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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Nagisa heard what Kohart had to say and tilted his head at the mugs he had gotten out for no reason, he flicks the kettle off and peaks his head out of the kitchen with a smile, "Sure thing." He moves towards Kohart and waits by the door for him to lead the way. Nagisa wondered if he should get a book to read later as well, though he did have his laptop and a film would also be a neat idea.
Timothy yelped in surprise and almost lost his grip at the sudden sound, looking down over his shoulder, his hood falling off his head, he saw a... girl? He wasn't quite sure what she was, but he wasn't really in the position to begin trying to figure it out.

"I... I kicked my chair." He told her needlessly, his voice soft despite the situation, "And I can't get down, would you mind helping me set it back?"

This was rather embarrassing, he decided, hanging there helplessly like a fish and his round cheeks began turning a little red. But then his fingers began to lose the grip on the bookcase and all thoughts of shame left his mind as he looked at her again, his eyes wide and filled with fear. "Please hurry."
Amalia breathed in the cool, fresh air. She liked to be outside. Her favorite time of year was winter. She liked how her paws left a paw print in the snow when she transformed into one. Sadly, winter wasn't for a long time.

I wonder when class will start, she thought to herself.

Amalia looked up at the trees. The leaves were slightly turning orange and some were yellow.
She nodded, quickly setting the small chair back up underneath the boy. "There you go," She said with a smile, looking back at him. His hood had slipped down, giving her sight of his platinum hair and crimson eyes. She stepped back, making sure not to invade his space. She didn't know whether she should walk away or wait for him to say something. Seeing as he looked rather shaken up and embarrassed she decided it would be better to go back to what she was doing.

She smiled at the boy before heading towards the shelves labeled in standard black print, "Textbooks."
Timothy felt the tips of his shoes hit the hard surface of the chair and let out a small sigh of relief. He released his iron grip on the shelf and landed on the wooden chair with a small thump.

Stretching out his fingers to loosen them up, he looked up to thank the girl, only to find that she had her back turned to him, going through an array of books.

Tilting his head to the side, he jumped off the chair and landed silently on the floor before walking up to her. She was a tall one, and he had to tilt his head back to look at her properly. Deciding a thanks was in order, as she had saved him from potentially breaking his neck after all, he tapped her left arm softly with one finger.
Kohart slipped his shoes on and made his way down the corridor once he met with Nagisa by the door. He stretched his arms skywards, letting loose the stiffness in his limbs. The purple haired boy glanced towards his friend after a moment, a question or two bubbling in his head as he walked to the dormitory exit. Though he wasn't curious. Totally not.

"What did you do after I left for homeschool?"

Amalia got to her feet, walking into the forest that surrounded the school. Once she got deep enough into the woods, making sure nobody was around, she began undressing. Simply because if she shapeshifted with them on, they would rip into shreads. She concentrated deeply.

"C'mon Amalia, you can do this. Concentrate." She told herself.

Soon enough, she transformed into a wolf.
Feeling a small tap on her arm, Willow stopped and turned to see the small boy. "Oh, hi." She crossed her arms in front of her chest anxiously. She had only made one friend and before that had lived alone for eight years, so talking to others still made her nervous. With her arms crossed she couldn't bite her nails, thankfully. Biting her nails had always been a bad habit for her. She recalled her father tapping the back of her head every time he caught her doing it. Blinking out of her tangent she focused back on the boy.
Risk said:
Kohart slipped his shoes on and made his way down the corridor once he met with Nagisa by the door. He stretched his arms skywards, letting loose the stiffness in his limbs. The purple haired boy glanced towards his friend after a moment, a question or two bubbling in his head as he walked to the dormitory exit. Though he wasn't curious. Totally not.
"What did you do after I left for homeschool?"

Nagisa talked as they left the room, the question wasn't surprising though it took him a moment to think as he didn't expect to be quizzed, he looked up at the ceiling and hummed before gathering an answer together.

"Just travelling with my parents around the world mainly, learning about different cultures, got a bunch of phone numbers that I never rang back."
"Thank you for helping me." the vampire said softly, his face never changing from it's emotionless state. It was only right that he thanked her, she had, after all, been very helpful. She didn't have to set up the chair for him, but she did.

Looking up at the girl, he could see she was nervous, though Timothy couldn't fathom why that might be. People were never usually nervous about him, they overlooked him most of the time, and when they didn't they cooed over him, making him uncomfortable more often than not. Blinking at the girl, the unchild realized this might be an opportunity to actually get his book without potentially cracking his head open, she certainly seemed tall enough to reach it for him.

It was just the matter of asking. Timothy went over the different ways to ask the tall girl, digging his nails down into the palms of his hands to try and force himself to do so, eventually settling on just doing it straight out and boldly. He didn't know her, and she didn't know him, so he saw no reason for him to waste time trying to make her feel better about getting it for him, when he didn't even know if she would feel bad about it in the first place..

Slowly lifting his pale hand towards that infernal bookshelf, he pointed at the correct cover.

"Could you get that book down for me, please?"
She followed his finger to the book up on the shelf. She nodded, "Of course." It wasn't up very high, but she was massive compared to him, so to him it must have been pretty high.

She pulled the book off, taking a quick look at the title. "The Secrets of The Jellyfish," She read softly. It looked interesting. A book she may check it out after the boy was done with it.

"Here you go," She held out the book for him.
Kai noticed a girl walk into the woods after staring up at the sky for some time. She decided to follow her and see what she was up to. It was not that she was curious, but because she was bored out of her mind and should probably start meeting others.

At one point, the girl had stopped and began to undress. Being the polite person she is, Kai looked away until she was sure the girl done. When she shifted her gaze back to the girl, Kai noticed that she wasn't a girl anymore but a wolf. Deciding it was the right time, Kai stepped out to greet her.

Hello there. You must be a shifter too, right? When Kai came out, the bullet hole was very visible and anyone could see through her head and headphones. I'm Kai by the way.


(Last post for tonight)
"Thank you." He said honestly, his voice barely audible and his expression never changing. Timothy took the offered book with both hands before hugging it to his chest. Deciding to risk it, he gave her a small smile of gratitude before turning around quickly, going over the the chair again.

Deciding this would be just as good a place as any, he crawled into it and opened his book, one hand reaching up to twirl a strand of white hair, while his legs began swinging back and forth and a small smile of contentment made it's way on to his pale features as he finally began reading the first page.
"Heh," Kohart gave an abrupt snicker towards his last statement,"well I guess it isn't too surprising." He was joking, but the humor in his voice was barely audible. He opened the door and exited the dormitory, holding it open behind him for Nagisa. Though he wouldn't admit it, he was a bit envious of Nagisa's told trip, but not negatively. Kohart never got to travel much...hence why just the trip to the school tired him so much.
As Amalia went to walk off, she heard a girl speaking to her. She turned her head, looking at the girl who had went completely through her the previous day. Kai. Amalia liked that name. She nodded, in reply to her question.

I'm Amalia, Amalia spoke to her thoughts.
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Risk said:
"Heh," Kohart gave an abrupt snicker towards his last statement,"well I guess it isn't too surprising." He was joking, but the humor in his voice was barely audible. He opened the door and exited the dormitory, holding it open behind him for Nagisa. Though he wouldn't admit it, he was a bit envious of Nagisa's told trip, but not negatively. Kohart never got to travel much...hence why just the trip to the school tired him so much.
Nagisa let loose a little laugh as he followed Kohart by his side, "I will definitely take you on my next one, I'm sure my parents won't mind. It's not like we can't accommodate for you... Is there an specific place you'd like to go just out of curiosity of course, I'm not planning anything romantic." He nudges Hart playfully.
She watched in surprise as he smiled at her. He then climbed onto the chair he had been on before. She smiled, watching him. He looked like a small child, but by the way he talked he obviously wasn't. She tried not to form her opinion based on appearance, but it was hard not to. He looked like a small, adorable child.

Breaking out of her thoughts, she decided it would be best to find what she came here for. She walked off to the book shelves, running her fingers along the spines. She searched for the ones she needed.
Amalia walked off, knowing Kai would follow. As a wolf, she liked to get into trouble. The leaves had already begun to fall off the trees and it made her happy. Amalia tilted her head back and howled loudly.
"Do you know when the first class starts?"

The question was out of his thoughts and into the open before he could catch himself. He had been staring at the girl, his book forgotten a few minutes after he realized he had nearly risked his life for a informational children's book. Can you point out the tentacles, indeed.

Now he was beating himself up over the fact that he had disturbed the girl, who probably had better things to do with her time than talk to him. A small frown appeared on the vampires face as he struggled to decide whether to play off his question as an odd cough or not. Pressing his nails into the palm of his hand again, he reminded himself the vampires didn't cough, and if they did, it certainly would not sound like questions.

So, looking back at the girl, he waited for her to answer, his hands clutching the sides of the book, and his eyes staring at her, unblinking.
Kohart slightly rolled his eyes when he was nudged and glanced at Nagisa again,"I wouldn't know. I've never traveled or even looked into it..." His tone was swiveling, like he himself was unable to pinpoint whether or not he was alright making that statement. He looked around outside, memorizing the areas they passed. "Well, I can't say that truthfully. I've always wanted to go to the ocean."
"Hmm?" She turned back to look at the boy who was now watching her. She processed his question a little slower than she would've liked to admit. "Oh, it's starts in.." She pulled out a folded piece of paper from her pocket. After fumbling to unfold it she scanned the paper. "About ten minutes." She said looking from a clock on the wall back to the boy.
"Oh." Timothy got up from his chair, shoving the stupid book back into the bookcase, considerably lower down, yes, but still technically in it. If the librarian complained, he would complain right back at her about the dangers of short people trying to reach her ridiculously high up books. And now that he thought about it, why would a children's book be so high up anyway? It was ludicrous.

He stood there, shuffling a little, before asking his final question hesitantly, rubbing his upper arm in a nervous gesture. "Um, would you by any chance know what class it is?"
Risk said:
Kohart slightly rolled his eyes when he was nudged and glanced at Nagisa again,"I wouldn't know. I've never traveled or even looked into it..." His tone was swiveling, like he himself was unable to pinpoint whether or not he was alright making that statement. He looked around outside, memorizing the areas they passed. "Well, I can't say that truthfully. I've always wanted to go to the ocean."
Nagisa grins and pokes Hart's cheek, sticking his tongue out at him as his voice became a tease, "Awww the ocean. That's so cuuute! I'll make sure to bring you a little wooden boat or a bucket and spade to make castles with."
Amalia had found a fox. Foxes and wolves didn't get along. Vampires and wolves didn't either. The fox ran in the opposite direction as fast as it's little legs could. All Amalia knew about her wolf form was that she was black and had red eyes.

She quickly ran back to where her clothes were. She shapeshifted back into a human and re-dressed. On her way back to the school, she picked leaves out of her hair. 5 minutes until class started and she still had to get her books from her dorm. Amalia mentally slapped herself for putting things off. She should've took them with her into the woods.
"On my schedule it says Math." She held out the paper offering it to him. She watched as he nervously rubbed at his arms. She smiled, trying to comfort him. Two symmetrical points pricked her top lip. Her smile disappeared at the account of being prodded by her own tusks. She refrained from sighing, continuing to hold the paper out.

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