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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Namir ears twitched as he heard the other apologize to him for reasons unknown forcibly handing him a pen and leaving at the immediate ringing of the bell. Weird. he told himself as he fiddled with the pen in his hand, the class slowly emptying out until he was the only one left. These people were indeed strange to just casually apologize to him without giving a thought to who he was. Well, this was a school for the inhuman, so maybe they too understood how difficult it is trying to feel ... welcomed? No. That didn't really fit what he was trying to get at. Understood? Maybe, but it still felt a little off, but right now wasn't the time to figure out about this fleeting feeling of his. Shaking his head, he began thinking of what to do next. Should he go to his next class listed on his schedule, or should he simply just ... It would probably be better to head to the dorms first. The office lady at the front told him he needed permission to get both Isle and Styx into the dorm, so it's best to get that situated now better than later. Exiting class, he smiled joyfully to see that the hellish door had now been pried open allowing for an easy passage out of the classroom. Isle chuckled at the sight, Styx following in with a quick snort before both receiving a glare from Namir causing Isle to laugh a little louder while silencing Styx.

Even with the door propped open, his journey was far from easy as he had to cross a sea of inattentive classmate wearing killer footwear of different shapes and sizes. Sometime he couldn't understand why people would wear such devilish things on there feet to begin with. Doesn't that just make walking uncomfortable? Compared to his tiny nerve filled feet, it probably be a good comparison between the feet of other creatures to his own. Maneuvering through murderous students, he and his Jackals manages to find their way out of that malice sea and into the courtyard. From there it was easy sailing as the dorms was a straight path to the dorms, and strangely enough, there was not many students coming or going from the building. Letting out a relieved sigh, he wasted no time enter the building which luckily had sliding door making his entrance a bit smoother. Walking towards the front he was greeted by a student who asked if he had been recently accepted as he had not seen him at the dorms before. Agreeing, Namir gave him his name and was soon met with a silver key and a warm "Have a nice day" from the other.

"You have one as well." he responded, rubbing the metal in between his finger while making sure that the egg on his back was still safe. It seems he had forgotten about this little one with all he had experienced today and apologized to the unhatched child who he had felt had been lonely without his attention. Making his way to his dorm, he couldn't help but notice a strange humanoid girl with long white hair fumbling around in the hall. She seemed confused and lost, not knowing where to go. Seeing that no on was willing to help her Namir closed in on the unsuspecting girl and spoke.

"Uhmm. Are you by any chance lost?" he asked, his paw lightly tapping onto the girl's thin legs with Styx looking quite unhappy with Namir's current interaction. Namir on the other hand seemed rather concerned for the individual in front of him. Even being new himself, he at least had a map which could be of some use.


I made it happen O-O
Darkwolf1344 said:
He gave a little nod in understanding, it must not be easy being cursed with such blood lust. He paused at the mention of his story. "I don't.. remember my past.." He said, it was an excuse, as usual and Angel was good at making them convincing, he said those words so many times that he basically droned them out like they were programmed into his DNA.
Cody looked sadly at Angel, "Oh? I'm sorry to hear that, hey I'm sure you'll remember sooner or later, from the things I've heard about this place they could probably help you remember or something." Cody slots more of the bars in and stands up, they were nearly done and all that had to be completed next was the roof of the cage. "Do you know what kind of being you are?"
LonelyAssassin said:
Cody looked sadly at Angel, "Oh? I'm sorry to hear that, hey I'm sure you'll remember sooner or later, from the things I've heard about this place they could probably help you remember or something." Cody slots more of the bars in and stands up, they were nearly done and all that had to be completed next was the roof of the cage. "Do you know what kind of being you are?"
Angel gave a slow nod before he thought for a second before letting out an inaudible sigh, it didn't make sense to lie to his new room mate. "Dark angel..." He said quietly.



I made it happen O-O
Avalon jumped at the sudden contact with her leg and spun around, almost stumbling and falling backwards but managing to stabilise herself against the wall. "a-ah.. um.. y-yeah.. maybe a little..." She said, voice timidly quiet. In reality, she couldn't even find her way back to the dorm to get a glass of water!

@A Guileless Fable
"Science," Kohart said shaking the spiral note book in his hand that had science written across the top which it's letters looked like handwriting from a previous century. Really, he had three classes that could be considered a form of science, but they all had different names so he didn't think of it as such. "What about you?"
Willow turned down one of the halls, headed towards the front entrance. Even though she knew she should focus on her surroundings she couldn't help but caught up in a daze. Different thoughts swam through her head, one sticking out more than the others. This thought was more of an insecurity, a thought she would rather just forget. She rubbed the bridge of her nose tiredly, her finger brushing against one of her many piercings. She felt the cool, golden metal, twisting it once or twice. She then found herself checking to make sure all her piercings were still in. Satisfied with knowing all were there, she found the map at the front of the school.

After scanning it over thoroughly she began down the corridor to the biology room. She let out a silent sigh, wishing she had some form of distraction. But what could distract her? She thought of what seemed to distract others. Many of the people she saw had headphones and some form of portable music device. She had watched the individuals with these devices and they always seemed to calm down when having them. Maybe getting one would help her.

She discarded the idea as she entered the class room. Taking a seat at one of the vacant desks by the wall, she looked around. She spotted her two friends and a new face. Maybe she would get to know him and they could be friends. She tried to keep a positive frame of mind, knowing that dwelling on the past and thinking pessimistically would do her no good.
Slightly tilting his head, he wondered if something was wrong. She seemed a little more frantic then a lost person should be, maybe it was something different. He didn't know, but she seemed to agree with his earlier statement, so maybe she just a little embarrassed at her current situation. Removing his paw from her leg, he examined her for a bit before continuing on to help her.

"Okay. First let's have you calm down a bit." he stated, motioning his hand to his heart wanting her to follow. Normally breathing was a sure way to calm the nerves, for him at least. "Now take a few deep breaths." he advised, slowly inhaling and exhaling wanting her to do the same. Once he was sure she had calm down a bit, he lowered his paw from his chest and asked," Now what seems to be the problem. I'm new here, but I might be able to give you some assistance." he said waiting for the other to tell him what's seems to be wrong with her. He didn't enjoy watching others in a panic, and although not usually the one to go out of his way to help other people it just didn't feel right to leave a someone as helpless looking as her alone.


Nyx nodded and figured that would be the best idea. If neither of them knew where to go.

"I say we should! I dony mind the company anyways"

She grinned and began slithering down the hall gleefully as she had a new female companion to talk to. Her forked tongued flicked between her lips. She bit her lip and touched her lios gently, embarrassed. When they decided to split ways, nyx was hopeful of meeting the girl another time soon. She looked the map over and sighed.

"I still have no idea where this is at..."​
Darkwolf1344 said:
Angel gave a slow nod before he thought for a second before letting out an inaudible sigh, it didn't make sense to lie to his new room mate. "Dark angel..." He said quietly.
"That's Cool! That makes you pretty durable huh?" Maybe Angel would be fine with having a Werewolf in his company afterall, this was an academy full of supernaturals after all he should have expected this in the first place. Cody finished putting together the roof now and stepped back, the cage was done, "Thanks for the help!" He pushed it to far side of his bed so that it was far away from Angel's side and then covered it up with a cute blanket with many different stitched patterns on. The only thing Cody was worried about now was his first night here on a full moon, when that time came he didn't know what to expect, last time new blood was around when he was a Werewolf he broke out of his old cage.

Risk said:
"Science," Kohart said shaking the spiral note book in his hand that had science written across the top which it's letters looked like handwriting from a previous century. Really, he had three classes that could be considered a form of science, but they all had different names so he didn't think of it as such. "What about you?"
"I didn't take science." Nagisa opens his Notebook at his Timetable page and looks at it, "Monster Education... Well it seems like you managed to get rid of me for a bit." Nagisa stuck his tongue out at Kohart before making his way to the door. "I'll see you later and don't forget to make some friends Tulip."
[QUOTE="A Guileless Fable]Slightly tilting his head, he wondered if something was wrong. She seemed a little more frantic then a lost person should be, maybe it was something different. He didn't know, but she seemed to agree with his earlier statement, so maybe she just a little embarrassed at her current situation. Removing his paw from her leg, he examined her for a bit before continuing on to help her.
"Okay. First let's have you calm down a bit." he stated, motioning his hand to his heart wanting her to follow. Normally breathing was a sure way to calm the nerves, for him at least. "Now take a few deep breaths." he advised, slowly inhaling and exhaling wanting her to do the same. Once he was sure she had calm down a bit, he lowered his paw from his chest and asked," Now what seems to be the problem. I'm new here, but I might be able to give you some assistance." he said waiting for the other to tell him what's seems to be wrong with her. He didn't enjoy watching others in a panic, and although not usually the one to go out of his way to help other people it just didn't feel right to leave a someone as helpless looking as her alone.


Cody jumped on his bed with his legs crossed, both his hands pressed against the bed in front of him as he watched Angel unpack with curiosity, what sort of things did a Dark Angel have to bring with them to a place like this he wondered? He had a lot of clothes, that was weird, when Nagisa visited his tribe with his parents they had a lot of different clothes to. In the tribe you rarely changed and usually stuck to what you had on, the only reason Cody wore these more civilised clothes was because Nagisa gave them to him. He tilted his head slightly. Then looked around and took his Timetable out of his pocket which was scrunched up rather than folded, he opened it up to take a look.
Kohart couldn't help but feel a little relief that he wouldn't be doing that weird bristling because of Nagisa, but now who would he stare at in class without getting the wrong idea? He scratched the back of his head and waved a goodbye to Nagisa,"see you later." He completely dismissed Nagisa's comment about friends as if it just drifted off into the void.

Hart waited until Nagisa was out of the door before he left the room, closing the door behind him and shaking his head. He left for class, exiting the dormitory and heading out to the main building.
LonelyAssassin said:
Cody jumped on his bed with his legs crossed, both his hands pressed against the bed in front of him as he watched Angel unpack with curiosity, what sort of things did a Dark Angel have to bring with them to a place like this he wondered? He had a lot of clothes, that was weird, when Nagisa visited his tribe with his parents they had a lot of different clothes to. In the tribe you rarely changed and usually stuck to what you had on, the only reason Cody wore these more civilised clothes was because Nagisa gave them to him. He tilted his head slightly. Then looked around and took his Timetable out of his pocket which was scrunched up rather than folded, he opened it up to take a look.
He let out a little hum as he took out his phone and scrolled through his music, pursing his lips, he had to mix up his music list without using shuffle. Luckily he had his computer hidden in a compartment of his suitcase, he'd download some music later before going to bed. He had noticed Cody looking at him curiously when he was unpacking but said nothing, not really minding it.
Nagisa left for his class after waving goodbye to Kohart, he wondered who would be at Monsters Ed with him and if he'd make more friends. He felt slightly hungry as well, teasing does empty ones stomach. He wandered around before actually going into class. @Risk

Cody was suddenly behind Angel, peaking over his shoulder at the weird device in his hand, it fascinated him, "What is this? I've seen a lot of them around after I left my tribe, people seemed to be on them all the time? Is this how civilised people eat food?" He reached a round sheepishly to try and touch it, he didn't mean to be rude, he was just a bit forward.

He blinked and glanced at him. "No, it's a phone, you can play games, listen to music and do other stuff on it" He said, he let him touch the screen as it was on the music list, he just hoped he wouldn't get spooked if music started blaring from the integrated speaker of the phone. It did amuse him a bit that Cody didn't know what it was.

Cody's eyes widened when it started making noise, he smiled a little bit and spoke like he was cheering, "Oh, it's like music! It plays music without instruments? That's amazing!" Cody tapped the phone again and another song started playing, he grinned happily to the tune. "So 'civilised' people listen to music all day long, but why do some look so grumpy when they are holding them? Do they listen to sad songs?"
He couldn't help but smile a little, the list was mainly of artists and bands like FOB, FIR, TDG, Skillet and such. "Phones are also a means of communications, they most likely got a bad conversation going with someone" He said. "And that is music, just put on a phone" He added with a tiny, little chuckle.
Cody tilted his head with a puzzling look on his face, "You can talk to the phone?" Cody circled around Angel, crouched on to bed so that he could get close to the phone and go his mouth near it, "Hello Phone!" He looked at it, blinking, expecting it to talk back to him or something, but it kept playing music. "Phooooone!"
He shook his head with a smile. "No, the phone won't talk back, if another person has a phone and you call their number, they'll answer and you can talk to them" He explained.
Kohart paced himself in the corridor, careful not to run into any of the other students that were going to and from their classes. He looked around for a moment, settling his stress before he actually entered the class since he'd be going alone. His hand wrapped around the door knob to his science class and he pushed open the through the entrance only to be greeted by a relatively empty room. Hart looked around dully, seeing that very few students had made it in other than him.
"Oooooh" Cody blushed feeling a little embarrassed, "That makes sense. That is amazing too! Phones are amazing." He got off Angel's bed and kept looking at the phone for a while, "There are still a lot of things I don't know about, I'm sorry if I keep asking what things are." He rubs the back of his neck nervously.
"It's fine, don't be shy to ask" He said. "just a heads up, I don't sleep a lot at night so I'll be on my computer, if the light bothers you, tell me so I darken the screen" He said before he put his phone down and stretched his arms up.
"Don't worry, I hate sleeping. I also hate the dark, the light would probably help me to be honest. Thanks for the heads up though... What's a Computer? Is it like a Phone?"
He nodded. "It's like a big book with a screen and buttons to type with" He tried to explain. "I'll show you later if you like" He said, he didn't really mind sharing his computer if Cody wanted to use it in the future.
Cody nods excitedly, "Okay then! I'm looking forward to see more amazing things!" His lips curled up, his stomach then growled and he held it with a pout, "Oooh, I think I'll be able to find food!" He ran out of the room and leaped of the couch. He then stopped before he exited the door and ran back to the bed room, "Are you hungry to Angel?"
Amalia seen Willow walk in but really paid no attention to her. She walked to the other side of the room.

Amalia hoped that the class would start soon, even though she hated Biology.

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