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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Looking at her watch, Kai noticed that she was late for class. Not wanting to bring attention to herself, she changed into a dragon in her ghost form and flew off. She already knew the way to the math room, inside and out.

With incredible speed, she made it there in less than two minutes. Kai quickly turned invisible and floated to the seat behind a cat and its two dog-like creatures. She then reappeared in her human form and nobody seemed to notice her lateness.

"Kai, I did not notice you come in, but can you please take off those headphones?" At this remark Kai stood up with anger in her eyes. I died and was resurrected with them on. They are a part of me. They make me who I am. They are a sign that I am the living dead. So no, I cannot take these headphones off. Though her voice stayed low, every word came out harsher than the last, until the teacher had backed off.

She then took her seat and waited for the lesson to continue, occasionally glaring at the teacher.

Nix was rushing, her bag slipping off her shoulder and her hair a mess from waking up late.

"Oh come on where is it!"

She was digging through the bag for a hairbrush, her tail making a quiet sliding noise as she quickly slithered her way to where her class was. Her white scales glimmers in the sunlight from the Windows she was passing. She yelped when she felt something bump her tail amd an blushed and curled her tail in as someone glared at her.

"Sorry..sorry, hard to keep it all in check"

By the time she got to the door she needed to take a breather, curling her tail up around her and taking a peak inside. People were already seated and it was going to be hard to find herself room.​
Willow looked around the room at the faces of her class mates. Math was her favorite subject, but everyone else looked as if they were in their own personal hell. She sat up, listening to the teacher talk about polynomials and other mathematical terms. Her mind began to drift, looking out one of the nearby windows. She was an excellent student, so if she missed a few things she figured she would be able to work it out later.
"Eep~" Otto could barely hold his excitement. Even though he had just arrived at the school this morning with but a book-bag with clothes and what little supplies he could afford. The pencils in his bag's pockets rattled as he practically ran down the sidewalk next to the main building with giddiness in his step. Excited! Excited~ Perhaps too excited. It had been too long since he had been away from home, let alone getting a chance to meet new people. He looked into the windows as he passed them. Stopping at one that seemed to have more students than the rest, he basically pressed his face against the glass, wide eyed with glowing curiosity, to try and see what they were learning. The golden feathered bird on his shoulder chirped at him as if scolding the boy for getting distracted. Oh yes! That's right, they were going to put his things away.

Otto continued to stare into the window as if in awe until he abruptly turned on his bare feet and padded off to the dormitory with a wide grin. Even though he really didn't like dorms much..he didn't really have another choice. Besides, it could help with meeting people, right? The blonde nodded to himself and held his hat to his head as he took off.
Kohart was fiddling with the tiny vines on the corner of his notebook when a what looked like a cat walked in. Hm. That's different. He glanced over at Nagisa who looked as if he was immediately entranced by the beast's? obvious cuteness.

Hart blinked and watched the two for a moment before facing the front of the class and listening to the teacher. He twirled a bit of his hair between his fingertips as his left hand pressed against the paper, writing down notes. Math really wasn't his favorite subject, but he definitely wasn't going to laze around because of it. All he could do is listen, write, and pray that the class ended soon.

Nix finally found he brush and quickly brushed out her wavy pink hait before taking a deep breathe and slithering into the classroom. When she did some students looks up at her then away whereas the teacher arched their brow and paused with the lesson.

"Nyxsus..surprisingly late today. There's not a lot of room but please try and find a place to sit"

She then continued on after giving her one last glance. Nix bit her lip, her gang almost piercing skin as she tried hard not to bump desk or people while gliding along the edge of the class.


She whispered and then decided to just perch in the back with her tail coiled around her, notebook in hand. She sighed and tucked her hair behind her ear while she quickly scribbled down what was on the board while taking a quick glance around the room. Some people she knew, some she didn't.​
The sound of the classroom door opening pulled her out of her day dream. She looked over to see a girl with pink hair and glistening white scales in the doorway. Willow had never seen a creature like her before. She watched as the girl slithered to the back of the room. Realizing that she was staring, she quickly looked back to the front. Her long, thin fingers fidgeted on the desk. She wished for the class to be over so she could check out her other classes. Maybe she would learn what kind of creature the serpent-like girl was. Willow looked up at the clock, watching the minutes tick by.
Dani opened up her eyes from laying on her desk to see a cat humanoid take a seat a few rows down, cute. She hadn't even noticed that class had started but it seemed that most of the student were taking notes of what the teacher was saying, I should be taking notes too.. Shouldn't I? Taking a glance at her surroundings and realizing she hadn't brought any supplies with her, they were all at her dorm. Keeping her dazed expression, she leaned over to her neighbor asking politely with a soft smile for paper and 0.5mm lead which was odd since she didn't even a pencil on her.

Drawing two lines to make four boxes on the paper on each side, Dani transformed into her tiny fairy self, stretching her wings before picking up the lead with both hands, sitting down on the paper, and began writing in the first square which was labeled "Math". Dani didn't even notice some of the other students staring at her, she simply continued to take her notes in the tiny letters that looked like scribbles from a distance. To her, it didn't seem strange for her to be doing this, it saved paper which meant less trees cutting down and it was effective as well.
Kohart finished writing what notes he could take, already finished with the examples provided. He sat his pencil down for just a moment, leaning back in his chair with a quiet huff and looking around the room at all the different people there. It was a unique bunch, which made just the slightest smile edge onto his lips from satisfaction. He was worried when he first applied here that it was going to be the same as every other school who had students hiding their so-called 'flaws' to look human. Not that he had anything against humans, he just didn't like the idea of it all. Dull greenish gray eyes looked at every individual discreetly, admiring their differences. Though he didn't let show the good-nature of his thoughts as his expression was nearly blank.
As nyx scurried with her writing trying to catch up, her slited eyes found the gaze of a troll female looking at her. She tried to give a polite wave when she looked away, sighing she went back to writing. She then notice a purple haired lad who looked quite human so her curiosity got to her as to what he was. She also noticed he seemed to be looking everyone over. She did that often, just people watching. It was an odd hobby but you got to really see people of all different kinds when you payed attention. She realized she was spacing off now and was missing out on more notes. Her scales bristled as her eyes widened before she quickly looked back down at her paper to continue the notes.

Willow looked down at her paper. Most of the page was blank except for a small list of rules and equations that seemed important to remember. She didn't bother with practice questions when they seemed relatively straight forward. She glanced up at the clock again. Time seemed to be crawling by. Every second seemed stretched out. She looked away from the clock, knowing that staring at it wasn't going to make it go by any quicker. She tapped her heel on the ground quietly. Willow looked at the other students, noticing some were looking around just as she was. Not wanting to risk awkward eye contact, she looked back to her paper and doodled along the top of the page.

Butterflies and birds flew on the paper. Large trees branched up from the bottom. Willow continued to draw, looking up occasionally to keep tabs on what the teacher was saying and where she was in the room.
With a page and a half filled with notes, Kai looked around at all the people in the room. A cat, a vampire, troll, a girl with a snake body, the girl she met in the forest whose name is Amalia, and a bunch of other unique people.

She thought of how they'd look in a picture together and decided to draw a small picture of each of them. Then she would use those to draw a bigger picture later after all the classes. Maybe she would even try to put everyone in school together in a drawing. It may not have been a project using technology, but it was still pretty big.

Not listening to what the teacher has to say any more, Kai began to sketch the cat in front of her, being sure to add the two dog-like creatures in the sketch too.

(Last post until tomorrow)
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Blair noticed the girls uneasiness and got off of her bed, "it was my pleasure, and I'd do it again if I had to." She tried to be low energy as to not bother Avalon, "let's just hope nothing like that happens again," she gave a friendly grin hoping that she wasn't being a bother to her.

Amalia opened her eyes to see more people in the room. She yawned and sat her head up. Drowsiness overcame her. Math was her least favorite subject, so she always took the opportunity to sleep during class.
This was a lot more boring than he had anticipated. Maybe it was because he had looked forward to the lesson in his head, or maybe he thought that the teacher would teach him something he didn't already know, but the fact of the matter was still the same. Timothy was bored and disappointed.

As the teacher droned on and on about the fundamentals of numbers, the vampire zoned out and tried fighting away a pout. This wasn't supposed to be boring, it was supposed to be fun, and informational. Sighing, he placed his elbows on the desk and put his cheeks in his hands, this was absolutely ridiculous.

Halting in his thoughts, Timothy began looking around the classroom, curiously, and saw that not only was he not the only one not paying attention to the class, but some of the students were even asleep. He guess he couldn't exactly fault them, some of them must, like him, have come a pretty far way to reach the academy. Shrugging internally, he felt a small twinge of envy bubble up in him at the thought that he too would have liked to sleep through this class.

Looking over to his left, he saw that Willow was just as bored as he. Or, at least the vampire thought so, as she was doodling lazily on her paper. Deciding to watch as her pencil flew elegantly over the white surface, Timothy tilted his head and focused his red eyes on a newly formed butterfly, fluttering across the page on it's graphite wings.
Now finished with the cat and its dogs, plus the troll girl nearby, Kai started to draw the vampire boy who seemed to have started watching the troll girl doodle all over her notes. If only she knew everyone's names then she wouldn't have to call them by strange and rude names.
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Nyx kept on with her notes, seeing very clearly that people were bored and ready to leave. She sighed. She to agreed with that...She hated math but she figured trying harder to learn it all would make that easier.

sadly..It hadn't.

She started taping the tip of her pencil on her paper as she zoned back out. In the back of her Mind she couldn't help but wish she had someone to connect to here, someone to talk with. She didn't share her dorm room with anyone for the same reason she tended to sit in the back. She started messing with the singular braid in her hair, focusing on the front of the class. She didn't feel like taking notes anymore. Surely she would be fine if she just sat and listened instead.​
Setting her pencil down, Willow nodded in approval at the rain forest that sprouted from her page. She stared at the drawing, wishing she had a few colored pencils; blue for the wings of the morphic butterflies, green for the large leaves that would block out the sun, brown for the dark bark that covered every tree. She let out an inaudible sigh, hoping class would end or the teacher would stop lecturing. Thinking that neither would happen anytime soon, she added a few toadstools and lichen to the trees.
Blair went back to the window and sat on the windowsill, "well then, I guess I'll leave you to yourself then, I just wanted to make sure you were alright." She began to float out the window, "oh! and if you ever wanna hang out or talk or whatever, my dorm number is 209."

Blair ducked out the window and flew back up onto the roof, she found a nice spot up there and threw on her headphones. She started up her music and laid down, she watched the clouds as they went by. Peaceful, perfect place for a nap. She began to nod off, she got comfortable and placed her hands behind her head.
Amalia groaned quietly. When will this class end? She just wanted to get out. She decided to draw. She began blending the fox she drew recently.
Avalon got up slowly and wandered out of the room, through the maze of halls, she was hoping to find the academy cafeteria to get some food in her. He let out a little breath after 5 minutes of wandering around. "I think I'm lost.." She whispered, sighing to herself before she sat down against the wall, legs crossed before she started to play with a small orb of water she generated from the water in the air. She hoped a saviour would come and show her a way out.

Namir struggled to keep his seating, his eyes barely reaching over his desk. His eyesight was relatively good, but even he had to squint from the position he was in making him feel somewhat embarrassed. He didn't worry about others seeing him though as he doubted anyone would take the time out of their day to look his way. From an outsider perspective, he was simply a cat taking on human qualities with two out of place "dogs", as most people are unable to identify their species and often mistake them for just that, "dogs". Tired from having to strain his neck and eyes to see, he simply just sat back in his chair relying on he ears to listen to what the teacher had to say. It's not like he had to be in class today seeing as he was just transferred, but Elen had told him to get comfortable with his surrounding and found no better way than by experiencing it on his "day off". As the teacher went on and on about how to square both sides of the algebraic equation, he could feel a pair of eyes watching him. The feeling was so foreign to him. Why would someone watch him? Aren't their plenty of other strange characters in this room that would be much more appealing to the eyes than a cat? He looked at the horned woman near him, and the seemingly all human woman behind him other than the fact that she had just went off on the teacher for her headphones claiming she had already experienced death and such. There were also a few late entries that had a mind boggling appearance such as a snake woman he registered to be a Naga or Lamia in other places. As he came up with other specimens to look at he had forgot to check for one thing. Who was looking at him?

Sneaking a peek at his side, he found the culprit almost immediately. His temporary seating companion, a male with tanned skin along with white hair and clear turquoise eyes, focused more on him then he the lesson at hand. It was weird as he wasn't even try to hide the fact he was staring at him. His eyes made him feel rather uncomfortable as he was not at all used to people or anything really taking notice of him. He just became "visible" to the eyes of the world not to long ago and not even those who saw him stared at him for this long. Again the thought came to mind, "Why is he staring at me?". Was it because he was a cat? Or just because he hated him. He crossed that thought out of his mind as unless he was speciest to cats then there would no way he could hate him having not even conversed with him before. Then it hit him. He was looking at him not like an equal being, but a pet. It made sense. His gaze wasn't full of malice, but some sort of playfulness that was weirdly annoying. Releasing a low growl, he quietly whispered in the other's direction.

"Could you please stop staring. It's rude." he said blatantly, feeling rather insulted by the other's gaze. He wasn't just a cat. He could think. He could write. He could walk and talk like other being that surround him and as such he should at least be given the decency to learn without being looked down upon by one of his classmates.


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