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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Darkwolf1344 said:
Angel suddenly jumped, accidentally throwing his laptop before it froze in the air and floated up while he looked at Cody. "Jeez, Cody you gotta stop sneaking on people..." He whispered, pursing his lips in amusement. He had one headphone off his ear so he could hear the other. @LonelyAssassin
Cody sat back on the bed and grinned, "Sorry Angel!" He nervously tapped the tips of his index fingers together.

"These Symbols need updating, it's a good thing I found you today, it's a full moon tonight Cody." This news made Cody freeze with fear, he wasn't prepared for a full moon night this early, it was probably why his timetable was empty for today as well. "I'm gonna have to stay with Cody for tonight so I can configure the symbols. You mind if I stay on Cody's Bed Angel?"

She was glad when willow decided to join her, glad to have someone to talk to other than herself.

"Well. .lots of kinds really and like I mentioned earlier with my love of carnivorous plants? They have thosr as well and I just love them."

Her red eyes lit up with excitement as she saw the green room come into view. It was a large dome shaped building with vines and butterflies cacooning it.

"They even have some cross pollen breeds of plants. That's something I've always wanted to try. Maybe make my own breed of plant, though I'm unsure how to go about it quite yet "​
LonelyAssassin said:
Cody sat back on the bed and grinned, "Sorry Angel!" He nervously tapped the tips of his index fingers together.
"These Symbols need updating, it's a good thing I found you today, it's a full moon tonight Cody." This news made Cody freeze with fear, he wasn't prepared for a full moon night this early, it was probably why his timetable was empty for today as well. "I'm gonna have to stay with Cody for tonight so I can configure the symbols. You mind if I stay on Cody's Bed Angel?"
He glanced at Nagisa. "Why would be bothered by it?" He asked calmly while he indicated to Cody and then to his computer and that he could use it for a little bit. He unplugged the headphones in case he tapped on some music he had up now.

Felix stopped in his tracks when he almost ran head on into a Fox girl. Even with her ears perked he still had a good couple of feet of height on her. He had yet to get over the euphoric feeling of the dream eating and still pumped out more negative energy than he preffered when meeting people.

"Uh..sorry about that"

His resolved was still unchanged as he looked at the girl below him.​

Amalia feared the full moon. It was tonight. She couldn't go to her dorm. She was always in agonizing pain. She didn't want to keep her classmates up with her screaming.

She ran back to her clothes. She transformed back into a human and quickly dressed. Grabbing her backpack, she put it on and walked back into the school.

She wiped the blood off of her face and picked the leaves out of her hair.

"Damn it!" She cursed as she walked to her room.
"Good, sorry your first night won't be very calm at all." Nagisa drew on the cage with his finger, Cody unfroze and looked at the laptop, he pressed the screen instead of the mouse pad like an idiot and looked at Angel when nothing happened with a puzzled look.
She nodded listening Nyx talk about her love for plants. She wished she had a hobby or love for something like did. "Carnivorous plants are awesome. Back in Brazil my friend and I used to watch the different types of pitcher plants lure in bugs." She smiled as the memories flooded her mind. She soon snapped out of it, looking at the green house ahead. She looked to Nyx who was now on the subject of cross breading plants. "Huh, that's sounds interesting. Let me know if you ever figure it out. I'd love to see it."
He smiled. "You use to move the little arrow on the screen and tap to click on this, use the keys to ty--..." He stopped, looking in the direction of which he could feel a large amount of negative energy practically flowing from. "I-I gotta go.. I'll be back in a little.." He whispered, getting up as the laptop was now in Cody's lap before he walked out of the door and wandered to where he saw a black haired boy and a fox girl. His eyes focused on the boy from whom he could feel the energy coming from.

Cody blinked a couple of times, something similar to this happened earlier which Angel didn't talk about. Cody took the laptop anyway and had a play with it. Nagisa was still working on the cage.

Nyx was curious about what kind of place willow came from and made a mental note to learn more about it later on.

"Well maybe you can help me figure it out sometime! I'd love to have a hand in it."

She smiled and opened the door to the green room, letting willow walk in first if she liked.

"That it's if your interested in dOing so. .I know not a lot of people share my love for things like this"


Felix arched his brow as she blushed and looked away.

"Well, alright then if you say so"

He side stepped for her so he wasn't in the way anymore and gave her a quick wicked looking grin though to him he felt he was trying to be polite. When he heard more footsteps he looked up and his senses heightened. His eyes locked on a boy with purple hair and this time his grin really was wicked. The first thing that came to mind was wondering what he dreamed of and how he would like to turn those dreams into a never ending fear fest. But then he mentally slapped himself, cursing his thOughts as he rubbed the back of his neck. The silver hoops and studs in his ears moving gently.​

@Deadly Darkness @Darkwolf1344 @SkyDust101
Amalia sat on her bed and cried. She didn't know what to do. She didn't want to kill anyone. She hated this. She wished her mother was still here. She would guide her, tell her what to do.
[QUOTE="The Darkling]Felix arched his brow as she blushed and looked away.
"Well, alright then if you say so"

He side stepped for her so he wasn't in the way anymore and gave her a quick wicked looking grin though to him he felt he was trying to be polite. When he heard more footsteps he looked up and his senses heightened. His eyes locked on a boy with purple hair and this time his grin really was wicked. The first thing that came to mind was wondering what he dreamed of and how he would like to turn those dreams into a never ending fear fest. But then he mentally slapped himself, cursing his thOughts as he rubbed the back of his neck. The silver hoops and studs in his ears moving gently.

He tilted his head a little, his cross earring dangling from his ear while he brushed his fringe from his mouth and nose with his slim fingers. The wicked grin on the boy's face didn't bother him, just made him wonder what the boy was as the amount of negativity oozing from him was far greater than anything he felt before that he could remember.
Cloud stood there not sure what to say so she looked down at the ground and spoke. "....um my name is Cloud Amaya and you are" cloud's tail swayed around nervously behide her.

@The Darkling
Amalia came to the conclusion that she would handcuff herself to her bed. She dug around in her backpack and found a set.

She needed Willow. Amalia got to her feet and went to find her. Once she did, she tapped her shoulder.

"Willow, can I ask you for a small favor?" She asked.

@Deadly Darkness

Felix had trouble breaking his gaze from Angel but he didn't like to be rude either. So he glanced back at the girl with the smile still on his face.

"Felix, pleasure to meet you miss"

He took another glance at Angel and knew he coukd sense something wrong about him. He growled quietly. He wasn't sure how he was taking it in but it made him curious. That and he was cute do he was made even more interested. But for a moment he turned his attention back to cloud.

"You lost?"

He would have shook her hand but physical contact with others was never a good idea. So instead he crossed his arms, the movement almost lost as his movements seemed unnaturally smooth.​

@SkyDust101 @Darkwolf1344
"Id' love to," She entered the green house then held the door for Nyx. "I love learning new things and that would truly be something new." She looked around the green house in awe. "Wow," She breathed out. There was a small tap on her shoulder. Willow turned to see Amalia. "Hey, Amalia. Isn't the green house cool? I-" She looked down at Amalia, her face streaked and blotchy like she had been crying. "Are you ok?"
Amalia nodded rapidly. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Tonight is the full moon. I'm not really in the mood to kill someone so I'm handcuffing myself to my bed."

She was nervous. This was her first full moon at the Academy.

"Can you keep these and take them off in the morning?" Amalia asked as she held the key out.

@Deadly Darkness
He watched the other boy before he slowly turned on his tiptoes and walked away slowly, a small bit dazed. He didn't know what was really going on around him so he moved to a wall and slid down into a sitting position.

@The Darkling
"Yeah sure." She took the key and slipped it into her pocket. "Do you want me to stay with you and make sure nothing happens?" She looked at her friend in concern. She had never witness a werewolf change and had no idea what to expect, but she figured if she was around she could keep her from escaping or hurting herself.
Ash made his way to the dorms, spinning the key between his nimble fingers. The way he looked around everywhere he went made it obvious he was studying, analyzing, everything he could. His sharp senses were all but lazy, taking in every ounce of information that he could. When the tall male made it to the dorms and scanned the door numbers until he found his room. He unlocked it and entered in, immediately going into his chosen side of room and setting up his things. There were very few possessions there involving clothing, and was mostly just random trinkets he'd collected over time. A sudden movement beneath his loose bandages caused him to freeze for a second, turning his head slowly as a sand-colored cobra emerged from them. The snake made it's way onto his arm, and up to his shoulders. It's long body loosely coiled around his neck once and laid across his shoulders. He ran a stubbly-clawed finger across it's cool scales and smiled behind his mask of material.

Ash's attention quickly diverted and he left his dorm. Not bothering to place the cobra away into it's glass 'chamber' before leaving. He started to sneak around, peeking into rooms left open and making mental notes as he passed by people.

"Are you sure? I don't want anything bad to happen." She looked down at her friend, genuinely concerned. She respected that she didn't want anyone to get hurt, but Willow couldn't stand it if any of her friends were hurt.

Have to go very soon))
"I mean, if you just absolutely want to. I just, I'm scared on what will happen." She gulped.

Amalia was glad that Willow was concerned on her well-being. She never really had a friend who cared like that.

@Deadly Darkness

(Last post for tn)

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