roommate, whoever that would be. Placing her small house looking decoration in her nightstand and her suitcase on the corner of her bed, she left the room without unpacking unlike most students who would.

For most of the morning, Dani simply explored the campus grounds and was stunned by the difference of exterior and interior as any other student it seemed. Her favorite find and current location was the seemingly hidden greenhouse garden in the back of the academy that was covered in vines and obviously not used anymore but still had some flowers growing. How lovely. There was a fountain that was dried up in the center of the green house, the flowers seemed as if they were about to die, but the sunlight gave light into the garden such from a fantasy.

There was a tap in the back of the garden, most likely for water to be pumped through a hose but who knew how long it'd probably been since the last use. Believing in good faith, she turned the nob on and behold there was still water pumping through. Using her elemental abilities, Dani moved the flowing water to the dried up fountain, making it seem more alive than it did before. She took a quick walk around the greenhouse, finding the power source which when turning it on powered the fountain to spurt out water. Her next goal was to water the poor flowers in which she decided to do manually with a watering can. This is like being the forest again, how nostalgic. A simple smile of pure enjoyment and happiness appeared on her face as she watered the flowers.
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Lacey subconsciously feared what sort've reaction may erupt from the young boy but was pleasantly surprised to find the other simply dismiss any idea of acknowledging his words verbally at all, a small smile once again decorating his bandaged expression at this. He was tremendously grateful to have stumbled upon such a kind soul first when entering the building, it had truly brightened the schools entire scenery in a way. With scarred fingers Lacey readjusted his scarf with a few nudges before reaching into his jackets pocket and retrieving a key a women had kindly given him when he approached her and said his name.

It was somewhat of an eerie event, the women mysteriously aware of him and his place without glancing down at her papers when handing him a golden key.

But despite that Lace was now simply fiddling with it in his grasp before he responded to Timothy's question,

"In a room that goes by," the boys gaze narrowed as he inspected the keys white tag, "23." With this he slipped it away into his pocket as it was before and spoke to the other with the same question, " and you?"
As the teen answered his question, Timothy couldn't help but give a small, mischievous grin, his fangs flashing only for a second before he schooled his expression back into normal. This was an exciting coincidence, he thought, that he would get to share a room with the only person he had talked to since getting here. It was also an immense relief, as he very much doubted that it would have been as easy for him to adjust to new person so soon after socializing with this one.

He rather quite liked the bigger boy, he decided, as he looked at him, the unchilds eyes shining with amusement. Without saying anything, he lifted his hand with the key still dangling from his index finger, letting Lacey's eyes scan over the tag, finding the room number.

"Twenty three."

Hiking his small bag further onto his shoulder, he let his arm drop back down again, squeezing the golden key into the palm of his pale hand.
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Blair slowly opened her eyes, being blinded by the sudden rush of light. She sat up in her bed while rubbing her tired eyes. She let out a small yawn; that was a nice nap, hopefully I didn't sleep for too long. I wanna look around and get a feel for the building. Blair looked down at her phone to check the time, it hadn't been long, only about an hour and a half. She looked out the window longingly, she really wanted to find meet new people, people who were weird just like she was. She hopped out of her bed, onto the cold floors which made her run for her shoes quickly. She threw on her favorite jacket and headed over to the window. Blair opened it up with ease and just stuck her head out, she had a nice view of the grounds here, but it wasn't good enough. She dived head first out the window, she liked the feeling of falling. As she neared the ground she began to slow her self before stopping right above it, she looked around and took it all in. Most people were still inside, unpacking and such, she only saw a few people who she thought would be nice to talk to.

Blair lazily floated over toward a boy sitting in the grass; Purple hair?! I figured people here would be weird but not that much... As she got closer to him she began to form a criss-cross sitting position in the air, upside down. She floated over top the boy and had her face about a foot form his before lowering herself so they were eye to eye. "Hiya! The name's Blair, I guess you like it out here better than in there too huh?" She smiled at him, examining his hair a bit closer now.

Kai walked through the gates with her headphones blaring and her hands in her pockets. She was in her ghost form and everyone she past through got an icy chill up their backs. When she got to the front desk, she changed into her human form and was handed her key.

She thanked the person at the desk and headed to her room. When she got there, Kai immediately put away all her stuff which did not include any clothes because, like how her headphones were unremoveable, she could not change them. With everything unpacked and put away, Kai sat on her bed with a notebook and pen to brainstorm a list of new projects she could try to make.
Kohart was running his fingers through the grass in thought when someone was suddenly in front him. Directly in front of him. He reared his head back, blinking a few times to keep the startled reaction down. it took him a moment, but he analyzed what the girl had said when she seemed to pop up out of no where,"Ah- Yeah, It's less crowded," Hart came up with en excuse, figuring 'I like grass' would be a confusing answer.
Laceys purple bangs hung over his grey eye hauntingly for a moment until with the quick flick of his wrist they were flung from his vision to the side in time to see an odd expression take over the younger boys facial features. Though just like lightning it had disappeared in the blink of an eye, the peculiar emotion replaced by one of amusement as the other held out their dorm key as well. With interest the teen read the black print just as Timothy read it aloud in a chipper tone.

For a moment Lace didn't entirely understand the situation though as the thoughts piled themselves properly into one another the realization hit him. To which his single eye widened with obvious excitement, his lips spreading into a childish grin while he himself threw his small sack of clothes over his thin shoulder.

"Well aren't we lucky to have bumped into one another, Timothy."
The blonde girl in distress sighed tiredly. She knew no one heard her, so she just kept her eyes closed, trying not to pass out by slightly pinching her own wrist. She looked around before she took a deep breath. "HELP!" She cried out, coughing after. She wasn't used to being loud as there was never any need for it.

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