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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Angel looked around as he walked towards the big double doors of the school, his purple suitcase rolling behind him. He brushed his fringe gently from his cheek while he took out his phone and paused the music that was playing(Thanks For The Memories - Fall Out Boy). Making his way inside, he moved to a woman who smiled, passing him a dormitory key, giving him the directions and a welcome. He dipped his head before wandering off to find the dorm. He looked down at his key, tilting his head. 300 was the number engraved into a small slate attached to the key ring.
Risk said:
Kohart couldn't help but feel like a child getting scolded. Even if he knew Nagisa meant well by it, he bristled up like a pouting child, the curled ends of his hair lifting slightly, and bit at the inside of his cheeks. What does he know?its always been easy for him. All that bonding stuff was a touchy subject for him because of his lack of spirit to guard. Not having one in his family was the same as being sat in the corner away from everyone else.
Hart felt as stiff as a porcupine inside, but flushed when he realized he was pouting for no real reason. He sighed, looking at the grass as they stepped onto it, the sight it self easing him a bit. "More or less..I could do for some water."
Nagisa looked at Kohart and smiled gently, maybe he was a little to harsh on him? He ran a hand through his hair, but stopped as soon as he felt something out of place, he touched it a little and tried to pull at it, taking off a petal and looking at it whilst blinking. He looked at Hart then back to the petal.

"I'll get you for this Hart, now get rid of it before I drown you :l " Nagisa tried to sound as dark as possible, in the end he was still only playing. He guessed that the next place they'd go would be the canteen or their dorm to get some water.

Enter Cody! The Academy was pretty big and he was surprised by it, he wasn't really used to large buildings as all the ones he stayed in were a lot smaller than this and didn't carry the same beautiful architecture. Tribes were indeed much different from civilization. He fiddled with the band wrapped around his wrist, on his back was this big brown box that looked really heavy - it seemed to be the only thing he brought along other than the clothes on his back. With his dorm key in hand he had been asking for directions all this time and found himself lost again. He then saw a purple haired guy walk through the corridor and quickly ran up to him.

"Hey! Uhm... Can you help me?"

LonelyAssassin said:
Enter Cody! The Academy was pretty big and he was surprised by it, he wasn't really used to large buildings as all the ones he stayed in were a lot smaller than this and didn't carry the same beautiful architecture. Tribes were indeed much different from civilization. He fiddled with the band wrapped around his wrist, on his back was this big brown box that looked really heavy - it seemed to be the only thing he brought along other than the clothes on his back. With his dorm key in hand he had been asking for directions all this time and found himself lost again. He then saw a purple haired guy walk through the corridor and quickly ran up to him.
"Hey! Uhm... Can you help me?"

Kohart saw a chance to get back at Nagisa and took it," Awee, but it looks cute," his expression had changed a bit, though barely showing much reaction, his voice added a translucent layer of playfulness to it," it suits delicate little Nagisa." He stuck the pointed tip of his tongue out with half a smile as he looked around the grounds, changing his direction to head to the canteen.

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Darkwolf1344 said:
Angel turned to the boy with .. a big box on his shoulders? Brushing the thought off, he nodded his head. "Sure... dorm hunting?" He asked, presuming what he needed help with as the academy was massive and obviously; easy to get lost in. He took a better look at the boy, noting the eye patch but said nothing about it, he wasn't a nosy person.
"Yeah, exactly that. Room 300" Cody smiled and lifted his left hand up, his dorm key was looped around his middle finger as he rattled it about. He adjusted the strap around his shoulder so that the box on his back wouldn't slip off it and extended the hand with his key dangling from it for a hand shake, "Cody Shrendal."

Nagisa's eye twitched at the word 'delicate', yeah as if Kohart the wilting flower could call him such a thing. He remained following Kohart from behind, plotting how he could exact his revenge! It also seemed like they were heading to the Canteen - that's cool, he wanted to see what it looked like. He watched the back of Kohart closely before catching up to him so they walked side by side, he cheekily slapped his butt as he passed it.

"I'm not cute. I'm sexy u~u "
LonelyAssassin said:
"Yeah, exactly that. Room 300" Cody smiled and lifted his left hand up, his dorm key was looped around his middle finger as he rattled it about. He adjusted the strap around his shoulder so that the box on his back wouldn't slip off it and extended the hand with his key dangling from it for a hand shake, "Cody Shrendal."
Angel tilted his head a bit before he brushed his hair from his cheek again and tried to give at least a ghost of a smile. "Angel Jendrock" He said, he took his hand and shook it for a moment. "We're ...roomies.. it seems" He said, holding up his key to show the round slate to Cody.
Kohart jumped when he was slapped, and shot a cold glance at Nagisa from the corner of his eyes. He discretely distanced himself from the white-haired boy and huffed,"Just keep telling yourself that, Nagisa." He wanted to add 'it's cute', but didn't want to risk getting slapped again even if his tone suggested the words. When they reached the canteen he went inside and looked around for their water bottles.
Cody's eyes widened and lit up like a puppy who had just seen his first meal of the day, he then smiled and made the peace symbol after shaking Angel's hand and held it up, "Roomies! I was kinda lost before, I kept having to ask people. I don't really know the smell of this place so it's hard to track at the moment." He rubbed his chin and looked around, his face now puzzled by how it looked the same everywhere he went.


Risk said:
Kohart jumped when he was slapped, and shot a cold glance at Nagisa from the corner of his eyes. He discretely distanced himself from the white-haired boy and huffed,"Just keep telling yourself that, Nagisa." He wanted to add 'it's cute', but didn't want to risk getting slapped again even if his tone suggested the words. When they reached the canteen he went inside and looked around for their water bottles.
Nagisa pouted at Hart when he made his little retaliation comment, the gang of two split up to find the bottles, it wasn't too difficult. Nagisa found one and lifted it in the air like Link does after finding a valuable in Legend of Zelda, he than ran over to Kohart and instantly without warning squirted the water into his face, grinning like a mischievous little child.

"I watered the flower. >=D "
LonelyAssassin said:
Cody's eyes widened and lit up like a puppy who had just seen his first meal of the day, he then smiled and made the peace symbol after shaking Angel's hand and held it up, "Roomies! I was kinda lost before, I kept having to ask people. I don't really know the smell of this place so it's hard to track at the moment." He rubbed his chin and looked around, his face now puzzled by how it looked the same everywhere he went.
He nodded. "Didn't the lady give you the directions?" He asked, a twinge of amusement hidden in his voice but not in a making fun way, at the words scent and tracking, he was probably sure what Cody could be, and the strength as well.
Darkwolf1344 said:
He nodded. "Didn't the lady give you the directions?" He asked, a twinge of amusement hidden in his voice but not in a making fun way, at the words scent and tracking, he was probably sure what Cody could be, and the strength as well.
Cody nodded in return, "Yes but I think I took a wrong left somewhere or maybe a wrong right, I was following my nose again like an idiot and it smelled so nice so I went that way instead of the way I should be going." He made an expression of annoyance with himself and balled his hands into fists as he gently stomped the floor with his foot.
Kohart only blinked and stared at Nagisa, the edge of his mouth curling up in a twitch,"Nagisa.." He looked as if he were fantasizing something horrid until he shook his head and patted his face dry with the end of his shirt. He hated being wet if he wasn't in water, even though it always made his skin tingle with a cool sensation. Hart bristled again as he shivered from the feeling and snatched the water bottle from Nagisa, holding it while he went to get another. "stop making me do that, ya' butt," he grumbled to Nagisa as he left the canteen, in reference to the few moments he caused a bristle within such a short period of time. Kohart grumbled, holding two water bottles in his hands for whatever reason.

Nagisa was waiting for some sort of retaliation or something with a grin, he was almost disappointed when all Kohart did was scold him and snatch the bottle off him. He couldn't help but laugh though and followed the flower out of the canteen, watching him hold two bottles in his hand like an idiot. Nagisa took the half empty bottle from him and drank some.

"Gosh Harty, it's only the first day. Just the beginning"
LonelyAssassin said:
Cody nodded in return, "Yes but I think I took a wrong left somewhere or maybe a wrong right, I was following my nose again like an idiot and it smelled so nice so I went that way instead of the way I should be going." He made an expression of annoyance with himself and balled his hands into fists as he gently stomped the floor with his foot.
He pursed his lips before he made a little 'come' motion with his hand and started to wander off, walking slightly on his tiptoes instead of whole feet which made his steps rather silent taps. He scanned the room numbers before he stopped in front of one door and pushed the key into the keyhole. "This is it" He said before he unlocked the door and pushed it open, wandering inside as he took his headphones from around his neck.
Cody followed behind Angel until they reached their dorm, he couldn't help but feel a little excited by what was behind the door, he never knew what kind of things a dorm would have in it. When the door swung open and Angel walked in, he walked in after with a look of awe on his face. It had so many nice things in it, he wanted to know what each nice little thing did, I mean it must have a purpose if it looked nice right? He set his big box down on the ground near the door and walked over to the couch, it looked soft and he gently sat on it like it was something delicate, it felt nice and he relaxed into it with a content look on his face.

"This is nice." Was all he could say.
He nodded to what Cody said before he walked to the two beds. "Which one do you want?" He asked, fingertips gently brushing against the fabric of the duvet that was neatly covering the bed.

Cody turned his head in the direction Angel's voice came from, "I don't mind." He sat up straight on the couch again and started bouncing on it, when he realised he was bouncing on it a bit excessively he stood up quickly and looked around like he had just been caught doing something he shouldn't. He walked over to his big box and dragged it into the room with the two beds and went over to the opposite side of the room where Angel wasn't standing before opening the box and letting all the metal from it clang down onto the ground like a big pile of rubble. It was a bit loud, but he shrugged it off and sat down next to the pile of metal pieces with a puzzled look.
Angel suppressed a cringe at the excessively loud sounds. "um.. I don't mean to be nosy but.. why are you carrying metal around?" He asked quietly, now standing by the window between the two beds.

'Just the beginning,' those words echoed in his head as he stared at Nagisa. He imagined just how much troublesome things could happen in such a long time and blinked," I think I'm recalling what murderous intent feels like." Hart looked away, his brows furrowing as he opened the bottle in his hand and swallowed some if the water. That was an odd feeling alright, and nothing that annoying could happen all the time, right? He grumbled to himself and shook his head, beginning to walk towards the dorms,"Nevermind what I said."
Cody scratched his head with one of the many metal bars that came with the piles of metal, then he heard Angel speak and turned his head to look at him with a smile, "Oh I need it." He started trying to put a piece together with another piece, "This is the first time I've tried constructing this, never taken it down before this." He managed to slot two metal bars into what seemed to be a metal base, they slotted in pretty tightly so made a straining noise when he forced them inside. He stood up and turned so that his body faced Angel, "I'm uhm, I'm a Werewolf, this will... keep you safe. But if you're uncomfortable with it then I don't mind taking it some place else to sleep there" Cody looked away whilst holding his arm, he had this sort of treatment before so was nervous on how his Roommate may take it.


Risk said:
'Just the beginning,' those words echoed in his head as he stared at Nagisa. He imagined just how much troublesome things could happen in such a long time and blinked," I think I'm recalling what murderous intent feels like." Hart looked away, his brows furrowing as he opened the bottle in his hand and swallowed some if the water. That was an odd feeling alright, and nothing that annoying could happen all the time, right? He grumbled to himself and shook his head, beginning to walk towards the dorms,"Nevermind what I said."
"Pfffft I've said this before and I'll say it again, as if you could get rid of me so easily." He grinned at Kohart as he walked towards the dorms again, Nagisa let his hand with the notebook in it hang from his arm and took in the surroundings of the academy, he was trying to map out the place in his head so he wouldn't need to resort to the map in the future. "I Guess I'll stop teasing you for the rest of the day, you earned at least that." Nagisa let out a mischievous giggle.
LonelyAssassin said:
Cody scratched his head with one of the many metal bars that came with the piles of metal, then he heard Angel speak and turned his head to look at him with a smile, "Oh I need it." He started trying to put a piece together with another piece, "This is the first time I've tried constructing this, never taken it down before this." He managed to slot two metal bars into what seemed to be a metal base, they slotted in pretty tightly so made a straining noise when he forced them inside. He stood up and turned so that his body faced Angel, "I'm uhm, I'm a Werewolf, this will... keep you safe. But if you're uncomfortable with it then I don't mind taking it some place else to sleep there" Cody looked away whilst holding his arm, he had this sort of treatment before so was nervous on how his Roommate may take it.
He blinked and tilted his head. "Why would I be uncomfortable with it? if it's for both our safety, I don't mind.." He said, shrugging a shoulder before he walked over. "Need help putting it together?" He asked, looking at the metal things on the ground. "Just a question.. Lycan or Werewolf.. I heard there was a difference between the two" He said. "Not that it bothers me" He quickly added.
Cody sits back down when Angel walks over and tries to construct some more of the cage, placing four pieces of metal against one another to form a bigger base, "That'd be great!" He then pouted at Angel when he asked him the second question, "Aren't they both the same thing? I've been referred to as both. But I will only transform on the night of a full moon if that confirms it for you. I have no control of myself on that night."
He tilted his head in thought while he tried to piece together some of the cage. "Well, I think that makes you a lycan.. a werewolf is I believe someone born as a human with a wolf form in which they can transform whenever they want to.. a lycan is someone who's ... cursed.. and turns into a half beast half human.. body of a human, head of a wolf.. sort of thing..." He said, though more cautiously and hesitantly, not wanting to upset the boy he just met.
Kohart wanted to say it was about time, but figured that opening the door to more teasing would only make it worse. He took another swig of the water and sighed, looking around the dormitory as he entered it. Hart quickly made his way to his dorm room, and switched his school supplies for the next class. "All prepared," he said, looking at the notebook with a bored expression and then to his watch.

"Could be a few minutes..."
Cody shrugged, though he was relieved that Angel respected what he had, it's not common that people don't mind having a caged monster in their room every week. "Well I am cursed. They can call it whatever, either way I hate it, I'm a monster that only wants to kill on those nights." Cody slots a couple more bars into the base. "Anyway! Enough about me, what about you? What's your story?" Cody smiled at Angel, eager to move on from himself and onto discovering his room mate.

He gave a little nod in understanding, it must not be easy being cursed with such blood lust. He paused at the mention of his story. "I don't.. remember my past.." He said, it was an excuse, as usual and Angel was good at making them convincing, he said those words so many times that he basically droned them out like they were programmed into his DNA.


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