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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

"So.....tired...." Kohart stifled in a raspy voice. His eye were barely open, peering out at the school grounds through a lace of lashes. He sat his head up so that his chin was propped against the wood and yawned,"I...long travel here." Hart twiddled his fingers against the side of the building a bit, blinking slightly when a small green pod grew and eventually bloomed into a blue flower. "Hm.."

"Ah I see, makes sense."

He stretches his arms across his chest and stands up, watching Kohart do whatever he was doing out the side of his window. He took a moment before walking over to the kitchen and looking around;

"Do we need to stock up or do they already have things in? You could probably use a snack or some Tea."
Sun light flooded the room from the nearby window. Dust particles floated carelessly, drifting gently through the air. Willow sat up, rubbing her sore neck. Her legs had hung over the edge of the bed and her head had rested against the wall; not the most comfortable of positions to sleep in. Slowly she stood up. She stretched her arms above her head, smacking her hands on the roof. She swore under her breath, letting her arms drop back down. Willow let out a sleepy sigh.

"Already a great day," She mumbled sarcastically. A shiver ran up her spin as she shuffled across the cold, tile floor to her bag that resided by the wardrobe. She pulled out a large hairbrush and a change of clothes before heading into the bathroom.
Amalia made note of where her classes were. She wondered when the classes would start. Hopefully soon.

She walked back to the dorms, walking into the bathroom. She seen Willow. "Oh, good morning, Willow. Sleep well?"
After reading for a long time, Kai put away her book and noticed that it was morning. This didn't bother because, since she was in ghost form, she did not grow exhausted. She had used her air element to close the book and put it away. Kai then left the library, floating all the way back to her dorm.

Once she got there she packed up her backpack and transformed into a small black dragon. With the bag now miniature sized and around her neck, she flew outside the room and out the front entrance. When she was in an empty field, she just lied down and stared up at the sky.

A night spent with his large, crimson eyes staring out of the window, unmoving from his spot on the bed and listening to Lacey's steady, rhythmic breathing had made Timothy quite bored. So when the first rays of sunlight had bade their presence known, the small boy ducking out of the way just in time, he had been more than happy to get out of the dorm and dive into the world of learning.

Since he, for one, did not have a reflection, and two didn't really have any changes of clothes aside from another large hoodie, he didn't bother with preparing his person for the day. It wouldn't matter much, anyway, as he wouldn't exactly be looking at making any friends. And if he did happen to meet someone he liked, he didn't think it would matter if his hair was a little wilder than normal anyway.

After pulling his hood over his head and pulling on the strings tightly, a precaution in case any rogue rays of sunlight made their way through the windows, the unchild pushed open the heavy dorm door, and stepped out into the hallway.
Willow looked over, hearing her name. "Oh, Hi. Amalia. I slept well." She lied with a smile. "How did you sleep?" She watched her friend through the mirror as she attacked the knots in her hair with the large brush. She often kept her hair down, but this led to it being messier when awakening. Her white hair tinted green stuck out wildly.
"That's good, I slept okay. It's going to have to take some getting used to." Amalia spoke as she fixed her long curls in the mirror. She always hated her hair. It was dark brown, almost black. Her curls never stayed in place. They always fell.
"Truly," She nodded, finishing off her hair. "I'm really excited for the first day. How about you?" She directed her attention back to Amalia.

She was curious as to what classes her friend had. Maybe they would be in some classes together. She tried recalling what her schedule had said, but couldn't remember what classes she had what hour. She decided to check when she headed back to her dorm. After all, she would be needing it to find the class rooms.
Kohart finally sat up from the window and rubbed his eyes. He turned to face the direction Nagisa was in and propped his head against the wall," some hot tea sounds nice right a bout now." His gaze shifted to the kitchen,"I'm not sure if there is anything?"
Nagisa put the kettle on and took out two mugs, he waited for it to boil and to confirm the answer to Kohart's question he looked through the cupboards, seemed like they'd have to get their own stuff to begin with. Oh well, he could pay for that.

"No we don't. I'll handle it."
Amalia nodded. "Yeah, I like learning for the most part," she said as she looked back at Willow, "what classes do you have?"
She crossed her arms over her chest, trying to remember. "I've got Math, History, Biology, English, Potion Brewing, P.E, and.." She paused, racking her brain. What was the last class? "I can't remember my last class." She frowned. "What about you? What classes do you have?" She looked back at Amalia, uncrossing her arms and resting them on the counter.
Amalia turned to Willow. "I have Math, History, Biology, English, Art, and P.E," Amalia wished she had picked something cool, like Potion Brewing, "We have most of our classes together." She was thankful for that.
Willow smiled brightly, glad that her new friend would be in most of her classes. "Oh!" She snapped her fingers, remembering. "My last class is Theory of Evolution."

She had remembered reading about it when choosing classes. It was a class based on myths and legends mixed with science. It discussed the ideas of the birth of different mythical creatures. She could feel her excitement rising when thinking about the classes.
"Oh, what's that?" Amalia's face turned red from embarrassment of not knowing. "Sorry, I'm kind of new to all of this."
Willow smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, I hadn't heard of it before registrations either. I just happened to see it when looking at the classes." She almost missed it when looking through the classes. The print was much smaller on the registration, suggesting the class wasn't as popular.

"It's basically looking through myths in different areas and the testing of genes to theorize the origin of certain species. That's why I'm taking biology. It was a requirement for the class. Good thing I like the subject."
Timothy walked slowly in the direction of the library. The flyer he had gotten from the lady at the entrance desk told him that this Academy was the home of a pretty impressive one, and he wanted to see it for himself.

In his years of traveling, he had read quite a lot, filling the empty nights with knowledge and devouring one book after another, but they had always been pretty hard to come by. Realizing now, that there was an entire room, dedicated to holding only books, completely within his reach, made the vampire speed up, his footsteps echoing down the corridor.

When he got there, however, he realized with a small frown that the books were not all within his reach. Some of them, particularly the one he wanted, The secrets of the jellyfish, was on a shelf far, far to high up for the immortal nine year old. He tried stretching, he tried climbing he even tried jumping, but it didn't work.

Letting out a whispered string of curses in french, after which he looked around afraid someone might have heard him, he went over to the first chair he could find, and started pushing it.
"Oh really? I didn't even know that you could take something like that." Amalia laughed at herself. "Of course I debated on whether or not to take Potion Brewing, now I wish that I had."
"Maybe if you talk to the counselors you could switch, but it could be too late." She shrugged. "Doesn't hurt to try, I guess." Willow looked to the standard clock that hung on the white wall. "Well I better go. I want to stop off at the library to pick up my textbooks before class." She scooped up her stuff, and with a final wave to Amalia, left the bathroom.
"Okay, bye." Amalia waved to Willow. She applied some makeup she kept in her purse. Her eyes were dark, like her mother's. The eyeliner she applied made them pop.

Amalia walked out of the bathroom and went outside. The fresh air made her feel good.
This was not good, Timothy concluded, holding on to the edge of the shelf, trying not to slip. He had managed to push the chair over to the bookshelf, quietly enough so that the librarian, a strict looking woman with rimmed glasses, hadn't noticed. He had climbed onto the chair, but then found another problem; even with the chair helping him get to his prize, he was still to far down to actually reach up and grab it.

So in an act of courage, or was it idiocy? He couldn't really remember, photographic memory be damned, he had tried jumping up and grabbing it. As he had done so, he had accidentally kicked the chair out from under him, sending it falling to the side. He had also misjudged his jump, making him grab on to the shelf instead of the book, leaving him hanging there with no way to get down.

He was stuck.

If he let go, he would surely fall and hurt himself. It was undeniable, and he didn't want to hurt himself. But if he didn't, he would just end up slipping and hurting himself anyway. Timothy's eyes widened as he felt his fingers start to slip. It was idiocy, he concluded, gripping the edge of the shelf tighter, kicking his legs a little, trying to find steady footing.
Kohart stood to his feet, turning only to close the window and walk over to the couch. He couldn't help but wonder when classes would be starting. A part of him wanted to learn something new again and feel the accomplishment of passing a test again. After all, home schooling for a while was barely satisfactory. keeping his mind occupied and also gaining knowledge was something he always like, almost as much as the outside. He stared at his feet, watching as he lifted one and touched the edge of coffee table with his toe, causing vines to grow and wrap around the wood like decoration. though he didn't show it, he was pleased that he could control his power more than he could when he was younger.

"It's alright," Kohart turned his attention back to the kitchen, replying to Nagisa. He sighed after a moment and stood up, stepping closer to the door, "I'm going to go look around before classes start. Would you like to come?"

After making a stop at her room to change into a black button up blouse and a jean skirt and grabbing her schedule she began down the hall towards the library. Humming softly she turned into the library. She looked around the multiple shelves piled full with books. A smile found its way onto her face as she began towards the back shelves.

A small form suddenly caught her eye. Looking over to the shelf she saw a small boy dangling. She looked around for a moment, contemplating what to do. After a second or two she walked over to the boy. Do I say something? No, that might scare him into letting go and falling. But it would be rude just to grab him. She let out a soft sigh. I guess I'll talk to him.

Quietly she stepped off to the side of him. "Do you need help?" She spoke softly.


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