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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Arabella ran up to her dorm room. This school is weird as hell. she thought. Distracted by her thoughts, she crashed face-first into her dorm room door. "Ouch" she muttered.
"Haha, no I don't have any children, we can choose whether or not we want to conceive." Nagisa then looked down at Angel, slightly surprised by what he said, but his grin never left his face, "Is that an offer my dear Angel? I don't mind skipping my next class." His grin became more wicked.

@Cryobionic @Darkwolf1344
Arabella shook her head, trying to shake off the pain, and realized that in all the time she'd been at the school, she STILL didn't know where the classrooms were. "Aw, shit.," she mumbled, just realizing that she hadn't been attending class, either. Now it would be even HARDER to fit in..
LonelyAssassin said:
"Haha, no I don't have any children, we can choose whether or not we want to conceive." Nagisa then looked down at Angel, slightly surprised by what he said, but his grin never left his face, "Is that an offer my dear Angel? I don't mind skipping my next class." His grin became more wicked.
@Cryobionic @Darkwolf1344
He blinked before he couldn't help but start giggling. "I'm a mummy compared to you and I might be a Dark Angel but I'm keeping myself pure until an Angel blade kills me" He said, still somewhat adorably giggling.
Deciding that this conversation was one he didn't need to be a part off, Timothy turned and began walking away. He was hungry anyway, he had neglected his need to feed for a little too long, his new environment really messing up his schedule. And, he remembered, he needed to stop by that old bridge and salvage what was left of his belongings, if they hadn't been stolen yet, that was. It wasn't much, really, just two old books and a blanket from home, and the blanket couldn't really be called so anymore. It was a grayed, time worn, torn up piece of cloth now, but he wanted it back.

Remembering suddenly that it was considered rude to just leave a conversation, he turned back slightly, lifting his hand in an awkward little wave. "Bye Nagisa." He called, before realizing that he had completely gone against his own decision not to say the mans name out loud, and in the process completely butchered it. Feeling his face flush completely red this time, he quickly pulled his hood over his head to conceal it, before beginning to speed walk away from the embarrassing situation.
She decided to go outside and get fresh air before she collapsed from stress. Humming softly to herself, she ran to the main building and out the doors, into fresh air.

Arabella pulled out her iPod and plugged the buds into her ears, music filling her brain and she smiled. The darkness swirling around her turned to light, and it swirled all over the place without her realizing it.
Nagisa crouched down to get face to face with Angel, "You want to die a Virgin?" The Incubus poked his chest and bit his lip gently, "Being pure is overrated." He could feel his own urges stirring, it had been a while since his last time and so wouldn't want to let go of an opportunity like this. Suddenly he heard his name being called, well it sounded like his name, he turned his head and saw Timothy quickly walking away and waved, "Uh... Bye Timothy!"

@Darkwolf1344 @Cryobionic
She walked around, and saw the guy who had been talking to the small boy earlier, crouching down by a purple haired boy. She stood perfectly still and watched, the light surrounding her turning to darkness. She pulled the earbuds from her ears, needing to focus. She heard something about being pure, and confusion filled her. I wonder what's going on over there.. she thought, and the darkness around her swirled outward. She quickly reigned it back it, for she didn't want to be noticed.
LonelyAssassin said:
Nagisa crouched down to get face to face with Angel, "You want to die a Virgin?" The Incubus poked his chest and bit his lip gently, "Being pure is overrated." He could feel his own urges stirring, it had been a while since his last time and so wouldn't want to let go of an opportunity like this. Suddenly he heard his name being called, well it sounded like his name, he turned his head and saw Timothy quickly walking away and waved, "Uh... Bye Timothy!"

i was giggling so hard a moment ago
xD ))
She grinned, looking at the boy. She locked her muscles keeping his hand at the center. He was stronger than his appearance let on, but she expected that. She kept a tight grip on his hand, trying to keep their hands centered. She then began trying to push his hand back, a task easier said than done.

Nagisa pouted, "Not with me around you won't... And well it could always be more than one night, we could make it a regular thing." He gently placed his hands on Angel's chest and his face hovered extremely close to his, an inch or so of room between his lips and the purple haired boys cheek. "You could always call It an 'Angel Blade' when it pierces you." He whispered into the Dark Angel's ear, not holding back his advances at all now.

(XDDDDDDD @Darkwolf1344 )
Arabella decided, Aw, what the hell, might as well go and say hi if I'm planning on getting to know anybody at this freaky school. She took a deep breath, crammed her iPod in her pocket, and walked over to them. "Hello," she said softly, her nerves getting the best of her, she shifted from foot to foot as she stared down at the ground nervously.


Amalia smiled. She patted Cody on the back. "Better luck next time."

She gave Willow a high five to congratulate her. "To be honest, I didn't think you were that strong. Man, I'll never underestimate you again."

@LonelyAssassin @Deadly Darkness
Kohart plopped onto the grass face-first, grumbling about that girl from his earlier class. He shifted his position so that he wasn't bending weirdly from how he previously sat and propped his chin up on folded lanky arms. It was weird for him to skip class like this, but he didn't think he could deal with being in there any longer. Hart blew at the blades of grass afore him, watching them sway in the gentle breeze as it brushed past and interrupted the path of his breath. it wasn't long before he began to fall asleep like this, the blanket of warm from the sun being the only cover he needed. unknowingly, a few flowers began to bloom out around him and spread out into the rest of the patch of grass, almost covering him completely as he drifted off; a natural camouflage to those such as he.
She let out a soft giggle. "Whatever you say. And thanks, you're strong too." She moved her hands to the braid at the side of your face. "So what's your name?" She asked as she undid the first braid, then moving to the second one. The hair waved down behind her ear, resting against her neck. She then began braiding them again. She looked to Amalia with a smile. "Don't worry about it. I had to be strong. Back at my tribe we didn't have machines to do things for us, so everything was manual labor based."
Timothy was happy there was nobody around.

Putting the hood over his head had turned out to be a good idea, as when he pushed open the large, wooden doors of the Academy and stepped outside, he had immidiatly shoved both his hands in his pockets and jumped inside. The sun was shining brightly, and unrelentingly.

As the vampire glared at it's enemy, something that looked quite silly considering he couldn't actually glare at it, he pushed the doors closed and sighed in relief before sliding down against the cold, wooden surface, landing on the floor with a soft thump. Timothy pulled his hands out of his pockets and examined them. One of them was covered in blood, which puzzled him until he remembered the incident in the biology class, to which his mood immediately darkened somewhat. His other hand looked fine, if a little scorched.

The small immortal stretched his short legs out on the tiled floor, scowling outright now, a pout making it's way onto his face whether he wanted it to or not. This wasn't fair at all. First the wasted time in the math class, his thumb getting mutilated in biology and now this? He might be one hundred and twelve years old, but he was bitten at nine, and sometimes that showed.

With nobody close to him, the entrance lady even gone, a sign on her desk reading that she had gone for lunch, Timothy allowed his face to show all the rage of a displeased, hungry child.
His cheeks slowly turned red under the marks on his face. "I'm more of a relationship person, I believe but then again not because everyone around me tends to die" He murmured before he suddenly grabbed Nagisa's wrist of the hand on his chest and spun it around Nagisa, causing him to spin before gently tugging and making him fall back-up on the floor, getting up and leaning against the wall in amusement. He did a little hair flip because of his long, purple fringe being in his face.


(it doesn't help i'm a huge fan of yaoi and the like x'D dammet! this'll be the death of me XDD)
Cody grinned, "Thank you too! My name is Cody Shrendal!" He then watched the little talk between the two who seemed to already know each other, that's probably why she was heading towards us earlier. He then heard something that interested him, "Whaaa!? You're from a tribe too! That's awesome, so am I!"

@tellerortiz @Deadly Darkness
Nagisa was about to reply, then he was spun and tipped onto the floor, he looked up at Angel with a pout. He then heard a hi from what sounded like a females voice and sat up, looking in her direction with a grin, "Hi there!"

(I will Break you :| ) @Rose Baker

@Rose Baker Nhuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Her attention redirected to Cody. "That's awesome," She smiled. "Where abouts is your tribe located? And my name is Willow Vun'Sora." She sat up a little, but found she was now looking down at him. She slowly arched her back into a comfortable position. Slouching was a normal thing for trolls to do. She crossed her arms on the table, resting forward on them.
LonelyAssassin said:
Nagisa was about to reply, then he was spun and tipped onto the floor, he looked up at Angel with a pout. He then heard a hi from what sounded like a females voice and sat up, looking in her direction with a grin, "Hi there!"
(I will Break you :| ) @Rose Baker

@Rose Baker Nhuuuuuuuuuuuuu
He watched before glancing up at a girl and tilted his head. He said nothing though.

oh god ;o; @LonelyAssassin )) @Rose Baker
[QUOTE="Deadly Darkness]Her attention redirected to Cody. "That's awesome," She smiled. "Where abouts is your tribe located? And my name is Willow Vun'Sora." She sat up a little, but found she was now looking down at him. She slowly arched her back into a comfortable position. Slouching was a normal thing for trolls to do. She crossed her arms on the table, resting forward on them.

"Willow, that's a nice name!" Cody then tilted his head, he didn't really know much about geography and only really knew directions through the pictures on a map, not the words, "The Tribe is called the Lycandel tribe, but I only know that it is south from here, over the sea. You?"

Darkwolf1344 said:
He watched before glancing up at a girl and tilted his head. He said nothing though.
oh god ;o; @LonelyAssassin )) @Rose Baker
Nagisa stood up and turned to face Angel, stepping so that he was closer to him, his nose almost pressed again his, "Hmmm, you started this, and I will finish it" His eyes narrowed and then he cupped the Angels chin. "I don't give up so easily."

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