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Fantasy Academy for non-humans

Nyx was going to voice her glee when another girl walked up and didn't seem to be in the next shape. She watched on, unsure of how to handle it. Nagas were prideful so crying in front of others was really rare. So when it came to others crying she kind of just froze, but thankfully out seemed willow had it.

"I can catch up with you later willow. .if that helps. This seems to be a little more important anyways"


Felix caught angels movement and was about to follow but he also wanted to help this girl out.

"Well um. .sorry to really Break it to you but I don't really know my way arOund either. I kind of just get Lucky"

His aura started to resonate of him again in waves as he felt the need to pursue. He caught his lip in his fangs and dug through his pockets.

"Here I don't need this, it's in shitty shape but should still be eligible"

He handed her his map of the school and clenched his fist.

"Really sorry about this but I must be on my way. Pleasure meeting you, take care alright? "

He nodded to cloud and finally stated striding towards Angel. Black aura trailing behind him like he was steaming. And on the floor where he had been standing were two shoe shaped scorch marks.

When he found Angel leaning against the wall he crossed his arms as his pupils narrowed to slits.


nyx nodded and smiled.

"I'll catch up with you later then ok? "

At that she worked her way deeper into the green house till she remembered leaving her notes in her room. She hissed to herself and decided she coukd run back inside to grab them. They had all her breed notes for flowers and she wanted to make some extra notes today if she coukd. She hated the thought of going back into the halls but she did what she did.

while slithering through the hands she bumped her book to her head and cursed.

"Should have remembered..But no"​
Cloud watches felix leaves. "Um...thanks felix" cloud starts walking though the halls while looking at the map that felix give her.
"Then it's settled. I'll stay with you to make sure nothing happens to you or anyone else." She smiled, glad Amalia let her help. She looked back to Nyx, waving with a smile. "I'll catch up with you later, and we can talk more about cross breading plants."

Ash could hear every time the snake's tongue flicked at the air beside his ear. The Suna chuckled a deep and hoarse rhythm every time it came in contact with his ear. His burning ember optics danced from one side of the hall to the next, even trailing up to the ceiling as he ran a pointed tongue across a row of jagged teeth. Barely paying much attention to the people around him now since they all seemed to be boring.
Nagisa seemed to have been done with the Cage and walked over to the door, which he opened and shouted back into Cody, "Behave, I'll be back in a second, need to get some stuff from my Dorm." Nagisa walked down the hall, spotting the guy that tripped Angel up earlier, but paid no attention to him. He forgot to close the door. @Risk

Nyc rounded the corner to her dorm hall, taking the book from her face when she realized she was only inches from hitting someone. She hissed out of surprise as her eyes widened.

"I'm sorry! I should have know better than to have a book to my face like that"

She coiled her tail proactively until she noticed the cobra, her surprise giving way to curiosity.

"Lovely snake, I haven't seen a live cobra before"

She lowered her book and flickered her narrow pupils to see better.

Ash's slanted pupils had fixated on a door that someone left wide open, the white haired guy from earlier. He had started to ease his way over to it before someone almost ran into him. Both he and the snake's heads reared for a moment and he blinked, staring at the person afore him with a eerie silence as she spoke. there was a quick moment that his gaze fell to her body and tail, admiring the scales,"and I've never seen such lovely scales." whether or not he was just saying that as a compliment or simply stating his mind, was unknown, for his eyes seemed to be fixed on her face in an instant. Though there was a vague hint of a smile behind his bandages.
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Nyx stared for a moment at the boy, having to take in what he said. No one had ever complimented her scales before. People always assumed that she, just like they assumed snakes did, had slimy scales and always avoided the subject.

"A-ah..um, well thank you. That's the first time I've heard that outside of my village. She couldn't see his face well but she thought she could see the slightest bit of a smile coming from him. She returned the smile and brought the length of her tail closer to her.

"I hope I didn't startle you or your companion. Seems I've been in a haze today and I don't wish to cause you any trouble"

She could feel her ponytail falling from it's binding as white hair started falling around her face.​

"Well, not many people outside of our homes try to look for the beauty in our differences," Ash had yet to blink, but simply shook his head when she apologized,"Don't worry, I wasn't much startled by it....Now I'm not sure about this little guy," he glanced at the snake perched across his shoulders," He can startle pretty easy." It was a dry joke, but not a lie. He rather liked light-colored scales despite the the color of his own, and had taken a deeper liking to the cobra enough to pay attention to it's behavior.

(Probably my last post for tonight. Sorry, I'm very tired.)
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(Saame, it's 230am for me and I have to be at work by 9 am..oh boy )

Nyx took her out of the tie and let it fall, all the while looking at the cobra.

"Hes lovely, I'm glad he's alright. My name's nyxsus by the way, but nyx works quite fine as well. Its kind of nice to meet someone who has an affinity for reptiles"

She smirked and chuckled, actually more pleased than she cared to show to someone she just met. She locked eyes with him for a moment and tried to get a reading off him but it was hard when most of his face was covered. Which she found the bandages curious but wasnt going to ask. Everyone had their choices in attire after all.​
[QUOTE="The Darkling]Felix caught angels movement and was about to follow but he also wanted to help this girl out.
"Well um. .sorry to really Break it to you but I don't really know my way arOund either. I kind of just get Lucky"

His aura started to resonate of him again in waves as he felt the need to pursue. He caught his lip in his fangs and dug through his pockets.

"Here I don't need this, it's in shitty shape but should still be eligible"

He handed her his map of the school and clenched his fist.

"Really sorry about this but I must be on my way. Pleasure meeting you, take care alright? "

He nodded to cloud and finally stated striding towards Angel. Black aura trailing behind him like he was steaming. And on the floor where he had been standing were two shoe shaped scorch marks.

When he found Angel leaning against the wall he crossed his arms as his pupils narrowed to slits.

Angel slowly looked at the boy ans raised a brow. "What are you...?" He asked, hand reaching up and shakily Gidding people loke tou..He said
[QUOTE="The Darkling]

(Saame, it's 230am for me and I have to be at work by 9 am..oh boy )

Nyx took her out of the tie and let it fall, all the while looking at the cobra.

"Hes lovely, I'm glad he's alright. My name's nyxsus by the way, but nyx works quite fine as well. Its kind of nice to meet someone who has an affinity for reptiles"

She smirked and chuckled, actually more pleased than she cared to show to someone she just met. She locked eyes with him for a moment and tried to get a reading off him but it was hard when most of his face was covered. Which she found the bandages curious but wasnt going to ask. Everyone had their choices in attire after all.​

"Nyxsus, how pleasant. I was named Ashkutchentumen," Ash didn't try to say the name to slowly as it was only more confusing," but I am called Ash." He chuckled at her comment on him being a reptile lover, not bothering to say that he was one himself. The few people he had told just looked at him like he was crazy," ah, yes, reptiles are interesting."
After managing to calm down enough to think straight, Timothy got up from the floor, embarrassed. It was one thing to feel insecure and uncomfortable about a situation, and then express that in a calm and collected manner, but it was quite another to have what he considered to be, an internal temper tantrum. Like a child.

He had been sitting in the same position for about an hour now, and luckily his reasonable and logical side had won out over his nine year old, hungry side. Sighing softly, the vampire began walking out of the entrance room, duly noting that the reception lady hadn't come back yet. That was good, he hardly wanted to explain to her of all people why he had been sitting motionlessly on the floor for such a long time.

Deciding, after a quick glance at his hands, that he needed to get the blood cleaned off, he headed in the direction of the bathrooms. His wound had long since healed on it's own, but that didn't mean that the mess wasn't still there. Reaching up a hand to touch his hair, he could feel that a lock of it had clumped together and hardened, and instantly scolded himself for being so mindless.

Letting his arms fall down at his sides, he began swinging them back and forth as he walked, now quite calm. Realizing that he had left his book on horse dissection behind when he had left the biology room, he made a mental note to go get it back once he was done washing up, and promising himself to stop being so tardy. As he turned the corner and began walking down the corridor leading to the bathrooms, he saw two people already occupying the middle of the hall. It was what looked to him to be a half snake lady and a mummy.

A small smile appeared on his lips as he drew closer to them, he hadn't ever seen a snake lady or a mummy before, and he began staring unabashedly at the two in wonder while he walked.
Amalia nodded. "Thank you, Willow. It means a lot."

Amalia didn't mean to interrupt the other girl and Willow's conversation. She felt bad for doing so.

@Deadly Darkness
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Felix stuffed both hands in his pockets as he looked down at him, ignoring his question he tilted his head.

"Werent you taught that staring is rude?"

He wasn't really good at striking up conversations which was probably noticeable. He was generally interested in this boy though, he had a kind of energy to him that he could relate to. When he noticed the shaking he sighed and looked away. He was trying to tone down but that was difficult for him to do and he wasn't sure how to go about it.


Nyx smiled and bowed her head, her hair falling in front of her face.

"Well it's nice to meet you ash"

(Sorry for thr poop post just trying to get something out while on break​

Felix smirked and watched the symbols on his body light up.

"That's pretty snazzy. .I can't quite put my finger on what you are. How about you tell me and I'll return the favor"

He crouched down in front of him instead of offering to help him up, his long dark hair falling around his face as a cheap grin pulled at his lips. He pit down on the ball of his tongue piercing and rested his arms on his knees.​

He pursed his lips, raising a brow. "I'm a demon.. but an angel at the same time" He said, biting the inside of his cheek. Dark angels were often considered demons, angels turned bad or something along those lines, depended on the source of the information.

@The Darkling
"Nice to meet you too, Nyx," Ash replied with a faint hidden smile. He ran a finger along the the cobras scales, moving with them instead of against them, and let it's tail coil between his fingers. It wasn't but a moment before the suna's sights caught movement towards them, and he blinked when saw what looked like a child. So young...in a high-school? Could be an undead, but you never really know. His eyes flicked from Nyx to the boy for a moment before settling on the boy as he moved closer to them. It made him wonder what the boy was thinking about, and if he was just going to pass by them staring like that. Ash stopped himself from continuing to wonder on about more things when his brows furrowed.

@The Darkling @Cryobionic
The man was staring at him now, and the small vampire tried to stare right back, but found it was quite difficult when the only thing he had to focus on was the mans piercing orange eyes, and after a few seconds the man frowned and he was forced avert his gaze, finding it to be a little too unnerving. He hadn't ever seen someone with orange eyes before, and now he was beginning to regret staring at them in the first place.

Timothy sped up a little, passing them whilst keeping his own eyes firmly away from the pair. A part of him wanted to stop and maybe say say something, but another part kept him moving towards the bathroom doors he could see just a few meters behind the man.

True, he felt a little silly, hurrying past them like that, but it couldn't be helped. He needed to address the blood situation before even thinking about talking to someone anyway, and the quickest way to do that, would be with water. Timothy ran a finger over his now closed wound, trying to tell himself sternly that was the true reason he didn't say anything. He wasn't frightened.


@The Darkling
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Felix nodded while taking in the new info. It made sense really why it was so hard to read him and made sense why he must have been so drawn to him.

"Well..I guess we're both a little jacked huh? I guess I'm considered a demon. But in truth I'm just a nightmare..then again 'just' probably isn't the right word for that. From this moment forth I apologize for any..discomfort I cause."

He felt it best to get it out now then later. Nightmares had rules to live by and he wasn't just going to ditch those rules for the simple fact that he wasnt under supervision.


Nyx to heard the movement behind her and turned to see the small white haired boy from one of her earlier classes.

"Hey I have math with him..though he didn't really stick around that long. I wonder of he's alright"

She gave him a small wave, bit in a mater of moments he rushed by them and continued on his path. Her muscled tensed as she did but then relaxed when he passed by.

"Well that was...odd..to say the least. Hes so young looking I can't but wonder how old he is."

She tucked her hair behind her ear and wrapped one arm around her waist.

"This school is odd..sometimes can't help but wonder why I came in the first place. I coukd have easily leaned most of this without the help of teachers. Picking up a blood and reading is a good start."

But she did enjoy the fact that she was meeting new people and exploring life outside her village. It was exciting and she was enjoying seeing all these different creatures.

@Risk @Darkwolf1344 @Cryobionic
[QUOTE="The Darkling]Felix nodded while taking in the new info. It made sense really why it was so hard to read him and made sense why he must have been so drawn to him.
"Well..I guess we're both a little jacked huh? I guess I'm considered a demon. But in truth I'm just a nightmare..then again 'just' probably isn't the right word for that. From this moment forth I apologize for any..discomfort I cause."

He felt it best to get it out now then later. Nightmares had rules to live by and he wasn't just going to ditch those rules for the simple fact that he wasnt under supervision.

"I feed off dark energy more than anything, so I don't get uncomfortable by freaky grins and your aura" He said. "Perks of a dark angel" He joked dryly more to himself.

Felix pointed and crossed his arms over his knees.

"It's not nice to call people's grins freaky..Nightmares can't control how they always act. So where I might have just been trying to smile at you it more so comes out a different way than planned. Think about that next time."

He gave him a quick poke to the forehead before standing back up, a trail of dark mist trailing from his head to his hand.

"Felix by the way...I'm sure I'll be seeing a bit more of you here and there"

If hencoukd control the urge to dream stalk him that is.​
He tilted his head. "I am aware of that, I just said it how it looked, no offence to you, of course" He mumbled before he rubbed his forehead, a shiver running down his back from the brief contact with the source of what made him come here in a trance. "Angel" He said before he got up and started walking back towards his dorm, starting to think before starting to daydream about random things.

@The Darkling
Closing the door to the bathroom after him, the small vampire took a second to lean against the door. The bathroom was really white, and it smelled like paper and soap. This was all so new to him. Two days ago he had been sitting under a bridge, reading to himself with nothing but the cars driving over him to keep him company, and now he was in a building full of people. It was weird.

He didn't exactly mind it, though, he mused as he turned on the faucet and stuck his hands in under the water that came pouring out, he had been very lonely, and he didn't know anything about other species except from what he had read.

Timothy began rubbing away the blood on his hand, and watched as the the sink filled with red, deep in thought.

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