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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Seeing as his hard work was now ruined, Timothy considered asking the teacher for another piglet, but, after a quick glance at the wall clock, came to the conclusion that even if he was granted another animal, he wouldn't have the time to properly finish it anyway. And then it would either go rotten, or get thrown out. And Timothy hated not being able to finish something.

Sighing, put his scalpel down next to the pig, grabbed the tray and stood up, ignoring the sharp pain shooting up his thumb. Walking up to the front of the room and lifting the tray up, he presented the teacher with his half dissected, half mutilated work. The teacher did not look amused at having a dead pig stuffed under his nose, and glared down at the vampire.

"I ruined my work." Timothy told him bluntly, staring up at him, "And I don't have time for another try. May I go?"

Sighing, the teacher put a hand on the tray, forcing him to lower it. Giving the vampire a pointed look, he finally pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Terrifying students, perverted half dead girls, snot nosed children..." He muttered under his breath, making Timothy frown. Looking up again, he nodded sharply, "Very well, you may leave, but I'll be writing this down in your file."

The vampire handed the teacher the tray, ignoring his spluttered protests as he walked out of the room, his hands clenched, making a little of his blood drip down to the floor. He didn't really much care of the teacher wrote down that he burned the school to a crisp. Actually, he didn't care if the teacher broke his stupid arms while writing down something that wasn't his fault! Timothy was officially, and undeniably sick of going to school. And it was only his first day.
Nagisa has recently finished his Monster's Ed Class, it was really just an introduction from the teacher so he had let them go early when he was done. He was walking through the block which happened to be near science, he might spot Kohart in class and then could pull funny faces at him through the window or something. But instead he saw a Vampire walk out of class, clearly annoyed. It was the kid vamp that walked out of Maths earlier, Nagisa wondered if he was okay,

"Hey? Bored of another class?" He tried to make a joke, hopefully he had some sense of humour even when annoyed @Cryobionic
Arabella walked up the school, and was immediately hit by a wall of nervousness. God, I'm so late, she thought, face paling as she looked around at the school. She then tuned out everything around her except the doors as she walked through them.
He blinked and managed a little smile. "Hopefully there are books I didn't read before....." He said, trailing off and looking away with a sort of emotional look on his face. He could sense a lot of negativity from someone in the school. "I'll.. uhm.. I'll be right back" He said before he wandered off on his tiptoes like he always walked. He made his way towards the negativity. After finding his way around to it and stopped after seeing a two white haired boys, one seemingly a child but his aura told he was much older. He blinked and really hoped the two snowy haired boys did not spot him as fast as he spotted them.

@LonelyAssassin @tellerortiz @Cryobionic
Timothy jumped and turned to face the man who had just spoke. It didn't feel right calling him a teen, the vampire decided as he craned his neck to look at him. Blinking he realized that he had seen him before, in math. Suddenly realizing that the man had asked a question, and he had spent too much time staring at this person to notice, his cheeks pinked a little and he looked away. Stupid.

"No, I got permission this time." He told him softly, resisting the urge to pout as he thought about the class. Stupid teacher.

She got her dorm room key from the lady at the front desk, and headed up to her dorm room. She opened the door, and looked around. Sighing, she plopped her baggage down on the bed, and slung her backpack over her shoulder. Guess I better try to find my first class... she thought, and she instantly became nervous again.
Willow watched as Timothy left the class. She could smell the distinct irony scent of the blood that dripped from his finger to the tile floor. A frown pulled at her lips. She looked back to her almost fully dissected pig. She held the scalpel and quickly finished removing the organs. She walked up to the front, setting the tray in front of the teacher. The teacher looked up at her with a tired expression. He then pointed to the door. "You can go."

She thanked him before heading out. She spotted Timothy, but he wasn't alone. The white haired boy from math was talking to him. She bit her lip, contemplating what to do. "Well he has someone to talk to, so there's no point for me to get involved." She mumbled. Willow turned and walked in the opposite direction, hoping she hadn't been noticed.
"Oh?" Nagisa tilted his head noticing the slight pink on the kids face, "You don't have the demeanour of a child. Sorry to be blunt." Nagisa grinned, though truthfully he wanted to know what he was. He wanted to know who everyone was. "Maybe a Dwarf?" He teased, he knew very well that he wasn't a dwarf.
Arabella left her dorm room, shutting the door behind her. She put her key in the pocket of her hoodie, and started to where she knew there would be classes.
"Most dwarves have beards," Timothy told him, his big eyes staring at the man unblinking, "I read that in a book. Even some of the women have them." A small hand reached up and began twirling a strand of white hair around it's fingers, but unbeknownst to the owner, it was beginning to coat his hair in a layer of red.

"I don't have a beard," He continued softly, his voice still keeping that same monotone demeanor, but he was a little intrigued now. He didn't really know why, but talking to this man had made his dark emotions about the biology class begin to fade, "But I have fangs, so I'm a vampire."
"Oooh a Vampire?" Nagisa's eyes lit up, which seemed impossible because of how bright they were already. They soon narrowed as he grinned at the little boy, "So you're immortal, you're probably a lot older than you look right?"
Angel took a step back and at the same time decided to turn but fell. "Fuck!" He hissed, he didn't land right with his left hand which caused it to twist weirdly, spraining. He sat up and looked at his wrist as it started to turn lightly red.

( @LonelyAssassin those two could hear him easily)
She walked through the hallway, and saw a tall guy and a white-haired boy talking. She ducked behind a corner, watching them silently. She prayed that they didn't notice her, because she didn't want to be know as 'That-Girl-Who-Spied-On-People-On-Her-First-Day-Here'. I wonder what they're speaking about, she thought. She didn't notice, but dark swirls were emanating from her body, spreading out in the direction of the two boys.
tellerortiz said:
Amalia looked at Angel. "Oh my god, are you okay?"
She helped him to his feet and inspected his hand. "You may want to go to the nurse. I can take you there."

he's not in the cafeteria any more, he's like, somewhere in the main building, not there though xD )
She didn't know where she was headed, but her legs seemed to be leading her to her dorm. She didn't really care at the moment. She just wanted to find some form of distraction, but knowing that most likely wouldn't be happening she decided sitting in her room in silence was the next best thing. She continued down the hall, seeing new faces on the way. She eventually reached her door. She pulled out the metal key from her pocket, inserted it into the lock, and pulled open the door. She scanned over the blank room. Letting out a long sigh, she walked into the room, closing the door behind her.
Nodding, Timothy surprised himself and gave the man one of his rare, secretive smiles. "I lost count at one hundred and twelve." That wasn't true, of course, but he wasn't about to showcase his freakiness to a person he had just met. The truth of the matter was that he remembered every year, month, day and second of his immortal existence. It was quite tiresome.

Then, pursing his lips and frowning slightly, he tilted his head to the side, staring at him blankly once more. "You're not human either." He informed him bluntly, blinking slowly, "You don't smell it. What are you?"
Arabella finally noticed the dark swirls, and she concentrated; they faded away. Satisfied, she tried to go forward to make it look like she was normally walking to a class or something, and naturally tripped, landing with a loud thump! on the floor. The dark swirls starting emanating from her again, and she cursed under her breath.
Arabella got up quickly, not even caring anymore that the area of the floor she fell on had turned pitch black, and ran off, streaming profanities. Dammit.. This place is so huge.. She found herself by a door. She peeked in the windows quizzically, and saw cafeteria. She walked through the doors.
Cryobionic said:
Nodding, Timothy surprised himself and gave the man one of his rare, secretive smiles. "I lost count at one hundred and twelve." That wasn't true, of course, but he wasn't about to showcase his freakiness to a person he had just met. The truth of the matter was that he remembered every year, month, day and second of his immortal existence. It was quite tiresome.
Then, pursing his lips and frowning slightly, he tilted his head to the side, staring at him blankly once more. "You're not human either." He informed him bluntly, blinking slowly, "You don't smell it. What are you?"
Nagisa shrugged, "112? You don't look a day over 10" He says in a playful voice. "I'm a type of De.." Nagisa was interrupted by the cursing coming from a direction, which made him look in the direction of a purple haired boy. He called out to him, "Are you all right?" He didn't want to leave Timothy so quickly unless of course it was serious.

@LonelyAssassin @tellerortiz

Cody watched Angel leave and waves happily then looks at Amalia totally oblivious of what was the matter with his Roomie. "I guess it's just you and me!"

Turning in the direction of the noise, the vampire focused his large eyes on the fallen boy. He also thought he saw something scurry off in the corner of his eyes, but right now he was more concerned with the red faced youth on the floor. Taking a few unsure steps forward, he halted. If he walked over there, it would mean he would have to offer to help him up, to help him up would bean to touch him.

Timothy didn't want to touch anyone.

So, taking a page out of his new acquaintance's book, he called out, his voice barely any louder than normal, "You fell. Are you hurt?"
LonelyAssassin said:
Nagisa shrugged, "112? You don't look a day over 10" He says in a playful voice. "I'm a type of De.." Nagisa was interrupted by the cursing coming from a direction, which made him look in the direction of a purple haired boy. He called out to him, "Are you all right?" He didn't want to leave Timothy so quickly unless of course it was serious.
Arabella realize she didn't want to be there, so she ran back out and came, once again, to the area where she had watched the boys talking. She saw the small boy, who appeared quite young, calling out to a boy who was on the floor. The dark swirls circling around her threatened to spread out, and she quickly reigned them in as she stood there, watching the exchange.
Amalia nodded. "Yes, I guess it is." She smiled.

She awkwardly looked around. She was bad at talking to people she didn't really know.


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