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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

He blinked and got up. "you know where the cafeteria is?" He asked. "I guess I could go for an apple or something.." He murmured, following after Cody, just not so energetically.

"Yeah! I can smell my way there!" Cody ran around Angel before running to the door, nearly going through it, but he calmed himself down and went through it like a normal person, waiting in the corridor he sniffed the air for the direction of that beautiful smell he smelled earlier and almost followed. "I hope they make a lot..."
"Yes! I should also be able to get to my Dorm again no problem!" He prances about, walking out of the dormitory, it was nice to feel the sun on his skin again. He sniffed the air again and walked towards the main building, "This way! This way!"
Cody found the Cantina with ease, he leaped up on top of one of the tables, sliding across the surface not on purpose it had just been polished, he fell over the opposite side but got up and looked happy. He walked over to the food eagerly with his tongue almost hanging out like a dog. "Do you have Beef, Chicken, Lamb or any kind of meat on today that would be great!" He got his drumsticks of chicken a slab of beef and a few lamb chops on his plate that he took over to a table.
A knife, a freezer, and a deceased pig. What a lovely sight this is. Holding the silver tool in her right hand while spreading the unborn fetus with her left, she skillfully slid her knife through the soft tissue making sure not to damage the animals organs. The teacher looked in awe as she picked up the nearby tweezers and began separating it's under developed intestines that clung together as she removed them from the animals excretory system. Soon it transformed from a corpse into an organized section of different systems held within the body. Shadow smiled as she rearranged the intestines and heart into a grotesque version of a smiley face. Her teacher cringed at his student playfulness finding it disturbing to see someone have so much fun cutting and reorganizing another beings insides. Making a boot like shape with the large intestines, Shadow dropped her tools and headed towards the cleaning area where she washed her hands clean of the scents of blood.

"That's it right teach?" she asked, the teacher still focused on the terrifying perfection of the dissection before him. "Yo teach." she called, poking him with her undead fingers causing the other to jump in fright.

"Y-y-yes?! What is is Shadow?" he stuttered, causing a look of confusion to come over the ghoul's face.

"Well, you said we had to do a dissection before we could leave class today right? I did my dissection, so may I be excused?" she asked, her only functioning eyes peering into the bald man in front of her. He took a gulp before waving his hand out to the distance, signaling that she was indeed free to go.

"'Kay! See ya tomorrow then. And stop being so jittery, it rubs off on the others." she advised, before exiting the cooler while her other classmate potentially froze in the area's dropping temperatures.

"Ahhh my back is stiff." she lied while pretending to stretch while walking down the hall of scurrying students. Ever since she reanimated she noticed something strangely off about her body. She could no longer feel anything nor could she taste or smell for that matter. It seems she was missing 3 of her 5 senses only having sight and hearing to aid her in this renewed life she had been given. Swiping away a stray stand of hair that threatened the view of her left eye. With biology now over, she'd assume that she'd be heading for Monster/Animal Anatomy, but what fun would that be? She knew what the class would entail, and it never included a sense of joy or happiness in it. It was simply the teacher talking, students sleeping, and her looking out the window as any other anime protagonist would hoping for something even better to do. Just imagining the class made her sleepy, Shadow placing her hand over her mouth to cover a yawn that seemed to gain some attention from new students passing by.

It wasn't anything unusual to her. They had plenty of reasons to do so, and she didn't blame them. Hell, if she was someone else she'd be staring at herself too. Yeah, she looked amazing with her feminine curves as unbelievably well toned calves, she doubted that was the only reason for them taking a peek. She broke out of dress code wearing a see-through white shirt that fell to her navel revealing her black bra along with some torn shorts. She didn't where shoes, because it's not like she felt anything so they served no purpose. Shadow wouldn't be even wearing clothes if they hadn't threatened to kick her out if she didn't. That was one reason, another could have been the many scars that lay sprawled across her body. Scars where bullets flew through, stitches that indicated she's be cut or mutilated, she had them all over her body. Or, the one she knew to be true, they were just to impressed with her to look away. That made for a better feeling than all of the others. Shifting her thought from her admirers back to her class, she felt bummed again until from the corner of her left eyes ... she saw him.

It was totally unexpected as she simply passed by the general science classroom to see him. She didn't know his name but she could have sworn he was Natsuno from Shiki. Her fan girl instincts took over as she slammed through the entrance, her red eyes searching frantically for the boy she had just saw until she found him sitting in a desk in the middle of the room. Taking a few deep breaths, a smiled graced her lips as she suddenly tackled the unsuspecting boy holding back just enough not to break him, but hard enough to make the stitching of her leg come undone.

"NATSUNO!" she cried, tears of joy falling from her left eye as the other eye was unresponsive. "I thought they killed you!" she whined as she wiped her eyes on the others shirt, uncaring if he cared or not. She had recently just finished watching Shiki, a vampire anime with the main character named Natsuno Koide, who this boy seemed to resemble so much they could have almost been twins. Wrapping her arms around him, she began squeezing his body to her own undoubtedly making the boy cold as she had just exited the cooler. Normally she was calmer than this, but after seeing his death there was nothing left for Shadow other than the tackle him.


This is love ;v;.

Natsuno x Tooru for life!
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He looked at Cody in amazement at the amount of meat before he asked for a simple peach, which was handed to him before walking over and sitting opposite the wolf, as he was gonna call him in his head. "Do you eat this much meat each meal?" He asked in bewilderment.

"No of course not! I eat one big meaty meal like this and then eat bits later... well when I say bits... I mean I try and eat bits but I can get a bit excessive even then. My appetite never used to be like this, sometimes I just..." Cody places his right hand over his eyepatch and then snaps out of it, smiling at Angel before taking an aggresive bite out of the lump of steak.
Kohart was just getting used to the new seat when something hit him, literally. He fell from his seat with what felt like someone clinging to him, which someone was. A girl was squeezing him harshly and crying. Crying? Why was she crying? He had heard her yell something incoherent when he was....attacked. Which probably had something to do with it. Hart stared at the ceiling, his right eyebrow twitching as he felt a cool sensation beginning to blanket him and causing him to shiver. Of course, much to his disdain, he was hit with a wave a cold and bristled; the ends of his curled hair lifting and joints stuffing a bit as he shivered- this time it almost seemed to make a sound, though it could've just been the tiny thorns appearing on the edge of his arms. It took hart a moment to adapt to the cold, but propped his shoulders up with his elbows as his hair dropped back into place and he stared at the stranger. "What on earth are you doing?" There was an obvious annoyance in his tone, and an uncomfortable expression on his face,"Get off."
He took a little bite from the peach, relishing in it's sweetness. "I guess I know now where the expression 'hungry like a wolf' comes from.." He said, he didn't really mean it, it was more of a joke, he hoped the other boy wouldn't take it too to heart on it.
"Haha, I guess so!" Cody dug into his food, it was hard to say he was subtle about it, he tore into it like a monster at work, the meat from the bones of the drumsticks were gone in second flat. "Mmm this tastes different than when I eat at the tribe, is there any reason why that is?" Cody looked at Angel with a questioning look, like he was a teacher.

Shadow chuckled at the sound of his voice ... Wait. Hold on a minute. Her tears immediately stopped as she replayed the sound of his voice in her head, her ear drums growing accustomed to the sound until she realized something was odd about it. Pushing herself off from his chest, her eye focused onto his face as she examined Natsuno in greater detail than before. His hair was perfect, his eyes beautiful, his face slender, and skin as white as the whitest of snow, but his voice was something entirely different. He held the same superiority as his anime counterpart, but his voice was completely different.

"Tsk. You're not Natsuno." she complained, biting her nail. Glancing back into the boy's eyes she asked," Why are you under me." She gasped as a perverted thought came into her head. "You couldn't possibly be aiming for my voluptuous body now are you!?" she teased, holding her body in shock until she saw her leg resting on a no name students desk. "Well most of it." she corrected, feeling her right leg had gone completely missing. Hmmm? Now how am I gonna get up from here without my leg. I don't want to give this little pervert the satisfaction of seeing me struggle. Who knows, he might get a kick out of it. she thought, staring intensely at the perv. below her.

"Well now look what you've done. How am I supposed to get off you if my legs over there." she pointed, still sitting onto of his stomach. Looking at her audience, she could clearly see that no one wanted to pick up such a bruised and beaten leg, the student originally sitting at it current location even gagged a few times after seeing convulse. Letting out a sigh, she decided to make the boy underneath her help whether he wanted to or not.

"Yo. Help get my leg for me." she stated rather than ask. If he wanted her off him, he would have to comply either way. Or he could say goodbye to that soggy wet mess he called a shirt because Shadow had full plans of stripping him of it as well as all of his other belonging if he decided otherwise.

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Timothy was just about to sever a tendon in his chosen piglet, when he jumped at a loud crashing sound, coming just from his left. The scalpel cut through the delicate, frozen flesh of his subject, and sliced deeply into his pale thumb, making the small vampire wince.

Putting his thumb into his mouth, frowning at the bitter taste of his own blood, he looked up at what had caused the loud distraction. It was a girl, a loud one at that, sitting on a clearly distressed boy. Refraining from rolling his eyes from their overly inappropriate display of affection, he cleared his throat instead, sending the pair what he hoped was an annoyed look.

"Excuse me," He spoke, his voice soft and slightly muffled by his thumb, "Could you two please keep it down, I'm trying to dissect my..." As he looked back at his subject, his voice trailed off. His work was ruined. There was a clear, deep cut where the pigs previous tendons had been. Sighing he put down his scalpel, glaring at the two teens. "Never mind."

@A Guileless Fable
He watched him. "The meat is processed probably, not grown on a proper farm for livestock and such.." He said, shrugging. "Full of growth stimulants and shit that will shorten your lifespan" He joked and chuckled. "Humans are very strange for willingly putting that amount of chemicals in their body.. I mean, s'good and all but jeez.." He shook his head, finishing his little rant.


((@A Guileless Fable btw, i replied cx))
Darkwolf1344 said:
He watched him. "The meat is processed probably, not grown on a proper farm for livestock and such.." He said, shrugging. "Full of growth stimulants and shit that will shorten your lifespan" He joked and chuckled. "Humans are very strange for willingly putting that amount of chemicals in their body.. I mean, s'good and all but jeez.." He shook his head, finishing his little rant.

((@A Guileless Fable btw, i replied cx))
Cody stopped chewing for a moment, looking at Angel with a shocked look then looked down at his food. Though before he started spitting and spluttering, he remembered that he was a Werewolf and that it wouldn't have an effect on him and started chewing down on it more, as long as it tasted good and filled him up, the contents didn't matter. He was immune to poison and all sorts, there were some ups to being a Lycan - but the downs were just too drastic for him to like it.
"Yes! I almost got put off by what you said. Almost!" He laughed as he had food in his mouth, it wasn't a nice sight, he was obviously unaware on what table manners were. He swallowed and spoke a little clearer, "Is that all you eat?"
LonelyAssassin said:
"Yes! I almost got put off by what you said. Almost!" He laughed as he had food in his mouth, it wasn't a nice sight, he was obviously unaware on what table manners were. He swallowed and spoke a little clearer, "Is that all you eat?"
"I don't generally eat at all.." He murmured before he blinked. "It's not really polite to talk with a mouth full of food, put your hand in front of your mouth so people can't see the mush in there" He said as a little tip, showing him with his own hand on himself.
"Oh? Oh Oooh" Cody when he ate looked away or tried closing his mouth, the trying to close his mouth thing never worked, so he just looked away or covered up his mouth.
He gave a little smile and nodded. "That's better" He said, taking another bite from the peach. "Will you go to your classes today already or tomorrow?" He asked, he planned on going tomorrow as he felt too distracted to learn anything today.
"That's a good point, I will probably save classes for tomorrow. I'll like to settle in first." Cody then finished the last bit of the food which was a single lamb chop.
He gave a little nod, Cody was surely an interesting character. "Do you know anyone else at the academy?" He asked, tilting his head as he was starting to finish his peach.
Scrunching his nose, he couldn't help but grit his fangs. Well wasn't that a bit of unhelpful information. It was quite obvious that the girl was lost, but seeing as she said way back there must've been a starting point. He wanted to let out a long sigh, but seeing all the sighing he has done today he feared if he allowed another to escape his fur would turn completely gray. Holding it in, he attempted a hideous smile, trying to keep his expression from turning into a sour one as it has always done in situations like these. It's not like he had anything against the lost girl, it's simply found it annoying when people do not give useful information when some one is trying to help.

"Okay. So you're lost. Now where are you trying to head back too?" Namir asked, silently extending and retracting his claws as one way to relieve the unreasonable annoyance that began sprouting within. He knew it wasn't her fault, she was shy, it happens. However, he, who has never experienced such problems find it somewhat hard to deal with.

Cody nods in response to Angel's question after swallowing the last piece of meat, "His name is Nagisa, though I haven't found him yet. He was the one that made that cage for me to use on Full Moon nights. Hmm I should look for him if I'm not going to classes today."

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