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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Now sitting on the floor, she closed her eyes and hummed softly. It wasn't like her to get so emotional. It was only her first day and she was already questioning staying. But maybe it was because it was her first day. She hadn't been around people in a long time, so maybe things would become easier as time went on. It wouldn't be fair to leave so soon without giving time to get to know the area as well as the people.

Her stomach growled. With a frown and a small sigh, she stood up and left her room in search of the cafeteria.
Nagisa looked at Timothy, "Lemme go help this guy and we'll talk more after." He walked over to the purple haired boy and gently took his bruised wrist into his hand, "Woah, you sprained it pretty bad, you know you should be more careful?" Looking more closely at the Angel he realised how cute he looked, but now wasn't the time to be thinking of that. He gently pressed his finger against the wrist, "This may hurt a little." He then started making swipes, like he was drawing with his finger, but then it made a symbol and glowed a light green, healing the wrist quickly which would sting. "There."


Cody also looked around awkwardly, an awkward silence being shared between the two, he then looked down sadly, "D-do you like being a Werewolf?" He didn't know that the way they transformed were different, and maybe it was a bit to personal to ask something like this this quickly.
Now, with nothing to do but watch, fascinated as the man worked is magic. He'd never seen something like that happen before. He had just been about to offer practicing his newfound biology skills on the boy, but this seemed like a better alternative. Timothy soon lost interest in the boys hand and began looking around the hall. He started a bit when he saw a shadowy girl. Looking at her more closely, his intense stare unblinking, he pointed a bloody finger at her and tilted his head curiously. "You weren't there before."

@Rose Baker
Arabella cursed under her breath. Already she'd been spotted. She concentrated and the dark swirls faded away. She looked at him, at the blood on his finger. "No, I wasn't," she said softly, afraid that he would be angry with her.

LonelyAssassin said:
Nagisa looked at Timothy, "Lemme go help this guy and we'll talk more after." He walked over to the purple haired boy and gently took his bruised wrist into his hand, "Woah, you sprained it pretty bad, you know you should be more careful?" Looking more closely at the Angel he realised how cute he looked, but now wasn't the time to be thinking of that. He gently pressed his finger against the wrist, "This may hurt a little." He then started making swipes, like he was drawing with his finger, but then it made a symbol and glowed a light green, healing the wrist quickly which would sting. "There."

@Cryobionic @Darkwolf1344
He cringed for a small moment before he blinked. "I guess it was a punishment for walking on tiptoes..." He mumbled quietly. "Thank you.." He said. He blinked, frowning, looking at the boy in front of him, he tilted his head. "I'm.. um.. Angel.." He said, holding out his other hand that wasn't just healed.
Amalia nodded. "At first I didn't, but now I really do," she looked at him, "do you?"

Maybe the way he shapeshifted was different. She turned into an actual wolf. Maybe he was the type on two legs.

All the halls looked the same, but there were small things like different paintings or the placement of a vase on a table that made it easier to navigate. She hadn't notice these before, but was glad she had now. She pushed open the door to the cafeteria, glancing around curiously. Looking for the line to get food, she instead found something better. A smile stretched across her face as she looked at Amalia. She had started towards her when she saw she was talking to someone. It would be rude to interrupt a conversation, so she decided to join the line to get food and see if she was still conversing with the boy when she was done.
Darkwolf1344 said:
He cringed for a small moment before he blinked. "I guess it was a punishment for walking on tiptoes..." He mumbled quietly. "Thank you.." He said. He blinked, frowning, looking at the boy in front of him, he tilted his head. "I'm.. um.. Angel.." He said, holding out his other hand that wasn't just healed.
"Angel suits you. Call me Nagisa." He shook the boys hand and looked at him, "Be careful, we don't want your beautiful body scarred now do we?" He grinned cheekily at the boy, yeah he gave in and couldn't help himself - oh well, it was how he worked after all.


tellerortiz said:
Amalia nodded. "At first I didn't, but now I really do," she looked at him, "do you?"
Maybe the way he shapeshifted was different. She turned into an actual wolf. Maybe he was the type on two legs.

"No... I don't like it at all, I have no control over it. And This eyepatch, some of my wolf form has leaked through and onto my human form and when the eye is uncovered it makes me have these horrible urges." Nagisa saw a person start to walk over, she didn't hide her supernatural side at all which was nice to see the diversity of the academy, but then she started to walk away. Cody waved over to her to see if she could get her attention.

@tellerortiz @Deadly Darkness
LonelyAssassin said:
"Angel suits you. Call me Nagisa." He shook the boys hand and looked at him, "Be careful, we don't want your beautiful body scarred now do we?" He grinned cheekily at the boy, yeah he gave in and couldn't help himself - oh well, it was how he worked after all.
He blinked, he presumed it was Nagisa as he noticed the signs covering the cage and they looked similar to what the boy did just now. "ah.. um... thanks...? i guess..." He mumbled, not really knowing how to react to such a thing, something like that was never said to him before. "um.." He mumbled, not knowing what to say as the thing he said put him in a weird position.

Shrugging it off as just another thing he would have to get used to, if he was going to attend a supernatural school, Timothy retracted his hand, his fingers immediately going back to his hair. There were now three people here, four if he included himself, and he needed something to comfort him. He didn't even care if he looked childish right now.

Glancing up at the man through his thick, dark eyelashes, he decided that he wanted to know what he was going to say before they had been interrupted. So, without thinking much of it, he walked the last steps up to him, and after tucking his fingers into the sleeve if his hoodie, very gently tapped him in the back.
Amalia frowned. "I'm sorry, Cody."

She looked down. She hated that for him. It must be awful. Amalia only has urges around and on a full moon.

"I killed my mother days prior upon coming here. It was a full moon and I killed her. I left my father badly hurt."

Amalia looked over and seen Willow. She put on a smile and waved her over along with Cody.

@LonelyAssassin @Deadly Darkness
The boy Amalia was talking to waved over to.. her? She looked around, seeing if it could have been a mistake. Maybe he was waving to someone behind her. She did a full turn, not seeing anyone in her general vicinity. She bit her lip apprehensively before walking over towards the two. Amalia then turned and waved as well. She sat by Amalia, not too close though. She didn't want to invade her space. "Hi," She said quietly.
Nagisa grinned at Angel, looks like he was a bit too quick and had surprised Angel with his sudden compliment, "Sorry about that, I just like to...." Again Nagisa was interrupted and he turned around to the tap on the back, "Oh, Hello Vampire. I never caught your name before, better to call you that than Vampy" He hadn't learned his name yet, which he probably should've done. He let go of Angel's hand and took a step back, forming a triangle shape between the three.

Cody looked sadly at Amalia, "Oh.... I killed a few of my tribesman and... my sister. I also almost killed a friend who goes here, he's helped me a lot." Cody changed his face, it was probably best to change the topic of the conversation now that they had been joined by a third. "Hello! You look awesome and strong! Lets Arm Wrestle!!!" It was sudden, but he couldn't turn down the challenge, he had never been beaten before because everyone he had tried against was Human.

@Deadly Darkness @tellerortiz
LonelyAssassin said:
Nagisa grinned at Angel, looks like he was a bit too quick and had surprised Angel with his sudden compliment, "Sorry about that, I just like to...." Again Nagisa was interrupted and he turned around to the tap on the back, "Oh, Hello Vampire. I never caught your name before, better to call you that than Vampy" He hadn't learned his name yet, which he probably should've done. He let go of Angel's hand and took a step back, forming a triangle shape between the three.
He watched silently as the vampire tapped Nagisa on the shoulder. He would have mentioned the negativity he felt earlier but decided not to.
"You never got to tell me what you are." Timothy informed him, staring up at him curiously. Right now, he was in possession of information that the vampire wanted, and if he could distract himself hard enough with that, he might be able to ignore the growing anxiety rising up in his chest. The vampire began clenching and unclenching his unoccupied hand in as the mans question registered and he shook his head, making his white locks bounce around his head.

"I'm Timothy Papillon."
"I'm glad someone helps you," Amalia nodded, "and if I can in any way, let me know."

Cody had a sudden change in mood. He was now energetic and happy. She giggled, but stopped and watched him.

"Hey Willow." Amalia waved to her and smiled.

@LonelyAssassin @Deadly Darkness
"Ah yes, of course. I'm a type of Demon..." He then looks towards Angel and winks, "I'm an Incubus." He turned his attention quickly back to Timothy and grinned, "Pleasure to meet you Timothy, call me Nagisa."

@Cryobionic @Darkwolf1344
She let out an abrupt laugh. "Really? You want to arm wrestle?" She waved a hand. "Not saying that you won't beat me. I'm just surprised." Willow rested her elbow on the table. From her finger tips to her elbow was a little more than two feet. She looked down at the boy with a kind smile. "If you want to I'd be more than happy to."

Wanted to calculate her arm length so had to do a body to arm ratio calculation xP I love being a nerd)
He would most certainly not be calling him that, Timothy thought as a frown made it's way onto his face, not in front of him, anyway. That name would be murder to pronounce, he knew and he could tell without trying that he would be ridiculed for it too.

"I don't know what an Incubus is," He began hesitantly, looking away from the man with the hard-to-pronounce-name, his cheeks once again beginning to redden, "But I'll be sure to read up on them."
Cody nodded at Amalia with a smile and then grinned at Willow, "Lets do this!" He was slightly surprised by how big her arm was up close, but he simply rolled up his sleeve and clasped her hand, he lowered the angle of her arm so that he could touch the table with his elbow. "Amalia! count us down!"

@Deadly Darkness @tellerortiz
He watched and tilted his head. Nagisa didn't really give off the vibe of a demon though he never met an incubus or succubus before. "Never thought I'd meet an Incubus in my lifetime" He murmured quietly, not knowing if the two heard him.

Nagisa grinned at Timothy, "Or I could just tell you?" Though it would be a bit strange to tell someone who looked like a kid what an Incubus was, though he did say he was 112 afterall, "I'm a Sex Demon. Basically." He then heard Angel's murmur, and turned to him, "It's an honour to be your first, especially for a cutie like you."

@Cryobionic @Darkwolf1344
LonelyAssassin said:
Nagisa grinned at Timothy, "Or I could just tell you?" Though it would be a bit strange to tell someone who looked like a kid what an Incubus was, though he did say he was 112 afterall, "I'm a Sex Demon. Basically." He then heard Angel's murmur, and turned to him, "It's an honour to be your first, especially for a cutie like you."
@Cryobionic @Darkwolf1344
He looked at him and pursed his lips. "I wonder if age would bother you..." He narrowed his eyes before he crossed his legs and started to fiddle with his necklace.
"So, you have a lot of children." Timothy deadpanned, trying to understand while looking at him, his eyes following his every movement. This was much more interesting than math, "That must be hard, taking care of them all."

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