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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Amalia laughed at Cody getting hit with the stick. It almost hit her, but she ducked before it could.

"Wow, someone's grumpy."

@Risk @LonelyAssassin
Cody was gently hit with the stick and backed away, standing up, seems like the kid was just sleeping afterall. How lazy! "Hey be careful where you sleep, people might step on you!" He grinned and walked around Kohart, kneeling down and looking at his face, "You should sleep in your Dorm!"


Darkwolf1344 said:
He bit his lip, looking at the other's eyes and face. "maybe.. or just not completely.." He whispered, letting his lips featherly brush against Nagisa's before he ducked down a little and slid under his arm, being rather squirmy always found him a way out. He started to slowly back away, grinning a little.
Nagisa almost cursed, his urges were killing him right about now, humans had the same kind of urges except when it came to sex the Incubus' was a lot worse, almost like withdrawals. He turned to face Angel and let out a smile, however still remained grinning. "Angel, if you're gonna run again, I'm gonna cheat."
Hearing Cody's suggestion she remembered her situation last night; her legs well and truly over the edge and her head resting against the wall. She rubbed at her neck, the soreness still fresh in her mind. She wondered what it would be like if she slept outside or on the ground in her dorm.
LonelyAssassin said:
Nagisa almost cursed, his urges were killing him right about now, humans had the same kind of urges except when it came to sex the Incubus' was a lot worse, almost like withdrawals. He turned to face Angel and let out a smile, however still remained grinning. "Angel, if you're gonna run again, I'm gonna cheat."
He tilted his head, biting his lip. "I could do that as well, Nagisa" He said, his voice near enough a subconscious purr. "I'm a relationship person, I won't be THAT easy... even if you do look good" He admitted before he started backing away more, sticking the tip of his tongue out teasingly.

Nyx was coiled up in her room with a book at hand about the different types of skeletal structure in different creatures. She may look girly but she loved reading anything with Gore, bones and flesh in it. Dissection was one of her biggest interests, just the thought of being able to see a body on the outside and inside simultaneously excited her. She had her hair back in a loose wavy ponytail as she slowly chewed on beef jerky with her nose in the book.

For a moment she glanced outside then sighed. She would like to roam a bit, but it was always lonely wandering alone. Then again she was used to be alone so why would it matter?​
Darkwolf1344 said:
He tilted his head, biting his lip. "I could do that as well, Nagisa" He said, his voice near enough a subconscious purr. "I'm a relationship person, I won't be THAT easy... even if you do look good" He admitted before he started backing away more, sticking the tip of his tongue out teasingly.
He complimented the Incubus' looks, this made the Incubus happier and he just wanted to grab him and take him right here. But that would be a bit too much for the first day. "Oh Angel, we can have a relationship, a very close relationship. You ever heard of the term 'Fuck buddies' ?" he then advanced quickly, shooting forward swiftly to grab the purple haired boy's wrist, to pull him quickly towards Nagisa where his free hand would wrap around Angel's waist. Nagisa slightly tilts him back, looking over him like they had just gotten into a dancing position.
Kohart glanced at all of them, peering at the guy who moved around a lot,"I can't get sun in my dorm room." He huffed, closing his eyes for a moment as the flowers' petals curled up, as if reverting into buds. Hart rolled himself over so he could see them all correctly after opening his eyes," I thought classes were still going."
Cody nods, "But I'm starting my classes tomorrow!" He said with a sheepish grin, looking down at Kohart, "What about you? Are you starting tomorrow too!?"
LonelyAssassin said:
He complimented the Incubus' looks, this made the Incubus happier and he just wanted to grab him and take him right here. But that would be a bit too much for the first day. "Oh Angel, we can have a relationship, a very close relationship. You ever heard of the term 'Fuck buddies' ?" he then advanced quickly, shooting forward swiftly to grab the purple haired boy's wrist, to pull him quickly towards Nagisa where his free hand would wrap around Angel's waist. Nagisa slightly tilts him back, looking over him like they had just gotten into a dancing position.
"I don't mean f-friends with benefits, I mean a relation ship like a boyfriend thing" He said, hoping his voice didn't go squeaky as he was pulled and leaned and what not. His cheeks were close to being cherry red by now.
Nagisa shook his head, "You've lived for 1000 odd years and you're still looking for just a boyfriend relationship, You sure are naive. Don't you want something more exciting?" He couldn't hold himself back much longer, Angel's skin was right there waiting to be touched and he wanted to do so... so bad. @Darkwolf1344
"My schedule is splint into morning classes and afternoon classes. I get two and half hours for lunch and such before going to my last few classes." She admitted, shrugging. She liked the way things were broken up; it meant she didn't have to sit through all her classes like a normal school. Her stomach growled softly. She then remembered she hadn't eaten. She decided before heading to her next class she would get some food.
Amalia just stood and listened as she looked around. She listened just in case she was brought into the conversation.

@LonelyAssassin @Risk
LonelyAssassin said:
Nagisa shook his head, "You've lived for 1000 odd years and you're still looking for just a boyfriend relationship, You sure are naive. Don't you want something more exciting?" He couldn't hold himself back much longer, Angel's skin was right there waiting to be touched and he wanted to do so... so bad. @Darkwolf1344
"Not really" He murmured. He didn't really have the drive of a human so he never had the need for physical contact more than a hug or something. Everything happening right now was completely new and it made his slightly agitated. "Doing it is like a basic need for you, ain't it?" He murmured, tilting his head, lips barely moving.
Kohart rubbed his eyes and shook his head,"No, I'm skipping." He was very blunt, glancing at the talkative one before looking to the girl as she explained her schedule. "I had to leave class because of an issue," issue was the perfect word for that zombie girl to him. He tried not to shutter just thinking about the cold body sitting on him again. So cold.
"I know, I was in that class." She said softly. "That would've probably upset me too." She looked up at the sky, raising her hand to her forehead to shield off the sun. "It's a nice day out." She said, changing the subject.
Darkwolf1344 said:
"Not really" He murmured. He didn't really have the drive of a human so he never had the need for physical contact more than a hug or something. Everything happening right now was completely new and it made his slightly agitated. "Doing it is like a basic need for you, ain't it?" He murmured, tilting his head, lips barely moving.
Nagisa let out a sigh and his smile faded as he spoke, "Yeah, for an Incubus it is." He kept a hold of Angel still on the same position, he was, "You're beautifully tempting, you will always be a target for me as long as you're in this Academy. This is my warning." Nagisa wasn't kidding, though he didn't mean it in a malicious way.

Nyx sighed and finally decided that an afternoon stroll would be good for her. She closed her book and set it down on her nightstand. When she pulled open a drawer she dug out a red dress that went a few inches past the part where skin met scales. It was a tank top style and helped keep her cool. She left her ponytail in then, grabbing her book, headed out her door and for the schools garden.

She was thankful the halls were almost barren, making it easy for her to move around without having to worry for her tail. Going around corners was especially stressful, her tail would rub against corners and it would make people stare because it took so long do her full length to finish a corner.​
LonelyAssassin said:
Nagisa let out a sigh and his smile faded as he spoke, "Yeah, for an Incubus it is." He kept a hold of Angel still on the same position, he was, "You're beautifully tempting, you will always be a target for me as long as you're in this Academy. This is my warning." Nagisa wasn't kidding, though he didn't mean it in a malicious way.
He looked up at the boy, face calm though still flushed. "Maybe some day" He whispered. "No promises though" He said, trying a slight smile but failed epically.
Cody sniffed the air, a familiar scent hit him just now and he tilted his head, he let Willow and the Flower boy talk to one another as he tried to figure it out. Then he smelled that it was coming from the boy... he knew that scent. He tapped Kohart on the shoulder, "Have you met a boy called Nagisa before?"


Darkwolf1344 said:
He looked up at the boy, face calm though still flushed. "Maybe some day" He whispered. "No promises though" He said, trying a slight smile but failed epically.
Nagisa leaned in and kissed Angel on the lips after he finished speaking, letting go of his wrist and embracing him in a hug as he kissed him. Though he didn't pursue further and stopped, glanced into the angel's eyes and then let go of him, so that he stood on his own. Nagisa spun around and walked off with his hands in his pockets, yes he was sulking, but he'd get over it.
"Yes, it's very nice indeed," Kohart said, looking up to the sky,"sort of peaceful." He glanced at the boy when he was tapped and raised a brow,"Yes, he is a friend of mine.." The only one, actually, "...Why do you ask?"
Amalia walked off into the woods. She was hoping to shift, but didn't just in case Willow or Cody followed her. She would hate for them to see her naked and shifting.

She picked a flower. It was purple and gorgeous. She smelled it.
LonelyAssassin said:
Nagisa leaned in and kissed Angel on the lips after he finished speaking, letting go of his wrist and embracing him in a hug as he kissed him. Though he didn't pursue further and stopped, glanced into the angel's eyes and then let go of him, so that he stood on his own. Nagisa spun around and walked off with his hands in his pockets, yes he was sulking, but he'd get over it.
Angel was dazed slightly from the kiss and just watched him walk away, feeling like his brain was numbed. He shook his head softly and licked his lips for a moment before going in the other direction; towards his and Cody's room but stopped. 'Nagisa, I'm roommates with a lycan you know, Cody. I can tell you when he's at the dorm if you want to talk to him or something' He said telepathically to the other boy before walking out of range of that sort of thing.
Cody grinned widely, "He is my friend too! Can you take me to him!?" Cody was jittery again, excited that he had a lead on Nagisa.


Darkwolf1344 said:
Angel was dazed slightly from the kiss and just watched him walk away, feeling like his brain was numbed. He shook his head softly and licked his lips for a moment before going in the other direction; towards his and Cody's room but stopped. 'Nagisa, I'm roommates with a lycan you know, Cody. I can tell you when he's at the dorm if you want to talk to him or something' He said telepathically to the other boy before walking out of range of that sort of thing.
Nagisa perks up and spins around, "Cody? Cody's here?" He runs back towards Angel and tackles him to the floor, "Take me to your Dorm right now!"
He cried out when he was tackled before he managed to wriggle around to be belly-up, looking at the boy on top of him. "I don't think he's at the dorm.. wait a moment.." He said before his eyes softly glazed over. 'Cody? It's Angel, can you track me down, I'm in the main building with Nagisa..' He said telepathically to Cody.
She nodded in agreement with the purple haired boy's comment. She looked at Cody curiously. Nagisa? Was that the boy with white hair who was talking to Timothy? She shrugged, supposing it wasn't too terribly important. She looked over to Amalia who was walking into the forest. She jogged over to her, quick to catch up. "Hey, where you going?"

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