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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Timothy nodded in a childish expression of excitement, his white locks bouncing in time with the movement, accenting his young appearance even further.

"The lady over there," He said, lifting one pale hand to point to the desk just adjacent from the big, wooden front doors, "was kind enough to tell me where I should go to find the room," The unchild looked uncertain again, pursing his lips, his eyebrows pulling together to form a small frown as he thought hard on the pros and cons of what he was planning to do, "Should we go find it together?" he finally offered, letting out an unnecessary breath he hadn't realized he was holding in.

If Timothy had been in possession a working heart, it would probably be beating loudly enough for Lacey to hear. This was entirely new to him, reaching out to another person like this, but after a century of being alone, it felt kind of exhilarating, really, knowing that he would get to spend the next year in the same room as a potential friend.
Willow let out an inaudible sigh, looking around the entrance hall. She knew she would stick out like a sore thumb, being eight foot six and the color of a granny smith apple, but she didn't think she would feel so out of place. It was a school for fantasy creatures after all, wasn't it?

Trying to avoid anymore attention then she was already receiving, she made her way to get the key for her dorm.
Blair noticed the boy's excessive blinking and realized she was a bit close to his face so she floated backwards a bit, she obviously wasn't very well versed in social interaction. She could feel the blood rushing to her head on account of her inverted state, she didn't want to intrude on his view so she moved and sat next to him. "Yeah, I getcha," she laid back in the grass and began to stare up at the clouds as they passed by. "It's a nice day huh? I figured the smarter ones would be out here enjoying it instead of stressing about their first day." She put her hands behind her head.
Lacey gnawed on his lower lip subconsciously, pinching the plush flesh between his teeth as he attempted to hide his large amount of giddiness. It seemed the true unluckiness of his personal state had been prepping him for that moment then as he stood before a person he may later on be capable of calling a friend. The thought alone possible enough to restrain him from biting his lip any longer, instead grinning as the other proposed the idea of going to their specified dorm.

"Of course we should," Lace responded turning over towards the youngin' before continuing, "I'm not that good with directions though so unless you enjoy being lost I wouldn't ask me to for any help during this dorm adventure, to be honest."

Timothy appeared so young in both his appearance and a few of his mannerisms, though the teen felt no need to speak any less then he normally did to the other. If he could guess the boys age he'd say eight or at most ten, but the way the white headed boy held himself seemed far from that age range. More mature and aware of himself, this as well proven in his speech.

It intrigued Lace to say the least,

"From what I know, this is a place meant for magical beings, I think." In a last minute recollection Lacey bit his thumb for a moment to check through his few memories on whether or not he was correct before continuing. "Can I ask what you happen to be?"
Kohart nodded, fixating his posture back to how it was before,"I've already prepared what I could." Occupying the constant running thoughts in his mind, his fingers tips kneaded at the end of a blade of grass just gently enough not to break it as he spoke," I was actually about to go to the library to find a book to enjoy in the meantime, and maybe take a nap." It was true, he wanted a nice rest or a brain-teasing story after traveling so far. He hated feeling this dull numbing sensation in his mind after traveling.

Kohart turned to face Blair after a moment and held out his hand,"I'm Kohart, by the way."

"I have a very good memory," Timothy told him softly as the began walking down the left hallway, passing a few paintings of people the unchild didn't recognize. While what he had said about his memory wasn't exactly a lie, it wasn't completely true either, Timothy had a photographic memory, one which he had been cursed with when he had been bitten.

One glance at the school map was really all it took for him to know exactly where to go, bringing the map up in his head as they went along. He didn't tell Lacey this, though, because he didn't want to come across as trying to be better than the teen.

As they turned a corner and began walking to the right, the walls of this particular corridor changing to painted odd shapes in different colors, Timothy registered Lacey's question and frowned a little at the sudden flashes of memories that particular question brought on.

"I'm a vampire," He said, his voice barely audible over the echo of their footsteps, "I've been a vampire for a very long time."

Turning his head to look up at his new dorm-mate, he studied his face for a reaction. "What about you?" He asked after a while of staring, "What are you?"
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Laceys coal eye glanced over towards the other, an emotion of slight admiration on his expression as the other said they held a keen memory. Though a small portion within the depth of him became envious on instinct, attempting to claw to the surface and devour his optimism. But quickly he didn't allow it to interfere with the cheery atmosphere, unallowing of any negative disruptions to overcome the scenario, especially from him. As they strolled down the many corridors. After a bundle of turns Lace had grown lost himself no longer able to recall whether their last turn had been left or right when Timothy spoke.

"A very long time," the teen repeated the words in his own hushed tone as his mind played with the boys words. It seemed that the reason for the younger, or, er, older boys maturity was simply with his actual age; one which predictably surpassed Laceys by a landslide. The amount of lifetimes Timothy might have experienced by then could perhaps be forgotten.

It took a moment for Lace to realize that his expression had fallen stoic during his moment of thought. At this he turned his gaze away towards the rows of windows they walked by, casually grazing those they passed with overt curiosity before speaking again. "That must be sad, a women gave me a panflit on the different species I may attend this academy with and it said a vampire was commonly once human. It must be a terrifying thing."

Unintentionally Lace reached towards Timothy patting his head in a solemn silence, never having meant to damper the mood with him speaking aloud.

"I apologize, that was really rude of me. I shouldn't have said something so offensive," he couldn't resist but grow formal due to fearing that he may have arisen terrible memories within the other. It was difficult to stop himself from speaking his thoughts Lace now knew, "as to what I am. I don't know much of that either, I can do certain things that are surely unnatural so maybe I'm just a person with powers."
Kohart, interesting name. Blair was kind of bummed that the first person she met was about to leave her, but she didn't want to keep him from what he wanted to do. "Oh, okay," she tried to hide the disappointment in her voice and smiled. "I always love a good nap," she stands up and holds out her hand to help him up, "one quick question before you leave though. Is your hair naturally purple or do you just dye it?" She playfully stuck her tongue out at him.

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Timothy nodded, looking distractedly out the window, seeing a purple haired boy out on the grass. "I was nine whe-"

His sentence was interrupted by a violent flinch, followed closely by a thud and a hissed expletive in french. The vampire sat on the floor against the wall, staring up at the teen, his wide, red eyes filled with fear and his hands pressing against the top of his head. With his increased speed, the unchild had moved too fast for even himself to fully register what had happened, but when it did Timothy began beating himself up in his head, biting his lip hard, the bitter taste of his own blood spreading on his tongue and his breathing, though unnecessary, coming in shallow gulps.

There went that chance at a friendship, he thought, as now Lacey would find him not only strange, but rude and uncultured. Stupid. It had all happened too fast, that even with his previously mentioned 'good' memory, he couldn't for the life of him remember if he had smacked the teens hand away or not. Had he hurt him? With a shudder, Timothy remembered, not his reaction to the hand, but the last person who had tried touching him, and what had happened.

Pressed up against the wall, his wide eyes never leaving the shocked teen, he forced himself to speak, to try somehow salvage what was left of their unspoken connection.

"I-I'm sorry." He whispered, rubbing the top of his head, "I don't like being touched."
Kohart took her hand as she offered it to him and let an abrupt chuckle escape from her question,"hah- it's natural."

When he stood, he let go of her hand and patted the dirt from his clothes. "I guess I'll be off to find me a book," he seemed a little excited about it as he gently smiled," Apologies for leaving you so soon, but I'm sure we'll meet again."

Kohart then walked away with a slight giddiness to his step, waving a polite goodbye to Blair.

Once he made it to the library, Hart immediately went to the section of mystery genres and began looking for a book. It wasn't hard for him to find one that interested him since he hadn't read anything from the library yet. He carefully swayed the leather-bound book in his hand while he walked over to the librarians desk and got the book checked out.

Hart, trying to maintain his excitement about a new book, bit at his bottom lip and left the library. He took his time making his way back to his room, resisting the urge to open the book in his hand early. When he made it to his room he plopped down onto his bed and got comfortable, using his index finger to split the cover open from the first few pages and beginning to read.
Nagisa's first day here, woohoo? Would he make friends with anyone on the first say? Who knew!? He wheeled his luggage quickly down the hall, he didn't care if it bounced of the ground because of his haste, he had thrown his stuff into the case anyway so they would be just as messy unpacking. He counted down the dorm numbers, until he found the right one and stood in front of it taking a deep breath before this new adventure was to start.

He inserted the key, but the door was already unlocked, was someone already here? or was the academy sloppy? He would soon find out he thought as he pocketed his key and pushed through the door which flew open in no subtle way whatsoever. He quickly ran in and threw his case on the couch, it snapped open and half of it tipped out on to the floor, the other half hanged from the case or lay within it.


Kohart didn't have time to react when the door to his room was slammed open sending startled shivers up his spine. He squeezed the book in his hands from the loud rumbling of movement going on, and closed the book when he thought he heard something fall. A loud 'Hello' was shouting, adding to his hesitation to look and see what the dorm room looked like. No need to guess it was probably a mess.

Hart got up from his bed and went to look discretely only to find clothes on the floor and someone standing there,"you must be my roommate?" He said from his little crack, reluctant and cautious to step into view in case he might loose it for a moment. So loud.
After making many wrong turns, she finally reached her room. Willow opened the door, dropped her baggage beside her bed, and plopped down on the ground. She sat back, leaning on the bed frame. Not how I pictured things going, but at least I'm here. She looked around the blank room, imagining all the possibilities. She let herself picture all the fun and amazing things that would happen.

"Maybe I'll make a few friends." She smiled optimistically.
Nagisa was standing looking out of the window by the time that Kohart replied. He spun around with a grin and waved in the direction where the sound cam from, however no one was there, just a door. Nagisa slowly stepped forward every now and then, like a smooth criminal.

"Yes I am your new roommate! It's good to meeeeeet you!"
"A pleasure," Kohart replied, watching the stranger. He never really like that statement much, since you never really know if it's nice to meet someone until after you've met them. He glanced back at the book that rested on his pillow then to the crack of the door again, "absolutely splendid," hart mumbled to himself.
When Kohart Glanced back through the door he was met with face, a grinning face at that, peaking back at him through the crack in the door.

"It absolutely is!"
It was so abrupt, so sudden and without warning his only instinct saved Lace in that moment. Like an unknown nature he is oblivious to, a familiar sensation of being drenched in freezing water engulfed the teens figure. A numb chill which devoured every corner and crevice of his being and nipped at the edges of his ears overcame his body like a home of armor. One which didn't deflect an attack but cause it to pass through him, the nauseating feeling of the others small hand passing through his own once solid flesh filled the pit of Laces stomach causing him to back up in time with the other.

Oh no, what had he done. Lacey felt the ominous armor shed itself from his skin, his body once more as physical as he could muster.

Though his eye didn't leave the other, watching as conflicting emotions fell through the boys expression until it settled on one of slight fear and obvious discomfort. They both stood in what felt like an eternal silence, Lace unsure whether he was meant to speak or not while his bandaged fingers clutched onto his upper arms protectively. He wondered what assortment of emotions he was meant to feel in that moment when Timothy spoke.

"I had meant no harm, I," Lace turned his gaze away from the boy unable to understand how he was meant to feel in response to the others actions. "Are you okay?" Through his time with himself Lacey had come to realize he was generally someone who didn't grow negative in many situations, none he had come a crossed recently at all. Those who looked past him like a ghost on the streets didn't entirely send him into frothing rage or simple irritation, just mere understanding and patience as if he had put up with such things before.

"I won't touch you again, I promise. I, uh, to be honest," with his fingers pressed against his chest he continued. "My bad."
Dani had spent most of her morning simply watering plants and getting the greenhouse back into tip top shape, or at least the best she could. Stepping out of the garden, it seemed that was a bit warmer outside than it was inside. "Bummer... I hate this heat.." Talking to herself as she glanced up at the sky, her hand hovering over her eyes to cover to sunlight. "I should held back to the front shouldn't I?" Mumbling to herself again before shaking her head, "Nope."

A few moments of walking led her to a hill with a tree at the top, a perfect place to gaze at the sky but not be in the heat if she didn't say so herself. Once at the top of the hill under the tree's cool shade, she laid down on the green grass and enjoyed her time alone. Every so often a cool breeze passed by, causing the grass to sway at its command. "Octopus with... a top hat.. wearing a tutu." Describing a cloud she saw in the sky with a slight giggle at the final result she came up with, imagining the picture in her head.
Kohart blinked and quickly closed the door, his hand holding the knob firmly. He stood there, staring at where the crack previously was with an expression that seemed to be fighting between agitated and nervous. A hand came up to rub his temple as he exhaled a calming breath, his visage changing back to a calm nature before he opened the door and held out his hand with a small smile,"greetings, neighbor, I'm Kohart."
Nagisa quickly grabbed Kohart's hand and shook it quickly, "Hi! My nam...." Nagisa then suddenly stopped, his eyes opening and remaining in that state for a while as he thought, he never stopped shaking Kohart's hand. Kohart. Kohart? That name. He looked them man opposite him over, unmistakeable purple hair. No. He could still be anyone. He then stopped shaking his hand and placed both of his hands on the side of his roommate's face and look him dead in the eyes.

"I'm into burning flowers and Chopping down trees!!!"
"It wasn't your fault," Timothy whispered, his child like voice barely audible as he tried to collect himself.

He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and went over the facts in his head. I am at an Academy for non-human people, I am here to learn, Lacey wouldn't hurt me on purpose, I'm not about to be killed. He repeated this mantra over and over again in his head, until he felt himself loosen up somewhat. Lacey wouldn't hurt me on purpose because he's going to be my friend.

But even as he thought that, his inner words clear in his head, a lingering doubt made itself known in the pit of his stomach, slowly spreading out, taking over his thoughts, what if he hates vampires? What is he's waiting for just the right moment to drive a stake though your heart? It's happened before, stupid.

Timothy gripped his head tighter, repeating his mantra louder, driving away the nasty thoughts. I'm not about to be killed.

As soon as it started, it was over and the vampire opened his eyes to look into Lacey's. "I really am sorry, Lace." He said, his voice no longer a whisper, but still soft and careful, as if scared he would drive his new acquaintance away should he speak to loudly. "I just don't like to be touched."

Lowering his hands from his head, realizing with a start that he must look properly mad, standing in the middle of a hallway, holding his head like that, Timothy shifted slightly, not really sure what to do now. Would the teen still be open to sharing a dorm with him after that nasty episode? The vampire didn't know. Wringing his fingers together nervously, he bit the inside of his cheek and decided to find out the only way he knew how. By asking.

"Are we good?"
Kohart was confused and flinched when whoever he was grabbed his face. His soft natured expression slowly twisted, one of his eyebrows twitching as he reached up and grabbed the strangers wrists in a tight grasp. He pulled nagisas hands from his face whilst what looked like briars curved around his arms from his sleeves and wrapped around his hands,"what the hell is your problem?"
Amalia walked to the library. She enjoyed reading, but hardly ever had any time for it. She browsed through the hundreds of books, finally picking one at random.
Nagisa smiled against suddenly, even though his hand and wrists were being forced and bound he called out happily, "Kohaaart! Hartyyyy No Way! It's ME Nagisa!" He tried to pulls his hands away, but it was a bit of a struggle and his smile slowly faded, hopefully he'd remember. Hopefully.
Blair watched Kohart as he walked away, returning the wave goodbye. She glanced around, and still there weren't many students around her. She decided to get more of a birds eye view, but she didn't feel like wasting energy flying. She got a good view of the building and kept in mind the structure of the roof, while doing so she realized she'd left her window wide open. One second she was on the ground, and with a small flash and puff of smoke she was standing in front of her window, back in her dorm.

Blair shut the window and made sure to lock it.
Boring day, I hope it's not gonna be this dull everyday... she thought to herself as she brought her jet black headphones from around her neck and onto her head. She learned how to wear them with her horns in the way. She cranked up her music, and in another flash she was on the roof. Her toes extended past the edge of the roof, her gaze was turned toward the ground. The rush she felt from being up so high combined with her favorite song playing made her feel amazing. She turned on her heels and began walking around on the roof, taking in all of the campus. It was huge compared to any normal school, Blair felt so small. She started to test her luck and try to walk as close as she could to the edge, her arms extended as if she was on a balance beam.

Blair happened to look down at her feet at the right moment, she saw another girl being held up by only a vine. The girl seemed distressed so Blair took action immediately. She removed her headphones and started flying down to the girl. Blair began to hover in front of the girl,
"looks like you could use a hand. What's a cute girl like you doing acting like Tarzan anyways?" She spoke softly, making sure to not scare the girl and make her fall. She held her hand out to help her.


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