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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Nagisa watched as the Cat looked around until their gazes were set on each other, even then Nagisa couldn't stop looking at him, he kept his observation on the small Cat Being and it looked like he was taking in each and every single separate strand of hair that was on that body. The quiet growl pierced Nagisa's hearing and he soon snapped out of it. It seemed he wasn't fond of being stared at, I mean who could blame him really? It was probably quite creepy.

"I'm sorry. You're just so... cute."

Nagisa whispered back, turning his attention to the front of the class he realised he hadn't been taking any notes. He looked towards Kohart to see if he was taking notes, he could just steal his and copy them when they're back in their dorm. If not well. Well... Nagisa's gaze flicked back over to the Cat, he couldn't help but not take a look at him, it was just so fascinating.

@A Guileless Fable
Kazuichi walked to the school with Yukari by his side he yawned and she stood in front of him. "Getting tired from the walking I said I'd carry you." Kazuichi gave a disgusted looked. "I'd rather avoid unnecessary contact with you." Yukari hugged herself. "Oh master so cold it warms my heart." With another disgusted look Kazuichi walked past her and to the school. "This place seems like fun right master?" Yukari asked catching up Kazuichi shrugged. "Maybe well see."

For the time being nyx had just lost herself in the world outside of class until she heard small chit chat. It wad the white haired boy and well..cat..boy? Well they were talking and it caught her attention. She arched her brow at nagisas choice of words. Cute was surely something the other boy hadn't wanted to hear. Though she understood how he felt, knowing what it was like to have a stark contrast compared to others even amongst people like them. She noticed nagisa hadn't taken any notes and looked down at her own papers, scribbled and scrawled on. She pursed her lips and grabbed the papers, tapping on his shoulder with her tail.

"Um..if you like you can use mine..it's not all of them but it's something right? I don't know eother of your names but I can tell seeing the board might be a little difficult for you so you can copy them as well."

She offered a small smile to both nagisa and Amir, hoping they wouldn't think she was prying or being rude.​

@LonelyAssassin @A Guileless Fable
Nagisa twirled his head around and smiled at the Snake Woman who seemed to want him. She seemed to be allowing him to use her notes to copy down, it was a nice gesture which made Nagisa's smile widen in a little bit of relief, he didn't really fancy catching up on work in his own time.

"Oh thank you very much! My name is Nagisa."

He said as he politely took her notes from her delicate looking hand. He placed the piece of paper on his desk and quickly started to copy the notes from one side to another. It would've been so much faster if he could copy and paste in real life, hmmm that gave him an idea, something he'd have to develop later on that could come in handy for classes. He listened out for a reply from Either the Cat Man or the Snake Woman as he copied.
Putting the palms of his hands against the desk, the small vampire pushed himself backwards, and stood up. This would not do at all, if he stayed in this room any longer, he was afraid he might actually defy the laws of supernatural science and fall asleep. Timothy scoffed at his thoughts as he walked past Willows chair, that was a ridiculous thought, wasn't it, a vampire falling asleep.

Timothy continued to stroll quietly out of the classroom, pointedly ignoring the teachers yelled inquiries about where he thought he was going. He was heading for the door, surely the man could see that. Though, if his observational skills were anything like his teaching skills, Timothy couldn't blame him.

Putting two hands on the doorknob, the unchild pushed it open softly and stepped into the hallway. As the door slammed shut behind him, which was totally not his intention at all, he drew a deep breath through his nose and felt the boring, stuffy air from the classroom leave him with a puff. Now he would just have to find something else to do.

Nyx relaxed a bit and smiled, thankful for the fact that he see me ok with this.

"Nagisa..it's nice to meet you. My name's nyxsus but ive found it easier to just use nyx instead."

She tried looking him over to figure what he might possibly be. He looked quite human but his eyes sent a strange feeling down her spine. If she friended him enough maybe she woukd be able to ask him another time, but right now it seemed rude to ask. She glanced at namir once more and smiled at him, hoping maybe she coukd learn more from him as well.

She looked up when she noticed a boy with white hair and red eyes leave the room, despite the cries of the teacher telling him to sit down. She was a bit dumbfounded by the boys lack of worry. Sure most everyone in here was tired and bored but none had really seemed to just want to get up and walk out. She took the class knowing she could use it so staying here felt almost like a duty to her.​

@LonelyAssassin @A Guileless Fable
Nagisa looked up at the ruckus to see a small kid walk out of the class, the teacher wasn't very happy, must've been stressing, especially for a first day. It was also a good thing that Nagisa was a quick writer, the notes were nearly done and when they were he quickly turned back around to Nyxus with a big smile on his face, handing her notes back to her, he extended his other hand for a handshake

"Thank you again, and it's a pleasure to meet you Nyx"

Nyx was unprepared for him to be done so quickly, so when he offered his hand she was still watching after the other boy. When she finally noticed, her scales bristled in surprise and her pupils slotted down to narrow lines as her eyes widened.

"O-oh! Um..thabk you, it really was no problem"

She quieted down again as the teacher sighed and gave her a stern look. She bit her lip and looked away before reaching out her pale hand to shake his firmly. Her nails were like small claws and she avoided scratching him if she could.

"It was nice meeting you to. If you ever need extra assistance with notes just let me know, I have no problem taking down extra"

She smiled as her fangs flashed between her lips before drawing back and leaning against the wall.​

Namir fur stood up as he heard the other call him cute. Cute. The word didn't even register in his brain. Yeah, the word has been directed to him a few time by unsuspecting humans who didn't know any better which normally changes to disgusting and weird when he thanks them. Having associated cute with "disgusting" he shivered at the word. Everything was always cute until you found out what it actually was. Shaking at the word, Namir felt the urge to leave, but he knew the other meant no harm by the word. That didn't mean it made him feel any better about it, so he silently forgave him deciding it'd be best to just wait for this chill to pass through him. Styx felt a little skeptical seeing his mother shake, and released a low growl from his maw, something that was quickly silenced by a disapproving stare from both Isle and Namir.

"O-okay.Thank you." he thanked, still feeling somewhat shaken by the word that lingered in his mind. He could hear his voice as it repeated in his head, "Cute. Cute. Cute." Oh it was simply horrid. His felt an expression of disgust as he felt the words crawl around is fur. A slithering sound accompanied by a feminine voice caught his attention as it came just above the other as she handed him a paper allowing him and himself to copy if need be. Taking a glance, she was one of the late comers to class, the Lamia he had thought would be worthwhile to look at compared to himself. Forgetting about her lower half, she was quite the beauty. White hair that fell like waterfalls across her back with two pair of crimson eyes that was comparable to that of the brightest rubies. She was indeed a stunning woman, and it made him quite happy to see that not all of his classmates were rude.

"Thank you very much ... Nyxsus was it? I'm Namir. Nice to meet you." she purred, Styx and Isle greeting the woman as well, although Styx seemed a little bit reluctant his bowed all the same. He suddenly felt somewhat relieved, and that disgust he had felt earlier seemed to have dissipated. Turning his gaze away from the Lamia and too the humanoid male in next to him. "So his name is Nagisa?" he thought as he hopped down the death trap known as a chair and onto the floor, his feet happy to meet with solid ground again. Turning his head, he saw Nagisa give the paper back to Nyx, causing him to frown somewhat. Well it didn't matter. He didn't have pen nor paper anyway, so it probably wouldn't have done him much good. Seeing his mother look dejected, he had the nerve to bite the idiot sitting next to him, completely ignoring him. With a quick swipe of his tail, he landed a hit on the unsuspecting man's leg pointing at Namir who was silently thinking about what to do about today's note. He knew he didn't have to be in here, but it would have still been helpful to have some kind of notes. Glaring at the other with a face that said," Give it to him." Styx didn't growl, just simple glared, much to Isle's disappointment.

@LonelyAssassin & @The Darkling


Nyx looked at namir and the others with a curious smile, though she got the feeling not all were as friendly she still didn't want them to have a reason to dislike her.

"Here you can just take the notes and copy them later. We have class together so you can just hand them back then ok? It's really nice meeting you namir"

She handed them her papers with a warm smile. She watched the interaction between them all and chuckled. It was nice to have all kinds of different people in one class and she looked forward to getting to know everyone.

"You can ask me questions whenever as well, I really don't mind"​

(I'm sorry QoQ such a bad habit @A Guileless Fable )
Willow almost jumped at the movement in front of her. She looked to see Timothy walking away. The teacher glared at him, asking him where he was going, but he continued out of the room. The door slammed shut behind him, startling Willow. She did a quick scan of the room to make sure no one had seen her jump at the sound. Assuming no one had noticed, she focused back on the door. Sure, it was boring, but to just leave the room seemed a little excessive. She discarded the thought, deciding to continue focusing on the event would be pointless. Though it may be more entertaining than what was going on in class.

She looked over at group of class mates talking. They seemed to be having fun, or at least a better time than she was. She dazed off, wondering what it would be like to have a group of friends to talk to. A smile crept on her face at the thought. It had been what felt like forever since she had friends or even acquaintances. Her heart ached as she thought of the friends she would never see again; how they would never get to experience anything like this.
"You're very kind. I may take you up on that offer, next time I'll try to pay a bit more attention"

Nagisa felt something hit his leg and he lifted it up off the ground slightly before looking under his desk for whatever it was, a puzzling look crossing his face when he couldn't find the source. He looked back at Nyx and Namir who were exchanging conversation, he then realised that he forgot to give Namir the notes to copy when Nyx offered them back to him.

"I-I'm sorry, I was rushing and forgot to..." He looked to see his Classmate's desk empty and then quickly grabbed his pen, sticking his arm out to give it to the Cat, "You can have this if you like."

@A Guileless Fable @The Darkling
Kazuichi entered the school. "Hmm wonder if anyone's around to show us around?" Yukari was walking backwards looking at Kazuichi. "Just check the map you got in the mail." Kazuichi sighed. "You mean the one you threw away thinking it was junk mail?" Yukari scratched her cheek. "Oh yeah sorry." Kazuichi sighed again. "Whatever if I got mad about every single dumb thing ya did. I'd always be mad." She chuckled blushing Kazuichi then gave her a quick karate chop to the face. "Bad Yukari bad." She chuckled more her face getting redder.
Kohart had long since stopped looking around the room. Instead, he seemed to be staring and listening intently at the head of the class with eyes dulled over. His arms rested lazily at his side with his hands placed in his lap, yet his body swayed a little, just barely noticeable rocks as if he were balancing. Which he was. Hart was asleep, eyes open and mouth closed, with only the random little sways and heavy yet slow breathing to give it away.
Suddenly the bell rang and the teacher stopped talking, I think he was relieved too be honest that the lesson had ended. Nagisa perked up a little and was also glad said lesson had ended. He looked towards the Cat and Nyx with an apologetic look yet again.

"Class is over, I gotta head off. Keep the Pen." Nagisa places it on the Cat's desk and stands up, taking his notebook into his arms and walks over to Kohart who may or may not have been woken up by the ring of the bell. "Wakey Wakey you lazy Tulip."

@Risk @A Guileless Fable @The Darkling

Nyx was startled by the bell and jumped a bit. She looked at nagisa as he got up and continued one to the purple haired boy she noticed earlier.

"Alright it was nice meeting you as well"

She was a bit sad to be parting from people she had finally gotten to meet but they all did have to go to class. She uncoiled her red and white tail and waited for most of the class to file out so they didn't step on her. Though it was bound to happen anyways. It was one of the main reasons she hates going to and from class.​
The bell suddenly rang. Everyone looked relieved, even the teacher. Willow stood up from the small desk, headed for the door. She questioned where Timothy had gone. Did he know what class was next or did he plan on just skipping the rest of the day all together? She continued walking, her schedule in hand, distracting her from her surroundings. Suddenly she found something scaly beneath her large foot. She stumbled trying not to crush what was under her. She turned back to the serpent girl, eyes wide. "I'm so sorry! Are you ok?" She panicked, worried she might have hurt the girl.

@The Darkling
Kohart jumped a little when the bell rang, his eyes blinking rapidly for a second when he woke up. He felt sluggish just looking around, stopping when he saw Nagisa,"is class over?" Was all he had to ask, looking around as a few students left the room to answer his own question. Oh how he hated waking up around people, stumbling as he stood up with a dazed state to him. Hart shivered a little from the blood rush, the messy hair on his head seeming to bristle like a birds feathers to accompany his uncomfortable expression. "Ugh."
"You just had a nap, now you're napping again. It's the first lesson Harty."

Nagisa slaps the back of his head to further wake him up and then rests his hand on his waist whilst the other held his book under his arm. He looked around at the class, it was slowly emptying. Nagisa has an interesting lesson, more to do with the students than the actual teaching itself.

"What now? Back to the dorm?"
"I don't like math,"Hart rubbed the back of his head where he was smacked and sighed through a crooked frown. He came to grasp his own wrist gently, feeling the skin there becoming harsh as it always did when he slept too much in this season.

"I'd rather go get some sunlight or water before I end up shriveled."

Nyc sighed and started slithering when she felt pressure on her tail. She squeaked and dropped her things on the floor. Her scakes bristled as she saw willow lift her foot up.

"I-its fine, really it's not the first time that's happened"

She chuckled lightly and pulled her tail closely to her. She managed a smile and started picking her things up. Papers were scattered and her pencils rolled about the floor.​
Risk said:
"I don't like math,"Hart rubbed the back of his head where he was smacked and sighed through a crooked frown. He came to grasp his own wrist gently, feeling the skin there becoming harsh as it always did when he slept too much in this season.
"I'd rather go get some sunlight or water before I end up shriveled."
Nagisa nods at his friends request, "I guess we could go see what's around the academy grounds at the same time." Nagisa made his way out towards the classroom, walking around the side and passed the Teacher's desk to get out. Upon reaching the corridor he waited for Hart to join him in the corridor. "Since you were asleep, I've got some notes in case you need them, courtesy of Nyx - the Snake Woman before you ask."
Willow knelt down by the girl, helping to pick up her stuff. "Here, let me help you. It's the least I can do." She piled the papers neatly and scooped up the run-away pencils. Getting to her feet she handed the girl her things. "Sorry again, I should have been paying attention." She placed her hand on the nape of her neck sheepishly. "Will your tail be ok?"
"Nice," Kohart said as he reached Nagisa. He rubbed the back of his neck, rolling it around to ease the stiffness as he started to walk towards the exit. "I swear that class felt like it lasted three days," Hart commented, his placid expression seeming all the more uncomfortable.

She smiled at willow and gathered her things.

"Thanks, I'm sure it will be fine though it's happened a lot. My name's nyx by the way..and yours?"

She sat up and clutched her things close, heading towards the door. She hoped to run into namir and nagisa another time, and maybe even get to know that lad nagisa seemed to be friends with. For now though she was interested in getting to know the girl she was talking to currently.​

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