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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Amalia walked out of class to go to the cafeteria. She hasn't ate at all today and she was hungry.

She grabbed what looked like chicken and sat down to eat it. Chicken wasn't her favorite thing in the world. She loved deer.
[QUOTE="A Guileless Fable]Scrunching his nose, he couldn't help but grit his fangs. Well wasn't that a bit of unhelpful information. It was quite obvious that the girl was lost, but seeing as she said way back there must've been a starting point. He wanted to let out a long sigh, but seeing all the sighing he has done today he feared if he allowed another to escape his fur would turn completely gray. Holding it in, he attempted a hideous smile, trying to keep his expression from turning into a sour one as it has always done in situations like these. It's not like he had anything against the lost girl, it's simply found it annoying when people do not give useful information when some one is trying to help.
"Okay. So you're lost. Now where are you trying to head back too?" Namir asked, silently extending and retracting his claws as one way to relieve the unreasonable annoyance that began sprouting within. He knew it wasn't her fault, she was shy, it happens. However, he, who has never experienced such problems find it somewhat hard to deal with.


Cody smiled, "Thanks, I hope I do too." When Angel got up to throw his seed away, he smelled something, a scent familiar to him had just hit him, and it wasn't the food. No, nothing like that. He didn't mean to be rude but he suddenly left his seat without saying a word. Following his nose these was a girl sitting eating chicken and it seemed to come off her, was it the food? He got closer, quietly sneaking up to sniff her from behind, it was definitely her. He stuck his head over her shoulder and spoke, "You smell interesting!"

@Darkwolf1344 @tellerortiz
Angel turned around, only to see Cody poking his head over a girl's shoulder, he slowly walked over, stuffing his hands in his pockets. He knew the girl would get spooked, he'd need to mention that to Cody later.

@LonelyAssassin @tellerortiz
Amalia nearly jumped out of her skin. "Oh my gosh, you scared me." She dropped her chicken and put her hand to her chest.

"Thank you, though," Amalia laughed. "You do too, strangely."

"Oops! sorry, didn't mean to scare you" Cody jumped back when she did, but he couldn't help but stick his head forward to sniff her again, "Do you by chance... own a dog?" He had his head tilted and looked at her with a puzzled look
Amalia tilted her head in confusion and looked at the two boys. "I am one." She laughed as he sniffed me again.

She could tell the boy was a werewolf. She was glad there was someone else like her around here.

@LonelyAssassin @Darkwolf1344
Kohart was getting irritated. He was jumped on, bristled, accused of being a pervert, bossed around, and now he's getting glared at by a kid. Normally he would've dismissed such things, but they happened to soon together and just pinched his points. He dropped his head back to the floor for a moment and let out a slow breath of air, just before grabbing the girl and flipping them.

Hart didn't care about what it looked like at this point, he was already called a pervert. He got up and grabbed the girl's bruised leg, set it on the floor beside her body, and left the room with little knowledge of his notebook still on the desk. Even though it was very little to get upset over, he could feel the hair on the back of his neck raising. He placed his hands behind his head and until he got outside, taking a seat in the grass.

tellerortiz said:
Amalia tilted her head in confusion and looked at the two boys. "I am one." She laughed as he sniffed me again.
She could tell the boy was a werewolf. She was glad there was someone else like her around here.

@LonelyAssassin @Darkwolf1344
"Oh! So that's why! That's awesome, I'm Cody." He looks back to see Angel and then looks at the girl again with a grin, "This is Angel. I'm a werewolf! Eh... yeah... Pleasure to meet you!"
"It's nice to meet someone similar to me, I didn't expect it to be honest." Cody tilts his head again, a pout on his face this time, "Do you come from a Tribe too?"
LonelyAssassin said:
"It's nice to meet someone similar to me, I didn't expect it to be honest." Cody tilts his head again, a pout on his face this time, "Do you come from a Tribe too?"
Amalia frowned. "No, uh, I was in the woods with my friends one night and I was bitten."

She never knew about tribes. She didn't even know they existed.

"It's cool that you're from a tribe though."
"Bitten? Aw, that sucks." Cody nods, "My Tribe has been cursed for generations, once every while a new member is infected by the curse." Cody looks down at the ground sadly, but he soon lightened up, "Where did you get bit? Did it scar?"
Amalia nodded and stood up. She raised her shirt to her upper ribcage, revealing a bite mark. "It came out of nowhere. My friends abandoned me because they didn't want to get bit."

Cody inspected it closely before pulling away, "Well. I'll be your friend." He grins sheepishly whilst also extending his hand for a hand shake.
Willow hadn't been quite focused that hour. She watched as a pig was set in front of her. The scent of formaldehyde was strong in the air as everyone around her began cutting open their pigs. Slowly she picked a scalpel up and began dissecting, still not fully aware. It had been relatively silent until someone burst into the room and tackled the purple haired boy. She finally broke out of her thoughts, looking to the undead girl straddling the boy. He burgundy eyes scanned the room to see the others' reactions. Most were surprised, but Timothy looked pissed off. His thumb sat in his mouth, leading her to the conclusion that he had been cut. Willow looked back to see the boy flip the girl off him, grab her leg from a near by desk, and set it beside her.
Amalia pulled her shirt down and shook his hand. "Alright then. Friends." She smiled slightly.

"I've never had another werewolf friend before. This is exciting." She smiled big.

Angel watched in silence, sitting on the table, he was glad to some extent that no questions were directed at him, he wouldn't feel so comfortable. He tilted his head, he had the urge to ask if she was a wolf or lycan but he brushed it off and smiled, happy they got along. He started to fiddle with the wing around his neck, listening if he was mentioned just in case.

@LonelyAssassin @tellerortiz
Amalia looked to Angel and smiled. "Hi, I'm Amalia. I couldn't be rude and not include you in the conversation too."

She looked at him, and wondered what he was, but pushed the question to the back of her mind.

Angel blinked and looked back up. "ah.. it's okay.. it'd be fine any way, really" He waved it off and pulled a smile, being just a little uncomfortable with having attention on him but hid the discomfort for now.

Cody shakes her hand firmly and then lets go, "I feel the same way!" Cody looks back over to Angel when Amalia starts talking to him, he walks over and sits on the same table as him, grinning like a child again, "I like this place already, so many new friends, this is great." He didn't really make many friends outside of his tribe except for Nagisa, and he regarded anyone in the tribe as family.
"Is today your first day?" Amalia asked out of curiosity. She stood in front of the two boys with her arms crossed. She was grateful she had a couple friends. "School bores me to death, but it's weird because I like to learn."

@LonelyAssassin @Darkwolf1344
"Yes it is my first day I just got settled You think school is boring? I've never been to a school before it makes me excited to see what it's about and so far I like it." He sounded very excited and spoke so excitedly that he had to gasp for breath after he had finished speaking, Cody had always had a problem with getting too over excited by stuff and he was just surrounded by so many unique things at the moment.
He watched Cody get excited before he nodded to Amalia's question. "I've been in so many schools that I seriously doubt I'll learn anything exciting, I'll be more than happy if they have a massive library I can read through each book" He said, gently waving his slender hand in a circular motion.

@LonelyAssassin @tellerortiz
Amalia shook her head. "No, I like this school. There's nowhere else I would rather be. Just, I picked all the boring classes and I get bored easily."

Cody was very excitable. She liked that. She listened to Angel.

"Oh they do. It's massive and it's fantastic." She smiled.

@LonelyAssassin @Darkwolf1344

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